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It's refreshing to see that our current President was able to negotiate the 25+ stairs into Air Force One and remain standing!
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A deal had been discussed, the leader of ukraine came over here to sign it and decided on national tv to renegotiate the deal asking for military presence in his country of US troops? Uh, NOPE. It is ukraine who is on the chopping block,and we have drained our military resources and sent millions in money to them and they are STILL fucking loosing the war 3 years in, and they want our troops to come over there and be cannon fodder for the russians? Literally creating WW3?? what the hell part of that do you think is logical?>
Hey, dgraff, send Kayla upstairs early and shimmy out of your pants. Maybe you can treat Marcy to your balls dipped or slathered in peanut butter.
○ Who gives a rat's ass.
● it was more "cost effective"
● and there were several guys in my community that were willing and more than capable of installing the unit within a matter of days of the unit being delivered.
Never having a mini spit, I didn't know what to expect and the neighbors nearby recently purchased a Goodman unit and love it. What the heck, I'm in, that's perfect!
The unit is whisper quiet and I love that aspect. The only thing I'm not so sure about is that the fan continually runs. For anyone who has a mini split, does that seem to be true for you? I called the company that the unit was purchased from and the representative confirmed, YES. Once the temperature is set and reaches the desired level of comfort the fan will run for circulation purposes. Sounds reasonable (I think). With a fan that continually runs I wonder what is the actual lifespan of a mini split?
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Interesting comments from Admin here
Yes, admin does seem to come up with some interesting thoughts and posts especially when they are related to and directed at me. I has to reread my posts which spoke about members being intelligent, witty, quick, sarcastic, patriotic, champions of the underdog, but yet and still he made the choice to rake me over the coals. I'm really not sure why that happens but it does.
As long as your searching for dirt, I would like to think that you read all the posts. And let me provide some background, a member used their 100 points to create a group to discuss/talk about licksipsuckit and I was invited to join. The ownership of that group was transferred to another member. That thread is not really original because another member edited their post(s). And yes, the thread went sideways and I reached out to admin and asked that he remove some posts, but he said NO. Yes, he decided I was to blame for that shit storm.
How do you even begin to believe that admin is impartial when a member was able to refer to me as a cunt and lets not forget your multiple posts calling me "a bitch" or "the bitch". And recently, a member established a shell profile for trolling purposes. I don't have multiple profiles but do you actually believe that admin would tolerate the same antics from me?
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After all, he unblocked me
Apparently, TWT2 is completely lacking in self-awareness...
I see two women having a tiff.... that's pretty much it...
What has admin got to do with you two fighting?
He doesn't give a shit....
I really wonder wtf happened to this site,where so many people cannot handle a disagreement without trying to turn people against someone...
What the fuck happened to this site is that people are tired of "the site police" and/or other members who think they are the only ones that know what's good for the site
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And yes, it's no skin of my nose if it rubs you the wrong way.
And I already told you,if you post the "private" convo we had in public..would make you look crazy,and given how you've reacted to people disagreeing with you.... that's a fair assumption....why post a private convo in public unless you are trying cause crap ?
And if people have a problem with me,they can come and say it..... I only see you ranting like a crazy person,who needs attention at any cost....
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And I'm butting in as you call it,cuz you're talking shit about "me" so grow up you sad desperate woman.
Why would I seek my mum's tit? I'm not a b@by...
I'm already at home thanks...
You can't even curse me properly,"your mum" jokes
Do you really want to try to bait me ?
You lost as soon as you started
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However, did you guys notice that we are fighting and Ms Bella is staying out of it? I don't know why or the reason, but,it must be nice to get the "Brown Ring Around the Collard" brigade to do the fighting
You can't even be bothered with people if they haven't spoken to you in five days!!!
It says that on your page.... that's desperate behaviour....
Keep poking people with a stick
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How is it ignorant to say that you are desperate for attention.... your behaviour shows otherwise...
What tit ? I can get tit,I prefer a pair tbh..
If someone has a valid point and I agree with them,that doesn't make me a lackey.....you just fail to grasp that..
You blacklisted a whole load of people cuz you have it in your head that we all follow Bella blindly without question...
Who has the issue then ?
You do....
I told you before,I will defend a person's right to free speech,use it to make some sense..
Why do I need a fake to troll people,you can clearly see I have no issue taking something head on...
And I've never had a Twinkie....I know you love those things like Winnie the Pooh likes his honey
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Google says twinkies are available in the UK... personally I've not seen them...
Hippo cookies sound pretty yum though..
But I'm guessing you'll need to wipe your chin afterwards...
How is bonbon52 ?
If she laughs her ass off,how will she sit down ?
It's ok,we all know it was you,like that account that was you,but your hubby,or lover,or whoever the fuck it was...
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You, poor fool
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On a post to me
About how you called Bella a bitch and me one of her minions.
You are so funny bonbon52...
Sounds like and looks like copy and paste from our private chat....
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It's ok bonbon52
Of course I remember, that's why I stated it looked a pm....
And not a forum post...
So what's you point?
Everything I've pointed out about you is being proven by you...
So you already lost before you started..
Or shall I call you Charlie or Jerome?
The fantasy world you live in is madder than game of thrones..
How is calling you Jerome or Charlie or candy any different...you are all the same person anyway...
You're living in a fantasy...
The pic was at Epcot.
[deleted image]
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and i'm not taking any more space from Bella's forum. So i'll be looking for you in your forums
You have to show that you're right, that's all it is...
I got the result,I got the win,I out trolled you...
I got you to be more bothered about me,than the real issue,which was,that you think I'm Bella's minion...and you want to be abusive to people and expect nothing in return...
See you there,but you won't be there,you cannot get enough attention in the dumpster...
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I was hoping that we (you and I) could clear the air between us in a private manner. I didn't sling crap at you yesterday and it isn't going to happen today, tomorrow or the days following. You apparently have an axe to grind but I was hoping that this was going to stop.
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I haven't chatted these guys. I didn't sling mud at anyone. What do they want?
Did YOU read the thread?
For example:
You called bella a bitch in my thread. (Uncalled for)
I asked you to keep your nasty comments out of my thread. (a reasonable request)
Then, you proceeded to have a meltdown, slinging insults left and right and ranting up a storm. When I fired back, it became a "look, Will is being mean to me" party.
Clear enough?
Question. Can I call someone a bitch in my forum?
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Anyone else?
Just some friendly advice, some members might enjoy your posts, your opinions about others and some may not. Just be careful, you never know when you've crossed the line and what might cause you to be blocked or have your thread deemed as "unfit" and moved to the dumpster.
You have got to know, deep down, that you come across harshly. You went at JustWill yesterday and believe me, HE HAS FRIENDS!
Can't we just make random posts without all the name calling?
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If,as you sugest, this is payback, then, after all these guys said about me today, should I continue the war?
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But, random posts, you mean not about twowarmtts2?
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