Recent Posts of member phart


2023 voting issues 08,Nov,23 06:06
Ukraine 25,Apr,23 14:41
pathetic hypocrisy from our government 13,Jul,21 08:13
Proper english "racist"? 29,Jun,21 16:37
Donald Trumps website 04,May,21 17:46
White lives don't matter apparently 17,Apr,21 14:45
Ok,here is a thread for discusson regarding Biden 15,Dec,20 18:33
This is Pelosi's America 25,Oct,20 10:59
that other tower of intellect (phart) 30,Aug,20 10:09
Trump not guilty 05,Feb,20 16:48
We need to outlaw Gravity TODAY! 20,Oct,19 13:27
question regarding wages 09,Sep,19 20:33
Shootings and violence,how do we stop it? 04,Aug,19 16:28
The irony 18,May,19 09:12
Watch this about the US civil war 07,Apr,19 12:00
Get a life 08,Mar,19 18:34
here is the effects of "climate change" 21,Feb,19 10:56
liberal logic in 1 short video 30,Dec,18 19:31
Merry Christmas! 17,Dec,18 11:34


By phart 24,Jul,24 21:54
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Fell 8 feet , could you fall 8 feet to the ground and jump up like rambo ,glock 9 blazing? i doubt it,

By phart 24,Jul,24 21:48
no,i had 1 girlfriend and you can read about that misadventures grand finale in my blog.I was very late in life being "active " and it was only with that 1 and no one else.

After all I had been thru, i was not even trying to make that 1 happen but she lead the way and it down a rocky rough road I am thankful to finally no longer be traveling.
and that miss adventure, combined with other life experiences, has me gunshy of any other prospects. just not worth the pain

By phart 24,Jul,24 21:22
who do you and Kembo want for a republican candidate?

By phart 24,Jul,24 20:44
If I stand before God and country and my family and take a vow of marriage, it will stay in my pants unless the wife is using it or i am taking a pee.

That is a life long commitment that so many people take as little more than a tax break. if you can't commit to your spouse, how the hell can you commit to a job,running the country,or your allegiance to the military or anything else for that matter? Kamala was hanging with a married man, used his position to move her self up the ladder. She was terriable to black people, because, she aint BLACK, she is INDIAN and does not care about the black people.

By phart 24,Jul,24 20:42
There is tech out there to make coal burn very clean, there is tech out there for natural gas, which is a by product of drilling for oil, clean burning, but no, we have to run on electricity to suit the dems, but that has to come out of somewhere. and the ideas of sun and wind won't cut it.

By phart 24,Jul,24 19:26
Here ye go, this is the kind of person harris is, paid to get a criminal out so he could kill again

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By phart 24,Jul,24 18:57
IF IT is done fair and honest. No ballets buryed in land fills, no postal workers tossing ballets in the creek, show a id to vote,
That is the trouble, alot of us do not have any confidence in the process of election

By phart 24,Jul,24 18:55
watching Trump on youtube at the rally, good speech.Explaining harris's record and such.

By phart 24,Jul,24 18:51
so why does he need to go? Why throw a wrench in the works?
This is 1 of those times when people say, "oh change is inevitable". But no,it's not. If your leader is keeping your people safe,and doing things to suit the majority of the citizens, why change? the new guy might be a jurk.
People hated Trump and he was shafted out of it in 2020 to a decrepit senile old man, the change sucks.

By phart 24,Jul,24 18:48
Thomas Matthew Crooks, saw the officer and pointed his rifle at him before the officer, holding to the roof's edge, dropped down to safety. Slupe, who said the officer was unable to use his gun under the circumstances,

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"When a police officer climbed up to the roof to investigate, the gunman turned and pointed his rifle at him. But the officer did not — or could not — fire a single shot."

Where is fear? I am still looking for the link that said he fell 8 feet , he was helped up by another officer, and was hanging on with both hands,

By phart 24,Jul,24 16:24
Harris's campaign bus had a wreck,
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By phart 24,Jul,24 13:36
oh my
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By phart 24,Jul,24 13:35
Even blm is pissed about the democrats anointing harris!
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By phart 24,Jul,24 13:31
anybody fit for the job ,smart enough for the job, doesn't want it.
for biden and the democrats it was like a participation trophy since he was in politics so long.
obama, he identifies as black although he is actually only HALF black, so that's why he got the job.
Some would say Trump is in it for ego, but how strong a ego does a man need to take a bullet and STILL keep trying? most men would fall by the way side and say fuck it.

By phart 24,Jul,24 13:29
So what of that is "wrong". for him to win,someone was happy enough to vote for him.

By phart 24,Jul,24 13:27
well she has been assigned things like the border and has done nothing.
so even though it is actually obama's 3rd term , harris had responsibility's and has done nothing to fix the issue.

By phart 24,Jul,24 13:26
I wouldn't mind it as long as there was definitive proof each person voting had the legal right to do so by showing a state or federal id to prove citizenship.

By phart 24,Jul,24 13:24

By phart 24,Jul,24 10:53
I want cops to be armed with whatever it takes to protect us from criminals.
And if you read about the officer that the crooks pointed his Ar-15 at, you will find the cop has his hands occupied trying to hang on the side of the building, when the gun was pointed at him, he had to let go and fell 8 feet to the ground.
Your cops in your country may have a 3rd arm,but over here they only have 2.

By phart 24,Jul,24 10:51
Trump tried and did build at least some of a wall to make it more difficult to get over here. He also fixed some terriable trade deals. right to try was another great thing he got thru.
and we could go on about unemployment rates being low and so forth.
Trump has done more for the US than harris.

By phart 23,Jul,24 21:45
but most of it was not his fault.

By phart 23,Jul,24 21:44
so you think the time he has been in is the only reason he needs to go?
What about the "job" he is doing? At least your leaders can stay in long enough to actually make their ideas work or at least try. 4 years is not long enough for any leader to make a real lasting difference.

By phart 23,Jul,24 21:33
tell me then,as border "czar" what has she done that actually fixed the problem?

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The man was LEGALLY married, regardless of the media painting him to be "estranged".
So that indicates lack of moral character in harris.

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Wanted to keep the innocent locked up?
"“Most troubling, Ms. Harris fought tooth and nail to uphold wrongful convictions that been secured through official misconduct that included evidence tampering, false testimony and the suppression of crucial information by prosecutors.” "

I mean if we could have went thru the web 6 months ago we could have found all kinds of stuff but since she is running for prez, the web has been bleached of anything that would help folks make a more educated decision.

By phart 23,Jul,24 21:31
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By phart 23,Jul,24 21:19
Let me be straight up honest, Until you mentioned it, I would have never thought about meditation. I always thought that was for marial artist or monks or , but since you all mentioned it,I will do some reading about it.
I hope it aint to hard to do>
Ok, so a quick google and youtube thing, I can lay flat of my back and try to be still, i might can do that, thanks for the tips. I will see what happens.It is hard to picture a redneck doing meditation

By phart 23,Jul,24 21:17
Water tower? holy crap, they didn't secure a water tower? how DUMB can you get?
The few that were right there near Trump seemed to do what they were meant to do as fast as they could be expected to but the lapse is somewhere up the ladder,as in who would say, "don't send anymore men" or similar.

By phart 23,Jul,24 17:53
she needed to go, but I think folks higher need to go to that denied protection to Trump and family

By phart 23,Jul,24 17:53
Sometimes I post things only to find they were posted earlier.

By phart 23,Jul,24 17:05
fauchi told him 15 days would stop the spread,then it was 30 days to stop the spread,i remember getting the card in the mail with Pence's picture on it asking us all to shut down for 30 days to stop the spread,all the while fauchi said for 2 months we didn't need mask,
for a fucking AIR BORNE issue???
Trump may not have made everyone happy, but the staff he tried to trust fucked him over.

By phart 23,Jul,24 17:03

By phart 23,Jul,24 17:01
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By phart 23,Jul,24 14:27
Biden is still the puppet for a few more months.
I am so glad though that biden will be left to sit on his front porch sipping ice tea with his german shepard biting his ankles as he watches the world improve without him being involved in it.

By phart 23,Jul,24 14:26
I could and guess i should but previous experiance has taught me it may be a waste of time.

By phart 23,Jul,24 11:26
Join the Rebellion and ditch the "smart" phone and get a FLIP.
I don't get bothered with all those junk messages.

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I don't like the idea of being a prisoner of my own device either.

By phart 23,Jul,24 11:24
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Yea,I am glad there is going to still be a investigation into it and perhaps find others that are more to blame.
I honestly feel like Mayorkis should also be held accountable as he and his staff denied security increases several times, and even tried to leave Baron's high school graduation unprotected.

By phart 23,Jul,24 11:21
We are DOOMED.
The man in the moon is leaving us behind as he drifts off into space.
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By phart 23,Jul,24 10:52
That is the approach people should have.
I don't agree with you on alot of things but i get past it and move along.
Some here must not have a life outside the forum and this is their only little world.

By phart 23,Jul,24 10:50
only 2 have had the respect enough to explain why they blacklist me and it is,
1. a pro-life male and an ignorant one at that

2. Pig

Hey, if you don't like me because i am prolife, well, go talk to your mother and thank her for not using the "coathanger" on YOU so you could dislike others freely behind a nickname on the web. real tough guy!~

By phart 23,Jul,24 10:47
thank you sir'

By phart 23,Jul,24 10:45
Kembo, is it really a good time to try a trophy president right now with so much hate and division?
And Kamel is the border "czar" and has not even BEEN to the border, and look at how it is being handled. Millions crossing over, everything Texas does to protect the rest of the country is being defiled by the feds as if the feds don't care!
Kamel is not a good first woman prez.
We need brains, not a woman that "worked" her way up the ladder on her knees.

By phart 23,Jul,24 10:42
Covid was a terrorist attack on the world by china. to Blame Trump is just using him for a scape goat.
Trump was ill advised and what few times he was advised by someone outside the circle he was called a idiot or worse.
So many things like the studys on the "vaccine" won't be public for 75 years, is that Trumps fault that we can't learn the truth about the shot that was made quick?
Covid should not define Trumps presidency either.

By phart 23,Jul,24 10:38
thank you sir

By phart 23,Jul,24 10:37
that's why I want something that is non addictive, i understand exactly what you are saying and thanks for being real and telling me.i hope we can all prevent bad situations the same way. '
I am just trying to find a positive solution to a issue that is bothering me, the dr just ignored my complaints the last 2 times I went to the dr. same with the loss of strength and mobility in my hands, stiff and can't hardly make a fist most of the time anymore.

By phart 22,Jul,24 22:25
On a more serious note, has anyone used the Relaxuim sleep pills they advertise on tv? I have been having trouble sleeping for months now, and it's not a guilty conscience or anything, it is stress and worry, and i need some friggen sleep. i get about 4 to 5 hours of sleep and i either am sitting up or laying in the bed tossing,turning,farting.I want to be SNORING. so if this pill on tv don't work,what does?

I mean really, I feel like the energizer bunny for about 2 hours then the rest of the day I feel like i have ran a marathon around new york. It has to be because of not enough sleep.

By phart 22,Jul,24 22:19
their loss, your gain, didn't need them hanging on your coat tails if they are that soft

By phart 22,Jul,24 19:26
of the end

By phart 22,Jul,24 19:24
Well things are looking up, we will know come november how happy to be,
but 1 things for sure, we won't be unarmed subjects here in the US.

By phart 22,Jul,24 19:23
I think I just heard some crickets.

By phart 22,Jul,24 19:22
Well I only made it once a year so it weren't my fault. But if i could afford to I would have eat it at least once a week.

By phart 22,Jul,24 17:30
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Um, 650 hp! and looks good to. Just cost more than I can afford.