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Started by bella! [Ignore] 13,Aug,23 07:15  other posts
This thread is for questionable content. WHY? Just because! I am someone who enjoys the Hodge Twins. YEP, the Hodge Twins. They probably make the hairs on the back of a WOKE person stand straight up! Anyway.....

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By Numb_Nuts [Ignore] 25,Jul,24 01:27 other posts 
Here is something Questionable, dumb ass CAT denying that this is one of her accounts Big-Eddie
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Your such a dumb ass CAT with your wall dumps here & there, its in the way you speak, just like everyone here knows who I am because of the way I speak, oh maybe you haven't figured it out yet cause your to fucking stupid
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You backlisted me with both your dodgy accounts CAT, your a fucking idiot, somethings neva change, let the games begin
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I respect you thread bella! I'll continue this elsewhere

By #578610 [Ignore] 21,Jul,24 14:09 other posts 
Old Joe is out.
By bella! [Ignore] 21,Jul,24 14:31 other posts 
I JUST HEARD THAT VIA TEXT! Gotta flick on the news and listen to what's going on.
By phart [Ignore] 21,Jul,24 14:43 other posts 
we will see a clinton-harris ticket, or a harris-clinton ticket.
then we will see Donald J Trump Use their pant suits for floor mops!
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 22,Jul,24 05:10 other posts 
If the Democrats do that, they are complicit in Trump destroying democracy.

They need a strong progressive with charisma.
Unfortunately, neither of these women fit the demand.
Democrats are stuck with Kamala, but they need to find the most democratic way
to pick her running-mate, ASAP.

Joe needed to go, but their is now a problem to find a replacement, quickly and legally. There is a high chance of the Republicans starting a legal fight, to try to invalidate whatever candidate and let the supreme court declare victory for Trump.
By dgraff [Ignore] 21,Jul,24 15:38 other posts 
Yep I just got the word about an hour ago it’s for the good of the people even the Clinton’s can’t do as bad as joe
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They are going to run Kamala Harris for sure but I still don’t know who her running mate will be
By kebmo [Ignore] 21,Jul,24 18:54 other posts 
Joe Manchin
By phart [Ignore] 21,Jul,24 19:06 other posts 
um, he might would have a chance
By kebmo [Ignore] 21,Jul,24 20:09 other posts 
Rumour has it that Manchin is going to become a Democrat again and run for president.
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Small dollar donors raised over $27.5 million on ActBlue in the first five hours of vice president Kamala Harris’ presidential campaign.

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Update: it is two hours later and that total has risen to $47 million. $20 million more in two hours.

I can’t wait to see the debate if Trump doesn’t chicken out, which I think he will. Harris will chew him up and spit him out. She is an experienced prosecutor and he is… not.
By phart [Ignore] 21,Jul,24 20:36 other posts 
Amazing that Trump spoke of draining the swamp and biden was the first thing to fall out the drain!
By kebmo [Ignore] 21,Jul,24 20:45 other posts 
So now we have the prosecutor versus the convicted rapist.
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Drain that swamp!
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By dgraff [Ignore] 21,Jul,24 21:05 other posts 
Any one who was the fence before i think will vote for trump it’s to late in the game to switch gears now no one wants Kamala Harris she’s nothing more than a Nancy Pelosi want-a be I think the democrats are done stick a fork in them
By phart [Ignore] 21,Jul,24 21:13 other posts 
Well you might want to take a photo of this as It does not happen often, I actually agree with obama and peelowcee ,in that they want a primary held to decide who to run for pres instead of just sticking kamel toe in the spot.
That is more sensiable,give the dems a chance to go vote for who they want to replace biden on the ticket. Anything else would be dishonest and short handed.
By kebmo [Ignore] 21,Jul,24 21:54 other posts 
Nobody’s going to run against Harris. Everybody is supporting her and the money is rolling in already to the tune of $30 million today.
The Biden Harris campaign has $100 million in the bank and that all goes to Harris. It does not belong to the Democratic Party.
If someone wanted to run against her I’m sure she would have no problem with that…. but they won’t.
By Cody8789 [Ignore] 22,Jul,24 07:56 other posts 
Your wrong, the money does belong to the democratic party and will be released to who ever gets the nomination which is given to them by the deligates.
By kebmo [Ignore] 22,Jul,24 08:05 other posts 
Well, I’m sure she certainly can’t take it home if she doesn’t win the delegates required but the money was raised for the Biden Harris campaign, so she takes over the money
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By #578610 [Ignore] 22,Jul,24 09:09 other posts 
The Biden-Harris campaign has raised a considerable amount of money toward Joe Biden's re-election, and campaign-finance experts say that cash can't simply be transferred to another candidate if Biden drops out—unless that candidate is Kamala Harris, who would inherit the campaign committee
That is what everyone is saying from both sides of the isle. Remember, these donations were made to the Biden/Harris campaign, not to the Democratic party.
By phart [Ignore] 22,Jul,24 11:27 other posts 
Well if you had donated money for biden, and it got handed to some other asshole you didn't vote for in the primary, it would tend to piss you off I would think. Your money is not going where you intended.
By #578610 [Ignore] 22,Jul,24 13:02 other posts 
True. That's why the rules say Harris gets it
By White_Mamba [Ignore] 22,Jul,24 19:19 other posts 
The delegates Biden won in the primary can only be transfered to VP... You can still endorse someone else but it would cost a fortune out of pocket. They just don't have the money because their donors have abandoned them.
By Cody8789 [Ignore] 22,Jul,24 19:53 other posts 
I dont think so, harris just made 81 million from supporters in the last two days The Biden-Harris campaign could transfer the money over the Democratic party to use in elections, including in support of the new nominee. In other words, if Harris drops out, the money can be transferred to a new person running for pres. Like Hillary, god forbid
By kebmo [Ignore] 22,Jul,24 21:33 other posts 
Harris won’t be dropping out.
By White_Mamba [Ignore] 23,Jul,24 00:08 other posts 
She only made 25 million. not 81 million. Early polls shows the subburb in swing swing state absolutely hates her from the failed border crisis. Trump is favored with 318 votes 48 about the 270 needed.

Harris has to run because the president that won delegates in the primary can only give the VP the run off delegates if he quits his job during his turn adter he already won it. That would mean the primary everyone voted for nothing and you start off with zero delegates. No delegates no money, you're on your own.

. Anyone else that runs starts with 0 delegates and you might as well not even spend the money for the election. Trump is the president.
By White_Mamba [Ignore] 23,Jul,24 00:28 other posts 
25 mil.
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By kebmo [Ignore] 23,Jul,24 18:30 other posts 
Bill Oriley? Well, of course, if Bill said it must be true! What more reliable source of alternative facts could you possibly find?
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-End Sarcasm
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Jul,24 18:44 other posts 
Was that sarcasm?
By kebmo [Ignore] 23,Jul,24 20:10 other posts 
Oops. See edit.
By White_Mamba [Ignore] 23,Jul,24 20:47 other posts 
You're a fucking idiot.
By kebmo [Ignore] 23,Jul,24 21:01 other posts 
Awwww you hurt my feelings. 😟
By #578610 [Ignore] 24,Jul,24 08:37 other posts 
By kebmo [Ignore] 23,Jul,24 20:13 other posts 
The Harris campaign says that between Sunday afternoon and Monday night it has raised more than $100 million. That includes the largest single one day fundraising haul in American history.
By #578610 [Ignore] 23,Jul,24 07:36 other posts 
What a difference a day makes
As of last night Harris has broken all records bringing in donations. She brought $100K and most are small donations by the average person.
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Jul,24 07:42 other posts 
You know, I've received several text messages requesting that I donate to the Democrats. My guess is that everyone else with a mobile device has received the same request.
By #578610 [Ignore] 23,Jul,24 10:26 other posts 
I think you are right. I'll be happy to reach the day after the election with a working iphone.
By phart [Ignore] 23,Jul,24 11:26 other posts 
Join the Rebellion and ditch the "smart" phone and get a FLIP.
I don't get bothered with all those junk messages.

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I don't like the idea of being a prisoner of my own device either.
By #578610 [Ignore] 23,Jul,24 14:32 other posts 
Unfortunately I use my iphone for a lot more. I have it set to accept favorite callers only. All else goes to voicemail. If they don't leave a message I block them. Everything else gets deleted in batches.
I haven't been to my bank in years. I pay my bills with my phone. And keep up with social media with it. Give me my iphone or give me death.
By kebmo [Ignore] 23,Jul,24 18:27 other posts 
Me too. iPhone only!
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Jul,24 18:43 other posts 
Android, here!
By #578610 [Ignore] 24,Jul,24 08:39 other posts 
I used to have a Samsung that was really good but was not as waterproof as I thought it was.
By kebmo [Ignore] 23,Jul,24 18:53 other posts 
Not me.
By kebmo [Ignore] 23,Jul,24 18:26 other posts 
100M Big Eddie
By #578610 [Ignore] 24,Jul,24 06:58 other posts 
🤪yes it's $100M.
By White_Mamba [Ignore] 23,Jul,24 20:51 other posts 
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files lawsuit.
By #578610 [Ignore] 22,Jul,24 09:05 other posts 
Does that mean that Trump was ineffective at delivering on his promise?
By kebmo [Ignore] 22,Jul,24 18:44 other posts 
In the first 24 hours of her presidential campaign, Harris has raised more than $80 million!
By #578610 [Ignore] 22,Jul,24 18:55 other posts 
And that's the beginning
By phart [Ignore] 22,Jul,24 19:26 other posts 
of the end
By kebmo [Ignore] 22,Jul,24 21:40 other posts 
Donald Trump‘s downfall will be his choice of vice president. Vance will bring exactly 0 voters to the Trump Vance ticket. The only people that will be attracted to him are the MAGA base.

Prepare yourself for President Harris phart. I can assure you there will be no repeat of January 6th.but I can guarantee you that Trump will never concede the election when he loses. That’s just the kind of sore loser he is.
By Cody8789 [Ignore] 22,Jul,24 21:51 other posts 
It’s too early to assume who will be pres. It’s a guess, not a fact. No matter who wins, i really dont care. Remember, its not the american voters that put a president in office, its the electoral votes.
By #578610 [Ignore] 24,Jul,24 07:05 other posts 
Yes, Cody. I'd like to see it changed to the popular vote.
By phart [Ignore] 24,Jul,24 13:26 other posts 
I wouldn't mind it as long as there was definitive proof each person voting had the legal right to do so by showing a state or federal id to prove citizenship.
By #578610 [Ignore] 24,Jul,24 17:22 other posts 
Then you would be happy and accept the results?
By phart [Ignore] 24,Jul,24 18:57 other posts 
IF IT is done fair and honest. No ballets buryed in land fills, no postal workers tossing ballets in the creek, show a id to vote,
That is the trouble, alot of us do not have any confidence in the process of election
By dgraff [Ignore] 23,Jul,24 06:33 other posts 
The world is not ready for a woman president what if one morning she wakes up in a mood and decides to start a war or say for instance Putin moved missiles into Cuba again pointing our way is she going to have the balls to march over to Putin and say get those missiles out of Cuba or we are at war or will she have a meltdown and start crying saying oh my god oh my god what do I do oh boo hoo i just think it’s a bad idea
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Jul,24 07:37 other posts 
In other countries, there are/have been numerous female leaders that were either President or Prime Minister. Angela Merkel, Chancellor, Germany, Indira Gandhi, Prime Minister, India, Margaret Thatcher, Prime Minister, United Kingdom, to name a few.
By #578610 [Ignore] 24,Jul,24 08:44 other posts 
Don't forget Israeli Golda Meir, and the one they made a whole Broadway musical about, Eva Peron.
By kebmo [Ignore] 23,Jul,24 08:14 other posts 
Dgraff, she’s qualified for the job. Maybe the US needs a woman president. You’ve never tried it.
By dgraff [Ignore] 23,Jul,24 08:29 other posts 
We did at one point try a gay black president but that didn’t work so well
By #578610 [Ignore] 23,Jul,24 18:12 other posts 
I find it strange that the criticism of a good president comes down to sexual innuendo. I've yet to meet a conservative say, " Obama was terrible because..........".
By kebmo [Ignore] 23,Jul,24 21:07 other posts 
OK Big Eddie, here you go:

Obama was a terrible President because he wasn’t a republican. 🤣
By #578610 [Ignore] 24,Jul,24 17:42 other posts 
By kebmo [Ignore] 23,Jul,24 18:33 other posts 
So as long as they’re white and male, they would be qualified for the job? Sounds reasonable.
By #578610 [Ignore] 24,Jul,24 17:44 other posts 
Dgraff is that gay president a personal experience? Why do you keep it secret.
By phart [Ignore] 23,Jul,24 10:45 other posts 
Kembo, is it really a good time to try a trophy president right now with so much hate and division?
And Kamel is the border "czar" and has not even BEEN to the border, and look at how it is being handled. Millions crossing over, everything Texas does to protect the rest of the country is being defiled by the feds as if the feds don't care!
Kamel is not a good first woman prez.
We need brains, not a woman that "worked" her way up the ladder on her knees.
By #578610 [Ignore] 23,Jul,24 18:14 other posts 
Phart, that's BS. She worked her way up. Why can't you just list what she did wrong instead of quoting MAGA innuendos?
By dgraff [Ignore] 23,Jul,24 19:15 other posts 
She’s the Monica Lewinsky of the New Democratic Party i wonder if she knows anything about hand dipped cigars
By #578610 [Ignore] 24,Jul,24 08:29 other posts 
Are you implying that blow jobs are evil?
By dgraff [Ignore] 24,Jul,24 09:59 other posts 
No not at all I voted for bill Clinton I’m glad he was getting some strange in the Oval Office
By #578610 [Ignore] 24,Jul,24 11:28 other posts 
By dgraff [Ignore] 24,Jul,24 14:07 other posts 
Back then it was different to be a democrat bill Clinton said he would pay the deficit and he did just that he left office with a surplus it used to be the democrats were for the little guy but something changed when obama took office and i blame it on their green policies some how it put a lot of middle class and poor people out of work Pennsylvania was big on natural gas and coal and oil all fossil fuels and it drove the prices of everything up
By #578610 [Ignore] 24,Jul,24 17:32 other posts 
I don’t understand. You live in a state that was big on natural gas (burritos? lol), coal, oil and other? Then why did the prices went up? All those energy companies decided to screw their customers?
All I know is that when I fill my car the price is the price. I don’t blame Biden, Trump, Obama, or Bush Jr. for going up or down. I blame Standard Oil, Shell, Amoco, and all the others. What can a president do? Eat more tacos?
By dgraff [Ignore] 24,Jul,24 19:16 other posts 
Natural gas involves fracking and they are against fracking
They closed most the coal mines they said it was too dangerous the oil wells are still going
By phart [Ignore] 24,Jul,24 20:42 other posts 
There is tech out there to make coal burn very clean, there is tech out there for natural gas, which is a by product of drilling for oil, clean burning, but no, we have to run on electricity to suit the dems, but that has to come out of somewhere. and the ideas of sun and wind won't cut it.
By phart [Ignore] 23,Jul,24 21:33 other posts 
tell me then,as border "czar" what has she done that actually fixed the problem?

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The man was LEGALLY married, regardless of the media painting him to be "estranged".
So that indicates lack of moral character in harris.

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Wanted to keep the innocent locked up?
"“Most troubling, Ms. Harris fought tooth and nail to uphold wrongful convictions that been secured through official misconduct that included evidence tampering, false testimony and the suppression of crucial information by prosecutors.” "

I mean if we could have went thru the web 6 months ago we could have found all kinds of stuff but since she is running for prez, the web has been bleached of anything that would help folks make a more educated decision.
By #578610 [Ignore] 24,Jul,24 09:08 other posts 
Legally married? Yes. Not living together for ten years? Yes. Lack of moral character? That's your view. How does having an overnighter with a porn star while your wife is at home pregnant with your fourth child?
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What did she do as the border czar? Probably not much more than Trump during his presidency. Who has done more?
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The web has not been sanitized, phart, no one could have predicted this development. And even if we had, explain how every MAGA member can quote chapter and verse about her pecadillos?
By phart [Ignore] 24,Jul,24 10:51 other posts 
Trump tried and did build at least some of a wall to make it more difficult to get over here. He also fixed some terriable trade deals. right to try was another great thing he got thru.
and we could go on about unemployment rates being low and so forth.
Trump has done more for the US than harris.
By #578610 [Ignore] 24,Jul,24 11:29 other posts 
Well, I don't remember President Harris's administration.
By phart [Ignore] 24,Jul,24 13:27 other posts 
well she has been assigned things like the border and has done nothing.
so even though it is actually obama's 3rd term , harris had responsibility's and has done nothing to fix the issue.
By bella! [Ignore] 24,Jul,24 13:49 other posts 
What about our president that professed to our nation; "I Did Not Have Sexual Relations With That Woman"? Dang, and that president's semen was all over "that woman"s dress...... JFK was a womanizer, too.
By #578610 [Ignore] 24,Jul,24 17:25 other posts 
You show me a man that can keep it in his pants and I’ll send his name to the Pope for canonization or to the undertaker. Maybe, maybe, a Jimmy Carter.
By phart [Ignore] 24,Jul,24 20:44 other posts 
If I stand before God and country and my family and take a vow of marriage, it will stay in my pants unless the wife is using it or i am taking a pee.

That is a life long commitment that so many people take as little more than a tax break. if you can't commit to your spouse, how the hell can you commit to a job,running the country,or your allegiance to the military or anything else for that matter? Kamala was hanging with a married man, used his position to move her self up the ladder. She was terriable to black people, because, she aint BLACK, she is INDIAN and does not care about the black people.
By bella! [Ignore] 24,Jul,24 21:44 other posts 
phart, have you remained celibate your entire life?
By phart [Ignore] 24,Jul,24 21:48 other posts 
no,i had 1 girlfriend and you can read about that misadventures grand finale in my blog.I was very late in life being "active " and it was only with that 1 and no one else.

After all I had been thru, i was not even trying to make that 1 happen but she lead the way and it down a rocky rough road I am thankful to finally no longer be traveling.
and that miss adventure, combined with other life experiences, has me gunshy of any other prospects. just not worth the pain
By #578610 [Ignore] 24,Jul,24 22:35 other posts 
Trump couldn't commit to his wife. So, I guess he's not fit to be president.
By kebmo [Ignore] 23,Jul,24 19:12 other posts 
Phart, it is my opinion that the hate and division came from Donald Trump. Directly from his mouth to his base of which you are member.
I don’t think that the US needs a trophy president either but I do think the US needs a good HONEST President that is qualified for the job.
Kamala Harris, that’s KAMALA which of course you know, was elected district attorney of California twice, was a senator and is currently vice president. To say that she worked her way up on her knees is just demonstrating to me how Donald Trump has taught you to behave in the face of adversity.
She will not be a trophy president , a woman president, a black president or an Indian president. She will be a president, a job, which I feel she is qualified to hold and I think on November 5 you will find that a great number of Americans will agree with me.
Of course, Donald Trump will not agree with me and he will try and weasel his way into the White House unsuccessfully because he’s a sore loser. Donald Trump will never concede the election to Kamala Harris if he loses. You know it and I know it.
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Jul,24 20:05 other posts 
kebmo, what is your opinion about your Prime Minister?
By kebmo [Ignore] 23,Jul,24 20:09 other posts 
He’s got to go. He has been Prime Minister since November 4, 2015.
By phart [Ignore] 23,Jul,24 21:44 other posts 
so you think the time he has been in is the only reason he needs to go?
What about the "job" he is doing? At least your leaders can stay in long enough to actually make their ideas work or at least try. 4 years is not long enough for any leader to make a real lasting difference.
By kebmo [Ignore] 23,Jul,24 22:00 other posts 
Trudeau was elected in 2015 2019 and 2021. He currently holds a minority government which means he has to have other members of Parliament vote with him on his ideas.
Justin Trudeau is the leader of the Liberal party and the New Democratic Party of Canada has supported most of his decisions and voted with him. He has also had to do things in order to please the new Democratic Party. Canada is currently in the process of getting dental care added to our healthcare system thanks to the NDP. It’s a coalition.
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We have also had a female Prime Minister. Her name was Kim Campbell and she served for about four months in 1993.
By phart [Ignore] 24,Jul,24 13:29 other posts 
So what of that is "wrong". for him to win,someone was happy enough to vote for him.
By kebmo [Ignore] 24,Jul,24 17:21 other posts 
I didn’t say nor do I believe that it is wrong. That’s how democracy works. I voted for him twice.
By phart [Ignore] 24,Jul,24 18:51 other posts 
so why does he need to go? Why throw a wrench in the works?
This is 1 of those times when people say, "oh change is inevitable". But no,it's not. If your leader is keeping your people safe,and doing things to suit the majority of the citizens, why change? the new guy might be a jurk.
People hated Trump and he was shafted out of it in 2020 to a decrepit senile old man, the change sucks.
By #578610 [Ignore] 24,Jul,24 08:55 other posts 
No matter how good they are a new perspective is always (almost always) a good thing.
By #578610 [Ignore] 24,Jul,24 08:53 other posts 
Dgraff, You are being sexist. You mean to tell me men don't get up on the wrong side of the bed and want to kick a...s? And, remind us, how many wars were started by women in the last 150 yrs? Same question about men.
By #578610 [Ignore] 23,Jul,24 07:37 other posts 
For Trump I think
By Cody8789 [Ignore] 22,Jul,24 21:53 other posts 
.you have to admit it, Joe is not in the right state of mind to be running anything.
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I have to say this,,, you all know my dislike of politics and all that are running for office, I just say my opinion and with respect, that I don’t like any politicians, but after I state my dislike for them all, certain members feel the need to unfriend me because of my beliefs and opinions,,, which I’m not being disrespectful to anyone. You people that unfriended me, you lost a good friend. I can care less. Seems like you all can’t hold an intelligent conversation without throwing punches. Get a life,,, politics don’t control the person that I am and everyone has the right to like who they want without rocks being thrown at them. Makes me laugh and makes me realize they were truly not my friend from the beginning.
By phart [Ignore] 22,Jul,24 22:19 other posts 
their loss, your gain, didn't need them hanging on your coat tails if they are that soft
By Cody8789 [Ignore] 23,Jul,24 00:09 other posts 
What I say isn’t always correct but it’s my opinion,see,,, I can hold an intelligent conversation with phart and dgraff and we still love each other. I hold them both as close friends
By dgraff [Ignore] 23,Jul,24 06:36 other posts 
Thank you Cody i respect and love you for who you are
By phart [Ignore] 23,Jul,24 10:47 other posts 
thank you sir'
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Jul,24 00:10 other posts 
You've been unfriended because of your political belief/stance? Seems to me that sherryann mentioned she's unfriended and/or was blacklisted by members because of her political views, too.

People are straight up cuckoo with regard to politics. I think I mentioned that with the 2020 Presidential election, my sister's beliefs and choice differed from that of her two grown sons and politics divided her family. August 6 will be the time for local elections and there's been a whole lotta shit slinging happening at a local level.
By Cody8789 [Ignore] 23,Jul,24 06:01 other posts 
I don’t like any of the three, trump, Biden, or Harris, a matter of fact, there’s no one on any side I would vote for, but I never have been rude to anyone about who they like, doesn’t mean I have to be hated because I don’t like any politicians. I don’t dislike anyone because of who they like. Everyone has the right to vote for who they want and I respect their choice, I don’t dislike anyone who likes trump or Biden so why get mad at me. Bella, sometimes I just don’t understand people. And like phart said, if they don’t like me it’s no great loss to me. I know dgraff likes to get bid3n lovers mad and I think that’s funny the way he gets them going I like dgraff no matter who he votes for, I like skittles no matter who he votes for, but like you say, people are just so wacko over politics.
By dgraff [Ignore] 23,Jul,24 06:48 other posts 
That’s because we are true friends we click we are beyond the point of difference because of our many likenesses if that makes sense i don’t like Biden because he’s a career politician and i don’t like the stupid thing trump says sometimes but at this point i think trump is the best option remember i blame the democrats for forcing me to retire early the prices of everything and the taxes were just too much and if it’s no longer profitable then why waist my time
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Jul,24 07:22 other posts 
Thank you for sharing and showing your "softer side", dgraff! A wise man once said; "we are true friends we click we are beyond the point of difference because of our many likenesses.....". Everyone should embrace those feelings, thank you for sharing.

By the way, that was one hella long, run on sentence!
By dgraff [Ignore] 23,Jul,24 07:43 other posts 
Yeah I’m not much for punctuation
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I can do it but it slows me down
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Jul,24 07:51 other posts 
Punctuation slows you down? I admittedly suck at punctuation, too! Just keep this in mind.....

Let's eat, grandma.
Let's eat grandma.

The comma saves grandma from being the meal.
By dgraff [Ignore] 23,Jul,24 08:24 other posts 
that’s funny
By #578610 [Ignore] 24,Jul,24 08:57 other posts 
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Jul,24 08:03 other posts 
I just recalled something I heard and it seems to fit right here. It goes something like this;

The quality of your life depends on the quality of your relationships.

By phart [Ignore] 24,Jul,24 13:31 other posts 
anybody fit for the job ,smart enough for the job, doesn't want it.
for biden and the democrats it was like a participation trophy since he was in politics so long.
obama, he identifies as black although he is actually only HALF black, so that's why he got the job.
Some would say Trump is in it for ego, but how strong a ego does a man need to take a bullet and STILL keep trying? most men would fall by the way side and say fuck it.
By #578610 [Ignore] 24,Jul,24 17:47 other posts 
I would have been very happy if he had.
By phart [Ignore] 24,Jul,24 21:22 other posts 
who do you and Kembo want for a republican candidate?
By #578610 [Ignore] 25,Jul,24 00:06 other posts 
I like Nikki Haley
By sherryann [Ignore] 23,Jul,24 08:42 other posts 
"Cody has deleted you from friends list" quote - not verbatim - good, I don't care nor am I here for anyone here but one.
But bella, I'd like to say here thanks so much for your generosity and friendship all these years, it doesn't go unnoticed.
By phart [Ignore] 23,Jul,24 10:50 other posts 
only 2 have had the respect enough to explain why they blacklist me and it is,
1. a pro-life male and an ignorant one at that

2. Pig

Hey, if you don't like me because i am prolife, well, go talk to your mother and thank her for not using the "coathanger" on YOU so you could dislike others freely behind a nickname on the web. real tough guy!~
By #578610 [Ignore] 23,Jul,24 07:45 other posts 
If you can't express yourself without malice, as you've done, without others dropping you as a friend, they weren't real friends. I don't know you but I'm offering you my friendship.
By phart [Ignore] 23,Jul,24 10:52 other posts 
That is the approach people should have.
I don't agree with you on alot of things but i get past it and move along.
Some here must not have a life outside the forum and this is their only little world.
By Cody8789 [Ignore] 23,Jul,24 11:33 other posts 
Ahhh, sherryann, you stated to everyone that I deleted you from your friends list, I deleted you because you deleted me, so why would I leave you on my friends list if you deleted me first. I wasn’t trying to be cruel, I figured you didn’t want to be friends with me so I only did what you did to me first.
By sherryann [Ignore] 23,Jul,24 15:19 other posts 
That's a blatant lie! I have never added you as a friend, ever! How could I delete you when I've never added you in the first place? Why would you even say something like that? Not true at all! During the years I have been on this site, I have added few if any friends, and you were NEVER one of them!
By Numb_Nuts [Ignore] 24,Jul,24 07:19 other posts 
Hey hey hey guys, pull the ropes back, I have known you both from previous profiles here & both of you guys are cool as fuck sherryann Cody8789 , in my absence from here I do drop in checking in on things & this ding wang seems to be silly & probs a misunderstanding of stuff, friends or not you guys have no need to battle each other over what seems to be a misunderstanding 🤷‍♀️
--------------------------------------- added after 6 minutes

So please don't bash each other around 😢
By #578610 [Ignore] 24,Jul,24 09:03 other posts 
People, if the only thing you guys are fighting about is who defriended whom first, it's not worth it. Just friend each other again. Kissy, kissy.

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