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Started by bella! [Ignore] 13,Aug,23 07:15  other posts
This thread is for questionable content. WHY? Just because! I am someone who enjoys the Hodge Twins. YEP, the Hodge Twins. They probably make the hairs on the back of a WOKE person stand straight up! Anyway.....

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By phart [Ignore] 21,Dec,24 16:13 other posts 
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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 23,Dec,24 10:03 other posts 
A Trump voter running away from facts and logic?
By phart [Ignore] 23,Dec,24 10:42 other posts 
No a Harris supporter running from a 20 million dollar debt on campaign spending.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 23,Dec,24 11:55 other posts 
Mow many millions did Elon Musk spend to help Trump win?
By phart [Ignore] 23,Dec,24 12:35 other posts 
don't know, but he doesn't OWE IT back to anyone. and he got a return on his investment.Hope for America!
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 03,Jan,25 04:54 other posts 
His return on investment is bowing America to his demands.

Maybe it's the only way to save humanity. Elon is definitely interested
in saving humanity, but ONLY if he's the one to do it.
It's a damn shame if humanity depends on such a clown.
By phart [Ignore] 03,Jan,25 07:39 other posts 
has harris paid back the 20 million? Or did biden forgive the debt or pardon her for it? Maybe Elon will man up and pay the debt for her as a peace offering??
that money is gone , never to be repaid. and who ever loaned to her campaign has to suffer the loss and cope with the knowing they supported a looser. that would be worse than loosing 20 mill
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 03,Jan,25 12:25 other posts 
That's not her money, stupid! That's campaign money.
Did she use money for anything that she wasn't supposed to?

It would be very surprising if Elon never donated to Democrats again.
Most wealthy people donate to both parties, because they want both parties
to do their bidding.
By phart [Ignore] 03,Jan,25 15:52 other posts 
I know it aint her money, the campaign or her or someone needs to be paying it back if it is owed!
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 06,Jan,25 06:29 other posts 
Sure, if the DNC owes people money, they should pay it. They are good for it.
Why do you think Harris, the campaign, the Democrats and the DNC are all separate entities who owe each other money? Harris was representing the Democrats, who spent as much as they could in the effort to win the election. Democrats spent about $6.7 billion on the 2024 election. A budget overrun of
20 million is just 0.3%. Who cares? That's why I asked you; "Did she use money for anything that she wasn't supposed to?".

Republicans spent about $7.6 billion. Trump did spend money on things
he wasn't supposed to, like his personal legal expenses. When Republicans
do campaigns, they always find ways to pocket a lot of the money personally
and to have friends and donors enrich themselves with that money. Instead of spending too much, they spend less than the party provided for their campaign and then pocket the difference.

By phart [Ignore] 03,Jan,25 15:54 other posts 
Can't even get the pledge right,and 50 million people voted for her to lead the country????
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By bella! [Ignore] 03,Jan,25 17:52 other posts 

I wonder if she's proficient with the lyrics to The Star Spangled Banner?
By phart [Ignore] 03,Jan,25 22:30 other posts 
Hose A can you see? I will admit, i don't know the words by heart myself. BUT I aint the 1 that ran for office to lead the country either.

By phart [Ignore] 02,Jan,25 19:22 other posts 
Well the employees were making 17 something a hour, now they are making a big fat zero per hour.
Gee, wonder what else will happen in the dumpster state of californicated.
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By phart [Ignore] 26,Dec,24 08:40 other posts 
Something to ponder.
Abraham Lincoln declared war on the Confederacy because he was determined to preserve the Union, believing that secession was illegal and that the federal government had the authority to use force to maintain its integrity, with his primary goal being to keep the country united, even if it meant not directly addressing the issue of slavery at first; the catalyst for open conflict was the Confederate attack on Fort Sumter, which prompted Lincoln to call for troops to defend the Union forts.

Putin and leaders of the four regions signed treaties to annex Luhansk, Donetsk, Kherson and Zaporizhia – a move which has been denounced as illegal by Ukraine and Western powers.

Um, Lincoln,killing 1000's of people, to maintain a union. And some say Putins goal is to reassemble the soviet union,which he claims is not his goal, is there really that much difference in Lincoln and Putin? think before you answer.

By phart [Ignore] 21,Dec,24 16:39 other posts 
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Who's this going for a drive in the neighborhood???
By dgraff [Ignore] 22,Dec,24 10:45 other posts 
I would swear it Kamala Harris but she don’t drive that good
By phart [Ignore] 22,Dec,24 11:30 other posts 
That ape is a better driver than most Americans. It's most likely an ape from Europe.
By phart [Ignore] 23,Dec,24 10:43 other posts 
not a ape, something 'tang, but yea, if he could reach the pedals he would be doing good. but someone is pushing the pedals for him. but he still has the steering down pat.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 23,Dec,24 11:47 other posts 
"something 'tang" (Orangutan) is an ape / great ape.
They are about as smart as a 4 y.o. child, so controlling a simple vehicle is possible
for them. I agree that advanced traffic insight might be too difficult for them.
However, as a 4 year old child, I understood that the Earth is a big spinning ball, revolving around the sun, in space, while many adult Americans, even the ones
other adult Americans listen to for political information, can't understand that.
By phart [Ignore] 23,Dec,24 12:36 other posts 
I couldn't come up with the word and did the best i could. old age and being under stress sucks.

By phart [Ignore] 21,Dec,24 14:35 other posts 
Dumb fucks striking when the country needs them the most? Even new yorkers are sick of the bullshit.
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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 23,Dec,24 08:22 other posts 
That's not dumb, that's good strategy. Fuck Amazon and fuck the police for strike busting. There are other companies where you can buy whatever Amazon is selling.
And if you don't, then Amazon has already crushed their competition in your country.
See what happens to their prices, if you let one company have a monopoly.

I only buy at Amazon if no one else sells it, or if they are much cheaper.
That way I promote Dutch companies, who exploit their employees less.
By phart [Ignore] 23,Dec,24 10:52 other posts 
No that harms the American people that spent hard earned money for Christmas presents to be delivered by a certain date and home goods they may need to for use during the holidays. Need a new cooking pan for the turkey? got 1 on Amazon, guess what ? the striking mother fuckers didn't deliver.Who sufferes? the consumer, What is so good about fucking over the people that spend the money that insures you have a job in the first place??
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 23,Dec,24 11:33 other posts 
It's very shortsighted to think like that. Every strike harms consumers in some way.
If that is a reason to block all strikes, than you allow all workers to be exploited by all their employers. Then no one makes enough money to buy that new cooking pan anyway.

It's good for everyone who needs to work for a living, to show the companies they work for that they need to pay for people's labor. That people cannot afford groceries is because they are all exploited by their employers. A man could support his family on one job, when unions were still strong. Then you lot gave away all power to the wealthy and now both parents need to have several jobs, just to feed their kids. You let that happen, because you believe the bullshit that strikes hurt you as a consumer, while people are getting too poor to even consume anything.

That "hard earned money" is getting even harder to earn, because of YOU.

By phart [Ignore] 20,Dec,24 08:38 other posts 
This is how joe sees himself, but we see the same thing but with opposite thoughts. only registered users can see external links
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 21,Dec,24 03:17 other posts 
I'm not sure what point you are making. Everyone is cracking down on immigration.
Biden negotiated the strictest immigration package ever, with your Republicans.
I'm sure you want it to be even stricter, but Trump only had Republicans drop the deal,
so he could run on immigration. He blames the illegals for everything that's wrong,
so he can give you more of what's wrong.

Humanity is becoming ever more cruel, selfish, scared, unprincipled and short-sighted. Instead of fixing the cause of problems, the majority is distracted by symptoms.
This will be humanity's downfall.
By phart [Ignore] 21,Dec,24 09:22 other posts 
if these immigrants want to work and fix something let them fix their home countries and not bring ours down.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 21,Dec,24 09:46 other posts 
When your country is completely turned to shit by a brutal dictator or drugs cartels, there is nothing a single person can do to fix it or to keep their head above water.
And as soon as they try to organize something to improve their country, with other people, they are seen as the enemy of the powerful and get squashed.

Didn't you hear about the prisons and mass graves in Syria?
Anyone who wanted better for their country, was a threat to Assad and ended up in one of those prisons, got tortured and ended up in a mass grave. The only people who have the strength and resources to rebel are fundamentalist Muslims. How do you stay alive under such a situation? Either you choose to be loyal to Assad, which means you have to fight to keep a brutal dictator in power, or you join fundamentalist Muslims, which also means you will never have freedom. And whatever side you pick, the other side wants to bomb you to pulp or cut off your head. If you don't pick a side, you're considered an enemy by both sides. How do you fix that?

It's sad that you are unable to imagine situations like that.
By phart [Ignore] 21,Dec,24 12:30 other posts 
At the same time, I can't imagine escaping to a country and not trying to be legalized so I can become a citizen and not have to look over my shoulder all the time. Frankly, a illegal is no more free in my eyes here in the US than he is elsewhere, because he is NOT legal and the law can haul his ass away! The beef is coming here,and just hiding from the law, working for cash and not paying income taxes, living 23 to a 2 bedroom house with 16 cars in the yard with no insurance or valid tags on 14 of them,and so on. come to the border ,go thru the process to become citizens. and then and only then, can you be FREE. don't YOU understand that??? What the real deal is is really simple. Democrats use illegals for replacements for slaves. Instead of working for free for chicken coop quality housing and burlap clothes, the illegals get to work cheap and pay rent on run down 2 room houses and wear walmart clothes,all the while looking over their shoulders for the law. Some freedom.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 23,Dec,24 10:16 other posts 
Why would someone try to be legalized, if they then have a 99.9% chance
of it getting denied and be deported, while working illegally is facilitated.
Sure, they get exploited, but at least they can survive, instead of getting murdered
or just starve to death. Don't you understand THAT?

Democrats have always supported legal migration and working permits AND labor inspections to punish companies who exploit illegals for profit. It's the Republicans who made legal migration and getting working permits more difficult or impossible AND they cut funds for labor inspections. It's the complete opposite of what you're claiming. This very moment, Trump is planning to make legal migration and getting working permits even more difficult or impossible. He's also talking about deregulation again, which is all about allowing companies to exploit EVERYONE, including illegals. The result is either more illegals or a huge economic crisis.

If you want less illegals, you either need to provide a possibility to become a US citizen or legal migrant worker AND crack down on companies who exploit illegals
OR you help/allow the countries they are fleeing from to become safer and/or economically viable.

He might be telling you he wants to deport all the immigrants, but he's taking orders from the wealthy. It's all bullshit. He might deport a few, to show you he's doing something, but as soon as it starts to hurt the people who exploit those illegals,
he will say it's difficult, and blame the Democrats for it.

By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 19,Dec,24 15:42 other posts 
"War Isn’t Murder" a song by Jesse Welles
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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 19,Dec,24 15:29 other posts 
"United Health" a song by Jesse Welles
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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 18,Dec,24 17:23 other posts 
Here is something that is definitely 'questionable':

By phart [Ignore] 18,Dec,24 21:11 other posts 
to them it's just a late term abortion.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 19,Dec,24 11:47 other posts 
Funny! They are actually PRO LIFE, relating to people who are now the victims
of your horrible for profit healthcare system, that only cares about making CEOs
and shareholders wealthy. They think his murder is justice, for mass murder.

By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 18,Dec,24 11:34 other posts 
The political spectrum is a myth
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Where the terms left and right come from
and why every definition of those terms fails.
By phart [Ignore] 18,Dec,24 21:15 other posts 
you fish from the right side of the boat, only registered users can see external links

In the Bible, "left" often symbolizes something negative or less favored, while "right" represents positive aspects like honor and favor, so when God speaks of "left" and "right," it signifies choosing the righteous path (considered "right") and avoiding the wrong one ("left") - essentially, making the correct choice in any situation; this is often illustrated by phrases like "sitting at God's right hand" which implies a place of high honor and closeness to God.
Key points to remember:

Symbolic meaning:
In the Bible, "right" is generally associated with what is good, correct, and favored, while "left" is linked with what is wrong, negative, or less favored.

Example from scripture:
In Isaiah 30:21, God says "whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, 'This is the way; walk in it'" - signifying that regardless of which direction someone might consider going, God's guidance will always be towards the righteous path.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 19,Dec,24 11:29 other posts 
If you actually watched the video, you know the political terms 'left' and 'right' come from the French revolution and not from the Bible. The commoners sat on the left side, while the clergy and aristocracy sat on the right side, during the National Assembly of 1789.

If you actually read the Bible, you should understand that Jesus was the OG socialist. He was all about feeding the hungry, healing the sick and rebelling against the powerful and wealthy. He never once demanded people to praise or worship him, he only asked people to follow his example. If he lived today, you would hate him with a passion.

By phart [Ignore] 17,Dec,24 07:32 other posts 
Well, I bought a air fryer a while back and use it quite a bit now. But it was damaged and half price.I had to take it apart to straighten it out so the tray would slide in and out. it is mechanical, has a timer,that goes DING when food is done. and a manual thermostat. Here is why I don't go for those "smart" things in the house. it was not long ago folks used to joke about the stove having eyes and the toaster having ears , but it's reality now.
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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 18,Dec,24 08:58 other posts 
Sure, like China wants to spy on YOU with an air fryer and they would need to put in something "smart" to do it. You are using a device, connected to the internet, NOW,
but you are afraid they will spy on you with anything like an air fryer?
And why would you need to be more afraid of China, than your own NSA?

I do agree it's probably easier to fix. Good job fixing it.

We gave my girlfriend's uncle and aunt an air fryer, when they moved to the retirement home. They said that those mechanical timer buttons were too stiff for their arthritic fingers, so they wanted a digital one. Problem is that the buttons were to complicated for their aging minds, so they never learned to operate it. I showed them several times, even made a simple manual with huge letters, but they didn't even dare to approach the thing. So, they sold it to someone else. Now they don't fry at all anymore. We had better bought the one with the easy controls and just screw on a big lever, for their arthritic hands.
By phart [Ignore] 18,Dec,24 21:11 other posts 
my dad is that way with the flip phone I got him. I can show him a dozen times a week and he can still just barely make a call.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 19,Dec,24 11:17 other posts 
Same with my dad. I don't know if he really can't do it, but he's struggling.
He has been an amazing mechanic all his life, but he never liked anything digital
and always hated everything more complex than an alarm clock. My mother has a PC,
a tablet and a smartphone, but my father doesn't even want to go near it.
Besides the remote of the TV, he doesn't touch anything with buttons.

By phart [Ignore] 12,Dec,24 12:00 other posts 
biden has not only allowed the scourge to come into our country from across the border but now he is cleaning out the jails here! WHy is it people think drug crimes are so innocent and not worth of punishment? Drugs kill and ruin peoples lives same as knives and guns can.
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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 18,Dec,24 09:24 other posts 
Decades of drugs war didn't work. The US has the worst drugs problem in the world.
Learn from countries that have a much lower drugs problem or have even reduced their drugs problem. None of them succeeded with stricter laws or harsher punishments.

Maybe Philippine president Rodrigo Duterte achieved some reduction in drugs related crime, but his 'War on Drugs' was so incredibly brutal, that it created more death, destruction and trauma for the people than the drugs itself ever did.
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If literal death squads don't even work, when are you ready to try something else?

By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 11,Dec,24 05:36 other posts 
You Don't Need to Be Luigi Mangione to Hate United Healthcare
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United Healthcare denies 32% of customer's claims,
which is the highest percentage in the health insurance industry.

Kaiser Permanente denies 7% of customer's claims.
Explain that difference. Isn't it just a decision, from the CEO?

In a country that has 2500+ children dying from gun violence each year,
I wouldn't cry much over the murder of this asshole CEO.
How many people did he kill, by denying people healthcare?
By phart [Ignore] 11,Dec,24 08:03 other posts 
the company has been my insurance company for over 25 years. atena has the new contract.I am more concerned about them as they are worse about medicines than united.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 11,Dec,24 12:17 other posts 
Experience varies of course, but statistics don't lie.

I've been insured with DSW for decades now.
They have never tried to deny me anything I have a right to,
so therefore I don't feel any hatred towards them.
Both the previous and current CEO are honest men.

By phart [Ignore] 11,Dec,24 08:00 other posts 
Well I searched and can't find it, but someone here was so happy that the Onion bought alex jones info wars. Well it aint happening.
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I can't say he was in the right by saying it didn't happen, but i will say i think he was unfairly punished.

By phart [Ignore] 10,Dec,24 21:06 other posts 
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Copy and paste of remarks made to the vid

"I don't think women can blame machines for taking jobs they gave up LONG AGO."

Automation, it is here!

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