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Started by bella! [Ignore] 13,Aug,23 07:15  other posts
This thread is for questionable content. WHY? Just because! I am someone who enjoys the Hodge Twins. YEP, the Hodge Twins. They probably make the hairs on the back of a WOKE person stand straight up! Anyway.....

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By dgraff [Ignore] 26,Nov,24 10:21 other posts 
It’s funny
I hope everyone is watching what is going on with all the phony charges brought forth against Donald Trump most will be dropped and the ones in New York are on hold until 2029 by the time they get to sentencing he could be dead or to old for sentencing
Just think of all the money the democrats wasted on a bunch of wild goose chasing
By phart [Ignore] 26,Nov,24 11:05 other posts 
Yea joe was not healthy enough to stand trial so perhaps by the time Trumps age will make use of the same trick. What is good for the goose is good for the gander.
By dgraff [Ignore] 26,Nov,24 11:50 other posts 
And believe me I will spend the next 4 years reminding people of the waist fullness the democrats put upon the taxpayers
By phart [Ignore] 26,Nov,24 12:44 other posts 
Yea, I think, once the lid is off the pot,and stuff starts boiling over, Even some democrats will be shocked as to the waste.
By dgraff [Ignore] 26,Nov,24 16:33 other posts 
Elon is going to go through everything and trim the fat off then the people will see the waist I think Trump will be saying YOUR FIRED a lot
By phart [Ignore] 26,Nov,24 21:07 other posts 

By phart [Ignore] 26,Nov,24 15:23 other posts 
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By phart [Ignore] 26,Nov,24 12:45 other posts 
When your tire shop says your tire can't be fixed, just tell them "BULLSHIT, these guys will show you how". This is old tech that has been around since the pneumatic tire, the young people are just to lazy at tire shops now to do it.
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By phart [Ignore] 26,Nov,24 11:14 other posts 
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By phart [Ignore] 26,Nov,24 09:49 other posts 
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Seriously? knife collection. Wow, what next, screwdrivers?
By dgraff [Ignore] 26,Nov,24 10:11 other posts 
It’s crazy
By phart [Ignore] 26,Nov,24 11:04 other posts 
Do folks that have marital arts skills have to wear a badge or something? Those folks are nuts.The human brain is the most dangerous weapon on earth, if it can find 1 way to communicate it's ideas outside the skull. so I guess in the end, peoples brain stems will be cut?

By phart [Ignore] 23,Nov,24 22:45 other posts 
I sure hope things get better starting in january. when there are people in charge that can't define simple things,right now, it makes you wonder if there is any hope for this country; I mean really, the party in charge right now, has ben trying to get a woman in the office of president, but yet, they can't define what a woman is????Could Trump put on a dress and some makeup and take his oath of office dressed as a woman and be called the first woman President? I doubt he would as he respects the office and the country to much to make it laughing stock but just saying,the democrats would accept it if 1 of their people did it.

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By phart [Ignore] 17,Nov,24 15:39 other posts 
OK< I want to make sure this is posted here.
IF the US gets dragged into World WAR 3 any further than it already has been, I want to make sure you SEE WHO did this.
BIDEN LIFTED the ban on using US weapons deep into Russia.
THIS means the US is essentially proxy bombing Russia.
BIDEN is creating a MESS for TRUMP to deal with here.
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By Cody8789 [Ignore] 18,Nov,24 01:12 other posts 
Now you know why I stay out of politics and hate them all
By dgraff [Ignore] 18,Nov,24 08:14 other posts 
Joe Biden is just a senile old fool that can’t remember what he did yesterday what can we expect
By phart [Ignore] 18,Nov,24 08:17 other posts 
By CAT52! [Ignore] 19,Nov,24 13:56 other posts 
Joe Biden, sorry, I meant Donny Trump, is just a senile old fool that can’t remember what he did yesterday what can we expect
By phart [Ignore] 19,Nov,24 14:54 other posts 
Donald does not have strings tied to his arms to operate them. Trump doesn't have to reach for someones hand at a photo op in a foreign country like biden did the other day. He was 5 minutes late to a photoshoot with world leaders and came in dazes and confused and hid in the back corner of the picture. Some leader. I posted a link to the story not long ago of how biden embarrassed us yet again.
By CAT52! [Ignore] 23,Nov,24 10:54 other posts 
Shifting the conversation to “he did it too” doesn’t make Donny Boy any less of a doddering old fool.

By phart [Ignore] 18,Nov,24 21:07 other posts 
OH BOY< now the liberals will have a new cause of the week, robots in sports. Which gender will the robot id as to enter into the race? Another crazy issue headed to your news cast soon!
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By CAT52! [Ignore] 19,Nov,24 13:46 other posts 
This is the first time that us liberals are identified as Commie Chinks.
By phart [Ignore] 19,Nov,24 14:53 other posts 
Well the socialism that liberals push,is the entry door to communism, so um, if the shoe fits,
By CAT52! [Ignore] 19,Nov,24 17:02 other posts 
Socialism like everything else comes in different quantities. The forty hour week, lunch and breaks at work, Social Security, unemployment insurance, even medical insurance are all examples but not limited to, of socialism. It's not a dirty word.
By dgraff [Ignore] 20,Nov,24 06:39 other posts 
Hmmmm what would Archie bunker say
By CAT52! [Ignore] 20,Nov,24 11:30 other posts 
“Them woids come from a darkie brother”?

By phart [Ignore] 17,Nov,24 13:48 other posts 
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You want to read about the REAL world issues?
Loss of Morals.
"Abortion is of course widespread, both among the married and the unmarried, ever since it became legally available following the Supreme Court Roe vs. Wade decision to make abortion legal up to the third trimester of pregnancy. The U.S. laws on abortion are now more permissive than almost all other Western countries. As a result, there are now over a million abortions a year, most not for serious health reasons but more often for convenience, as proclaimed in the feminist slogan: "A woman has absolute rights over her own body". This is a highly dubious moral principle, since a woman's whole physiology and psychology show forth her natural orientation towards being the host and nurturer of new human life not her own - the only door, in fact, through which a new human person can enter the world with rights of its own like hers."

The woman has the ONLY door way for a new human to come into the world, why is it so hard to understand the fact that a woman should be held more responsible for the doorway of life?

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" Breakdown of Family Structures"thanks in part to johnson saying mothers didn't need the fathers around when he put welfare in place,
" Lack of Role Models" instead of solders and generals and inventors being held to high regard, people look to ball players and musicians for role models,

oh I could go on but folks like cat and annanas will push the idea I am the idiot, I am the 1 watching the world go to shit while their kind shovels coal into the boiler of the locomotive towing it.
By CAT52! [Ignore] 17,Nov,24 14:36 other posts 
60% live where abortion is broadly legal IN THE WORLD.
You, Phart, are entitled to your opinion, but, it doesn’t make it right. A CHILD is not yet a child in the first 15 weeks of a pregnancy. It’s no more a child than a man wanking in the shower. Women have the right to CHOOSE if they want to carry a pregnancy to term.
By dgraff [Ignore] 18,Nov,24 00:20 other posts 
Ok so what next then you will say it’s not a child until it can speak that way a mother can kill an already born baby just because she is too lazy to take care of it
Lazy lazy lazy
By phart [Ignore] 18,Nov,24 08:21 other posts 
exactly, it is a unborn human when the sperm breaks into the egg.
With Cat's beliefs ,and millions of others, george floyds death could be labeled a late term abortion. He was not a human since he was not college educated. Or he was not human until he was 71,
where would the line be drawn if there was nothing blocking this ideology?
By CAT52! [Ignore] 19,Nov,24 13:55 other posts 
Ok, Phart, now I understand. You say there should not be any abortions. Tell me, how does anyone know WHEN a human sperm fertilizes an egg?
By CAT52! [Ignore] 18,Nov,24 10:05 other posts 
I can’t help it if your command of the written English language is worse than an Orangutan’s typewriting skills. Go back and read it again.

By phart [Ignore] 17,Nov,24 15:42 other posts 
What have they done that has them so scared? Are they afraid their lawfare practices will be exposed to the American people in a way they can't cover it up??
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Why would anyone who has done a honest job feel like they need to hurry up and grab a lawyer? this speaks volumes about what has happened the past 4 years ,perhaps further back.
By dgraff [Ignore] 18,Nov,24 00:12 other posts 
Because they are crooked i don’t trust them do you
By phart [Ignore] 18,Nov,24 08:19 other posts 
no politicians are like lawyers, you just have to hope you have the biggest snake in the grass on your side.

By phart [Ignore] 17,Nov,24 11:15 other posts 
French government is considering removing the Thinker statue.
It has been found to be offensive to those that don't think.

By BirdDog [Ignore] 17,Nov,24 11:21 other posts 
By Brian_Mansion [Ignore] 17,Nov,24 11:42 other posts 
Makes sense...

By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 10,Nov,24 05:37 other posts 
By phart [Ignore] 10,Nov,24 08:03 other posts 
so so so fucking STUPID>
ALL the courts did was allow STATES to regulate abortion.
It is NOT BANNED, it is simply being regulated by numerous states.
get informed.
And if you want to fuck like a chimpanzee all the time and use abortion for birth control , move to a state that it's unregulated.
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By CAT52! [Ignore] 10,Nov,24 08:26 other posts 

Phart, you are one in a million.
By phart [Ignore] 10,Nov,24 10:15 other posts 
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Yes, it is stupid, but THIS IS YOU NOW!

It's BANNED in a lot of states already and Trump wants a NATIONAL abortion ban.

Women are getting sent home, when the baby inside of their womb is DEAD,
because doctors are too afraid to help them.

They are coming for birth control TOO.
By phart [Ignore] 10,Nov,24 10:09 other posts 
AI Overview
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No, as of today, no state in the U.S. completely bans abortion when the mother's life is at stake; all states with abortion restrictions include an exception to save the life of the pregnant person, even if they have very strict limitations on abortion access in other circumstances.
Key points to remember:

Legal exception:
While many states have significantly restricted abortion access, nearly all include an exception for situations where the pregnant person's life is in danger.

Medical judgment:
Doctors usually make the determination of whether an abortion is necessary to save the mother's life based on their medical judgment.
State variations:
Although the "life of the mother" exception is generally present, the specifics of how it is defined and implemented can vary significantly between states.
By CAT52! [Ignore] 10,Nov,24 12:00 other posts 
And it's the reason most doctors will not treat ANY pregnant woman.
By dgraff [Ignore] 12,Nov,24 06:13 other posts 
And you brought it on your selves quit lazing around on your back with your legs spread I’m sure women have plenty to do around the house
By phart [Ignore] 12,Nov,24 06:27 other posts 
OH my! I was just talking to a neighbor yesterday and she was talking about the lady at the drive thru having finger nails glued on that were over 3 inches long and how nasty and unclean that looked in a restaurant setting. I just said, "I wonder how she washes dishes like that?" we both got a good laugh from it.
Women complain about being held more responsible for unwanted pregnancy, and Dgraff, you just explained it. THey are the 1's that have to get in position. They are the 1's that agree to the action, why then pass all the blame?
By CAT52! [Ignore] 12,Nov,24 07:24 other posts 
You are right. Us women should stop giving sex to men until they start to do what we want them to do.
By dgraff [Ignore] 12,Nov,24 07:45 other posts 
Then you women will never have sex again men finally realize they have a hand and using it is a lot less money then a woman
By phart [Ignore] 12,Nov,24 08:48 other posts 
And a hell of alot cheaper than Divorce.
And you can always take a vacation trip to Nevada and pay for it in cash instead of new cars and changing the colors in the bath room every 6 months.
By CAT52! [Ignore] 12,Nov,24 08:50 other posts 
We have hands too, and………strap on dildos. We don’t need your smelly bodies.
By dgraff [Ignore] 12,Nov,24 09:10 other posts 
yeah but you women are wired different you need love and all that mushy stuff men can do with out it
By phart [Ignore] 12,Nov,24 10:34 other posts 
Yea, women need men to go out and pull flowers away from their roots and hand them to them so they can stuff em in a bottle of water and watch them wilt, just like their relationships because they don't maintain them.
I always gave my girlfriend flowers in pots that could be kept alive for years, as i would have hoped she wanted our relationship to do.
By dgraff [Ignore] 12,Nov,24 11:14 other posts 
That’s what I do potded plants then she gets me to plant them in the yard because she is too lazy
By CAT52! [Ignore] 12,Nov,24 10:53 other posts 
Haven’t you heard? Lesbian sex is normal between women even when one or both are straight.
By dgraff [Ignore] 12,Nov,24 09:21 other posts 
What a load of malarkey any one of the states that have a democrat governor will allow abortion including Pennsylvania
By CAT52! [Ignore] 12,Nov,24 10:56 other posts 
And if you are poor how do you get to one of those states? And what if time matters? How would you feel if when an unwanted pregnancy happens the father gets his balls cut off?
By dgraff [Ignore] 12,Nov,24 11:17 other posts 
At my age I’m pretty sure that won’t happen to me
By phart [Ignore] 12,Nov,24 17:16 other posts 
if you are poor, keep yur pants up or ask the other party to supply a rubber.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 12,Nov,24 20:08 other posts 
Saggy has not been fertile since the coat hanger damaged her cunny...

and her daughter baked a veggie baby-- her nickname is broccoli!

And there will no national ban. Lib fear mongering!
By CAT52! [Ignore] 15,Nov,24 10:58 other posts 
Is that as you are getting raped or dying from a compromised pregnancy?
By phart [Ignore] 15,Nov,24 19:26 other posts 
You know folks like myself are willing to make allowances for those extreme situations. you folks always want to forget about that detail when gnashing your teeth about abortion.
By CAT52! [Ignore] 16,Nov,24 19:21 other posts 
Maybe you but that’s not what’s happening right now

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