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Can she afford either on her Covid relief EBT card?
Mind you, this chickenshit blacklisted me so I can't answer back.
I don't even know who he/she is.
This is the best I could find.
The US government should confiscate all firearms. GUNS KILL.
--------------------------------------- added after 90 hours
By #435701 5y ago⤴
Here's the flaw I see in your statement, Admin. And this comes from a gun owner that likes guns...Guns make it incredibly easy to kill lots and lots of people in a short time. They are concealable (even relatively big guns/full automatics) and incredibly deadly. Explosives and knives are deadly and concealable, but oddly, considering how easy it is to get guns, explosives are nearly impossible to come by (not talking about T. McVeigh and his OKC truck bomb) and require some knowledge to use and to build. Knives just can't match the kill ratio of a gun. And they are so MESSY! The killer will be covered in **** and will have his own injuries caused by the knife he is using as it gets too slippery to hold. AND it will be so much harder to use to kill yourself in your final act of complete cowardice!...the gun only requires eyesight, a working trigger finger and the off the Societal rails human that has lost all limits. Like we KEEP seeing OVER AND OVER!!!
I do agree about criminals and lawful people. It's a big problem in America...I am sure that IF guns were so readily available in other western countries, you would see the same no. of mass shootings as in this country. Australia had many mass killings by guns before the Gov't. took them away from basically everyone in the 90's. People really are not very much different country to country. It's only the artificial map drawn boundaries that give that appearance of difference. They all have the same types of personal problems. Paycheck to paycheck. Is the wife happy? Am I happy? How are we going to escape the everyday humdrum??...THOSE DAMN KIDS!!
--------------------------------------- added after 47 hours
I see I have NO replies to my post or any post! Why is that?? Because they make too much sense to argue with? Because I am a person no grata? Because I have not pictures??? Because...once again...they make SO much sense they cannot be argued with?
I know how he feels, but that’s for another post. This post says everything I believe in as the reason to outlaw guns.
Find and Deal with the reasons for the desire to kill and die, then the problem will dwindle.
Find out why, for example a 6th grade girl would want to shoot in a school? Could it be bullying? Could it be a mental issue that should have that person in a asylum,where they and the rest of us are safer? Hum.It seems as though the upward trend of violence could be linked to the closing of asylums.
It turns out I am not alone in wondering about this, googled information ahead
Are there any mental asylums left?
The closing of psychiatric hospitals began during those decades and has continued since; today, there are very few left, with about 11 state psychiatric hospital beds per 100,000 people.
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Find and Deal with the reasons for the desire to kill and die, then the problem will dwindle.
is a pipe dream. Meanwhile hundreds, maybe thousands will die by the gun. All your arguments amount to nothing when someone is laying on the ground oozing his life out.
Your arguments amount to nothing when innocent people are not allowed to be prepared to defend themselves against those that should be in institutions .
Also,your argument amounts to nothing when you say it is not the same. The desire to kill is the same regardless of the tool used.The loss of life is the same,regardless of the instrument of death.
Same as the desire to put a roof on the house can be fulfilled with a hammer or a air nailer.Different tool,same job.
Only reason it could be a pipe dream is because of people like you that look at the real problem as unsolvable.
Your arguments amount to nothing when innocent people are not allowed to be prepared to defend themselves against those that should be in institutions .
Also,your argument amounts to nothing when you say it is not the same. The desire to kill is the same regardless of the tool used.The loss of life is the same,regardless of the instrument of death.
Same as the desire to put a roof on the house can be fulfilled with a hammer or a air nailer.Different tool,same job.
Wood rod and meat tenderizer, and the desire to kill a father who did not want someone in his home after a certain hour.
No gun? No problem. Another tool can fit right in.
OH my, don't have the strength to pull a trigger on a gun,no problem,have your son that was cut out of the will beat the father to death and take the blame!
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and besides, if banning guns was a logical approach,why is it
the ONLY approach acceptable by liberals?
There are many ways to "Skin the cat" so to speak.Why not put ALL options on the table instead of just the 1 you like the best?
Using that frame of thought, there are MILLIONS of guns, and only 1000's of people that shouldn't be loose. 1000's are less problem to deal with than millions.
Put away dangerous people,or at least act on calls from folks saying, "hey that kid has a issue,he wants to hurt people" Instead of doing nothing and having a school shooting. People that want to kill and maim are not hidden away,they are giving off signs every day.just no one listens.they just want to hide all the tools and let the hate or pain or whatever the real issue is,boil.
Putting people away is only difficult because liberals make it that way.They prefer the fear and chaos the nut cases create for newsworthiness and reasons for taking more control of the people.
Thank you admin for crediting my account appropriately with the points.
The entire point purchase was odd, from being asked about site information as well as not automatically being credited with points.
If you are speaking of the Free Theme Photo contests, the individual photo contests created by members, you decide which contest you are interested in and enter a link to your image. The cost is 15 points.
If you are interested in competing in the Pic of the Month, that is monthly contest that admin offers and is open to all verified members. The cost is 50 points.
The proverb, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" is true. Beauty is subjective, what "you" find beautiful might not align with what "he" finds beautiful, with what I find beautiful.
And your assertion that the most popular person often wins these contests, hold onto your ponytail, I would agree. Why do you find that odd? If a member with 50 friends enters a contest with/against a member that has 500 friends, it stands to reason that the member with 500 friends has a 10 times greater chance of winning.
There,fixed that. Sometimes there are pics that win contest that I can not for the life of me figure out how.
Just because a picture "ticks your box" does not mean that that it will do the same for someone else.
This circles back to the question of who is the hottest SYC member or SYD member for that matter. Just my opinion, it is equal parts of physical appeal combined with personality.
• admin has indicated the contests that are still open to join in yellow and they say "waiting".
• Click on any open photo contest that interests you.
• The "instructions" are at the top of the page. If you choose to enter the contest, you enter a link to your image by copy & paste or drag and drop, right into the elongated box at the top.
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Recently a 65 acre plot of land near me sold to a millionaire that owns a bunch of Mcdonalds restaurant's in our area. while talking to him the other day He said that there 150 empty positions right now combined in his bussines's and few applicants.
Jobless Offered Jobs Must Take Them or Lose Benefits
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“As President Reagan said, the best social program is a job,”
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A woman took over the ownership of the company way back before women could even vote. Hum,if people only took this kind of approach to things nowadays, instead of waiting and blaming.
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