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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
Please feel free to post miscellaneous subject matter, aka STUFF in this thread.

Please attempt to remain somewhat respectful to other members, ninnyhammers, dummies and folks you just don't like. Thank you.

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By phart [Ignore] 21,Apr,21 19:58 other posts 
Here is a legit question many Americans like myself would like to hear or read a explanation of.
How is requiring a legal form of identification to vote in a national election racist?
By bella! [Ignore] 21,Apr,21 20:11 other posts 
Um, since when has being able to prove who you are a form of racism?
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 22,Apr,21 02:24 other posts 
Of itself, being asked to provide ID at any time at all is not racist. We all have to have and carry a driving license and no one has ever, to my knowledge, claimed that is racist.
By bella! [Ignore] 22,Apr,21 02:46 other posts 
Maybe not in your country....
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 22,Apr,21 03:10 other posts 
There has been talk here quite a few times of introducing Identity cards but as soon as that is raised the Civil Liberties activists cry out about Big Brother and the surveillance state. Yet again, they are perfectly happy to need to have a driving licence. Well, excepting those who never bother to get a driving licence of course.
So here it is seen as a general Civil Liberties issue not one of race discrimination.
By dgraff [Ignore] 22,Apr,21 05:51 other posts 
Every thing you say or do over here in the United States is racist anymore and frankly it is only making things worse it makes me look at them as attention seekers and it’s ANNOYING and is starting to give me a bad attitude
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 22,Apr,21 06:32 other posts 
Let’s be clear racism exists both here in the UK and in the US but there is a real tendency for some people to see racism where it is not.
Recently there was report published here which among many other things said that while there was racism here ‘institutional racism’ was not the issue that it had been and groups were misusing that term.
OMG, the abuse that was heaped on the people responsible for that report, many of whom were of colour.
But in general minority groups are far too willing to cry discrimination when in fact all that they have encountered is real life.
By dgraff [Ignore] 22,Apr,21 06:37 other posts 
I couldn’t agree with you more my friend
--------------------------------------- added after 28 minutes

And what gets me the most is it only seems to be one group I don’t hear a thing from the Asian people or the Spanish people or even the Indians for that matter
By bella! [Ignore] 22,Apr,21 08:01 other posts 
And somewhere in this thread we discussed the recent pepper spraying of a black/Latino Army Lieutenant. You don't think that Caucasian people have been non compliant when interacting with police on a traffic stop and pepper spray was used? My GUESS is yes, the only difference being 1) they did not prepare their phone to video the altercation and 2) they were white.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 22,Apr,21 08:41 other posts 
That is my question, why don't we hear about these? I am sure that there have been Caucasian men who have been non compliant. Statistically there should be far more non compliant caucasians.
We have fly on the wall Cop shows over here and a large number of the stops shown, probably the large majority, are Caucasian although many are non Brits and eastern European, who are involved in drugs and other criminal activities.
With regards to the phone if I was of colour in the US I too would set up my phone and I would not move to my hands so that they were out of sight of the police officer confronting me.
By bella! [Ignore] 22,Apr,21 09:13 other posts 
I feel that the Lieutenant's actions of driving for several more miles after being alerted by the police to pull over, versus pulling over immediately AS WELL AS setting up his phone to video the altercation were done with questionable intentions. Law abiding people would have pulled over and not given the police officers so much lip service.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 22,Apr,21 09:38 other posts 
A final thought, there is a song 'Walk a mile in my shoes'- (a version by Elvis of course) - which I think is relevant.
We Caucasians have, and can have, no real understanding of the fear that leads someone like this lieutenant to behave as he did.
Your thoughts and mine, if we were being pulled over by the police would be totally different to an equally honest driver of colour.

There was a video recently, body cam footage of a cop who pulled over a car driven by a woman of colour who turned out to be the District Attorney. Listening to him trying to justify to her why he had pulled her over was excruciating.
By #610414 23,Apr,21 07:10
It’s not heard so much anymore but Micks were Irish. Wops were Italian. Frogs were French. Gooks were Vietnamese. Chinks were Chinese. Wet backs were Mexicans that crossed to the USA. Greasers were men with hair held down with Butch wax.
This country has been racist (in the broad sense) always. The fact that you think we are overdoing it shows that you are racist. It doesn’t matter to you if it’s the truth. You just don’t want to hear it instead of doing something to change it.
By dgraff [Ignore] 23,Apr,21 11:06 other posts 
I live in an area were there are no minorities with in 10 miles of me the school I went to had one guy of color and he was raised by a white farm family and he was a cool guy I get a few minorities come in to the shop but I don’t care what color their skin is as long as their money is green and I don’t go flaunting racial slurs around at people I keep what I’m thinking in my head when I’m out in public
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes

And also I mind my own business and I’m not looking to change the world there is nothing good that I can see about change every thing that has changed in the last 30 years was for the worst
By #610414 24,Apr,21 07:19
Ok. Be an ostrich. The rest of us will work for fairness towards minorities. You say everything that had change in the last 30 yrs was for the worst. Yet, you want to “mind your own business “. It doesn’t work that way.
By dgraff [Ignore] 24,Apr,21 07:41 other posts 
Hey I get it your elderly and retired you need some thing to do with your life how about this get a group of retired people together and lobby to clean up our water ways you live in a state surrounded by water and maybe lobby to do away with plastic bottles as they are a big percentage of the pollution do something that actually means something to the rest of the country
By #610414 24,Apr,21 09:07
I don’t need something to do. I have 7 grandkids. One is a total invalid that requires 24/7 attention. She has nurses most days but Sundays my daughter and I take turns to give her care. Ion the Sundays I’m free I volunteer at my church to cook and help serve lunch to the poor people in the church’s neighborhood ( it’s in Liberty City). I also used to volunteer to clean up sections of canal banks with other volunteers. I didn’t arrange it. Just volunteer. When I was working I used to do book drives for the patients. As far as doing something big, I used to do canvassing for Democrats, especially those that had a liberal intent (legalize pot, clean waterways, keep oil companies out of Florida waters). Sadly I no longer can walk far.
But, I never stayed in one spot for long. Even my Sex life was hectic. Mike and Gerome moved on and I’m happy for them. My Charlie is my rock. I still like a good cock or even a good man. Time moves on but I will go scratching and biting when my time comes.
By phart [Ignore] 24,Apr,21 10:40 other posts 
This post helps bring you back to seeming and being a normal person.Some of your post prompt other thoughts.
I don't mind keeping the creeks clean,helps with prospecting that I used to do before i got hurt.that is gold panning for those never heard of prospecting.
But the pot thing, I will fighting legalizing pot past the time I am being dragged to my death by the grim reeper. That shit leads to worse drugs and terriable outcomes.
By #610414 24,Apr,21 11:55
Phart that is a sensible way to think. I never smoked although I drink hard when I can. Pot is my worst habit and it makes me relax many pains, physical and mental.
By phart [Ignore] 24,Apr,21 15:38 other posts 
My former girlfriend was introduced to pot by a classmate in the 11th grade. she is now in a nurseing home,almost a zombie because of years of drugs and addiction and a 3rd failed suicide attempt.The fellow that started her on pot,has been in rehab,at HIS last count,over 38 times. Prison 3 times.He held a gun to his mothers head and forced her to give him her wedding ring his dead father had put on her finger so he could pawn it for dope money. Yet another classmate got on pot,high as a kite, jumped off into a lake at a old gravel pit,in a wheel chair. I could go on.But people that support the use of pot,think they are OH SO SMART as to not get addicted or whatever.How wrong can you be? Very wrong.
By #610414 21,Apr,21 20:54
There are many ways that racism manifests itself. First you have to understand certain truths. The disposable income ( the money that can be freely spent) of a non white family is usually much less than a white family. Many black families have no car to get around. Public transportation is their only way to get around. Driver’s and ID cards are expensive to get. I personally believe that identification is a good thing but, I also believe that the cost should be taken cared off by the government. This is something the right is unwilling to do. Why? Because they know that as long as the cost is shouldered by the voter many black voters won’t vote. On the other hand, if every person is able to vote, the Democrats have the advantage.
By dgraff [Ignore] 21,Apr,21 21:45 other posts 
Is that right
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

Were did you find that piece of information
Google or one of your bob the builder books
By #610414 22,Apr,21 13:00
Ok, guys, when you start earning $7 an hour BEFORE TAXES, and your boss gives you only 32 hrs per week because he doesn’t want to pay for your medical insurance, tell me if you would spend $10 when you’re 3 kids need a roof, clothing and, Phart and Bella! Wouldn’t last a week living like that.
By phart [Ignore] 22,Apr,21 15:39 other posts 
Take a moment to browse the link i posted, ID's are FREE to homeless people and other folks meeting certain criteria.Have you priced shingles? 10 bucks wouldn't buy 3 or 4.Also,if you are not making but 7 bucks a hour,you shouldn't be parting your legs and making more mouths to feed!
By #610414 22,Apr,21 13:17
Dgraff your IQ matches your shoe size
By #610414 24,Apr,21 07:35
Dgraff It doesn’t matter where I found it, if it’s true, than it’s a valid reference. If you believe it’s wrong, then you bring proof. Maybe The Farmer’s Almanac 2021
By dgraff [Ignore] 22,Apr,21 07:13 other posts 
ID cards expensive in Pennsylvania they cost 10 dollars yet they would think nothing to spend that same 10 dollar on a small crack rock now would they
By bella! [Ignore] 22,Apr,21 08:09 other posts 
I've lived long enough to see how much things have changed, and I am speaking of the attitude of people, people of all color.

Back in my 20's, I had a boyfriend that IF he had only $10.00 in pocket, he would have spent that last $10.00 on a pack of cigarettes and a beer. It's like that now with the exception that there is more unemployment and a bigger sense of entitlement. Again, this encompasses people of all colors.
By dgraff [Ignore] 22,Apr,21 09:21 other posts 
Absolutely all colors
By phart [Ignore] 22,Apr,21 08:48 other posts 
You can go by the state dmv offices here and get a id card for 10 bucks that looks alot like license because it is printed on the same paper and plastic and made on the same machine.My former girlfriend had to get 1 when her license was taken after her last sucicide attempt and it was 10 bucks I was needed along with her social security card,which the government gives you for free with a number on it.
As far as giving the folks that are low income a offical id card at no cost to them,I would say for it because it would reduce alot of doubts in our elections and in the way the country is run in general.

EDIT,a offical id card is 14 dollars now.It used to be 10.It does not appear anything that hard to get for a US citizen is needed to get a id card.

If this type card was shown at voting time by each person voting,it would greatly reduce the doubts alot of us have in our election process. To call it racist to require ID is getting to be difficult to understand.
Georgia passed voting reforms last month I think and it has really made a big stink as far baseball games moving and so forth. But when it is all boiled down,it is simply folks don't want to show id to vote.
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Here is the reason I am Asking. Even in this link,a black explains that he does not feel it is racist to ask for id.
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By bella! [Ignore] 23,Apr,21 09:49 other posts 
Burgess Owens is obviously an intelligent man, and I like the term he used, "soft bigotry". Seems to me that I've seen a number of prejudiced posts made within this topic, but I'm sure the poster(s) would deny being racist or bigoted.
By #610414 24,Apr,21 11:58
Bella! you might be doing a favor to those poster(s) identifying them by name. We all have ideas that follow a road we don’t believe we are following. I know I do. Please, let’s us know.

By bella! [Ignore] 24,Apr,21 09:18 other posts 
It takes a licking and keeps on ticking.

I suspect that Timex watches are still manufactured for sale. Timex were/are such reliable watches and so cost effective, too. Dang, you could wear a Timex for one hundred years and if, by chance, they broke, why pay to fix just bought another one.

By dgraff [Ignore] 23,Apr,21 22:51 other posts 
I have a question for twowarmtts3 going by your age were you one of the liberals that protested the Vietnam war and later in years Ronald Reagan and his operation Star Wars and I bet you went to wood stock I was to young to attend that concert but I had 2 older brothers that was at wood stock there both dead now the oldest brother died in a motorcycle accident and the other of blood clots like I had
By #610414 24,Apr,21 07:28
. I did not go to Woodstock. I was a teen and my parents did not let me go with my older brother. I did participate in anti-Vietnam war protests. Surprisingly enough, I liked Reagan. Carter was and is a good man but he did not know how to deal with the USSR. I voted for Reagan. Star Wars was mostly for defense and I was uneasy but I did understand it. I’m sorry for the loss of your brothers. All 3 of mine are still with us.
By dgraff [Ignore] 24,Apr,21 07:58 other posts 
Not picking at you just trying to understand the other side a little better you and I are worlds apart with our thoughts and as human beings we fear what we don’t understand
By #610414 24,Apr,21 09:13
I don’t fear people’s ideas that are contrary to mine. This s is not a contest. It’s about what’s right.

By bella! [Ignore] 23,Apr,21 16:51 other posts 
Inmates given an overdose of CCP "vaccine" and Walgreens professionals are injecting saline! Oi!

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By phart [Ignore] 23,Apr,21 19:08 other posts 
Well,it is like my neighbors doctor told him a couple weeks back when he ask about the shot.
the doc said, "well all I am telling my patients is to consider the fact that I,your doctor,can not give you the shot,but someone under a tent at a foot ball stadium can"
By dgraff [Ignore] 23,Apr,21 19:30 other posts 
See i just knew something like this would eventually happen I know a guy that got an infection were they gave him the shot he said they never alcohol swabbed the spot just jammed the needle in

By phart [Ignore] 23,Apr,21 17:05 other posts 
You may have read it before that I complain about thugs not being kept away from the public.Why was a man with this kind of history being allowed to roam the streets?
Now a wheel chair bound man has no wife ,no way to take care of himself.
And by the way,before you assume the thug is black,nope,aint real sure what he is,other than a freeky looking thing that shoulda been left locked up under the jail.
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By bella! [Ignore] 23,Apr,21 12:22 other posts 
DON'T MESS WITH TEXAS! Biden done pissed off Texas!

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By DeepThroatThis [Ignore] 23,Apr,21 13:23 other posts 
I love the Epoch News, started getting it a while back, it's great.
By dgraff [Ignore] 23,Apr,21 14:02 other posts 
Every thing is big in Texas and I hope there law suits against Biden are equally as big
By phart [Ignore] 23,Apr,21 14:41 other posts 
It is past time for Texas and other border states to stand up against the bullshit from Washington. Texas and other border states are directly affected by the diseases and crime that is brought about by illegal immigrants.

By bella! [Ignore] 17,Apr,21 16:56 other posts 

admin's notes on previously banned members;

Current member: TWOWARMTTS3 detected as possible previously banned members:
May be
mandy658 (#573272):
Abusive or annoying or make inappropriate comments (like speaking about **** / kids / murder or some other weird stuff)

Pay close attention to admin's assessment and reason for banning; ABUSIVE, ANNOYING, INAPPROPRIATE COMMENTS.
By dgraff [Ignore] 17,Apr,21 18:01 other posts 
I black listed her she was stealing my picture and posting it in her forum thread
By bella! [Ignore] 17,Apr,21 18:19 other posts 
Beyond her other notable attributes, this is another of her characteristics. You piss her off and she will plaster the forum with pictures that she snatches from your gallery which are accompanied by rude and/or hateful posts.

You made a choice to say some really crude things to her, you could have just ignored her.
By dgraff [Ignore] 17,Apr,21 18:46 other posts 
It’s fine she don’t know me as well as she thinks she does I always have the last laugh 😆
By #610414 18,Apr,21 08:20
That would be preferential treatment if Admin ignores Mr Dgraff ‘s threat to my personal safety and then takes umbrage at me for posting a PUBLIC PIC OF Mr Dgraff that identified him showing he’s the owner of the pic.
Don’t you think so?
By dgraff [Ignore] 18,Apr,21 10:00 other posts 
I unblocked you so I can weigh in I’m not a cunt like you I don’t run to the principals office every time I have a problem I take care of business on my own and my way
--------------------------------------- added after 59 seconds

So suck on that you fucking narc
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes

Call the FBI Dgraff threatened to send two worms a birthday card
What a pathetic old cunt
By #610414 18,Apr,21 10:56
No, Mr Dgraff , you are not a cunt. That would give cunts an offensive smell and description.
I see now you think I’m a narc. Is that a reference to narcotics officer or narcissist?
As far as running to the principal’s office, who are you trying to kid? You don’t even know where the front door to the school is at.
By dgraff [Ignore] 18,Apr,21 11:02 other posts 
A narc is a police informant now if we were school kids you would be a tattletale but we can call you a snitch for short anyway you slice it your trouble
By #610414 18,Apr,21 11:10
No, a narc is a cop that works in the narcotics division of a police department.
And, again, the word is YOU’RE. It’s a contraction for “you are”. Yes, I know, you have 3 businesses on the mountain therefore, you can be as uneducated as you like.
By dgraff [Ignore] 18,Apr,21 17:36 other posts 
Go to the meth forum thread and ask them what a narc is since you think you are so smart I bet your mother was one of the women groups pushing for prohibition back in the early 1900s another dumb ass idea to make America better
By #610414 19,Apr,21 06:56
a federal agent or police officer who enforces the laws regarding illicit sale or use of drugs and narcotics.

This is the dictionary’s definition of “narc”.
By dgraff [Ignore] 19,Apr,21 07:23 other posts 
I don’t care about you’re google finds or you’re dictionary look up I’m telling you what you would be called on the mean streets a fucking narc a fucking snitch and a fucking tattletale no one cares how smart you think you are we all know better
By #610414 19,Apr,21 08:29
dgraff the word is ‘your’. It shows position or ownership.
By dgraff [Ignore] 19,Apr,21 10:40 other posts 
Who cares I just do it to annoy you
By bella! [Ignore] 19,Apr,21 07:23 other posts 
My guess is that this debate over the term "narc" is just for the sake of having a post. So this "debate" can see an end, according to the URBAN DICTIONARY;

narc; n. A person that turns you in for something you did wrong; specifically to any type of authority figure like parents, cops, teachers, boss, etc.

You're welcome.
By #610414 19,Apr,21 08:34
The Urban Dictionary is for uneducated slobs that use any word that suits them.
As far as this debate being just for the sake of having a post, I have two comments. Let me remind you that Mr Dgraff is also posting about the same subject. And, to quote you, “FUCK OFF”
By bella! [Ignore] 19,Apr,21 08:49 other posts 
And to quote admin when he banned and deleted your account; ANNOYING.
By #610414 19,Apr,21 10:10
Admin never banned and deleted my account. Ask him and he’ll tell you I left voluntarily
By bella! [Ignore] 19,Apr,21 10:24 other posts 
I will try to be patient, you seem to have selective memory. I'm sure it is related to your advanced years.


Current member: TWOWARMTTS3 detected as possible previously banned members:
May be
mandy658 (#573272):
Abusive or annoying or make inappropriate comments (like speaking about **** / kids / murder or some other weird stuff)
By #610414 19,Apr,21 14:04
Don’t you think that if Admin knew for sure he would ban me ? All that garbage is because you and your minions suggested to Admin those lies.
By dgraff [Ignore] 19,Apr,21 14:50 other posts 
By bella! [Ignore] 19,Apr,21 15:28 other posts 
Your post doesn't make sense HOWEVER I will try to make sense of your rambling. Again, you "play dumb", you're here because you are now a paying member. I'll dumb it down for you, he tolerates paying members.

The second part, "All that garbage is because you and your minions suggested to Admin those lies." You have got to be joking! I believe that I was not online that day and I heard about the shit storm after the fact, sometime after your profile was deleted and the forum was edited. You went off on JustWill , an unfortunate and stupid thing on your part because he's far more intelligent than you. Apparently, JustWill got you so wound up that you were spewing your signature hatred and it got your profile banned. Me and "my minions" had nothing to do with your profile being booted nor in the choice of words that admin used for why he deleted that profile.
By #610414 19,Apr,21 16:47
Mandy was deleted, not me
By dgraff [Ignore] 19,Apr,21 17:57 other posts 
I was here that day I remember it well just will rolled her up and smoked her and she fell off her rocker and went ballistic calling just wills father a ****pohile I also remember her threatening to lure country couple down a dark alley when they offered to buy candy and chuckles dinner one early morning now that I think of it she has spent her whole time on this site living on the edge it’s only a matter of time before she falls off the edge
By dgraff [Ignore] 19,Apr,21 14:52 other posts 
By dgraff [Ignore] 19,Apr,21 10:35 other posts 
Thank you Bella that is what I’ve been trying to get through to her
By bella! [Ignore] 19,Apr,21 10:43 other posts 
She understood what you meant, she just enjoys being "seen" aka ANNOYING. I really enjoy when she chooses to give you spelling lessons because her spelling is nuthin' to boast about.
By dgraff [Ignore] 19,Apr,21 12:50 other posts 
I agree she’s worthless
By #610414 19,Apr,21 14:08
Neither is your spelling. The difference between you and me is that I admitted it. I use spell check. What do you use? Dice?
By dgraff [Ignore] 19,Apr,21 14:49 other posts 
Here is some spelling for you
By 2nice [Ignore] 19,Apr,21 18:39 other posts 
For the life of me. I do not understand why you and Bella continue to interact with this thing?
By dgraff [Ignore] 19,Apr,21 18:48 other posts 
Hahaha I don’t know I guess for lack of anyone else to pest
By bella! [Ignore] 19,Apr,21 19:42 other posts 
I make the choice to ignore her, but she inserts herself in so much. In the event anyone wondered, I posted that I wasn't feeling well and would be back when I was feeling better and shortly upon my return, she started with her unnecessary and shit remarks aimed at me.

It behooves me how/why someone chooses to be so contrary, rude, annoying, etc. It's apparent when she interacts and posts in aussieman's thread that she is able to dial back her attitude so it is obviously her choice to do what she does elsewhere.
By 2nice [Ignore] 19,Apr,21 19:47 other posts 
You enable her.
By bella! [Ignore] 19,Apr,21 20:19 other posts 
Perhaps I do. The only option available is to blacklist her.
By #610414 20,Apr,21 18:46
Go ahead bitch. If you can find one post here I was mean or disrespectful, except for this post, then you have cause, but your interpretation of my posts, fueled by that father fucker, Dgraff, is the only thing that exists. You don’t like me or at least, you like me as much as I like you, but, your thread is good when you and that homo, Dgraff, don’t get involved. So, BITCH, go ahead, block me. It didn’t work before and it won’t work now. On the other hand, ignore me and heel your junk yard dogs and I’ll stay out of your way.
By #610414 20,Apr,21 18:35
2nice there’s a lot you do not understand. For instance, I have a beef with Dgraff. Bella!, as usual sticks her nose anytime one of her love children gets spanked. But, you, you are a Johnny-come-lately that likes to rag on me. Not that it matters with me. You are in the same boat as Mr Dgraff. Your opinions should be posted on toilet paper. THEN it would be useful.
By #610414 23,Apr,21 07:29

I can see why he NEEDS a gun, he looks as weak as piss and would snap in two on those brittle little legs. well he doesn't need any muscles to hold that microscopic skin tag, I cant even call it a dick, or a cock, that would be insulting cocks. his penis looks more like a skin tag, holding a gun is the only way he can feel slightly like a man.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 18,Apr,21 09:38 other posts 
The Saggy Granny and her legendary pusillanimity. She is the original site rat for sure! Nothing but a blow hole that is easily frustrated when others question/challenge her deluded logic. Unable to defend her positions, she turns into primordial sludge and lashes out. A constant victim who cries to others for help at every turn.

Ask an example, this old rat started trouble with me and to this day, regrets it!! Her only defense was to ban me. She is a feeble minded mongoloid.

Even better- I know she reads every word I post! To be honest, this might be the worst case of the Stockholm Syndrome on record!!
By phart [Ignore] 18,Apr,21 14:53 other posts 
You are fertilizing her! Stop!
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 19,Apr,21 07:20 other posts 
She already has plenty of fertilizer on her page from what I can see
By #592419 18,Apr,21 17:21
[deleted image]

The only thing that shuts her cunt up... She bans then goes crying to whoever is in her path..

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