Recent Posts of member kebmo


It's Canadian Thanksgiving! 14,Oct,19 03:38
RIP George Bush Sr. 01,Dec,18 01:02
Tons of Trivia! 05,Aug,18 04:29
All Trump and only Trump 19,Jul,18 05:03
Never have I ever.... 12,May,18 03:56
Craigslist personals everywhere in the world closed now? 03,May,18 19:37
Suicide 21,Oct,17 00:30
Women posting on men's miscellaneous page. 23,Sep,16 16:36


By kebmo 26,Jul,24 19:47
My jackassedness is reciprocal to yours.

By kebmo 26,Jul,24 19:07
I’ll make dinner for the roofers if they do it naked!
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And you too, of course. Clothing optional for you 😜
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…. because I a gentleman

By kebmo 26,Jul,24 18:59
You can’t afford to buy cheap shit. That’s my advice on roofing and a lot of things in life.
We get a fair amount of hail storms in Alberta and they really fuck up your roof and siding. My dad had his roof done about 10 years ago and I think the shingles were slate, but I’m not sure. He pays less for hail damage insurance and his neighbours on both sides have since installed the same shingles.

By kebmo 26,Jul,24 18:48
Canadians give a fuck about the Dutch.

Now I’ll wait for you to say something clever.

By kebmo 24,Jul,24 17:21
I didn’t say nor do I believe that it is wrong. That’s how democracy works. I voted for him twice.

By kebmo 23,Jul,24 22:00
Trudeau was elected in 2015 2019 and 2021. He currently holds a minority government which means he has to have other members of Parliament vote with him on his ideas.
Justin Trudeau is the leader of the Liberal party and the New Democratic Party of Canada has supported most of his decisions and voted with him. He has also had to do things in order to please the new Democratic Party. Canada is currently in the process of getting dental care added to our healthcare system thanks to the NDP. It’s a coalition.
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We have also had a female Prime Minister. Her name was Kim Campbell and she served for about four months in 1993.

By kebmo 23,Jul,24 21:07
OK Big Eddie, here you go:

Obama was a terrible President because he wasn’t a republican. 🤣

By kebmo 23,Jul,24 21:01
Awwww you hurt my feelings. 😟

By kebmo 23,Jul,24 20:13
The Harris campaign says that between Sunday afternoon and Monday night it has raised more than $100 million. That includes the largest single one day fundraising haul in American history.

By kebmo 23,Jul,24 20:10
Oops. See edit.

By kebmo 23,Jul,24 20:09
He’s got to go. He has been Prime Minister since November 4, 2015.

By kebmo 23,Jul,24 19:12
Phart, it is my opinion that the hate and division came from Donald Trump. Directly from his mouth to his base of which you are member.
I don’t think that the US needs a trophy president either but I do think the US needs a good HONEST President that is qualified for the job.
Kamala Harris, that’s KAMALA which of course you know, was elected district attorney of California twice, was a senator and is currently vice president. To say that she worked her way up on her knees is just demonstrating to me how Donald Trump has taught you to behave in the face of adversity.
She will not be a trophy president , a woman president, a black president or an Indian president. She will be a president, a job, which I feel she is qualified to hold and I think on November 5 you will find that a great number of Americans will agree with me.
Of course, Donald Trump will not agree with me and he will try and weasel his way into the White House unsuccessfully because he’s a sore loser. Donald Trump will never concede the election to Kamala Harris if he loses. You know it and I know it.

By kebmo 23,Jul,24 18:53
Not me.

By kebmo 23,Jul,24 18:33
So as long as they’re white and male, they would be qualified for the job? Sounds reasonable.

By kebmo 23,Jul,24 18:30
Bill Oriley? Well, of course, if Bill said it must be true! What more reliable source of alternative facts could you possibly find?
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-End Sarcasm

By kebmo 23,Jul,24 18:27
Me too. iPhone only!

By kebmo 23,Jul,24 18:26
100M Big Eddie

By kebmo 23,Jul,24 16:54
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By kebmo 23,Jul,24 08:14
Dgraff, she’s qualified for the job. Maybe the US needs a woman president. You’ve never tried it.

By kebmo 22,Jul,24 21:40
Donald Trump‘s downfall will be his choice of vice president. Vance will bring exactly 0 voters to the Trump Vance ticket. The only people that will be attracted to him are the MAGA base.

Prepare yourself for President Harris phart. I can assure you there will be no repeat of January 6th.but I can guarantee you that Trump will never concede the election when he loses. That’s just the kind of sore loser he is.

By kebmo 22,Jul,24 21:33
Harris won’t be dropping out.

By kebmo 22,Jul,24 21:28
I am a huge fan of classic rock music, but Bruce Springsteen never did it for me.
Ditto for Rush.

By kebmo 22,Jul,24 18:44
In the first 24 hours of her presidential campaign, Harris has raised more than $80 million!

By kebmo 22,Jul,24 08:05
Well, I’m sure she certainly can’t take it home if she doesn’t win the delegates required but the money was raised for the Biden Harris campaign, so she takes over the money
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By kebmo 21,Jul,24 21:54
Nobody’s going to run against Harris. Everybody is supporting her and the money is rolling in already to the tune of $30 million today.
The Biden Harris campaign has $100 million in the bank and that all goes to Harris. It does not belong to the Democratic Party.
If someone wanted to run against her I’m sure she would have no problem with that…. but they won’t.

By kebmo 21,Jul,24 20:45
So now we have the prosecutor versus the convicted rapist.
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Drain that swamp!
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By kebmo 21,Jul,24 20:09
Rumour has it that Manchin is going to become a Democrat again and run for president.
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Small dollar donors raised over $27.5 million on ActBlue in the first five hours of vice president Kamala Harris’ presidential campaign.

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Update: it is two hours later and that total has risen to $47 million. $20 million more in two hours.

I can’t wait to see the debate if Trump doesn’t chicken out, which I think he will. Harris will chew him up and spit him out. She is an experienced prosecutor and he is… not.

By kebmo 21,Jul,24 18:54
Joe Manchin

By kebmo 21,Jul,24 10:35
Dgraff, Your chances of converting a Biden voter to a Trump voter are exactly equal to someone’s chances of converting a Trump voter to a Biden voter. 🤣

By kebmo 21,Jul,24 10:31
👍 sometimes legs hang over the edge too.

By kebmo 21,Jul,24 09:58
Three guys, no anal, lights on, everyone tried two at once (all unsuccessful), we all loved it, yes we tried a “circle suck” and everyone received a “two on one”.


By kebmo 21,Jul,24 02:44
I’ve never heard of Liver Lips before now.

As for your view on locking up alcoholics to get them sober you’re going to need a lot of jail space because if you do that to alcoholics, you’ll have to do it to all the drug addicts and smokers too. All of them are doing things to their body that kills them. Who decides who is an alcoholic and who is a social drinker?

I just celebrated 12 years of sobriety and I’m about to celebrate 13 years smoke free. I can assure you that locking alcoholics up to get them sober is a fool’s errand. Nobody quits anything that they are addicted to unless they want to. That’s something I know from experience.
Quitting some thing and staying off of it are two very different things. Who decides that they are no longer alcoholics and can be set free? Do they go back to jail if they fall off the waggon just once?

By kebmo 21,Jul,24 02:20
There’s a lot of threads here that don’t interest me too. I know how you feel CGF. I have a superpower though…. It’s called “scrolling past”.

By kebmo 21,Jul,24 02:18
I had a threesome. 👍😄

By kebmo 20,Jul,24 11:22
Here’s my scenario:
Joe Biden bows out now and gives the presidency (and the $91 million war chest) to Harris. This will allow her to run as incumbent president making her chances of success higher.
According to the 22nd amendment, because Harris will serve less than two years, she will be eligible for two more full terms if the people want her to.
The question here is not do you like or dislike Harris, the question is is this a clever political move.
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By kebmo 14,Jul,24 13:15
Do you agree that if Biden had anything to do with this that he would send someone other than a 20-year-old kid with no military background?

By kebmo 14,Jul,24 12:34
So why has he never been arrested? Oh let me guess, he owns the cops too.
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And by the way, if you were suggesting that President Biden had his fingers in this pie, which I think you are, I can guarantee you he would not send some 20-year-old kid to do the job. Agreed?

By kebmo 14,Jul,24 11:48
So his 50 years in politics were just a cover for his crime family?

Dgraff, I was born at night, but it sure as hell wasn’t last night.

By kebmo 14,Jul,24 03:16
Trump’s shooter is identified as Thomas Matthew Crooks, a registered Republican voter.

By kebmo 14,Jul,24 02:33
Same reply as above! 😄

By kebmo 13,Jul,24 23:23
No, no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no and no!

By kebmo 13,Jul,24 23:08
Good on her! I thought that was the purpose of a hand job.

By kebmo 13,Jul,24 23:05
Putting someone (or something) in the bull’s-eye is a common term in the English language figuratively meaning to do something just right and to get the best result possible.

By kebmo 13,Jul,24 19:37
Gunman, and one attendee are dead Trump has minor injury.

By kebmo 13,Jul,24 18:17
That’s the only kind I suck.

By kebmo 13,Jul,24 18:11
“Hold my beer!”

By kebmo 13,Jul,24 12:43
Phart, The Keystone pipeline that you are referring to has been a blessing in disguise for Canada. We have since finished the Trans Mountain Pipeline (TMPL).
it goes from the oil fields of landlocked Alberta to tidewater in Vancouver British Columbia. This enables our landlocked oil another route to the sea to sell on international markets.
The TMPL runs parallel to a pipeline that was already in operation. This increased Alberta’s pumping capacity from 300,000 to 900,000 barrels per day (BPD) to the sea. The oil that Canada sells to the US is sold at a discount about 20-30%.
Joe Biden does not control the world price of oil. You should know that and I think you do. if Canada was shipping another 900,000 (BPD) of oil to the US your gas would still cost the same. Also, as you well know, the US is currently producing more oil than it ever has in it’s history and it is producing more than any country in the world yet gas prices still dodge you because Joe Biden does not control the price of oil.
Gasoline is expensive right here in Alberta where I live and where it’s produced. It is also expensive everywhere in Europe, Africa, Asia and South America.

So who controls the price of oil? I can explain the whole situation to you in three words: Supply and Demand.

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By kebmo 13,Jul,24 11:57
President Roosevelt served his term in a wheelchair.

By kebmo 13,Jul,24 11:52
America is ALWAYS in election mode!

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By kebmo 13,Jul,24 02:24
The first fatal airplane crash was in 1908.
Orville Wright’s passenger, Thomas Selfridge,
died four minutes into a test flight.

-History channel