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IF the libtards will take the time to do it,they could monitor the crime rate in Texas and I bet a dollar to your Donut that the rates will go down.crooks won't pick on the "Old Man" in the ally as much as he might just blow their nuts into next week.
When saint biden called it neanderthal behavior to do away with mask and such, Texas proved him to be the neanderthal as their rates have been going down steady since.
I think this free open carry will be similar. Doubters will call it nuts, while all along Texan's will be safer and law enforcement can concentrate on other things.
For the perfect way they greeted the Biden bus during the election
And there gun laws Pennsylvania is a lot like Texas in that respect every law abiding citizen can carry a concealed weapon you just have to have a permit
Another thing, a person with a black belt in Karate, is carrying a concealed weapon to some degree. How do you know that the person standing beside you at Mcdonalds could reach over and break your neck with 1 hand while waiting for a burger?
You don't HAVE to carry a gun in you live in Texas.You would be free to walk around with your cell phone in your hand with 9-11 on speed dial.Maby if the store you are in happens to be getting robbed and you catch a stray bullet,you can hit the panic button and wait and watch your family get shot or whatever as the cops finish their donuts and coffee and then head on over to the shooting.OR you could see what was happening,maby even get shot,but draw and shoot BACK.Saving your friends and family.
Carrying a gun is not all about the person toteing it,it is about everyone in their circle
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I’m surprised you advocate for getting the “shots”
And , if it happened (how many supermarket robberies have you walked into?) how many shoppers would succumb to friendly fire?
Question. If everyone had a gun would that stop robberies and murder?
Question. If everyone had a gun would domestic violence stop?
Question. If everyone had a gun, would a neighbor get involved?
Question. If some people did not like guns would they be jailed?
Question. If everyone is armed, would AK47 be allowed to be carried?
Question. If I wanted a firearm with high count cartridge clips, that would be ok?
Question. Would 10 yr olds be allowed to protect themselves?
Question. Why is this the only country that worships firearms?
Maybe, just maybe, if you were able to answer or explain the above, then, perhaps I could agree with you. Enjoy your break. I know where you are coming from. You have me to contend with. I have ten fold of people that believe in your way of living. Sad.
2,No, I doubt it. BUT if the victim was armed, it may actually level the field.
3,No,some people are to damn lazy or don't care about anyone else.
4,No ,this is America ,you are in a free country. The 2 admin just makes sure you have the right to CHOOSE to own a gun if you want to.
5,perhaps but doubtful it would be common. Bulky.
6, yes, to me,about the only way a weapon of any sort has value is if it is equal to or greater than the weapon being used by the enemy.Training in using what you do have, will also bring up the odds
7,yes,But 10 is getting kinda young ,perhaps a age should be determined.BUT nothing wrong with them at least being taught some respect for a gun and etc.10 or so is awful young to be left in a situation where protecting themselves should be a issue.Parents or teachers or adults of some position should be around.
8, You tell me? People left Europe in wooden ships and worked their ass's off to build a new country here to get away from a system that didn't work.
Owning a gun or weapon of some sort was determined long ago as a way to make sure your rights were kept,or at least not given up without a fight.
Do you feel like some counseling and fresh baked cookies would stop crime?
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. I think what is the most glaring about yout answers was #5. Your only concern for having an AK47 is that “it’s too bulky. It would be useless to waste breath or time trying to show you why firearms should not exist in this country
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Your answer #8 is not quite accurate. People left Europe to colonize the New World because the system they lived in did not work FOR THEM. You equate defense from a bear attack to safeguarding your rights. Would that be not becoming lunch for a black bear?
Ak-47 and Ar-15 are over rated .there are better weapons for self defense than what equals to a lawn sprinkler like a Ar or AK
You are protecting yourself from perhaps a couple threats,not a herd.
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Creditability for the democrats if they were right is the WHY waste energy's
That is important to alot of people. Creditability, trust. I would not trust most democrats in a chicken house with a muzzle on.
As for gun laws/restrictions: It won't deter or halt crime at all.
And yea,even on a site related to sex.
Why you ask?
A entirely different group of people than you would be discussing this with at the local grill.
People that live in bubbles so to speak,don't really see that far out of their windows at home or across their borders and don't know what is really out there.
People just don't understand,there are mentally ill people among us,that operate on a whole different plain of thought.
They desire to harm,terrorize and sometimes even talk about it or show signs of it. Only to be ignored like the kid that shot up the school in florida or the fellow that recently shot up a train yard.These people will show signs of their issues,but the liberal mindset "AMOUNTS TO" in my opinion to giving them fresh warm cookies and some ice cream while they watch a film about people getting along
You are lovely when you get riled up. And as far as gun laws/restrictions, if they don’t deter, then they are perfect for the right wing nuts.
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Ensuring affordable menstrual health should be considered a major public health and human rights issue. It is a matter of dignity for many low-income menstruators. It negatively impacts access to public and private spaces, gender equality, and social justice.
One in 10 women aged 14 to 21 in the United Kingdom, over half of teenage girls in sub-Saharan Africa, and 70 percent of women in India cannot afford sanitary pads. Even in the United States, a recent study found that two-thirds of low-income women in St. Louis, Missouri, couldn’t afford menstrual products, instead using cloth, rags, or toilet paper taken from public bathrooms.
I knew it would not stop,
first it was college debt forgiveness, now it is tampax tax.
What next, car mortgage forgiveness?
Grocery bill forgiveness?
Condom tax forgiveness?
--------------------------------------- added after 13 minutes
However, I take your point. You don’t like the thread. Obviously It struck a chord with Phart. So, what is your position on toilet tissue?
It would be nice to just to be able to buy some decent toilet paper and paper towels.It seems even the name brand stuff is poorly made right now.
I honestly think there is some legal issues with it being "required"> But if you are in a right to work state,such as mine, You could get fired and not be told why.
Here ye go,the slippery slope.
The religious belief clause makes me smile because having worked for a major employer, we had 10 paid holidays per year which included Federal holidays and Christian holidays. HOWEVER, if your faith was something other than Christian, you were able to get your holy days off, too.
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On some of the major issues facing the Texas Legislature — police behavior, expanding Medicaid or allowing unlicensed carry of handguns — voters and lawmakers aren't always in sync.
UT/TT poll: Majority of Texans oppose permitless carry, would ban police chokeholds and taxpayer-funded lobbying
A solid majority of Texas voters don’t think adults should be allowed to carry handguns in public places without permits or licenses, though the idea is popular with a 56% majority of Republicans. Overall, 59% oppose unlicensed carry — a number driven up by the 85% of Democrats who oppose it. On the Republican side, the gun questions revealed a gender gap. Among Republican men, 70% said they support unlicensed carry; 49% of Republican women oppose that position.
As always, women have more sense than men
Happens way to much in the US.
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I am sure most members here wish it was the Saggy Granny that was MIA.
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