Play Ball!

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This is just a game, see rules at the bottom.

Northpole has the Ball

joergh passed the ball clean to Northpole at 13,May,24 02:27

joergh took the ball from madras at 13,May,24 02:27

Dougal passed the ball clean to madras at 13,May,24 01:11

Dougal took the ball from Eddie at 13,May,24 01:11

Vita passed the ball clean to Eddie at 12,May,24 23:45

Aims69 passed the ball clean to Vita at 12,May,24 23:40

Aims69 took the ball from bigblk at 12,May,24 23:38

Flipp4funn passed the ball clean to bigblk at 12,May,24 22:35

Hornycock passed the ball clean to Flipp4funn at 12,May,24 22:32

johndoe passed the ball clean to Hornycock at 12,May,24 22:31

johndoe took the ball from Cutieewithabooty at 12,May,24 22:31

Aims69 passed the ball clean to Cutieewithabooty at 12,May,24 21:04

Aims69 took the ball from Ffm29 at 12,May,24 21:02

bibi1 passed the ball clean to Ffm29 at 12,May,24 19:59

bibi1 took the ball from johndoe at 12,May,24 19:58

untouched passed the ball clean to johndoe at 12,May,24 18:24

untouched took the ball from throatgoat at 12,May,24 18:24

texasdick passed the ball (spoiled!) to throatgoat at 12,May,24 16:32

bella! passed the ball clean to texasdick at 12,May,24 15:32

bella! took the ball from moshe1976 at 12,May,24 15:31

catfish_bones passed the ball clean to moshe1976 at 12,May,24 14:16

Jamie passed the ball clean to catfish_bones at 12,May,24 14:12

Jamie took the ball from HIJADELAGRANDUNGA at 12,May,24 14:11

Bonedawgie passed the ball clean to HIJADELAGRANDUNGA at 12,May,24 13:02

Bonedawgie took the ball from dekemhard at 12,May,24 13:02

weewilly passed the ball clean to dekemhard at 12,May,24 12:02

weewilly took the ball from stevie60 at 12,May,24 12:01

weewilly took the ball from stevie60 at 12,May,24 12:01

Playboi passed the ball clean to stevie60 at 12,May,24 10:33

ChubbyGay passed the ball clean to Playboi at 12,May,24 10:26


Warning: These rules can be changed any time if some attunement is required.
The player who has the ball can pass it to any member currently online.
If the ball is passed "unspoiled" 5 times to new players after this, initial player gets +30 points. Otherwise initial player gets nothing.
The pass is "spoiled" if the ball is passed to any member who touched the ball during last 30 rounds. Also, if the ball is taken from any player and not passed, it's also "spoiled".
If a player with the ball does not pass it to anyone during 1 hour, the ball can be taken by any other member any time. The member who takes the ball instantly gets +5 points (only once per 24 hours, all other takes do not grant points). But if the member who took the ball does not pass it to someone else and let it be taken they lose 10 points (this does not apply to the case when the ball was passed to the player).