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--------------------------------------- added after 9 minutes
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
The second amendment starts with, “A WELL REGULATED MILITIA “. That says it all. Every thing that comes after that can and should be REGULATED. For you out there, it doesn’t mean NO GUNS. It means that laws can be enacted for the safety of the public. That’s it.
I mean, yea, they are trying to help to a point but it it is still "spun".
Thank you joe Biden
I don't know how long this bubble will grow before it explodes but Like the housing market,it will eventually bust,and then the chicken will be cheap but we won't have the money to buy it.
High fuel cost make food prices go up 2 fold.it takes fuel to produce the food and to process and ship the food and to prepare the food.
eating out, i went to Ihop yesterday and ate a good hamburger for breakfast with a side salad.that was the most expensive meal I have ate in almost a year.
Prices are such now you can't afford the simple pleasures of a good meal on Saturday evening at the fish camp any more.
I don't know how long this is going to last but I sure hope there is relief in site.
I never did live a extravagant lifestyle but hell,I can't even go out to eat a good meal once a week anymore.
I have a question.
is it better to be a dumb ass or a smart ass?
I would rather be a intelligent ass than a dumb 1.
As far as you reacting like a "smartass" toward me in the past three years, you must have me confused with AndreaAsian, she keeps a screen shot of EVERYTHING, not me! Perhaps you forgot the number of times that I responded to your blogs with civility and dignity. And your responses? Often they made no sense because they were repetitive words or pictures. Bottom line, those responses were not only "smartass", they were annoying, too. Many of those things have since been removed by you.
By the way, why do you send me private messages? Haven't you noticed, I do not respond.
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I saw a statistic today that shootings where a semi automatic military grade weapon was used killed 6 times more people than other types of weapons.
Why can’t we, at least, bann military grade semi automatic weapons? Why can’t we bann sales of weapons to those under the age of 21? Just tell me why?
It is not "used" by Us military.
Help me understand why and how you think a ban might actually work? If I can't go to walmart and buy a rifle,and I am hell bent to Kill kill kill, I will go to the "iffy" side of town and buy 1 out of the trunk of a gangsters car for about 3 prices.
Because in the real world,there are already 10's of 1000's of Ak's and AR's in bunkers and safes and the owners paid good money for them, bought them legally for defense and sport.
For every gun used in a crime,there 10's of 1000's that are put away safely harming no one.
Sure I will support back ground checks, just fix that glitch I mentioned that hides trouble makers under 18, Sure I will support mental health exams, Sure I will support a age limit of 21,for what little good that will do,but that is comprimize. As for banning a certain gun because it is used the most in crime,No I can't support that.
Hell your politicians can't even keep their storys straight.
1 minute he says you can keep them, the next he says he wants to take them,then he says he wants to protect the 2d, liberals can't even keep their own shit straight, and they want to "fix" mine? Yea right.
Off duty, and still did the right thing,protected his wife and kid.
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You can’t call him a shooter if there’s no gun
--------------------------------------- added after 57 minutes
At least 14 students and one teacher were killed when a gunman opened fire at an elementary school in Texas, Governor Greg Abbott said Tuesday.
HEY, Mountain Man, wanna bet the shooter knew how to handle a weapon? I don’t think it went off while cleaning the weapon inside the school.
Our governor wants to not let them fuckers from crossing the border. That sloppy legs joe won't let happen..
Salvador Ramos
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Heres his mugshot.
He was born in North Dakota, but he has some skin tone, so 'illegal immigrant'.
He had bought two "assault weapons" after turning 18.
He cannot drink, but he can buy assault weapons in your country.
Maybe make it a little bit more complicated to buy assault weapons?
Or give all the kids in school assault weapons too, so they can protect themselves. One starts shooting and everyone starts shooting everyone else.
And what did his manifesto say? "I wanted to play Call of Duty for realsies"?
Yea,you can look at him and tell he has issues.
just a long drawn out face,dead inside or something.
But with our excuse of a justice system they would drag the damn trial out for 15 years and the family's that lost loved 1's would have relive that tragedy over and over again .With the son of a bitch dead, they can mourn and recover.
Although the question of why will probably never be answered.
No parole, no therapy, nothing. DEAD and done.
I am still wanting to know if he was here illegally or not.
I did see on the tv that 1 witness came forward saying the fellow was mad he didn't graduate high school. Well gee,I wonder who's fault that was? School is paid for by the taxpayers,not coming out of his pocket. Even if he failed a grade, keep going until you get it.
BUT sadly it is 1 of the few organizations that protects our gun rights.
Can't say that I want to be a part of it.
TO me it is similar to being in the clan.
There is far right extremism just as far left.
What is the solution then?
Folks deemed mentally challenged in someway be red flagged not to be able to access a legal gun.
Sounds good right?
well it would help. but it wont stop those that will go down to the street corner and buy a gun illegally.
I mean our own attorney general eric holder sent a ass load of rifles to mexico i think it was and alot of those have been found back here in the states.
How about raising the age to 21, just like for alcohol?
How about needing to follow a course on gun safety first?
How about making it illegal to own unregistered guns?
that is the real problem!
So that's the real problem, not the guns off course.
So what is the solution to the mental health problem?
I will tell you right quick, it is not easy.
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This nut was a Mexican for sure maybe even in this country illegally
Thank joe Biden for discontinuing the work on trump wall
Texas and any state bordering Mexico should just sell hunting license it would generate funds and cut down on the wet backs crossing the border I’m hell I certainly would plan a hunting trip to Texas I could use a cartel members head as a wall mount
I get the right to bear arms But such a general amendment. Here you get a speeding fine no gun. I'm not saying you can't just legally.
I'm so desensitised to shootings in America because it seems like it's happening every week. But when ch1ldren ... innocents involved because some fucktard decides his life is shit so gonna take fury on the innocent, it's a very bitter pill to swallow. Surely something can be done
The caps are because I’m crying as I type this. I noticed all the posts from other members answering my original post. They make me mad as hell and, eventually, I will respond, probably, in my thread.
Also, gun owners having to re-qualify in the range every 2 yrs? How about a 3 day wait period for a complete background check before purchase? How about a minimum age of 21 to purchase a gun? How about outlawing military style weapons?
As you see, nothing draconian. Just sensible stuff.
I can support that
Did Timothy pass any test or get a permit to use a bomb?
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And if you think about it, the terrorist that commited 9-11,hell they got a LICENSE to fly the airplanes!
So what good did a license do?
My choice and it works here in Australia is that you have to PROVE you are adult enough to have a firearm as opposed to PROVING why you shouldn't
The NRA and the gun companies have a bitch and that bitch is called the Republican party. This is an American problem and the only way it will ever be resolved would be a constitutional amendment which will probably not happen in my lifetime. Nothing is going to change. Now you might have a little bit of one upmanship happening. The next 18 year old kid who goes out to buy (legally) a gun who sole purpose is to kill people and then he will go out and try to kill more people than the last person and on and on and on it will go. I know this very sounds very cynical but that’s just the way I see it. Thoughts and prayers just don’t cut it!
Of course I care about the children.
Get over it kembo ,I know you are smarter than to believe everyone in the country will become honest after 1 constitutional amendment is made.
You need to give the American people a option that helps them to feel safe first. Then work on other aspects of the problem.Right now alot of Americans do not feel safe. I don't. And it is because we don't know who the next natural born terrorist is going to be or his target. Pills and talk theropy don't drive the demons out of people that make them want to kill.
by the way,for whatever reason I can not see the response you made to my post on your picturee
The only choice people like cat wants to give is we as law abiding gun owners are expected to throw all our defensive and sport guns into a fire pit while the crooks sit back and laugh.
Cat and most liberals for that matter ,can't define "OUTLAW" . A person who disregards the law.
Why would CROOKS turn in their illegally acquired guns? They will rule the country as soon as most citizens are unarmed.
What kind of choice is that?
Mental health and the fact that a few pills are expected to fix it is the problem. We had asylums for these people and they are gone. THe 18 year old that killed those poor kids was MAD because he didn't graduate high school. Does that sound like a reason for a SANE person to kill?
NUTS, weirdos' wackos, they are the problem. The choice alot of us support is LOCKING THEM AWAY.
I know we can’t take all the guns away, but, would you, as a gun owner, willing to compromise? Would you accept having to get a special license to have a gun collection that has to be renewed every 5 years?
Also, gun owners having to re-qualify in the range every 2 yrs? How about a 3 day wait period for a complete background check before purchase? How about a minimum age of 21 to purchase a gun? How about outlawing military style weapons?
As you see, nothing draconian. Just sensible stuff. At least, let’s talk about it. The Republican senators won’t even bring it up.
It is this crap of telling me the crooks,outlaws,terrorist,whatver,that totally disregard the law can have 100's of rounds of ammo but I better be a damn good shot the 2 or 3 that the liberals let me have is bullshit.
Again thank you joe Biden
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I know this is not funny, but the future isn't funny, in a lot of ways.
It's just about time y'all stop blaming other people,
especially not the people with the least power to change things.
""Regarding recent events, the shooters are obviously doing this to generate the most amount of attention possible. Why is the media doing exactly what the mass murderers want?" Musk asked."
is great for Facebook likes.
Read that.
NOW wheres the problem?
The police,we are all supposed to depend on for protection,YET AGAIN fuddle farted around while KIDS DIED>
And you want me to depend on them for protection.
Maybe not sell assault weapons to 18 year olds?
Are you totally ignoring the fact it took 40 minutes for any one to go in and actually deal with the situation????
Where the gun came from is no longer relevant once officers got there. should have been no longer than 5 minutes tops from the time a police car pulled up until the shooter was dead.
But no,40 minutes of terror for all involved. LAME.
Police take the job to protect. It is even written on their cars, to serve and protect. But appareantly it is just themselves , to hell with your kids.
the school system was irresponsible and I hope they are held accountable. 1 report now says it took a hour before cops went in.last I read was 40 minutes.
WHY so long before going in? I hope the cops get sued for being to chicken to do their jobs.
Plain and simple, they didn't do the job we citizens are supposed to put our trust in them to do.
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I understand your point about the 18 year old and a gun,Not ignoring it,it is just PART of the situation.NOT all of it.
To fix any problem,you need to look at ALL of the situation,not part of it.
And besides,how many parents of those lost kids are asking about the gun right now? And how many are asking why the police did not act quick enough right now?
You brought up the fact the shooter was a trouble maker. Ok,if he had a record from crime under the age of 18,being a minor, this info may or may not have been available to the store to find when doing a back ground check? Perhaps we need to fix it where criminal records of minors are on record just as adults?
The answer to that question may be in this link? 1988, yep ,considering modern times and recent events,there needs to be some updates.
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