The man was mentally ill I can see it in his eyes why can’t someone see it before it becomes a problem or do I just spend to much time looking into peoples eyes 👀 I have a knack for spotting retardation Down syndrome and mental illness oh and dementia I n knew sleepy joe had dementia way before he was elected
Mentally ill, true or not, doesn’t hide the facts he was able to buy a military style weapon legally. Two things wrong with this: 1st, guns should be outlawed but, at the very least, military style weapons should be outlawed. 2nd selling a weapon to a person that is **** to buy liquor in many states should be a crime. Ah, 2nd amendment etc, etc, etc. Give me a break.
You expect everyone to be defenseless. Just because you are naive enough to live that way.
The mentally ill should be denied access to FREEDOM to roam the streets until they are cured or until death.
There would be no way they could hurt people.
But oh you liberals and your pills that MIGHT affect the brain this way or that,we don't know for sure. Give em a pill and they can safely roam the streets.
Until that pill is not enough,or until it's side effects are enough to alter the brain.Then we as the general public,are in DANGER ,thanks to liberal policys.
Actually some one that knows nothing about guns shouldn’t be handling them anyway because it’s dangerous that’s how accidents happen I taught my neighbor woman how to shoot her husband’s hand gun I don’t know why he never taught her but I thought if it was in her house then she better know how to use it
HoneyCock, I can strip an Army Colt 45 blindfolded. My Daddy tough me how to shoot and right now, in my immediate family there’s aprox 23 riffles, 11 handguns, and 4 bugout vehicles.
There was a time I didn’t know enough to protest gun ownership in this country. That lady you taught to shoot, what if she shoots her husband one day. Would you be happy that she did it with respect for the firearm?
Not all of it,some of it is because of lack of discipline and education.
I took at least 1 if not 2 gun course in MIDDLE school.
I still have the card somewhere for a hunter safety course. That taught basic use of a firearm and how to carry and care for it.
That is missing from schools now due to liberals trying to make the gun out to be the problem.When THEIR mindset is the problem.
IF you have a kid, or you notice 1 in your class room ,that like to cut things, kill things, bullies the weaker kids, you need to be watching them, close. They are a quite problem. Like a bomb ticking.
Find out what is wrong and fix the problems they are having at home or deal with their learning issues early on.
Prevention of mass murders is much cheaper than treatment.
Bullies and ticking time bombs don't drive 4 hours to a black neighborhood,
before they start shooting. He is the goal of the propaganda, not some side-effect.
Phart, all you’ve said may or may not be true, but, what if one day, with all your training, you shoot and kill someone? I complain about the firearms. I’ll let the psychological problems to other professionals. True or not, ticking time home roam public places. I don’t want them to have an easier time. NO GUNS.
Well if we are using what if's, what if 1 day i save several people from being shot by a freakazoid idiot?
What if a cashier had a gun in that store in new york the other day? Might have saved a life or 2.
When you are dealing physo's, they might drive all night to kill. They might go watch a movie and eat a good steak before they go kill. They ARE NOT RIGHT IN THE HEAD .That is why they do illogical things! Keep em off the streets.Then they can't get a gun,or a knife or a fork for that matter.
And how do you know the crazies from the normal racist people?
There are tens of millions of people in the US thinking just like that guy.
When and how does the police or the government or who ever you think
should 'keep em off the streets', decide to step in and 'keep em off the streets'?
After they do what he did? They are going to 'keep em off the streets'.
Ever seen the movie 'Minority Report'? How do we do that?
Your solution is to have everyone carry guns. Well, maybe less people in that shop would have been killed, if they all carried guns. But, how long do you think a black guy can walk around with a gun, before he gets shot by the police?
Oh I didn’t know you were there how did you like how the blood fly’s through the air as the bullet ripped through flesh it’s neat to watch what did you think
Didn't recall shit stain anus licker commenting about the Wisconsin shooting.. Or the black man that shot an innocent white bystander on the Q subway yesterday in NYC..
Guess it does fit his rage comments. Weak cunt. He hates his life and screams at himself in the mirror.
No, because it is part of the propaganda that made a racist kill 10 random innocent black people.
It could be you some day. You are getting crazy enough. So phart, how do we keep Sir-Skittles off the streets?
What, you don't understand that someone might hate you?
You're the most obnoxious person using this site.
If it was just me, that would be partly called for,
but you're puking your bile over many other people.
You're a narcissists that cannot accept other people's opinions
and you're a fragile little cunt for resorting to vile language.
If some Dutch guy on a sex website angers you this much, you're probably
a hot head in real life too. Take a look in the mirror yourself, before your temper gets you into trouble. You're living in a country where everyone packs heat.
A lot of assumptions and accusations from such an outstanding citizen and site know it all. A pseudo intellectual that perseverates over anything I say. I push your buttons so easily. A site muppet and on the dole for sure.
You are leach and always have been. It us alway someone else's fault, they are racist, blah blah blah.
Vile language as you call me a fragile cunt. Do you even listen to yourself
It has actually been a while since I reacted to you, even when you react to everything I say with just contempt. Your standard reaction to almost everything you don't like is calling people morons, rats and cunts.
Me arguing with people is mostly a useless waste of time, but you just cursing people is worth even less. I've tried to call you out on what your doing here,
but you seem to be dedicated to turn every topic into a stupid cursing contest.
Do you get off on that or do you think those are arguments?
You calling me a leach or on the dole must be just your own insecurity shining through, because I've never heard someone who is as fixated on that as you.
It's not that you are racist, it's that you seem to hate everyone.
Just take a look at your own profile and see the hate.
Sure, he doesn't like my political views at all and any critique of the US.
To bad, I don't like his political views and how he describes other people.
In principle, I attack on substance and not on personality, but I will respond
in kind, if I think it's called for.
Calling someone names is not a defense of your own political views or country.
If people can't take criticism, they should find a safe space.
The left is often accused of crying for a safe space, but that's not me,
I'm seeking the most dangerous minefield on the internet and I think I found it.
So I'm not surprised people would take offense, but I'm just calling people out
for being a snowflake, if they show snowflake behavior.
We are on vacation and lost in beach sand and margaritas so forgive us if we're are a little late. But has anyone got any sort of answer about why we can't get on SYC side. Ours is still saying "security alert"?
Yep,crazy shit right there.
Here we have about 700 feet of road frontage. Wooded beside the road. Deer come from down at the river and have a path they follow almost every day. about twice a year,I will be woke up in the middle of the night by a loud WAMP , as 1 of the deer will run in front of a car. 2 totaled a 300z right in front of my mail box about 5 years ago. 1 was hit in the front,the other all the way down the drivers side.
Car had to be towed and was totaled by the insurance company.
Scary, isn't it? I'm worried about deer when I'm out and in unfamiliar "country" areas beginning at dusk. Always got my eyes looking for deer. Frick, if a herd ran out and was jumping around like gazelle, I would totally freak!
I have only "hit" 1 and it was a huge doe.I saw the deer in the road and slowed down to almost a stop when she just stepped out and I hit her with the front bumper of my old ford truck,and ran over her with the rear right wheel. I stopped and she had bent my bumper to a point it looked like the truck was grinning at me. She crawled to the side and was buzzard food.
I cut the bumper in 2,laid it out straight,welded it back together and painted it,looks better than before she bent it.
What would Leonardo da Vinci say? A man dressed as an old woman jumps out of a wheelchair to smear cake on the Mona Lisa and then throw roses around. Whatever is the world coming to? only registered users can see external links
You know, biggg, I've tried more than 1/2 dozen times to open and view that link, with no luck. It goes through the gyrations, gets to a certain point, lots of buffering going on, then times out. Tomorrow is another day.....
No, he blacklisted me and I reciprocated. In the big picture, it really doesn't matter what he says about me. This is the way I look at it, IF I vote and I vote to delete, it would look like my vote is shaded by the way I personally feel toward him. IF I vote NO ABUSE, it would appear that I support his deviant posts and/or behavior.
My opinion, notynyt voted NO ABUSE only because technically, the report is written incorrectly. Member, 75YOTWC, is not being referred for deletion because he's posted illegal images, he hasn't posted ANY pictures at all. Does the referral really fall under "Dangerous behavior"? It's probably closest to that reason with a detailed explanation.
Jamie, if you are really intent on having 75YOTWC deleted, my suggestion to you is delete your current referral and resubmit it with the more appropriate reason. Your referral claiming he has posted "Illegal Images" seems to be causing concern for notynyt who advises you "Evidence must be presented correctly". I give notynyt a pass on that since English is not his first language. Your evidence was presented correctly, the reason given of Illegal Images is incorrect as the member has not uploaded images. Even kebmo seems to be confused, too. As for 450 , he was totally lost right from the jump.
Since you already included the blog that 75YOTWC's disgusting remark was posted in, perhaps I would include the actual thread's name since the link isn't highlighted like a hot link (or whatever you call it). AND WHEN YOU RESUBMIT, USE THIS REASON;
Member behaves dangerously - talks about sex with kids or promise to murder someone (please explain below)
Strange how it hits a bad chord when members discuss and/or posts about sex and children yet apparently are not offended or outraged when members post about sex with animals. Go figure!
Yes, I understand HOWEVER notynyt, kebmo and 450 DO NOT UNDERSTAND. The name of the thread that 75YOTWC's deviant post can be found in is, "Dirtiest fetishes". Spell it out CLEARLY for notynyt , kebmo and 450 , they are "special".
I get it, they won't vote unless there's points in there pocketslol--------------------------------------- added after 106 secondsIf this site continues to let stuff like this on here, it might be time for me to leave this site,its discusting behavior and it's wrong
Do not think negatively, nor present negative thoughts. I was offline when you messaged me. I just came online. I do not break discipline out of feelings of envy or enmity with anyone.
I'm sorry . I just got online. I saw Cody8789 and your message. You should have presented the evidence well. You can upload a screen shot of your chat history to your gallery. And there you can also send the screen shot to the admin. The work of all the members of the abuse panel is commendable. Thank you
Yeah, I noticed that. My guess is that 75YOTWC's deletion had a great deal to do with cody8789 sending links of the thread that 75YOTWC admits to his vile acts with a pooch.
Personally, I don't like that kinda post either. I've lived long enough to know that the WORLD is full of sickos and deviants. Perhaps it's exhilarating for these folks to do these abominations but for crying out loud, is it exhilarating and liberating to share your fucked up freak with the rest of humanity?
only registered users can see external links
The mentally ill should be denied access to FREEDOM to roam the streets until they are cured or until death.
There would be no way they could hurt people.
But oh you liberals and your pills that MIGHT affect the brain this way or that,we don't know for sure. Give em a pill and they can safely roam the streets.
Until that pill is not enough,or until it's side effects are enough to alter the brain.Then we as the general public,are in DANGER ,thanks to liberal policys.
There was a time I didn’t know enough to protest gun ownership in this country. That lady you taught to shoot, what if she shoots her husband one day. Would you be happy that she did it with respect for the firearm?
I took at least 1 if not 2 gun course in MIDDLE school.
I still have the card somewhere for a hunter safety course. That taught basic use of a firearm and how to carry and care for it.
That is missing from schools now due to liberals trying to make the gun out to be the problem.When THEIR mindset is the problem.
IF you have a kid, or you notice 1 in your class room ,that like to cut things, kill things, bullies the weaker kids, you need to be watching them, close. They are a quite problem. Like a bomb ticking.
Find out what is wrong and fix the problems they are having at home or deal with their learning issues early on.
Prevention of mass murders is much cheaper than treatment.
before they start shooting. He is the goal of the propaganda, not some side-effect.
What if a cashier had a gun in that store in new york the other day? Might have saved a life or 2.
When you are dealing physo's, they might drive all night to kill. They might go watch a movie and eat a good steak before they go kill. They ARE NOT RIGHT IN THE HEAD .That is why they do illogical things! Keep em off the streets.Then they can't get a gun,or a knife or a fork for that matter.
There are tens of millions of people in the US thinking just like that guy.
When and how does the police or the government or who ever you think
should 'keep em off the streets', decide to step in and 'keep em off the streets'?
After they do what he did? They are going to 'keep em off the streets'.
Ever seen the movie 'Minority Report'? How do we do that?
Your solution is to have everyone carry guns. Well, maybe less people in that shop would have been killed, if they all carried guns. But, how long do you think a black guy can walk around with a gun, before he gets shot by the police?
Guess it does fit his rage comments. Weak cunt. He hates his life and screams at himself in the mirror.
It could be you some day. You are getting crazy enough. So phart, how do we keep Sir-Skittles off the streets?
only registered users can see external links
You're the most obnoxious person using this site.
If it was just me, that would be partly called for,
but you're puking your bile over many other people.
You're a narcissists that cannot accept other people's opinions
and you're a fragile little cunt for resorting to vile language.
If some Dutch guy on a sex website angers you this much, you're probably
a hot head in real life too. Take a look in the mirror yourself, before your temper gets you into trouble. You're living in a country where everyone packs heat.
You are leach and always have been. It us alway someone else's fault, they are racist, blah blah blah.
Vile language as you call me a fragile cunt. Do you even listen to yourself
Me arguing with people is mostly a useless waste of time, but you just cursing people is worth even less. I've tried to call you out on what your doing here,
but you seem to be dedicated to turn every topic into a stupid cursing contest.
Do you get off on that or do you think those are arguments?
You calling me a leach or on the dole must be just your own insecurity shining through, because I've never heard someone who is as fixated on that as you.
It's not that you are racist, it's that you seem to hate everyone.
Just take a look at your own profile and see the hate.
To bad, I don't like his political views and how he describes other people.
In principle, I attack on substance and not on personality, but I will respond
in kind, if I think it's called for.
Calling someone names is not a defense of your own political views or country.
If people can't take criticism, they should find a safe space.
The left is often accused of crying for a safe space, but that's not me,
I'm seeking the most dangerous minefield on the internet and I think I found it.
So I'm not surprised people would take offense, but I'm just calling people out
for being a snowflake, if they show snowflake behavior.
only registered users can see external links
only registered users can see external links
only registered users can see external links
Here we have about 700 feet of road frontage. Wooded beside the road. Deer come from down at the river and have a path they follow almost every day. about twice a year,I will be woke up in the middle of the night by a loud WAMP , as 1 of the deer will run in front of a car. 2 totaled a 300z right in front of my mail box about 5 years ago. 1 was hit in the front,the other all the way down the drivers side.
Car had to be towed and was totaled by the insurance company.
I cut the bumper in 2,laid it out straight,welded it back together and painted it,looks better than before she bent it.
--------------------------------------- added after 70 seconds
I see he went poof
Since you already included the blog that 75YOTWC's disgusting remark was posted in, perhaps I would include the actual thread's name since the link isn't highlighted like a hot link (or whatever you call it). AND WHEN YOU RESUBMIT, USE THIS REASON;
Member behaves dangerously - talks about sex with kids or promise to murder someone (please explain below)
Strange how it hits a bad chord when members discuss and/or posts about sex and children yet apparently are not offended or outraged when members post about sex with animals. Go figure!
The low-grade notynyt fake Indian (AKA Leo) hears a whistle when IT walks! A total mongoloid
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