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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
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By CountryCouple54 [Ignore] 06,Mar,25 08:27 other posts 
What's with all the dick videos in the Female video category. Boy, back in the day those were valuable points to be had for wrong category.

By dgraff [Ignore] 01,Mar,25 07:02 other posts 
Fucking Zelenskyy that ungrateful snot nose prick had to be asked to leave the White House
By phart [Ignore] 01,Mar,25 07:08 other posts 
Trying to renegotiate a deal on camera, not smart. doesn't want a cease fire!. His rocks are not worth our peoples lives.
By bella! [Ignore] 01,Mar,25 08:15 other posts 
Hitting the mark both MENTALLY AND PHYSICALLY

It's refreshing to see that our current President was able to negotiate the 25+ stairs into Air Force One and remain standing!

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By bella! [Ignore] 01,Mar,25 07:54 other posts 
The United States finally has a STRONG VP!

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By phart [Ignore] 01,Mar,25 14:04 other posts 
By dgraff [Ignore] 01,Mar,25 14:33 other posts 
Vance tells it like it is that’s for sure
By BirdDog [Ignore] 01,Mar,25 20:43 other posts 
By dgraff [Ignore] 02,Mar,25 23:18 other posts 
Vance is our next president in training and so far i like what i see
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Mar,25 00:21 other posts 
It's nice to see "young blood" in the White House!
By dgraff [Ignore] 03,Mar,25 06:56 other posts 
It is indeed
By phart [Ignore] 03,Mar,25 19:45 other posts 
I spoke to some friends over the weekend that were lucky enough to attend a Vance speech before the election and they were close enough behind him to see what he brought with him to the stage, a piece of notebook paper with a few bullet points on it, he spoke for over a half hour. didn't use a teleprompter. I knew NOTHING about the man until Trump selected him and I was wondering what the hell Donald was thinking. I know now, he saw potential in Vance, similar to how democrats saw potential in obama.
By CAT52! [Ignore] 04,Mar,25 11:35 other posts 
If you mean a bully with no manners, absolute ignorance of how world diplomacy works, and interrupting his presidents during important talks, then, yes, he's just what this country needs.
By phart [Ignore] 04,Mar,25 18:11 other posts 
What part of that episode is so hard for you to understand?
A deal had been discussed, the leader of ukraine came over here to sign it and decided on national tv to renegotiate the deal asking for military presence in his country of US troops? Uh, NOPE. It is ukraine who is on the chopping block,and we have drained our military resources and sent millions in money to them and they are STILL fucking loosing the war 3 years in, and they want our troops to come over there and be cannon fodder for the russians? Literally creating WW3?? what the hell part of that do you think is logical?>
By CAT52! [Ignore] 05,Mar,25 13:10 other posts 
No, he didn’t. That’s a lie.
By phart [Ignore] 05,Mar,25 13:48 other posts 
Ok, the exact thing he wanted was "security guarentees".HOW else would we be able to guarantee his security without boots on the ground?
By CAT52! [Ignore] 05,Mar,25 17:36 other posts 
If you have to ask you really don't know crap about geopolitics.
By phart [Ignore] 05,Mar,25 21:31 other posts 
What the hell are you talking about? honestly, he wants American troops on the ground as he doesn't think putin will honor a cease fire. I feel like if Trump negotiates a cease fire,putin will honor it because the economic state of Russia will improve if he does.
By CAT52! [Ignore] 06,Mar,25 07:38 other posts 
He never asked for American boots on ground. He also, rightly, doesn't want to let Russia keep any Ukrainian territory. Putin can't be trusted either.

By bella! [Ignore] 26,Feb,25 22:28 other posts 
I freaking can't believe that I paid $ 8.19 for one dozen large eggs from Winn-Dixie.
By t-rex [Ignore] 26,Feb,25 22:42 other posts 
About the same here on the east coast,
By bella! [Ignore] 26,Feb,25 22:58 other posts 
If eggs continue to cost $8.19 per dozen, that means I'm probably going to need to get a job once I return to Michigan. Ugh!
By t-rex [Ignore] 26,Feb,25 23:21 other posts 
I know it’s a stiff increase, but just the price of eggs for eating them alone are still less than a dollar a piece. Some restaurants here have put a 50 Cent surcharge per egg,
By dgraff [Ignore] 28,Feb,25 07:08 other posts 
My property is zoned as farmland I’m thinking about getting a few dozen laying hens
By bella! [Ignore] 28,Feb,25 07:17 other posts 
My sister has coop full of egg laying hens and there's a good deal of work that is associated with the entire idea. You are now retired and have the time to devote and develop to chickens. Give it the "old college try", you won't be disappointed!
By dgraff [Ignore] 28,Feb,25 07:23 other posts 
Thanks I’m really thinking about it and maybe a milking cow
By bella! [Ignore] 28,Feb,25 07:27 other posts 
A milking cow and or raising one for slaughter, GO FOR IT!
By CAT52! [Ignore] 28,Feb,25 08:12 other posts 
You need five or six. That's more than enough to get about two dozen+ per week.
By dgraff [Ignore] 28,Feb,25 08:32 other posts 
I’m not a big egg eater but Marcy and her daughter seem to need them they do a lot of baking in there spare time and I’m the taste tester
By bella! [Ignore] 28,Feb,25 09:38 other posts 
You're a former business owner turned "taste tester"? Enjoy your retirement years, you earned it!
By dgraff [Ignore] 28,Feb,25 09:43 other posts 
This evening I get to taste test peanut butter balls dipped in dark chocolate
By bella! [Ignore] 28,Feb,25 10:02 other posts 
NICE! What's the "occasion" or is it that Marcy and Kayla just like to bake? Let me rephrase that, does Marcy and Kayla like to "create"? Other than melting the chocolate, I doubt that there is any baking involved in the peanut butter balls, they are probably a "no bake" or refrigerator type confection.

Hey, dgraff, send Kayla upstairs early and shimmy out of your pants. Maybe you can treat Marcy to your balls dipped or slathered in peanut butter.
By dgraff [Ignore] 28,Feb,25 10:42 other posts 
we did that last night
By Cody8789 [Ignore] 28,Feb,25 11:28 other posts 
Where I shop jumbo eggs are 6.99 a dozen and lg eggs are 5.99 a dozen. (Publix)
By t-rex [Ignore] 28,Feb,25 12:35 other posts 
That price I know is higher than what it used to be, but it doesn’t sound too unreasonable for right now
By phart [Ignore] 28,Feb,25 14:52 other posts 
check the nextdoor app or maybe that facebook for ads for locally grown eggs. Around here, 4 bucks a dozen all day long for good eggs. They were 2 dollars a dozen before the fan got caught up in the shit.
By Cody8789 [Ignore] 28,Feb,25 15:05 other posts 
It’s just not eggs, every item in the grocery stores have shot up around 25 to 50% in just the last six months
By t-rex [Ignore] 28,Feb,25 21:42 other posts 
So true, it amazes me how my bill can be $100 and I have 2 bags 🤔
By biggg [Ignore] 28,Feb,25 17:12 other posts 
By Cody8789 [Ignore] 01,Mar,25 00:20 other posts 
Go to the health and beauty aid section where one year ago you spend an average cost of 2.99-599 for shampoo or conditioner now everything you look at is close to ten dollars unless you find a sale. I was paying 1.59 for suave pump hair spray, now it’s 5.99. Everything is going up except our pay check.
By bella! [Ignore] 01,Mar,25 02:03 other posts 
Wait until you retire! Ugh!
By AngelofDeath [Ignore] 05,Mar,25 19:02 other posts 
Just ask Sagatha to lay you a few.
By phart [Ignore] 05,Mar,25 21:29 other posts 

By bella! [Ignore] 05,Mar,25 06:22 other posts 
Sometimes the polls can be fun and/or interesting but this author and this poll make me shake my head. /polls/5374.html The poll is about "vacation" and there's only 2 choices. I think there should have been a third choice, I would have voted and the option should have been this;

○ Who gives a rat's ass.

By Jamie [Ignore] 05,Mar,25 08:33 other posts 
I want to go to mars
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Mar,25 09:41 other posts 
You sure you want to go? Me, I vote for him to be on the first shuttle out of here with him holding a one way ticket!
By Jamie [Ignore] 05,Mar,25 11:08 other posts 
I change my mind, I rather go to Venus
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Mar,25 11:14 other posts changed your mind. Is it because you are familiar with a book that's called Men Are From Mars, Women Are From VENUS and you THINK you're gonna get some action? Or is it because VENUS rhymes with PENIS and you are in a silly mood?
By Jamie [Ignore] 05,Mar,25 12:02 other posts 
i can only dream
By CAT52! [Ignore] 05,Mar,25 13:08 other posts 

By bella! [Ignore] 05,Mar,25 06:56 other posts 
I had a mini split installed in my residence in Florida rather than central air and I chose this route for a couple of reasons.

● it was more "cost effective"
● and there were several guys in my community that were willing and more than capable of installing the unit within a matter of days of the unit being delivered.

Never having a mini spit, I didn't know what to expect and the neighbors nearby recently purchased a Goodman unit and love it. What the heck, I'm in, that's perfect!

The unit is whisper quiet and I love that aspect. The only thing I'm not so sure about is that the fan continually runs. For anyone who has a mini split, does that seem to be true for you? I called the company that the unit was purchased from and the representative confirmed, YES. Once the temperature is set and reaches the desired level of comfort the fan will run for circulation purposes. Sounds reasonable (I think). With a fan that continually runs I wonder what is the actual lifespan of a mini split?
By phart [Ignore] 05,Mar,25 09:55 other posts 
I am researching these things to get 1 for my shop and the thought process is the unit is more efficient running all the time than stopping and restarting. Restarting a compressor motor takes a good bit of energy,and if it does not stop running, but only slows way down,it consumes little power.

By Andthisisme [Ignore] 07,Jan,23 10:23 other posts 
A six year old boy in Virginia takes a handgun to school and quite deliberately shoots his teacher. Who says the US has a gun problem?
By phart [Ignore] 07,Jan,23 11:27 other posts 
Has anyone thought to ask why the kid did it?
For a 6 year old to want to do that,must have been something bad.Perhaps sexual abuse or something?
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 07,Jan,23 14:44 other posts 
How the f£&# did he get the gun. What the hell were his parents doing. No teacher deserves to be shot.
By phart [Ignore] 07,Jan,23 14:52 other posts 
haven't heard or read yet as to where he got it, Bella posted below the gun was stored correctly. So apparently since that is the case, the kid must have found the key or remembered the combination of the lock on the safe or something.
By bella! [Ignore] 07,Jan,23 15:58 other posts 
MY APOLOGIES, my post omitted one very important word and that word is "NOT". The sentence should have read; The problem is that the parent(s) did NOT secure the gun properly.
By #610414 07,Jan,23 18:43
Probably it was given to him by his parents. They wanted him to learn to use it.
By #610414 07,Jan,23 18:42
Andtyisisme, guns are more common than Bibles. Most "responsible gun owners" keep theirs unlocked. And, yes, no teacher ( or anyone else) deserves to be shot.
By #275407 07,Jan,23 19:10
What's a bible
By #610414 07,Jan,23 19:36
By #610414 07,Jan,23 18:40
Perhaps he read your posts in SYD, Phart and thought he could make up an excuse you came up with. Disgraceful.
By dgraff [Ignore] 07,Jan,23 11:34 other posts 
The teacher most likely deserved it the teacher probably Belittled The kid beyond belief that problem happened in my family quite a bit because we are different and much larger than the rest of the kids I had teachers made fun of me calling me giraffe 🦒 and giant it’s humiliating my suggestion would be to cyber school at home you get a better education with less distractions in half the time and people are starting to realize it public schools are not making the grade anymore
By phart [Ignore] 07,Jan,23 11:45 other posts 
Yea I was bullied alot in school by fellow students, shunned as slow and stupid by the teachers.
SO yea,I know the frustration all to well of how it feels to grow up as "that kid" at the back of the room.
School bullying has been a issue for decades and if these folks that claim to want to make positive changes really meant it,they would do something about it.
Cyber school, It worked for the plandemic,why not keep on?
MUCH cheaper in the long run as the homeless issue could be partly solved by housing people in the old school buildings,busing would no logner be needed. School lunches,would be the PARENTS problem,not the taxpayers and etc. A win win for everyone.
Less school shootings and at the very least,less kids in 1 place to get harmed.
But no, just delete the gun and the whole world will be perfect and kumbaya will be the world anthem.
By dgraff [Ignore] 07,Jan,23 11:54 other posts 
I agree and the woken bunch think they have the answers to everything but they can’t make their ideas work
By #610414 07,Jan,23 18:50
Really? This from a bunch of idiots that can't even elect a leader in Congress? You and this "woken" crap. You don't even know what it means. And, even if you did, what about MAGA? When was the last time a Republican idea worked?
By dgraff [Ignore] 07,Jan,23 22:19 other posts 
Oh my goodness I do believe i woke one of the woken
By #610414 07,Jan,23 18:47
Phart, you poor kid. You must have suffered terribly. Good thing you didn't have access to an AR15.
By phart [Ignore] 09,Jan,23 14:36 other posts 
All jokes aside, sadly you made a good observation.
By bella! [Ignore] 07,Jan,23 12:43 other posts 
You have got to stop that.

• Children needn't be bullied by children, teachers or parents.
• Teachers needn't be bullied by the children they're attempting to teach.
• Parents need to be more involved in parenting their children because it's NOT THE JOB OF THE TEACHER to babysit your li'l hooligans 8 hours a day while you're getting high.
By phart [Ignore] 07,Jan,23 12:55 other posts 
I can agree.Parents always chunk the kid in the school or day care and go on with their day as if they don't have kids.
Then something like this happens and everyone is like,"HOw could this happen"?
Well, gee,just as being discussed in another thread I mentioned i would like to see the country go back to the ways of the 50's and this is 1 of the reasons why. School shootings were rare.Parents,namely the mother,were involved in the teaching,raising and caring for the children.
By #610414 07,Jan,23 18:55
The United States had no mass school shootings that fit our criteria until 1940, when a junior high school principal killed the superintendent, the high school principal, the district business manager, and two teachers, before attempting suicide, because he thought he was going to be fired at the end of the school year.

Guns were less common and people didn't use agun to settle an argument.
By dgraff [Ignore] 09,Jan,23 10:55 other posts 
Really what about the Wild West a gun was used to settle just about everything and gun were way more popular back then compared to now and everyone carried a gun back then including the two bit whores the store owner the black smith and so on
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 07,Jan,23 14:46 other posts 
Are you seriously justifying someone being shot for belittling someone. If this is a common view in the US, that explains a lot.
By phart [Ignore] 07,Jan,23 14:57 other posts 
It is not the belittling or the "fill in the blank" that gets most people to a point of wanting to do harm.It is the lack of other actions being taken or the lack of any actions taken doing any good for the problem.
You get to a point in your life sometimes where you are fed up and can NOT take it anymore. In the case of a 6 year old wanting KILL or harm with a gun, I would say exposure to video games and the killing on them may have been a negative influence.
People for decades have tried to explain that violent music, violent tv shows and games, have a negative effect on the people. Prompting violent behaviors and habits. But the liberals call it freedom of expression and whine to their lawyers, as our kids continue to play games and watch violent movies and listen to music that encourages violence without accountability.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 08,Jan,23 04:23 other posts 
The child must be/ have been seriously disturbed in some way to even think of picking up a gun and shooting his teacher and I do have to wonder to what extent so many .shoot ‘em up’ video games can affect a child/person. At 6 he should not be allowed access to such games by retailers or online sites or his parents. But we know that really doesn’t work.
The causes of the immense gun violence in aThe US has been debated and argued over for years and there will never be a agreement on how to deal with it.
You have your views on gun control, which I respect but totally disagree with, and. Ihave mine, which you totally disagree with. So the shootings and often killings just keep going on.
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Jan,23 05:44 other posts 
I can agree with you on the point that children should not have access to violent video games HOWEVER these games must be "alluring" when the child watches their parent(s) relax by playing violent and/or aggressive video games after a long day/work week.

My guess is that a 6 year old child is not able to process what he did. He is not able to process what happens when you shoot someone or something with a real gun, that they are not able to get up, dust themselves off because they have a spare life or two. Regardless of how anyone feels about guns and gun violence in the United States, it circles back to current culture. Is it only that the mindset of Americans is fucked up and that we have access to guns? I kinda think that our society/the world is fucked up and folks living elsewhere need to be "creative" with the way they "accomplish" their dastardly deed.
By #610414 08,Jan,23 08:51
I agree with you, Bella. We show little control on what our kids are exposed to.
By dgraff [Ignore] 07,Jan,23 17:40 other posts 
No not at all I’m trying to say our school system has been broken for 40 years we need to screen our teachers way better the schools either need to step it up a couple notches or go bankrupt from lack of funding
By #610414 07,Jan,23 18:57
Yes, in the US a gun is used every minute to settle even the most minor disputes. This country has more Road Ra gf e than the rest of the world put together. You have to remember, our " Constitution" says we can.
By phart [Ignore] 09,Jan,23 14:37 other posts 
Well buildings and cars were burned over someone getting a knee put on their neck,no one thought much of it.
By #610414 07,Jan,23 18:45
Yeah, Dgraff, all teachers are crap and make their student's life miserable.
By dgraff [Ignore] 07,Jan,23 19:26 other posts 
Absolutely I agree we had a gay teacher that used to try and lure blonde hair blue eyed boys to his closet with candy bars do you think that was appropriate behavior for a teacher
By #610414 07,Jan,23 19:38
No. Do you think every teacher is like that or every school has one? Get some perspective,
By dgraff [Ignore] 09,Jan,23 07:18 other posts 
It happens more than we know all I’m saying is screen the teachers better look into their past find out what they’re sexual preferences are if they’re gay switch them to a girls gym teacher or something like that it’s the parents fault because they don’t get involved in school affairs enough just look at the crap they are teaching the poor kids I’m not asking for much just a little policy reform
By bella! [Ignore] 09,Jan,23 07:58 other posts 
A deeper screening of potential teachers and finding out their sexual preferences? And where does that stop? Should Microsoft, Ford Motor Company, electricians, steel workers, etc, be required to "disclose" their sexuality? Sorry, dgraff, that's a CRAZY idea.
By dgraff [Ignore] 09,Jan,23 11:00 other posts 
They ask that question when you go to jail so they know we’re they are placing you it’s a simple yes or no question
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

I mean if you are sending your teen age boy to school would you feel comfortable knowing he has a gay teacher I wouldn’t
By #610414 09,Jan,23 10:11
That, Dgraff, is ridiculous. Sexual preference shouldn’t be part of any vetting of a teacher, or anyone else. You are bisexual. You think you should be allowed to drive a wrecker? You have to transport MEN and women. Are they safe? The “crap” they teach is approved and insisted upon by the local school board. Perhaps I don’t understand what you mean. Could you be more specific? I always thought math, science, English, civics, phys.Ed., were harmless enough.
By dgraff [Ignore] 09,Jan,23 11:11 other posts 
What about critical race theory and the fact that they no longer say the pledge of allegiance anymore and they teach the children negative numbers my niece showed me and I told her to wait till she is older and try adding negative numbers in her check book and see what happens

I own my wrecker and the shop and all the tools so I don’t see any one trying to stop me the costumer can either ride with me and trust i will behave or walk it’s that simple
By bella! [Ignore] 07,Jan,23 12:21 other posts 
Here is the article.

The problem is that the parent(s) did secure the gun properly.

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--------------------------------------- added after 3 hours

My bad, an incomplete thought, a better composed thought and sentence would have been as follows;

The problem is not about US gun problem, the problem is that the parent(s) did NOT secure the gun properly.
By dgraff [Ignore] 07,Jan,23 17:44 other posts 
All my guns are under lock and key except for the 45 I’m carrying
By #610414 07,Jan,23 18:59
Yeah, because you never know when a six year old will try to kill you.
By #610414 07,Jan,23 18:38
I say the US has a gun problem. Now read how all these John Wayne wannabes give you excuses why it's ok for a six year old is in position of a gun, why he had a reason to shoot the teacher, and why the teacher is at fault.
By #275407 07,Jan,23 19:13
Whose John Wayne
By #610414 07,Jan,23 22:03
A kid I knew in highschool
By dgraff [Ignore] 07,Jan,23 19:37 other posts 
I’m more of a Clint Eastwood wana be with a hint of Charlie Bronson
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

And yet a conversation like this when I’m watching the movie four brothers filmed in the mean streets of Detroit
By Dev01 [Ignore] 07,Jan,23 19:53 other posts 
Charles Bronson was a fuckin legend
By #610414 07,Jan,23 22:04
Steve McQueen was better
By Dev01 [Ignore] 07,Jan,23 22:35 other posts 
No Death wish I will always remember
By dgraff [Ignore] 07,Jan,23 22:12 other posts 
Doctor Paul kersey
By Dev01 [Ignore] 07,Jan,23 22:35 other posts 
By dgraff [Ignore] 09,Jan,23 11:16 other posts 
No one cares what you think I say we don’t have a gun problem we have a people problem thank god you’re not the president you would have us in a worse mess than your blow buddy Biden
By phart [Ignore] 09,Jan,23 14:39 other posts 
Well to a point we have a gun problem.
If we could get the guns away from the crooks the rest of us could keep ours locked up until we wanted to target shoot or something.
IF criminals were deterred or dealt with, we wouldn't feel the need to have a gun on our side so to speak.
By dgraff [Ignore] 09,Jan,23 15:07 other posts 

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