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Started by #610414 [Ignore] 14,May,20 02:51

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By phart [Ignore] 09,Nov,24 06:37 other posts 
Confirmation that conservatives were discriminated against for hurricane relief by FEMA. Fema confirmed it!
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I hope Trump and Elon mop the floor with the person that did this.

By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 08,Nov,24 20:20 other posts 

The Saggy Granny's daughter!

cat52! A total Down's syndrome face!
By dgraff [Ignore] 08,Nov,24 22:23 other posts 
she looks like she swallows

By phart [Ignore] 08,Nov,24 08:38 other posts 
No one has answered my question on another thread so I will try it here? Why so hard to answer?

Ok so now that we have the 2024 election cycle behind us. Who do you think will run for 2028? I predict a Vance-? ticket for repubs but the dems have kinda blown their candles out, they don't have any new horses to run in the race.

By phart [Ignore] 07,Nov,24 21:05 other posts 
NOT in office yet and already fuel cost are expected to drop!
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By phart [Ignore] 07,Nov,24 19:44 other posts 
Months from taking the job and Trump is already breaking Iran down,
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months before going into office, immigrants are dropping ot of the caravan to the border>
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why swim the river to get thrown back over it I guess ?

By phart [Ignore] 07,Nov,24 16:37 other posts 
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I wonder how long the list is of people that said they would leave if Trump won? Of course, they lied the first time, so I don't believe them when they said they would leave this time.

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By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 07,Nov,24 17:41 other posts 
Like Canada would take them-

Too many DUIs and other criminal pasts...
By phart [Ignore] 07,Nov,24 19:43 other posts 
Maybe Kim Jong Un will take them! Or Iran?

By phart [Ignore] 07,Nov,24 16:25 other posts 
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By phart [Ignore] 06,Nov,24 22:27 other posts 
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By phart [Ignore] 06,Nov,24 01:22 other posts 
well what do you think of the results so far?

I didn't think harris supporters would give up on her so quick.
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By CAT52! [Ignore] 03,Nov,24 13:43 other posts 
23 Nobel laureates in economics have endorsed Harris’s proposals as “vastly superior” to Trump’s agenda. So, as it often happens with the rusty gravy can here, Trump’s late-night economic forecasting is nothing more than empty rhetoric, a desperate burst of words to trick people into wasting their vote when Nov. 5 rolls in.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 05,Nov,24 15:47 other posts 
Indeed. Those who support trump are uneducated assholes like Joe Rogan and Elijah Musk.
By phart [Ignore] 05,Nov,24 20:01 other posts 
Elon can put folks in space MUCH cheaper than our government, if he is put into a office to help trim government cost, there can be alot more tax breaks.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 05,Nov,24 21:36 other posts 
Here's my view: we don't need anyone in space. It's ridiculous and infeasible.
By phart [Ignore] 05,Nov,24 22:35 other posts 
Well to a point I agree, that is why we have robots and computers. I will admit it took me a long time to understand how the space program helped society as a whole. alot of the tech made for space work is in our pockets and at the ends of our fingers when we type.new conductors and chips and such,came about due in part to research done for the space program, as for men on mars, eh, waste of time, if i want see red dirt, I will just dig a hole in the back yard, plenty of it under neath me.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 05,Nov,24 22:38 other posts 
No problem with robots and satellites and near earth orbits. But men on Mars is bullshit at least for the next 1000 years
By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Nov,24 18:20 other posts 
Hog wash

By CAT52! [Ignore] 25,Oct,24 08:02 other posts 
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A must see.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 26,Oct,24 11:27 other posts 
shut your cut and paste mouth old granny!

Why are you still on this site if your daughter saw your profile as you suggest? A new low even for your scummy family!
By CAT52! [Ignore] 26,Oct,24 13:12 other posts 
She did not see my profile, only the pic YOU texted her. How could she find me in the thousands of member galleries? And my family is much better than one who lives in a cold water flat in the Bronx along with his alcoholic mother. The one that botched your abortion using a coat hanger.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 26,Oct,24 15:51 other posts 
You are projecting your scummy family on me... nice try. I know it had to be upsetting your uncle fucked you! What a low life crew you run with!

How would I text her with a number that is registered as a scam line with a Florida area code!? Get your fucking head out of your ass.
By CAT52! [Ignore] 27,Oct,24 09:28 other posts 
And, yet, the pic don't lie. That a screenshot of the text she got. That's the number traced to your friend.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 27,Oct,24 10:15 other posts 
Oh I thought it was me? Get your lies straight you dumb cunt

The entire site thinks you made this all up!
By CAT52! [Ignore] 27,Oct,24 13:36 other posts 
Don't be a dunbass. I don't even have access to that pic. You are the one that took a screenshot of my member page from an old account of mine FIVE TO SIX YEARS AGO.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 27,Oct,24 15:08 other posts 
Yes- we have access to pics from 5 years ago... and have been saving them...

Get a fucking life! Stupid cunt. Everyone knows you made this entire story up!
By CAT52! [Ignore] 28,Oct,24 07:55 other posts 
Sure, I dug up a pic I don't have from years ago. Texted it to my daughter with a non-existing cell phone, and posted it on my gallery just to piss off a jerk like you. Get a life. Leave your basement and scummy mom.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 30,Oct,24 16:05 other posts 
Dirty old whore- that is exactly what you did!

Always playing the victim. Always lying.

How is your scar from your pacemaker surgery? We all remember that fake ass pic you posted. Looking for sympathy because your mother left you in a dumpster outside a fucking Waffle House
By CAT52! [Ignore] 31,Oct,24 08:25 other posts 
You know what Skittles? You have an obscetion with me. Why?
By CAT52! [Ignore] 31,Oct,24 08:45 other posts 

Unsolicited pic sent to my daughter by Skittles using a friend's call phone.
By dgraff [Ignore] 31,Oct,24 09:19 other posts 
Oh my goodness did your daughter want in on the action maybe a little mother daughter play hubba hubba
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 31,Oct,24 09:45 other posts 
Daughter is a fat lump and is too busy putting her vegetable on its leash
By dgraff [Ignore] 31,Oct,24 12:15 other posts 
Is she a special needs child
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 31,Oct,24 12:16 other posts 
By CAT52! [Ignore] 31,Oct,24 14:31 other posts 
You are disgusting, Daniel
By dgraff [Ignore] 31,Oct,24 16:13 other posts 
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 01,Nov,24 09:21 other posts 
Spend more time with that little yipper and less time on a cock site Saggy Granny! #610414

By CAT52! [Ignore] 01,Nov,24 13:27 other posts 
Who are you to give advice? Are you admin?
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 02,Nov,24 07:15 other posts 
Just delete your scummy profile!

No one wants to look at old lady pics!
By CAT52! [Ignore] 03,Nov,24 12:20 other posts 
So don’t. You are the one obsessed with me. Don’t get enough nookie at home? Have you tried the YMCA?

By CAT52! [Ignore] 03,Nov,24 10:16 other posts 
New York Times Editorial Board Rips Apart Donald Trump in Single Paragraph
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By Mongo [Ignore] 30,Oct,24 22:32 other posts 
Mama ask if Mongo eat vegetables then sat Charlie on Mongos face.
By dgraff [Ignore] 31,Oct,24 05:13 other posts 
they say the hardest part about eating a vegetable is getting them out of the wheelchair 🦽
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 31,Oct,24 10:20 other posts 

By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 30,Oct,24 18:48 other posts 
So you like numbers Saggy..

what about these numbers?

Section 501 Site 261

A site toilet?

By PITBULL [Ignore] 30,Oct,24 18:53 other posts 
next it will be Woody's prison inmate number.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 30,Oct,24 21:03 other posts 
By AngelofDeath [Ignore] 30,Oct,24 21:55 other posts 
Is that the location of the Garden of Vesse?

By CAT52! [Ignore] 13,Oct,24 16:17 other posts 
House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) on Sunday closed the door to Congress returning early to pass funding to respond to Hurricanes Milton and Helene.

Typical of a Republican.
By phart [Ignore] 13,Oct,24 17:17 other posts 
there is money left from covid, there is money in other cubby holes that biden could sign a order in the next 10 minutes to be released to help in the response.
By CAT52! [Ignore] 14,Oct,24 08:51 other posts 
It's not that easy, but, more importantly, it's not fast enough. In a disaster, hours, let alone days or weeks, is crucial.
By phart [Ignore] 17,Oct,24 14:18 other posts 
Has nothing to do with putin either.
Trumps go fund me page which the site it's self has confirmed he gets nothing from, last I read has raised 14 million dollars for hurricane relief efforts. I haven't heard of obama,or kamala or biden, doing anything of the sort.
No one forced Trump to do anything. he could just sit back at home and wait for the election. but he decided to take action. which is more than alot of people have done.
I am sure there was good reason to post pone the funding,dems probably had a bunch of pork barrel shit attached to the bill knowing repubs would stop it ,thus allowing them to make repubs look bad.
By CAT52! [Ignore] 17,Oct,24 17:58 other posts 
Yes, Phart, I’m sure you are right.
By phart [Ignore] 17,Oct,24 20:47 other posts 
I honestly wish that bunch up there would put differences aside and not attach pork to something at a time like this.
By Gntlmn [Ignore] 14,Oct,24 23:11 other posts 
When Putin's orange cum-swiller tells his asshole buddies in Congress to drink his diarrhea, they line up like scabies mites on a gonorrhea pustule.
By CAT52! [Ignore] 17,Oct,24 12:17 other posts 
Ain’t that the truth.
By Gntlmn [Ignore] 20,Oct,24 02:24 other posts 

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