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Started by #610414 [Ignore] 14,May,20 02:51
New Comment Rating: 3 Similar topics: 1.Food stuff 2.STUFF, JUST STUFF 3.NEW STUFF, OLD STUFF, ANY STUFF 4.A Forum Topic 5.NEW STUFF, OLD STUFF, ANY STUFF II Comments: |
Trump will make it happen again soon!
Only in America does the richest man-Entrepeneur,a President elect and a rock singer get in 1 picture.
Ever since President Donald Trump had been elected, Saggy had been depressed. She screamed and posted her libtard meltdowns on Tik-Tok. We have it on record that Tik-Tok had so many complaints about Saggy's videos that they had to take them down. Saggy was filled with outrage and blamed her enemies on the cunt site for making that happen. Or the Chinese have an algorithm that keeps old cunts of their platform!
Saggy had started to read about the 4B movement (she should start 4F, the F is for failure.) Basically a bunch of nasty fat broads who shave their heads so no one wants to fuck them. Our old Saggy should save her gray hairs. No need to shave her head, no one wants to fuck her anyway. The only bald thing was her old lady cunt. Hairs ceased to grow there, like a farm field in Africa. Nothing grows there! Even when she tried to wear a merkin, it just fell off. Not even super gluing the merkin would make it stick. Bottom line, nothing wants to be near her rat snatch.
Saggy loved to get her news from the pig cunt Rachel Maddow and the dingy broads on The View. Ever since Saggy's fucked up trip to NYC, she stopped reading the New York Times. Too many big words for her to understand anyway. New York City chewed up Saggy and shit her back out. See the Saggy Granny Visits NYC blog series. A true fuck up and site retard. She will never leave Florida at this point. Sadly, she will soon join her dead daddy and mama. A cheap pine box coffin would be an upgrade from her shit box house.
Today, Saggy decided to visit the trailer park pool. The trailer park toughs would be in school today. So it was safe for Saggy to play in the pool. It would also double as a bath for her. The chlorine would help clean her front and back cunts. Saggy was trying to find her swimsuit and was throwing things all over her disgusting, cheaply decorated trailer. There was nothing over $50 in value in her rat cave. Saggy found her off brand swimsuit. The struggle was for real getting her rolls into her swimsuit. We heard a lot of cursing and crying as she wedged her pear shaped body into the suit.
Finally satisfied all her lumps and rolls were tucked in, Saggy looked into the mirror. She did not like what she saw. It reminded her of being laughed up the last time she wore a swimsuit. Some hecklers told her she looked like a garbage bag filled with soup and doorknobs. Cunts that remember this should be howling with laughter reading this blog. Saggy grabbed her 84oz of Mountain Dew, some Ding Dongs, and chips and met Rhanda-Lynn out front.
Rhanda-Lynn was an overweight lump. She deleted her profile her but everyone knows she looked like Mrs. Kool-Aid. Round and fat! Neither of these broads owned a proper beach towel so they snagged two that were drying on a neighbors clothesline. True hillbilly shit indeed! The waddled their way to the pool to make their big entrance. Today, they would start planning for their Thanksgiving dinner. This year would be different! Not fucking likely you stupid cunt!
Saggy arrived at the pool and was expecting someone to play her entry music. At least that was what was playing in her feeble mind. No today, it was just another shit day in the trailer park. Saggy found two lounge seats. They were covered in cobwebs and were missing several parts to the seat. Typical trailer park shit. Nothing is easy being the Saggy Granny. If she had only made better choices! Marrying a sex predator was probably the most retarded thing she had done. Well, maybe getting remarried to him is the top fucked up thing. Then again, making letting her scummy uncle throw her a fuck is also top ranked.
Saggy plopped her snacks and trucker sized drink down by her lounge seat. She started walking towards the pool. There were move waves coming from her stomach and thighs than the ocean. A bastion of physical fitness! Our old lump walked towards the pull. Jumping in was out of the question. Shit does not float and she would sink to the bottom. Being a scummy trailer park, the idea of having a lifeguard was a source of endless amusement. Saggy slid into the pool like a turd going into a toilet. As she entered the water, she created a slick of disgusting bodily fluids. Not even the Exon Valdez left this much destruction!
Saggy stayed in the shallow end, matching her IQ. She let the water clean out all her cracks and creases. The trailer park maintenance man watched with registered disgust knowing she had wrecked the pool. Destroying toilets was her speciality but why not wreck a pool too! Rhanda-Lynn came in heavy and nearly caused a tsunami when her fat ass hit the water! It was getting late and school was letting out. They missed their window to get out of the pool before the kids rolled by howling with laughter. One of them yelled out, look they turned to the pool into a z00! Another heckler commented the z00 animals look so cute in captivity!
Humiliated, the two hippo models lowered their heads in familiar shame. Saggy took out her frustrating on the pack of Ding Dongs and sucking down a gallon of Mountain Dew. Saggy and Rhanda-Lynn huddled up to talk about their big Thanksgiving dinner. At the forefront of their discussion, was their ongoing lack of money. What kind of adult does not have enough money to buy a mother fucking turkey!? Two fucking retards! That is the answer!
Their discussion centered around who would be invited, what they planned to serve, entertainment, and seating. This won't exactly be an Algonquin round table of snappy repartee. More like two of Jane Goodalls chimps speaking to each other.
Will they have enough money for Thanksgiving?
What will be on their menu?
Who will get the invite?
Will the drooling vegetable be allowed this year?
Stay tuned cunts!
Saggy Granny Cat52! you stupid cunt!
Oh my! cat52!
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New song,Cat, this is for you! Miley Cyrus's hit "Wrecking Ball,"
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In your face democrats
Could it be that he is afraid of the truth being exposed? i wonder how many documents have been shredded by him and his cohorts since last weeks victory???UM< I bet ALOT.How many computers and hard drives and cheap cellphones have met the sledge hammer?
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Go jump Steven!
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Since he’s been losing ground everywhere and facing the harsh reality of his probable defeat on November 5, Trump has stayed awake late in the night, trying to come up with some big words to show he knows a thing or two about economics. The result is a quick rant on X in which he makes dire economic predictions about Kamala Harris’ potential victory while simultaneously promising an unprecedented economic boom under his leadership.
However, these claims appear to conflict with economic analyses and historical data. Multiple studies suggest that both candidates’ policies would affect the economy differently than Trump claims, with his own proposals potentially leading to higher inflation and significant deficit increases.
Russia looking to reset with the US... and Houthis asking for a ceasefire
That is day one!
That is what winning looks like. Not like the old cock and cackling rat team.
I thought it was the price of groceries.
Will he give tax-dollars to farms, food factories or supermarkets?
Or will he lower food quality standards, so it can be produced cheaper?
If Trump lowers all the wages, sure groceries will become cheaper,
but not more affordable for all the people with lower wages.
Reduce regulations on emissions of transportation equipment,making the equipment less costly to build, will have a + effect on cost of food, and anything else that is hauled, just google the emissions requirements for trains in california, will double the cost of moving goods. what do you think that will do to the cost of whatever is being moved?
And something else while it's on my mind, 1 of my friends is working on the buildings for Wolfspeed right now, guess what, allready announcing layoffs? Weren't this company given some breaks to make chips for us?
Trump wants to deport them all. Do you think that is not going to affect prices?
It's completely removed from reality.
The only plan he voices; let's get to work.
Do you think Americans were not working the past 4 years?
Get back to work dgraff, your handouts will be gone. Listen to this guy.
And you phart, do you think Trump considers you disabled? Does he care?
How about the children? Those moochers were not pulling their weight.
Get to work y'all! Yeehaaaa!
Nothing wrong with letting kids that Want to, to mow grass on saturdays for spending money, to learn how the free enterprise system works, since they don't teach it in schools and parents are to busy fucking off to teach them
because you are not being honest.
"HATE lost the election for democrats.plain and simple HATE."
Exactly! Your hate, for Democrats, for legal working Haitians, for women athletes who you accuse of being transgender, for FEMA that you accuse of not helping enough, for prosecutors and judges doing their job of holding your criminal, treasonous cult-leader accountable, for unions who are working to help working people to resist their exploitation, for women who want to have bodily autonomy,
for women who don't want children, for famous people who are speaking out against the monster you support, for single mothers who are working 3 jobs to feed their children, for men who don't treat women like property, hate, hate, hate.
And to deny it, you are doing nothing but projection. I'M DONE WITH IT!!!
You picked a horrible scumbag, because you want a horrible scumbag.
It's not about policies or people being able to afford food, it's just all hate;
hate towards the working class and hate towards the anyone who's different.
But instead of a microgram of insight into the character of the man you chose,
you accuse the other side of hate. A woman who did not once speak ill about the voters who hate her. Your cult-leader's campaign was nothing but hate; racist hate and misogynist hate, clear as day. It was sick and the people who accept or turn a blind eye to it are also sick.
For hate, you need a scumbag in charge, to hurt all the people you hate.
He's promising exactly what you want; hurting everyone he hates.
Well, you got him now, and he will fuck you up too, because he hates everyone.
And you are welcome to let a movie star or Taylor swift tell you who to vote for when they are swimming in money if you want to.And if a general that wants his men wearing panties on the front lines and the names changed on military bases because it MIGHT offend someone, I don't put any stock in his warnings. he is part of the problem.NOT the solution.
4 year journey all over the world for you,
According to the company's website, the four-year package costs $159,999 per person for a double room or $255,999 for a single-occupancy cabin.
Just have someone house sit for you and let them pay some rent,and use that to help offest the cost of living on the water.
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Maybe she can get a discount? Or maybe she can work her way aboard?
No need to house sit her single story dumpster!
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The wheels on the bus go round and round!
Let’s never ever let the communist democrats in power again
that would literally be COMMUNISM!!!
A government that fully owns and controls the means of production,
and the people serving their great leader, as though he was a GOD.
It's literally the former USSR and the current North Korea.
AM radio stations? As long as I am alive, AM has been dead in my country.
Are you still sending each other Morse code telegrams too?
The air waves are indeed 100% a safe space for conservative talk,
but all the social media is dominated by right-wing grifters too.
Safe spaces are for snowflakes. How about you support free speech?
You handed the control over free speech to big corporations and they decide
what speech they like and what speech they don't like. They didn't like racism or profanities, because big corporations don't like advertising on those videos and have their brand associated with racism or profanities. That has ended when Elon Musk bought X. He is banning actual free speech and is banning people who are voicing their opinions in a respectful way, just because he doesn't like those opinions.
Elon Musk has literally done a media campaign to help Trump.
He PAID people to register to vote and paid out prizes to voters,
that all "coincidentally" went to Trump voters.
Trump is openly promising to take away the licenses of media he doesn't like.
Under Trump, your GOVERNMENT will attack free speech. I am sure of it.
The first amendment will be ripped up and you will defend the ones doing it.
By the way; the banning of free speech is not part of the definition of communism.
It is associated with it, because authoritarianism is associated with taking away
free speech.
Communism means that the economy is fully controlled by the government.
When the owner class (the billionaires who own everything) becomes the government, then you effectively have communism.
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The link made a smiley, so you have to search for it.
People must’ve been really sick and tired of the democrats bull shit
Like I said, people are sick and tired of the shit. I just read about 50 or so high level fbi employee's trying to get their retirement paper work done before Trump gets in. He is already looking at getting us out of that economy crushing paris agreement and perhaps even the policing contract "nato". Suits me. America FIRST THEN help others once we are up and walking again.
Qatar kicking out Hamas leaders from Doha
Europe signaling they want to buy LNG from the US-- guess they are worried about getting a bill for their lack of contributions to NATO
Billions pouring into the stock market- FIRE
China starting to kiss the ring again... knowing tariffs will send them packing up their factories. And those children need to work!
Mexico actually starting to protect the border- Again, fearing US tariffs.
Russia- the west is not bad and we want Trump to help end our fucked up war.
Gov of NY- days ago went on a rant about Trump.. now, after Trump called her is sucking up to him!
Jeff Bezzos- congratulates Trump!
Left loser UK Foreign Secretary days ago- Trump is a Nazi... walks that back now sending a warm and fuzzy congrats! Fucking pathetic cunt.
And it has not even been a week!
Media humiliated with all their Kamala victory predications! What an arrogant party and arrogant cunts.
The left's reaction- we are going to shave our heads and stop fucking men who voted for Trump- Like we would ever fuck you anyway!
We are also hearing rumblings that the Saggy Granny is on suicide watch!
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