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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
Please feel free to post miscellaneous subject matter, aka STUFF in this thread.

Please attempt to remain somewhat respectful to other members, ninnyhammers, dummies and folks you just don't like. Thank you.

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By #562152 01,Nov,18 13:34
the US conservative movement has almost entirely divorced itself from mainstream institutions, norms, and standards, developing its own media, think tanks, legal scholars, and historians — a hermetically sealed ecosystem of knowledge, news, and information in which nonsense and conspiracy theories flourish.
By veryshyguy [Ignore] 01,Nov,18 15:28 other posts 
Truth for many of those who only get their information from them is distorted and many times false. They are being spoon fed what to believe and who to h-a-t-e and fear. Sad...
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 05,Nov,18 17:23 other posts 
I am truly afraid of what the results of the mid-terms might bring. If the Democrats do as well as some people are predicting then the reaction from the President and his core demographic may become even more confrontational as undoubtedly the results would have been 'rigged' in their eyes. If the Republicans do better than projected they may well see that as carte blanche to pursue even more divisive policies.
But then maybe I am totally wrong.
By #562152 05,Nov,18 20:36
I agree
By #559941 06,Nov,18 12:26
How did this happen? Its behavior is quite awful this morning..Any suggestions?
By #551147 06,Nov,18 13:13
Andthisisme, are you on some kind of perception distorting drugs?

That is a sincere and legitimate question.

His core demographic... "confrontational" REALLY?

What demographic is employing mob tactics in restaurants, elevators, street corners, opera theaters, halls of congress?

Are you delusional or what? Cite ONE! Legitimate time when a "conservative" has done anything like I just described.

Screaming rigged! Once again, do you REALLY believe the asinine things you just typed? It's obvious one person does...


Only idiots ever screaming rigged are LIBERALS!! Such as, the last Bush election and obviously Trumps. "OH HE ONLY WON BECAUSE OF THE RUSSIA COLLUSION". Ring a bell? Smells like saying it was rigged to me...

Your last statement... "But then maybe I am totally wrong"

DING! DING! DING! We have a winner!! You got 1 right Sir
By #562152 06,Nov,18 16:06
I think you just proved what I said.
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes

White supremacists and other far-right extremists were responsible for 59% of all extremist-related fatalities in the US in 2017, according to the Anti-Defamation League’s (ADL) Center on Extremism. The ADL’s annual report—“Murder and Extremism in the United States in 2017”— found that the number of murders conducted by white supremacists US more than doubled last year, compared to 2016.
They have been empowered by the Trump philosophy
By #551147 06,Nov,18 16:26
Gotta blame someone, right Twowarm? SURELY those twisted individuals hold no responsibility for their own actions.

I guess the school, recruiting offices being shot up under Obama's administration was Trumps fault too, huh? OH wait! Maybe it was Fox News fault. 🤔

Hell! Under your theory, then all those sickos should be held harmless, as it's President Donald J. Trump's fault.

Maybe! Just maybe, we can back date to the wack jobs that murdered innocent people under Obama, and set them all FREE! I know you like that FREE word. 😉 Anyway, they should all be let loose because their actions were the fault of... someone else. Right?
By #562152 06,Nov,18 17:10
Sweetie either you are smart enough to realize you are spouting BS or I really feel for you. Either way you are not for real.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 09,Nov,18 17:32 other posts 
Ok, you want an example of confrontational behaviour I will give you one. If you have been to trump rally or even just seen the TV images your president fires up the audience to see the media there doing their job as enemies of the state. The baying and abuse these members of the media get has resulted in them needing police protection on more than one occasion. That is confrontational and the perpetrator is your President.

Hey, maybe I am wrong, but then we see the post mid terms press conference and way that the president speaks to accredited legitamate media correspondents. Confrontational again.
By #559941 06,Nov,18 12:23
Are you sure it isn't the other way around?...
But the one thing that is even more upsetting to me is that I woke up with the biggest "Boing Boing" Stiffy this morning and it caused much discomfort.. What do I do...

By #569341 08,Nov,18 22:47
I just came across the most ridiculous thing: one of my female friends was blacklisted by some thing that left the reason - "the bitch blacklisted me because i tributer her". What?! What woman would want some random dude to make a pic of them cumming on one of their photos without requesting it?!
Feral! That shit should be i.l.l.e.g.a.l!
By bella! [Ignore] 09,Nov,18 01:12 other posts 
Uh, some men happen to think that spooging all over your picture is the highest form of compliment? Who knows what goes on in those pea sized, one track brains!
By #562152 09,Nov,18 10:54
Hey, I love "cum all over my pics" tributes. Think all the "work" that goes into it. I certainly never black list someone for it. Here's a haha, I never get those from women
I get a lot of tribute requests, not sure why a girl gets turned on by cum all over there pic, just hope they fell the same about real facials.

By bella! [Ignore] 09,Nov,18 01:30 other posts 
Hey ho! For all that care to know, opalblu returned with her internet pictures.
By #562152 09,Nov,18 10:49
Love her red panties

By bella! [Ignore] 06,Nov,18 20:05 other posts 
You know what makes me laugh and shake my head from side to side? YEP! It's the dumbass posts/spam on new member's walls wishing them a "Happy Halloween!".

Aside from Halloween really beginning as a liturgical holiday/celebration (and this person's thoughts about formalized religion is, well, it surprises me), it is mainly a holiday observed in the Northern hemisphere by ch,ildren for the purpose of dressing in costume and gathering candy, aka, Trick-or-Treat. I can't remember if members in Europe say that their ch,ildren dress up and Trick-or-Treat or not but I do recall a former member from Oz saying that that celebration never really "took off" or was recognized in Australia. Whatever gets you noticed, momma.....
By #570945 06,Nov,18 20:40
The last few years in Australia (where I lived anyway) Halloween was getting quite popular. Last year in Australia I had more trick or treaters knock on the door than I did this year in the US.
By bella! [Ignore] 06,Nov,18 21:10 other posts 
Thanks for the info.

What I can say to you is that Halloween, in the Trick-or-Treat sense of the word, has been celebrated in the United States for as long as I can remember and I'm talking about 40+ years. Things have changed dramatically, though. Most Trick-or-Treat is now very controlled, due to the lunatics in the world. Schools were abolishing the wearing of costumes that depicted anything pointing toward "bl00d & guts", aka, no Freddy Krueger type costumes. They encouraged the ch,ildren to dress up like someone in history, yadda, yadda, yadda and that went over like a lead balloon! It's pretty much like the school age ch,ildren have a short party type celebration in the classroom, then it's over. Churches are offering the neighborhood ch,ildren a "Trunk-or-Treat" version and it works HOWEVER.... I have such pleasant memories of going out on Halloween with an empty pillow case hoping to gather a big bounty of candy to swap, share and hoard for as long as possible!

And by the way, yeah, you had one of those spams I am referring to on your wall!
By #569341 07,Nov,18 04:29
Nup! Keep that commercial bullshit away from Australia. If i had a trick-or-treater knock on my door i'd gently tell them "this is Australia, get gone". For Pagan Americans (the only religion-type i respect - all pagans worldwide) it is relevant; but for anything other than's for making kids obese and shithead corporations wealthy. I'm so with b! on this one that i feel like a sycophant posting it
By #562152 07,Nov,18 09:17

--------------------------------------- added after 30 hours

In the USA, Halloween has not been celebrated as a liturgical holiday by the general public. Like many other American customs, other countries have copied our custom of Halloween. I believe because movies carry it to their countries.
By #569341 08,Nov,18 03:41
Not a priest, 2TT - just The Antichrist (jokes) - just not into the brainwashed masses or commercial holidays
By JustWill [Ignore] 07,Nov,18 12:13 other posts 
Do you throw rocks at Christmas Carolers, too?
By #569341 08,Nov,18 03:40
I'd probably turn on some extreme music to scare their overly-joyous and annoying arses away...and i'd answer the door with my trademark tongue-out, but the scary version where my eyes are blank and i'm about to start doing a Maori Haka (any of this highlight clip of King Carlos Spencer but i'm biased coz he played my position and was one of my childhood heroes - TJ Perenara has probably become the best Haka leader: only registered users can see external links but luckily we don't get that sort of annoyance around here (((;, Willhelm--------------------------------------- added after 40 minutesJust for any members who are not familiar with rugby union or the various Maori Hakas - these are the other 2 New Zealand All Black Haka leaders that i'd have in my top 3...
Tana Umaga: only registered users can see external links
TJ Perenara: only registered users can see external links added after 62 minutesHonourable Haka leader mentions (i didn't/don't really rate them as players, but probably 2 of the best)...
Piri Weepu: only registered users can see external links
Liam Messam: only registered users can see external links

That's culture!
By #562152 08,Nov,18 07:53
only registered users can see external links

NZ cheated,,,hahaha
By #487013 06,Nov,18 22:10
Hey cut her some slack Bella. Halloween maybe the only time of the year she gets to pretend that she’s remotely attractive to others.
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

Can you imagine all the poor kiddie/s that she terrorized? Well like I’m sure that’s all the time. Only person on this site that is an actual nightmare out a Lovecraftian horror 365 days a year. Halloween is the only time she gets to pretend she isn’t a cunt.
By JustWill [Ignore] 07,Nov,18 12:15 other posts 
*Cthulhu* deserves no slack. Ever.
By #487013 07,Nov,18 20:57
More like Shub-Niggurath.
By JustWill [Ignore] 06,Nov,18 23:06 other posts 
Samhain ( what we call Halloween)is an important festival date for Pagans and Wiccans.
For Wicca, it is considered to be the most important of the four major annual festival days.
By bella! [Ignore] 07,Nov,18 01:02 other posts 
Well, SHUT MY MOUTH! This is a feed me peanuts and call me Dumbo, moment. So she is a witch!
By JustWill [Ignore] 07,Nov,18 08:06 other posts 
I think you spelled that wrong--which is odd. The "W" key isn't anywhere near the "B" key...
By #562152 07,Nov,18 09:15
By veryshyguy [Ignore] 07,Nov,18 22:21 other posts 
As a **** I was out there gathering my bag full of candy. As I moved into adulthood I didn't care for that day. I never went to any of the adult Halloween parties. These days I celebrate Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead). It makes a lot more sense to me to set aside those few days to think of those who we loved and are gone from our lives than to go to some party dressed up as who knows what.

But hey, each to their own...
By #562152 08,Nov,18 15:23
It's no different than wishing Happy Hanukkah to a Jew even though you are Christian.
--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutes

I'm wondering what terrible faux pas she committed that keeps all of you in such a state of bitchiness. You, all, sound like President Trump going after the "fake news"
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Nov,18 19:09 other posts 
Although your response says "all of you", you chose to direct your response to me. I can only speak for myself so I will start by saying that I find her greeting(s) phony. Really, wishing adults a "Happy Halloween"? Why not mark your calendar and make it a point to tell her when Groundhog's Day comes around and suggest that she wish the membership a "Happy Groundhog's Day"!
By #562152 09,Nov,18 07:39
Sounds good to me. The greeting is the important thing. I answer to you because it's your thread but, since the coment gets sent to the bottom of the thread anyway, I say you all. I never know were my answer will fall and I don't want to label it for you as the others seen to feel like you
--------------------------------------- added after 90 seconds

Too many words to say, Sorry, I was addressing everyone
By leopoldij [Ignore] 09,Nov,18 08:11 other posts 
Halloween is, unfortunately, celebrated almost everywhere in Europe. In Scandinavia, **** do exactly as American kids do. They walk from door to door and ask for candy. Hardly anybody, not even in AngloSaxon countries, knows that Halloween was a Scottish religious thing. And that's good because religion is one of the shittiest plights of humankind. The reason that Halloween is observed in Scandinavia and other places is a direct consequence of export of US culture.

By veryshyguy [Ignore] 07,Nov,18 22:36 other posts 
OK back on the "Full Monty" thing.

While you yourself might not want to the Full Monty in front of friends, relatives, etc. would you go see one of your family members or close relative do the Full Monty?

Just curious...
By #562152 08,Nov,18 15:35
I don't think I would unless it was my husband or one of my female relatives asking me for support

By bella! [Ignore] 07,Nov,18 02:17 other posts 
Is a member really qualified to be a mediator of any group IF they are unable to effectively separate how they feel about another member personally from the content of the member's post(s) in the groups that they meditate?
By #569341 07,Nov,18 03:13
Like banning a member from a public group for members from the Nation that they come from (that said member used to be mediator of), just because said current mediator chucked a tantrum after being offered an "olive branch"...acting like a lunatic in response...and then making themselves look like a conspiracy theorist whilst losing an argument? That sort of thing, b! ? (;
By bella! [Ignore] 07,Nov,18 05:41 other posts 

For the record, I have no knowledge of "tantrum chucking" or "olive branches" however, the lunacy matter has been noted time and time again... getting back on track, IF the mediator cannot remain impartial, the mediator has no business attempting to mediate.
By kebmo [Ignore] 07,Nov,18 05:50 other posts 
Is the person saying that the mediator is not impartial making an impartial decision when they say that?
By bella! [Ignore] 07,Nov,18 06:05 other posts 

If a member has been booted from a group solely because the mediator does not like said person, the mediator has grossly misused their power of authority and has proven that they cannot mediate without impartiality.
By kebmo [Ignore] 07,Nov,18 06:07 other posts 
True dat.
By #569341 07,Nov,18 06:53
An example of two intelligent people speaking impartially and without prejudice or childish behaviour...
By #562152 07,Nov,18 09:21
Is it possible to separate personal feelings from the mediation process?
--------------------------------------- added after 30 hours

I've yet to meet someone like that here. Everyone seems to have an agenda or they sport a thick coat of sheep's wool.
By #569341 08,Nov,18 03:49
Any leader should be completely unbiased!
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Nov,18 04:50 other posts 
For sure, unbiased and impartial. And IF that person cannot be unbiased, they need to pass the position of moderator along to someone else who can be unbiased.

AND IF admin is made aware that a member is not capable of being unbiased, and the person is not willing to recuse themselves from their position, he needs to become involved.

By veryshyguy [Ignore] 05,Nov,18 23:40 other posts 
I re-watched the movie - "Full Monty".

I have question how many of you, if desperate or for the enjoyment of, would you do the "Full Monty" in a show/performance, in front of all of your friends, colleges and maybe your relatives?

I know I could not do it.
By bella! [Ignore] 06,Nov,18 07:17 other posts 
An easy answer for me, NO! I'm not an exhibitionist, not now, not ever.
By veryshyguy [Ignore] 06,Nov,18 10:33 other posts 
By #562152 06,Nov,18 11:56
Well, ah,yeah, maybe, haha.
By veryshyguy [Ignore] 06,Nov,18 18:04 other posts 
By milesbferry [Ignore] 06,Nov,18 18:26 other posts 
You wasted an hour and a half re-watching that
By veryshyguy [Ignore] 07,Nov,18 17:23 other posts 
Of course! Why not!

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