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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
Please feel free to post miscellaneous subject matter, aka STUFF in this thread.

Please attempt to remain somewhat respectful to other members, ninnyhammers, dummies and folks you just don't like. Thank you.

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By #565792 22,Nov,18 08:06
very sad news this. Most friendly member on syc

By bella! [Ignore] 23,Nov,18 10:00 other posts 
I saw the blog and I did not know whether it was legit and what to make of it. So you believe that it is on the up-and-up?
By #565792 23,Nov,18 18:09
One can never be sure on this site but I do believe it's genuine.
By #551147 26,Nov,18 02:45
I think it's a crock-o-shit, to be completely honest. They posted a new blog, /blogs/38249.html giving more details. If she was "hiding out" in the U.S. why would she post her face openly? HELLO! I have other reasons why I feel it's complete B.S. but don't feel the need to express it. I will conclude with... Next will be a link to help them, a bereavement fund. If they haven't already solicited such things via private messages. Guess we'll see. That story really is incredible. Sounds like Hollywood shit to me.
By #565792 26,Nov,18 03:09
since the second blog post, I have my doubts, too.
By bella! [Ignore] 26,Nov,18 08:32 other posts 
I saw the second blog as well and thought it seemed over the top. I tend to be cynical so that's why I asked sven57a about his thoughts on the original blog, if he felt that it was sincere.

My cynical side wondered why her friends would have access to her password(s) to access the site (or anything that requires a password for that matter). And yes, the second blog seemed like a script for a low budget independent film.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 25,Nov,18 19:12 other posts 
The Atheist Experience is a weekly webcast based in Austin, Texas. Frequent topics include religious dogma, morality, ethics and application of the scientific method. The co-host often opens with a theme or current event, then takes live calls and this is where the fun starts!! If you want to experience what idiocy means you should listen to one of their broadcasts here

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or on youtube

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The Atheist Experience has as a central goal the promotion of positive atheism and the separation of church and state which, despite claims, does not fully exist in the US.

By bella! [Ignore] 23,Nov,18 20:59 other posts 
Today marked the beginning of the Christmas/holiday shopping season. Yep, it was Black Friday in the United States. Question(s), do you get caught up in the crowds searching for the ultimate bargain? Do other countries have an official kickoff day for holiday shopping, if so, when is it? What is the item that you need to find and purchase? What item would be the ultimate gift for you?
By #545732 23,Nov,18 22:42
Yeah, it was Black Friday here too. That would be quite a cool name for a band if it wasn't associated with Yuletide.
I haven't got a clue about gifts for most people yet. All I know is I need Lego, a toy microphone, a fairy costume and something relating to Harry Potter for the bairns.
My ultimate gift.... hmmm, tricky one, that. I'd quite like to get back into glass staining again, but this time I mean the whole constructing stained glass panels rather than just painting on glass, so perhaps some basic kit for that would be quite splendid. Other than that, I'd like an ostrich, a wombat and a Vietnamese pot-bellied pig... Oh and the cat wants a pair of Nike training shoes too.
What's your ultimate gift, Bella?
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Nov,18 22:57 other posts 
My ultimate gift would be a bathroom remodel and done like it is done on television, in only 2 days. I want someone to come in and show me what I want. Making decisions on fixtures, tile, hardware, etc. can be so difficult and mind draining. You could not believe all the anxiety I went through with a kitchen remodel, raised panel, sunken panel, hardware, oh my goodness I'm starting to perspire now just thinking about it.
By #545732 24,Nov,18 00:05
Oooh yes! I still remember the planning battle followed by a few days of chaos installing it all from 10 years ago when I had my kitchen done. Two Scouse (Liverpudlian) guys did the installation, a f4ther and s0n team, who were fun at first until their little quirks and amateur singing performances soon became like torture. Once they knew what I do for a living, the d@d would burst into song pretty much all the time except for when he wasn't talking shop with his s0n, but his bursts were a line or two from a song... then there would be a pause... then another burst into a few lines of a totally different song! And he'd shout from the kitchen to me with things like, "Hey mate, what about this one..." or "Ooooh you'll know this one, and if you don't, there's something wrong with ya..." and then sing the opening lines to songs from the shelves of pop music obscurity that I either hadn't heard before, hadn't heard in years or, worst of all, I'd chosen not to hear them in years because of how much I disliked them! He never finished a single verse or chorus of a song! I noticed his favourites were "You've Lost That Loving Feeling" by The Righteous Brothers and "Suspicious Minds" by Elvis, which was cool for me as I love those songs anyway.
Each night after they'd gone for the day, I kept getting random song lines running through my head, and they weren't even the catchy or significant lines of songs either.
However, his s0n was the opposite. Didn't sing or even have that much to say, but whenever he did, it ALWAYS started with a "What?", but in a Liverpudlian accent, so it was just a "Wa?". EVERY fucking bit of dialogue! Then, a split second later, he'd speak so fast that I struggled to hear what he said. It was like he was on amphetamine! He was the skinniest, gawky looking y0ung guy too. The second day they were here, I quietly asked him if his d4d sings all the time at home. He replied with, "Wa? No, he..." and then the rest of what he said might just as well have been a random sequence of Scrabble letter tiles lined up and read out loud, that's how little I understood him. I just nodded with a smile as he finished and said, "Riiiiight", hoping he didn't carry on talking, not because I didn't want to chat, just to avoid awkwardness by me needing him to repeat himself all the time.
Aww, I know I sound mean about them, but I actually did like the guys. They were warm and friendly and they did a great job of my kitchen... except they wired the light switch wrong, so one switch is in the off position when the light is on and, over ten years later, I still get confused by it.
So, Bella, you sure you wouldn't like an ostrich or wombat instead of a new bathroom?
By 2nice [Ignore] 24,Nov,18 08:51 other posts 
That was hilarious.

The light switch problem is a pretty easy fix. Cut the power, disconnect the two positive (black) wires. Flip the switch 180 degrees. Re-fasten the two wires. Done.
By bella! [Ignore] 24,Nov,18 11:17 other posts 
You make it sound like anyone should be able to do it. I'm just going to say that things involving natural gas and electricity scare the beegeebers outta me so your simple fix is not realistic.
By #545732 25,Nov,18 15:33
To be honest, I think if I bothered to correct it now, I'd be just as confused after living with it for so long the way it is now, haha! Thanks for the tip though

By bella! [Ignore] 25,Nov,18 12:01 other posts 
Okay, okay, it is no s,ecret, I am not a fan of pissing pictures BUT I had to chuckle when I saw that one member reported another member for deletion for Ill,egal Image. Reason given, the picture reflected pee.

Then, the first voter comes along and votes NO ABUSE, freezes the voting process and adds the comment; "Is pee not allowed? Cum is..."

By #569341 25,Nov,18 02:52
Forgot how satisfying it was to work with your hands:
About a year ago i picked up a tonne of antique furniture (that has been sitting in my garage untouched since) in need of a tiny bit of restoration from an antique store going out of business. I had my first free Sunday for ages today so i had some time to completely restore some of the pieces. The simple things in life...!
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Nov,18 10:16 other posts 
I wish I had the eye to see how to repurpose things as I do like to mix vintage pieces, as I find them, in with things that I have.
By phart [Ignore] 25,Nov,18 10:46 other posts 

By bella! [Ignore] 24,Nov,18 22:20 other posts 
I don't get it, really I don't. Why post here if you feel that I (or my minions) have wronged you? There are so many threads to choose from, post your thoughts there, post your pictures there. It is such a simple remedy, I don't understand why YOU haven't thought of it.
By #562152 24,Nov,18 23:25
I ha.te to ask. It may sound self serving, but, are you referring to me?
/tw0o38e9x63epic.html,,,,if you are then let me say it again. I like the subjects the members post here.
By bella! [Ignore] 24,Nov,18 23:30 other posts 
You consider me your "arch enemy" and "nutso", please, do us both a favor, post elsewhere.
By #562152 24,Nov,18 23:35
Don't think so. What I think of you has nothing to do with the good entries by other members. You are bringing this on yourself. Just drop it and it will go away.
By bella! [Ignore] 24,Nov,18 23:39 other posts 
Pssssst......I going to spray for the annoying bugs.
By #569341 25,Nov,18 02:57
Can you imagine what it would be like to be one of the resident plants for a couple of lunatics, b! ? It must be a hard job...?!

By #562152 24,Nov,18 23:20

By #562152 24,Nov,18 09:21
I was looking at the SYD main page this morning and I swear, 7 of the first 8 pics are photoshoped. I think there should be a tick box on the pics for members voting on it can label it as photoshoped. Have a running count and when it reaches 10 the pic gets removed from the main page.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 24,Nov,18 11:05 other posts 
Is there a rule against Photoshop?what about the women with fake tits ?
Most of the female profiles are men!they get to the top of the main pages over genuine female pics!!
And it's your opinion that a pic could be photoshopped over if it's real...
votes and views get the pics on the main page....and most of the people are here to play fantasy.... that's why the photoshopped and fake females prosper... monster cock and Barbie dolls....
By #562152 24,Nov,18 11:11
You are probably right. People would cheat to get rid of the competition. BTW, you have a very poor conception about the women on SYC. I don't look at the women's side that much (for obvious reasons). How the heck are you able to determine if a woman is fake?
By mr_blue [Ignore] 24,Nov,18 11:26 other posts 
How are you able to determine pics are photoshopped?
And I think you mean perception not conception...
By #562152 24,Nov,18 11:30
perception,,i used to think i had a great vocabulary, then i arrived here, I look at a pic and have a sense when something looks abnormal. I may not be able to say what it is that sets me off, but, it's there. I guess it sounds hokey.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 24,Nov,18 11:54 other posts 
conception is an idea !!so you're saying "my" conception of females is poor idea of female accounts here is a reality... it's mostly dudes hiding as females or showing their partners...
You could argue that's a just a perception..
It's all semantics anyway...

I look at female accounts with a cynical eye, I'm not interested in catfish
How can so many women show their faces but cannot take a minute to write on a bit of paper next to their face?
Cuz the account is fake....
Then there's web cam screenshots,and even better,the picture of a screenshot with the nice vertical lines in it...
And the obvious,just Google the female many return matches to other sites....but the watermark s cropped off...
By #562152 24,Nov,18 12:03
Maybe i'm not used to posting on a porn site (or any other site) but, why would anyone write something and put it up by their face as they take a pic?? I admit some of my private uploads are somewhat photo shopped but my main page is all me and all i can say is that they all show my "Candy" necklace on my neck and not one has a "Hi, this is me taking a selfie" paper next to it
--------------------------------------- added after 59 seconds

No, the pics of my ass don't show the necklace,,,
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

Also, not related, I don't understand why a man would wantb to impersonate a woman,,,or visa versa
By mr_blue [Ignore] 24,Nov,18 12:06 other posts 
You show your face!!!!!why is it so difficult to prove that's it's you in the picture ?
So you ask for a picture of their face with their username and date on it !very simple,you know, that's how verification works
So if you show your face and cannot show a verification picture with that face, it's not that person behind the account
By #562152 24,Nov,18 12:08
i used my drivers licence blocking out #, address and year of birth
By mr_blue [Ignore] 24,Nov,18 12:09 other posts 
There you go,you showed that you are real,you went further than what I would ask for.
I don't demand verification from anyone,but I do find it funny that guys will blur out their faces but will show their partners,bit of a double standard in that regard..
By bella! [Ignore] 24,Nov,18 12:24 other posts 
That is my pet peeve, the SYD members whose profiles reflect they are male (not a couple) and he has no problem showing her face and multiple of different women's faces yet will be careful not to show his own.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 24,Nov,18 12:29 other posts 
Yeah, it's a joke that guys do that,makes me wonder if the women even know that their nudes are being shown online...
Fair play if you show your face, it's more than I will do on a site like this,but if posted a female partners pic with her face, without showing my own, I'd expect some flack....
By bella! [Ignore] 24,Nov,18 12:35 other posts 
I want to say that Diddle has been here before posting similar content on his page. If you look at the titles of his pictures, they're allegedly of his 18 year old stepdaughter and there are a few pictures that feature her friend. PUKE!
By #562152 24,Nov,18 12:30
I agree,,
By #562152 24,Nov,18 12:09
Erwin??? who's Erwin??
By mr_blue [Ignore] 24,Nov,18 12:12 other posts 
that's a typo
By #562152 24,Nov,18 12:22
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

I do know (I've been told) i show my face too much, but, I feel like a hypocrite if I don't. I don't expect it from anyone else, but, that's just me
By mr_blue [Ignore] 24,Nov,18 12:33 other posts 
It's your choice to show your face to the public..

By 2nice [Ignore] 20,Nov,18 08:15 other posts 
In case any of you are wondering where bella has been. She has been unable to logon to the site for three days now. Speaking with admin, it doesn’t appear to be an issue with the site, but more so on her end. She’s tried to access the site with each of the URL’s that link here with no success.

This is what she see’s each time she attempts to access the site.

[deleted image]

If any of you have any ideas that might help her out, chime in.
By #526776 20,Nov,18 08:29
I haven’t had that issue but I know of 2 other members who also have. (?!)
By mr_blue [Ignore] 20,Nov,18 08:50 other posts 
Ask her to try another porn site like pornhub ....
Try different browsers...clear caches....
If she can access PornHub she should be able to type in showyourcunt into Google and it will show in the search...
And the details link in the screenshot will provide a code or info for the issue...that would help to know can Google that code and find the solution maybe?
By 2nice [Ignore] 20,Nov,18 09:33 other posts 
Thanks, blue. I’ll let her know.
By #562152 20,Nov,18 09:38
If she's using a router, she might want to power down for 15 min then re-power so she gets a different IP address. The glitch might be from a block to her IP address
By #551147 20,Nov,18 12:20
This very thing happened to another beloved member of ours. He reached out to me and I had him do the things that you described, Mr. Blue, and it still didn't work. He's since gotten back in, but he didn't tell me how he did it. I'll reach out to him. Stay tuned...
By Ray10754 [Ignore] 20,Nov,18 14:28 other posts 
had this prob with another site recently (Same message) longed off and restarted my computer and haven't had that prob since.Is she using a desktop,laptop or her phone,I was told that some phone companies are putting blocks for x sites on the phones for adult content. But not sure that is reliable information at this point.
By 2nice [Ignore] 20,Nov,18 17:35 other posts 
Thanks, Ray.
By #460385 20,Nov,18 16:25
It has happened to us before. We powered our phones off and did the system updates and then we were good. I'm pretty sure she uses her phone for the site.
By #487013 20,Nov,18 16:52
Her ISP has probably blacklisted the site from being reached.
By bella! [Ignore] 20,Nov,18 18:18 other posts 
That's what I thought however, not the case. I just bought a Apple iPad and added it to my Sprint account and that device does not work, either.

I'm sitting in the Sprint store talking to these young guys and one contacts his district manager who replied that mobile data (I suspect he is referring to this site) is not compatible with Sprint and AT&T. SINCE WHEN, Friday, November,16 at noon EST?

Who else uses their mobile device? Does anyone use Sprint and are able to access the site?
By milesbferry [Ignore] 20,Nov,18 18:32 other posts 
Dump the Apple. Get a Samsung
By bella! [Ignore] 20,Nov,18 18:48 other posts 
Both my devices, the Samsung phone and the Apple iPad will not connect with this site using the data from the device. It will, however, use WIFI without any problems.
By #562152 20,Nov,18 18:33
I use AT&T for tablet and cell phone
--------------------------------------- added after 48 seconds

Cell is apple, tablet is Samsung
By #551147 20,Nov,18 19:12
Still haven't heard back from the friend. But since it seems we are using process of elimination. I use my phone, a Samsung S8 with T-Mobile provider. The friend that was blocked out had AT&T as his service provider on an I-phone.
By #487013 20,Nov,18 19:24
Huh weird. I use a mobile device but mostly off of WiFi. We do that to people at work, we add a sites url and IP to our blacklist and they will get similar messages like the one you got. Are you able to use another network? If you have apple products and use safari you can clear out bad info using the clear data option in your settings. Also have you updated to the most recent IOS yet? If not if back up and do a system restore.
By bella! [Ignore] 24,Nov,18 11:43 other posts 
Just seeing your message now. I was able to access the site on Thursday. You've provided good information that I will take a screenshot of. Thank you.
By 2nice [Ignore] 20,Nov,18 17:33 other posts 
She does.
By milesbferry [Ignore] 20,Nov,18 18:09 other posts 
Her mobile phone 4G provider needs proof that Bella is over 18, or 21. It took mine several weeks!
By bella! [Ignore] 20,Nov,18 18:49 other posts 
Are you suggesting that they might be questioning my age?
By #487013 20,Nov,18 19:28
On your iPhone or iPad try going to your settings then general and make sure you don’t have any restrictions for the site or your browser. I believe on an Android you go to the cello data option and make sure it’s enabled.
By milesbferry [Ignore] 21,Nov,18 17:30 other posts 
Yes, they are! You might be a m i n o r. The jargon here in UK is 'safeguarding'.

On my home wifi, everything is allowed. On public wifi, sites like this 'adult' one will be blocked.

I've never tried this site when I've been in a Wetherspoons pub, but it is probably blocked.

So I only do 'adult' stuff from home. Of course, if I wanted to use 'adult' sites when at work, or out and about, I would use my mobile phone and 4G. But I had to prove to my provider, Giffgaff, that I was 'of age', with a jpeg of my birth certificate!
--------------------------------------- added after 12 minutes

PS. I've been using a Wiley Fox for a couple of years. Worth a look:
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By leopoldij [Ignore] 20,Nov,18 18:58 other posts 
I'm having issues too. I cannot login using wifi. I have to use roaming. Which is expensive. I've no idea what the issue is.
By kebmo [Ignore] 20,Nov,18 23:25 other posts 
Does it work at home but not elsewhere? Perhaps public hotspots block sites like this.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 21,Nov,18 04:42 other posts 
That's the problem. It doesn't work at home when I use WiFi. I have to turn WiFi off and use roaming on my phone. I used to access this site from my computer with WiFi but now it doesn't work. Which is very strange. I don't obviously, block porn sites. I can access them all, with WiFi, except this one!
By #562152 21,Nov,18 07:55
see if a friend can set up a WiFi mobile hot spot. If it works you are being blocked and the only way is through your IP address
By leopoldij [Ignore] 21,Nov,18 09:41 other posts 
I just tried it at a different place, different WiFi. It still doesn't work.
By #562152 21,Nov,18 09:43
is it your cell phone?
By leopoldij [Ignore] 21,Nov,18 09:48 other posts 
Not only. Both cell phone and laptop. And they're totally independent, different operating system even.
By #562152 21,Nov,18 09:53
MMMMMMMMM,,then it's more than i know,,,this one is a mystery
By leopoldij [Ignore] 21,Nov,18 11:17 other posts 
Indeed. For the life of me... I don't know What's going on. I even reset the modem, just in case, but the problem persists. I even tried from a tutors third laptop. Still, nor access. Mind you, there are no filters
I can access other porn sites.
By #562152 21,Nov,18 11:25
call your WiFi provider and tell them whats happening. they may be able to reset a filter that we don't know
By leopoldij [Ignore] 21,Nov,18 12:16 other posts 
Maybe. But I don't want them to know what sites I'm accessing...
By #562152 21,Nov,18 12:37
baby,,they know already,,
By leopoldij [Ignore] 21,Nov,18 15:15 other posts 
Oh I know. I just don't want to discuss with them...
By phart [Ignore] 21,Nov,18 17:52 other posts 
I am using a Verizon hotspot as I type.Also tether to my samsung phone.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 21,Nov,18 18:56 other posts 
You used two words that are unknown to me; hotspot, tethering.

But now it works. The magician Admin fixed it!

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