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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
Please feel free to post miscellaneous subject matter, aka STUFF in this thread.

Please attempt to remain somewhat respectful to other members, ninnyhammers, dummies and folks you just don't like. Thank you.

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By bella! [Ignore] 13,Nov,18 07:25 other posts 
I didn't realize that first novel, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, was released more than 21 years ago, in June, 1997.

By bella! [Ignore] 13,Nov,18 06:02 other posts 
The COCKS, YA GOTTA LOVE 'EM 😁 contest is going to be one helluva contest. There's 35 hours before the contest kicks off and there are 73, yes, 73 participants!

73 x 15 points = 1,095. I'm not sure what the houses cut is but some lucky guy is going to get a trophy and a heck of a lot of points.


By bella! [Ignore] 13,Nov,18 05:47 other posts 
I detest the first snowfall of the season, at least it's the first one that I will be traveling in. It snowed last night, it collected on the cars and grass, but not so much on the pavement. So why is that difficult to drive in? , the temperature is about 29 degrees Fahrenheit (yeah, more than 50 degrees colder than Miami was 4 days ago) and the chances there is "black ice" is greater. I don't advocate driving 30mph, just in case, but the yahoos that think they can clip along at the speed they travel when there's dry pavement, really scare me.

By kebmo [Ignore] 12,Nov,18 02:17 other posts 
I've seen on different profiles people showing their driver licences with their personal photos. Why the hell would someone add all that personal info on a site like this?
By bella! [Ignore] 12,Nov,18 03:56 other posts 
Just because!
By kebmo [Ignore] 12,Nov,18 04:09 other posts 
Oh, OK.
By #562152 12,Nov,18 09:18
If you show your face anyway, it doesn't matter as long as you blot out critical data like address, license number and birthday
By bella! [Ignore] 13,Nov,18 02:06 other posts 
I was giving it more thought, perhaps they show their Driver's License with all pertinent information so that you know when it's their birthday and where you should send the card. That makes sense to me.
By kebmo [Ignore] 13,Nov,18 02:19 other posts 
Which of course I do!
By bella! [Ignore] 13,Nov,18 05:38 other posts 
You are so thoughtful!

By kebmo [Ignore] 12,Nov,18 02:33 other posts 
90 year old Douglas Rain, Canadian born actor and voice of Hal on 2001: A Space Odyssey, has been deactivated today. RIP
By #562152 12,Nov,18 09:19
By #372661 12,Nov,18 11:59
RIP. Does this mean the pod bay doors have been opened 50 years later?
By kebmo [Ignore] 12,Nov,18 18:40 other posts 

By bella! [Ignore] 12,Nov,18 16:15 other posts 
Some folks have a tendency to believe that they have a "better side" when it comes to photographs. Let me take it one step further, do you think that your genitals or breasts have a better side when it comes to pictures?

By bella! [Ignore] 12,Nov,18 09:23 other posts 
Schwifty , oh Schwifty where are you?

It would be nice if the penalties imposed on members that have been blacklisted were reviewed for fairness. What goes on in chat, the aggressive behavior and language, does not always spill over into the Forum. Blocking members from interacting and contributing in the Forum might not be the best way to resolve matters.

By bella! [Ignore] 09,Nov,18 01:33 other posts 
A sincere question for any interested men folk; do you find women more attractive with or without makeup?
By #545732 09,Nov,18 02:12
I prefer no makeup or just a little. The colours and tones of heavily applied makeup just look too plastic or unnatural to me. I like natural beauty.
By bella! [Ignore] 09,Nov,18 02:37 other posts 
Thank you.

When I look at some of the profiles established by SYC members, I just see SO MUCH eye makeup. And I'm dumbstruck when I see some of the comments posted by SYD members telling them what beautiful eyes they have. In my opinion, sometimes their eye makeup looks more like theatrical makeup which might require a putty knife to scrape off. But I loves me my lipstick!
By #545732 09,Nov,18 02:49
I see lots of pics where they've used an app of some sort that I think is meant to "enhance" facial features, but they always look more like a cartoon character instead!
I can't believe I'm going to admit this in the forum, but many moons ago when I was in a band, we did lots of photo shoots for album covers etc. My God, those makeup artists slapped a LOT of the stuff on us! I had more makeup on my face than my mother used to in the 1960s! I remember laughing at my face when I saw myself in a mirror and the makeup g1rl got really pissed off with me because she had to fix the deep creases of my "laugh lines" afterwards.
It felt horrible on me too. It was like I'd dipped my face in a pool of mud... but of course, I looked fabulous, daaaaaarling!
By #569341 09,Nov,18 02:14
No make-up, b!
By bella! [Ignore] 09,Nov,18 02:41 other posts 
I appreciate your response. Are you the type of man that when you say, let's go, you don't want to wait 2 hours for her to get her face on and her "hair did"?
By #551147 09,Nov,18 09:07
I prefer all natural myself. That being said, many women can look equally as stunning when makeup is used lightly to accentuate their natural beauty.

I dated a girl that used so much you could actually see the caking on various parts of her face. I tried to get her to tone it down but she wouldn't have any part of it. For some reason, in her eyes she needed it for the image she wanted. When I saw her with none she looked far more prettier in my opinion.
By #565792 09,Nov,18 09:41
There are but very few women who wouldn't benefit from some make-up but of course succes depends on skil and good taste. Overdoing it just makes things worse.
Moreover most women feel more self-assured with make-up and that's a very important aspect.
Same goes for breasts. If a girl is unhappy with a pair of teabags by all means go for implants and feel good
Facial cosmetic surgery is usually a disaster.
my 2cts
By #562152 09,Nov,18 12:06
I love it when I get to put lipstick on my nipples.
I like makeup but not over the top, there is a nice balance that makes the look more natural. What about make up sex?
By bella! [Ignore] 10,Nov,18 15:08 other posts 
It depends on whether he's good or not.
By #570945 09,Nov,18 13:15
I prefer less makeup. Sometimes it seems it's a self confidence thing a lot of it driven from guys not giving compliments or appreciation when it's due
By bella! [Ignore] 10,Nov,18 15:09 other posts 
Hmmmm..... interesting thought.
By veryshyguy [Ignore] 09,Nov,18 20:54 other posts 
Without makeup. I am okay with makeup if it makes them feel better about themselves but I **** it when they use too much.

The natural look is better.
By phart [Ignore] 10,Nov,18 09:26 other posts 
To me,very little to no make up at all looks better,and healthier.That make up is slow poison to a womans skin and body and frankly,as a man,I don't wear any and if the woman can accept what nature has given me,I can give her the same respect.
To much make up on a woman reminds me of bad body work on a car.TO much BONDO will crack and fall off in a few years and the ugly will come out.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 10,Nov,18 11:19 other posts 
I have never been a fan of lots of make up. The women that i see as assitants on cosmetic counters just make me think urrgghhh!!!
My wife had the Goldilocks touch and got it just right and she looked really great.
There are of course some women who just don't need it and I do like that.
So, hedging my bets.
By bella! [Ignore] 10,Nov,18 12:09 other posts 
When I was young, I could not wait to wear makeup. I bought it and hid it from my mom/parents and would slather it on at school. I think makeup is a rite of passage for many young girls, not sure what boys do.

About 3 weeks ago and prior to my vacation, I went to the salon where I get my manis and pedis and Amy, the girl I go to, is a beautiful, young Vietnamese girl. I suspect that she might be 22 or 23 years old. She's petite, with beautiful long, silky black hair and flawless skin. In the past, she has had individual eyelashes in various lengths applied, that in my opinion, only made her more striking. This time, it looked as though she had a full set of fake lashes on along with a broad stroke of black eyeliner. To me, she looked over done but I assumed she achieved the look she was going after.
By #545732 10,Nov,18 12:38
Y'know, I've never thought about that rite of passage for boys until reading your post just now. The only thing I can think of is maybe their first "moustache" of soft whispy fur that comes along in their teen5. Over here, our nickname for that is "bumfluff", haha! Just like girls can choose whether or not to wear makeup, boys can choose to grow or shave their "fluff", but I think the majority choose to let it grow.
By bella! [Ignore] 10,Nov,18 15:12 other posts 
You might be right. The hormones are in the process of changing the young man's voice and the growth of the facial hair.
By #545732 10,Nov,18 15:26
Yeah, I guess it's about their hormones doing the development of adulthood job. The girls want to be noticed and attractive to the boys, and the boys want to appear more manly to the girls.
Here's a little twist in that theory though - have you ever heard of the term "non binary androgyne"?
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 11,Nov,18 06:27 other posts 
I have a friend whose daughter has just entered her teens and is obsessed with make up and has been for a few years. As you say I think this is a rite of passage for young girls.
YOur final comment really is so important, whatever we may think of the use of makeup it is presumably the look that the woman concerned is going after.
Your Vietnames woman sounds just the sort of woman I was suggesting really doesn't need make up.

By bella! [Ignore] 09,Nov,18 17:04 other posts 
WOW! Left Miami, FL this afternoon at about 12:45pm and it was 84 F degrees. Arrived in Detroit less than 3 hours later and it's 36 F degrees, with light snow on the ground. I don't like it one bit.
By DeepThroatThis [Ignore] 09,Nov,18 18:49 other posts 
how was the trip?
By bella! [Ignore] 09,Nov,18 21:10 other posts 
The trip was nice. I preferred being in Lisbon and Madrid versus the cruise. Although this is the first ocean cruise I've been on, I've heard several people comment that they liked the smaller ships better. I guess I'm going to have to take another cruise to compare "apples and oranges"!

Maybe next year......
By veryshyguy [Ignore] 10,Nov,18 08:57 other posts 
I also like the smaller cruise ships. I find them a lot friendlier and easier to get around on. I find the service is better and the food is better.

The only drawback is the smaller ships get tossed around easier in rough seas.

I have found I love the European River cruises! Especially the Amsterdam to Vienna was awesome!

I am thinking of taking one of those paddle ships down the Mississippi from Memphis to New Orleans. Might be fun.
By veryshyguy [Ignore] 10,Nov,18 09:00 other posts 
BTW one of the best cruises I was ever on, this was many years ago, was the Alaskan cruise from Seward to Vancouver. It was spectacular! It had a land portion. Flew to Fairbanks, then took the train down to Anchorage. Spent several days in Denali and got to see the massive mountain!

I highly recommend it!
By veryshyguy [Ignore] 09,Nov,18 20:55 other posts 
Brrrrr…. It is a shock indeed!!!!
By #460385 09,Nov,18 22:11
Really, you were in Miami. Jeez we would have came to the airport for a drink.
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

We hope you took a Royal Caribbean cruise and not a Carnival Cruise?
By bella! [Ignore] 09,Nov,18 22:32 other posts 
Yes, a Royal Caribbean cruise and yes, I was sitting at the Delta terminal in Miami from about 8:30am until we boarded at 12:10pm.

I was actually surprised how many folks were strolling around with open beer all before 10:00am!
--------------------------------------- added after 7 minutes

By the way, the Miami skyline is quite beautiful.
By #460385 10,Nov,18 07:29
Yes it is. From a distance.
By #562152 10,Nov,18 09:00
Yes, Miami is in fall weather. Need a coat in the evening. It goes down to 70's

By bella! [Ignore] 09,Nov,18 02:12 other posts 
And a question for the seasoned traveler...

This is my/our first ocean cruise so I/we are true "newbies". At the time the trip was booked, Royal Caribbean wanted credit card information for their record. They also made it clear that there was $15.00 per day fee that would be billed to said credit card for gratuities for staff.

Since the cruise will end on Friday, November 9, hours ago, our cabin steward placed an envelope in our stateroom requesting an independent gratuity for "exceptional service". Yes, on our first day, we requested a bucket of ice each night. The steward made sure there was a bucket of ice for our cabin MOST nights but there were 3 days/nights that he overlooked our cabin because I was holed up in it feeling like crap.

Question; I Google'd tipping protocol and it suggested $3.50 per day, per person. To anyone's knowledge, is that a good guideline even when there are mandatory gratuity charges billed for each sailing day? Hurry, we will be vacating the cabin in less than 6 hours.
By veryshyguy [Ignore] 09,Nov,18 21:08 other posts 
I am not sure how they presented it to you but you are probably tipping others in the crew which are serving you but you rarely see them. Besides the cabin steward there are those in in the dining room, those who bring you drinks while on deck or in other areas of the ship, etc.

Maintenance personnel or others like the ship's crew of sailors and other purser etc. really don't get tips. They work on a salary contract.

I am not sure how many wait staff personnel you had at your table, and in the buffet area. You also had someone serving your alcohol, etc.

$15 a day is good. Most of the cabin crew, servers, etc. get a very low stipend and they sign on for a 11 month contract. The $15 gets put into a pool and their "pay" is dispersed from that pool of money.

Most of those who work cruise ships in this capacity really don't make a lot of money by our standards but they make a lot based on the standards of their home country.
By bella! [Ignore] 09,Nov,18 21:17 other posts 
These people earn an hourly, weekly or monthly wage, yes? The $15.00 is "frosting on the cake", yes?
By veryshyguy [Ignore] 10,Nov,18 08:52 other posts 
I'm not sure how much they pay those who are working for tips but I understand it is low. Not sure what it works out in an hourly wage. Someone told me it is about $800 to $1000 a month. They do get their food and cabin but not much else. Not sure how many cabins a housekeeper takes care of but I think is somewhere between 10 to 20.

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