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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
Please feel free to post miscellaneous subject matter, aka STUFF in this thread.

Please attempt to remain somewhat respectful to other members, ninnyhammers, dummies and folks you just don't like. Thank you.

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By #562152 19,Nov,18 20:07
Just landed on this thread by someone with a mental challenged mind. Any comments?

Has anybody sent a self cock pic to a family member or friend and played if off as a complete accident. If so who was it and what were their reactions?
By #551147 20,Nov,18 01:52
Where is this thread, or what's the title of it?
By #562152 20,Nov,18 09:41
i went back to find it and it was gone,,

By kebmo [Ignore] 15,Nov,18 11:47 other posts 
I just saw an ad on TV where a guy bought his wife an exercise bike for Christmas and she was very happy about it. I would NOT recommend that you do that! Buy her a vacuum or a dishwasher instead. I'm sure the results would be the same.
By #562152 17,Nov,18 10:52
I would get plenty of exercise wrapping that bike around my lover's head,,
By kebmo [Ignore] 17,Nov,18 21:39 other posts 
By phart [Ignore] 17,Nov,18 21:53 other posts 
Being a single man,I must admit I don't understand why that is the thought process. The man is trying to give a practical gift. In the case of the bike he is giving her a gift that will enable her to become more beutiful and feel better.Perhaps the woman has wanted to loose wieght and the bike would be a gentle nudge in the right direction for her health and a brighter future for their marriage.
A dishwasher, geez,why would that make a woman angry? That would take alot of the work out of cooking for the family.I know from what little cooking I do,it is the damn clean up that makes me dread cooking!
A vacuam. Again,why is that a issue? Perhaps the old 1 is hard to push or wont' fit under the bed? A new 1 could be lighter and easier to push.
I mean really, I know I may sound silly or stupid But this is a case of I frankly don't understand why being practical is so terriable.You would think the woman would appreciate the man looking out for her.
If you flipped it around and say for example I was dating a woman and she gave me a a new vacuam because she saw my old 1 was a peice of junk,I would really appreciate what she did.That would mean to me she paid attention to me and my life as a whole and saw room for improvement. If she watched me stuggle with my wieght and bought me a membership to a gym,again,I would appreciate her thoughts.It would mean she is truly interesting in my health and if I am healthy it would improve our relationship because I could travel and do things with less effort.
I think folks at Christmas time want impractical shineing things to impress others.When in reality,folks like me look at a set of diamond earrings that a relative spent a small fortune on and wonder what the hell were they thinking. then later I scratch my head as they have to get the car jump started to go home. Geez, buy your wife a new battery for the car so she is not stranded on the highway at night to get robbed or worse! DUH.
By kebmo [Ignore] 17,Nov,18 23:45 other posts 
By phart [Ignore] 18,Nov,18 15:46 other posts 
what did you pass? the test? Or did I pass a test or a ?
By #562152 18,Nov,18 08:23
And that is why you are still single
By phart [Ignore] 18,Nov,18 09:55 other posts 
So being practical and logical is not good>I am supposed to waste money on bling as the household suffers and our health declines to the point of being blubber balls? Sheesh.I think I am better off.
By #562152 18,Nov,18 09:58
Yes, baby,,bling is SEX, SEX, SEX, SEX,,,the household will survive,,and your health has nothing to do with it
By phart [Ignore] 18,Nov,18 13:29 other posts 
Oh, I thought sex was because they wanted it or wanted to please me or felt sorry for me or something ,not sex for earrings! back to what I have always said,legalize prostitution.Cheaper in the long run.
By #562152 18,Nov,18 13:34
I'm all for legalization. Why should the women get pinched because a cock swinger wants to buy some time?
By kebmo [Ignore] 19,Nov,18 03:03 other posts 
"Prostitution in Canada. Current laws on sex work, introduced by the Conservative government in 2014, make it iliegal to purchase sexual services, ilIegal to advertise, ilIegal to live on the material benefits from sex work, and in some cases ilIegal to sell sex in public areas."


The Johns get busted and can have their cars impounded when they go to jail.
By #562152 19,Nov,18 07:52
Legalize it, regulate it (inspections for STD's and areas where they can do business), tax it.
By phart [Ignore] 19,Nov,18 09:50 other posts 
Yep, S.T.O.P. State tax on Pussy!
It would greatly reduce drunken driving,domestic v1olence,suicides,depression,poverty.
No college education needed for a good living wage. Just maintain good health and be screened on a schedule for std's.
It is a much more logical win-win situation for the government and the people than legal pot. Legal pot is like liquer.People get drunk they drive and kill,they beat and terrorize others.
How many people die each year from getting to much PUSSY?
How many innocents are killed each year because someone just got laid a few minutes before? Not many.
There are known deaths from people having wrecks while enjoying oral sex but they are rare and far beteen.
By #562152 19,Nov,18 11:02
Lover, I'd love to see how your mind works. Better than an acid trip. Got to love you for it.
By #551147 19,Nov,18 11:55
Atta Girl!

SEE! We can agree on something. 🙂

Tax, tax, tax, and of course... Regulate it for safety sake. 😉

THEN! Use that money for one of them oh so caring lib FREEBIES you all seek so often.

Question: What would YOU do with the funds collected from prostitution? 🤔
By #562152 19,Nov,18 13:05
Women get lifetime membership to The Chip-N-Dales
--------------------------------------- added after 68 seconds

Also, intervention sessions for rabid Republicans
By phart [Ignore] 19,Nov,18 13:47 other posts 
Perhaps Rebub's wouldn't be so rabid if they could simple get some pussy without all the heartache!
By #562152 19,Nov,18 19:59
you have to serenade them,,,

only registered users can see external links

By #562152 19,Nov,18 13:20
For you guys that are gay (and really nice guys) please accept my apologies. No disrespect meant, but, I think the forums should be renamed to:


It's so hard to find a forum that has nothing to do with:
Maybe the site should change from "Show Your Dick" to "Cum Suck Dick"

By #562152 19,Nov,18 08:07
I was looking at the men's main page. Because of the entries here, I looked a little bit closer than I usually do. I never realized how much some of these men really wish for a real cock. I'm heart broken. All this time I thought there was a chance I'd be able to play Tarzan. Now, I'm happy with what I have at home.

By sweetslit [Ignore] 19,Nov,18 06:26 other posts 
There was an entry in the Funny Pics themed contest of a don't smoke suck dick instead pic. Does anyone know the members page where I can find it?

By kebmo [Ignore] 19,Nov,18 03:23 other posts 
Oh, I see our story telling, slster fucking friend is back. This time he is known as pussyeater9. 24 blog stories in two days!

By bella! [Ignore] 13,Nov,18 18:04 other posts 
I attempted to thank a member for participating in the current contest that I've sponsored however he does not accept messages from my gender.

Hmmmmm......he didn't have a problem entering a contest that my gender created. Are some men so GAY that they cannot or will not interact with women? Do they forget that it was a woman who gave birth to them? That is some messed up crap
By #460385 13,Nov,18 18:49
Sounds like you have the authority to remove him from your contest.
By bella! [Ignore] 13,Nov,18 19:12 other posts 
I do have that "privilege", but I'm not going to do anything like that.

If I recall correctly, I've only booted three members from the contests that I've created/sponsored; 1 was because he used an internet picture, 1 because I made the contest age specific and he was "too young" (funny thing, his profile stated he was younger than he actually was, I guess men like to lie about their age, too) AND it all started with Aussieman187, who jumped into one of my contests and he had blacklisted me ages ago. It wasn't until recently that I reciprocated and blacklisted him. It was shortly after the pint sized, uncreative loser uploaded a STUFF, JUST STUFF thread he decides he's going to unblacklist me to post in my thread and when he was finished, he blacklisted me once again. To stop his childlike behavior, I blacklisted him.

You know, those two Aussies really do lack creativity. Now SHE goes through and acknowledges members that participate in her contests.
By #460385 13,Nov,18 20:37
By #562152 17,Nov,18 11:45
You two (3) should face off with pistols at twenty paces. Even better, all three should unblack list each other and i'll start a new thread. "FORUM FIGHT OF THE CENTURY"

By bella! [Ignore] 13,Nov,18 15:22 other posts 
I saw an interesting poll, the question was if you believe that there are more straight men having sex with gay men.

If men are "straight" would they be having sex with another man, whether that man is gay, straight OR bi?
By #460385 13,Nov,18 18:46
Nope. I can assure you they are not straight. This sounds like a question for the great one. Will, where are you?
By bella! [Ignore] 13,Nov,18 19:21 other posts 
Yeah, where is JustWill when you need to pick his brain? This is the poll that caught my eye.

By JustWill [Ignore] 13,Nov,18 22:55 other posts 
"the great one"?
Okay, your flattery has worked.
Here's my two cents on the subject:
By definition, guys who have sex with guys (and girls who have sex with girls!) are not "straight". That's just the way it is.
That doesn't mean they are GAY, but it does take them out of the straight category. Period.
I think that guys who suck cock and claim to be straight are, basically, cowards. In their minds, being gay (or bi) is wrong, so they lie to themselves and others. That way, they can still bang other guys, without having to be a "dirty queer".
The whole "I identify as straight" jibber-jabber is total bullshit.
By bella! [Ignore] 13,Nov,18 23:04 other posts 
Did you review the results of the poll? 87% of the 144 voters believe that straight men are engaging in sex with gay men.

I wonder what the percentage is of straight men who engage in sex with other straight men. Oh, well, I will never know!
By veryshyguy [Ignore] 14,Nov,18 01:22 other posts 
Why does anyone care enough to even ask, is it that important we need to know?!?! Most of the polls make absolutely no sense to me. I am at the age where I don't care what sexual orientation a person is any more. It doesn't matter.
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Nov,18 01:27 other posts 
Who knows why?
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 14,Nov,18 05:13 other posts 
I am not sure what your definition of 'having sex with' is. Is it just masturbation or including oral sex or only if anal sex is involved?
I would also be curious to know if they do is it just the once or is it something that they continue.
i speak to a lot of 'straight' guys on here who are curious about that but have not had the courage to act on it. The term bicurious pops up quite often. I think that may apply to a lot of guys who are not gay but just want to know what playing around with another guys dick would be like. Then having experienced that once never do that again.
So I am not sure that the case is closed.
By JustWill [Ignore] 14,Nov,18 09:40 other posts 
In the case of "bi-curious" folks, they get one "freebie". If they go back for more after satisfying their curiosity, they are no longer "straight".

And, no, saying: "I am curious about how it would be to suck THAT guy's dick...and that other guy's...and his twin br0ther's...and that tall guy over there..." is NOT bi-curious. It's just Bi. (And a bit whorish.)
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 14,Nov,18 10:47 other posts 
That I totally agree with. So yep, now the case is closed.
By #562152 16,Nov,18 15:01
agreed,,,love, sex, burritos,,don't try to explain,,just be or do
By veryshyguy [Ignore] 16,Nov,18 20:27 other posts 
By veryshyguy [Ignore] 17,Nov,18 09:31 other posts 
I hope someday we no longer have these artificial labels of gay, straight, etc. when it comes to people. I hope we see them as human beings.

And we recognize them for how they treat others, their compassion for others, how they take care of other and whatever their sexual orientation is, becomes meaningless.

Maybe someday...
By #562152 17,Nov,18 10:21
From your lips to God''s ears.
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

I'm afraid though, that a beautiful sentiment like this one comes with age (and here i get dumped on) It seems like the older one gets the more we realize the meanness in our attitudes and we mellow out somewhat.
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes

And this carries into other areas of our lives. I'm pretty sure i'd love to lay with you, teddy bear.
By veryshyguy [Ignore] 17,Nov,18 10:33 other posts 
By #460385 13,Nov,18 23:52
The master has spoken. Case closed.
By #569341 14,Nov,18 05:24
...! It's the modern world. Why are there still people beating themselves claiming they are straight...if you aren't, there is absolutely no shame in it - especially on a site like this. Stop torturing yourselves, it's unhealthy and unnecessary - no one gives a fuck anymore (well someone Seriously though, why?!!!
By JustWill [Ignore] 14,Nov,18 09:47 other posts 
I eat steak twice a week, but I identify as a vegan, so it's all good...
By kebmo [Ignore] 14,Nov,18 10:56 other posts 
I ate steak in college a few times but it was just fun with friends.
It's often the guys that get sucked by other guys that insist on being straight. I agree Will, after sucking one cock you're no longer curious.
By JustWill [Ignore] 14,Nov,18 11:53 other posts 
College food experimentation is a Rite of Passage...
By #545732 15,Nov,18 18:58
You wouldn't believe the amount of guys, who have chatted with me about this.
Every time, the dialogue starts with something like: "I'm straight/married, but find myself turned on by the idea of playing with another guy's cock..."
Their usual concerns were about the worry they might be gay or bisexual because of their curiosities or fantasies.
I'm serious when I say a lot of guys have brought this up with me. Enough that I wish I'd saved my first response about it so I could copy and paste the text to the many others since that first message just to save time!
I told them:
They need to separate what they're thinking about sex and about sexuality, which is most likely the route of their worries.
Sex is a physical act and it doesn't matter who is invloved in it in terms of gender.
Sexuality is that physical attraction, but along with the emotional attractions they find in each other that bind them as lovers and not simply just sex partners.
Lots of the guys I chatted with told me they like the idea of sex of some sort with another guy, but don't like the thought of kissing or doing other tender things because they feel that's where they see the line between being straight or gay/bi. Well that's a personal choice - some guys like it, some don't. Enjoying sex with other of the same sex doesn't necassarily mean you're bisexual or gay, it can equally mean you're just sexually adventurous and open to exploring more about what you might enjoy or not.
I always summed up by asking thtem if they like porn. I posed the question: "Ok, so what are you actually watching and being turned on by and what's the "money shot"?"
Well of course, no matter who we are or how we see ourselves in terms of sexuality, we're watching a guy's cock in action and the "money shot" is his orgasm. Does that mean every straight guy watching and being turned on by this must be bisexual or possibly gay? Of course not.
That's the sentence that usually makes them think, "Aaaaaaah riiiiiight", and they mostly left the conversation at least less troubled than when they started chatting.
Finally, I don't believe there is a single guy around, who hasn't had some kind of "crush" or physical admiration of another guy in their lives, especially when they're y0unger. I think the term used for it these days is a "bromance"?
Come on, guys. Relax. Being sexually adventurous is a good thing, not something to be hung up about. We're all just too shy or afraid of talking about it, which is understandable.
By JustWill [Ignore] 16,Nov,18 13:05 other posts 
The underlying issue is the social "demonization" of homosexuality and homosexual acts. As long as people keep believing that homosexuality is wrong, sick, or evil, guys will always have the "it'll make me GAY!!!!" problem.
By #562152 16,Nov,18 15:03
it's not wrong, sick, or evil unless you also kill in the name of love,,
--------------------------------------- added after 32 seconds

also, if you are mean to me then you are gay,
By #562152 16,Nov,18 15:07
JustWill--You are a BIvegan then,
By #562152 17,Nov,18 10:48
@BELLA I live with two men and both s.leep with other men. They describe themselves as being bisexual with a preference to women. They are open about their homosexual encounters and many times they bring their lovers home. They DO NOT say they are straight. I guess this goes back yo the question, "Am I gay for having sex with others of my sex (yes, women have this question too). I s,leep* with men and women and I'm BI too, so what? As Veryshyguy said in another part of this thread, when are we going to drop labels and be what we are without anyone objecting,,,,,or commenting.

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