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What ye bet he runs for president when his age comes up?
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Folks,if you want to stay home,STAY HOME. If you want to wear a mask,WEAR 1! If you don't feel safe because the virus, take actions to protect yourself.
Let's don't repeat the same shit we lived thru in 2020 ok?
FORCEING everyone to abide by some mandate.That prompts hatred and distrust.
And am I the only that notices this is just great timing to interfer with the 2022 election cycle? The 1 the dems fear as much if not worse than they did 2020?
If you notice the shit started in china in late 2019, took a serious hold on the US in march of 2020 and allowed for a total fuckup of our political process. This is all planned and laid out by someone or some terrorist group,we need to find them and they need to be held accountable.
As far as her pictures appearing to be Photoshop'd, the fact that the referring member said her photos looked suspicious because her head looked small was not "proof" in my opinion and even admin thought the pictures looked unnatural. There was one clothed picture, a picture from the chest up, that made her shoulders appear broad and her head appear small but that could have been the camera angle. Other than that, she appeared to have a long neck, a neck that many photographers and modeling agencies look for in models.
Just my opinion, many voting members are too quick to judge and vote to delete.
A slender female, a long neck must mean Photoshop'd, right?
Thanksgiving 2021 Menu-
Trailer Park Canapés
Stale Triscuits with expired Cheese Whiz
Graham Crackers with PB & J
Ritz crackers with Spam
Paired with Grape Soda and vodka
First Course:
Soup- Unknown contents emptied from the refrigerator
Canned Tuna "Crab Cake" extra mayonnaise and stale break crumbs
Paired with: Blatz beer in a can
Main Course:
Fried Pelican
Spam stuffed with Cheese Whiz
Frozen Pizza
Paired with: Box wine- A lovely 2021 Chardonnay
Family sized Snickers bar
Paired with: Gerome's Jailhouse Brew Recipe
I am told Charlie wasn't offered anything to eat and was put outside in his walker. Like that fucking cat on the Flintstone's opening.
If members recall from last Thanksgiving, The Saggy Granny and Rhanda-Lynn both tried to steal a turkey. It didn't end well.
Pictures to follow thanks to another member doing some outstanding site work!
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes
Ahhhahaha i remember the stolen Turkey caper
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I mean if she can't eat with the family she is marrying into, what other baggage is she going to unpack once the knot is tied?
An example. /ls9dsm0gnxwxpic.html
"Fact is, with police overwhelmed, woke prosecutors refusing to make such crimes a priority and criminal penalties heavily reduced, looters (and the crime rings they work for) often face little or no consequences," the New York Post editorial board said. "Organized retail robbery has become a rational career choice."
Smooth move libtards! We already have inflation and other problems now we have thieves running rampant.
Who wants to go spend money in stores overrun by thugs?
That’s doctor Paul curby
It didn't really turn out like he had hoped, but better than it should have.
Those movies are a fantasy. In real life only innocent people get hurt.
Or at maximum you shoot some looter or vandal. That doesn't solve a fucking thing.
But my saying is
If your found on my property at night you will be found there in the morning
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes
Google the blue eyed six of Pennsylvania rumor has it they had a cave they used to stash there stolen loot in and I think it’s on my property and Markis and I are going to find it some day
At least see who it is, ask what they want and then decide to pump them full of lead. You might otherwise miss a chance to pump them full with something else.
There is a few SIMPLE things that people nowadays are not taught to respect any more.1 of them seems to be property LINES> IF you are on someone elses land,you should expect to be questioned.
Another thing has been lost in time is the concept of property ownership. IF you didn't work for it, pay for it,or other wise become authorized to possess it, then expect to be questioned. Or if it is not on your land,in your home,etc, and you go to someone elses and are caught with something that is NOT YOURS that belongs to a property owner, you should expect to be questioned or be held accountable for it being in your possession.
Actually burglary rate has been going down the last 30 years.
It's nice to give you good news for once.
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Not everything is always getting worse. The media is filling people with fear, because it sells. I do understand that when you live in the middle of nowhere,
you can't rely on cops coming to your rescue. However, generally burglars don't
try to rob people who are at home. Unless you're rich or they're coming to kill you for personal reasons, you're safe, if you just show burglars that you're at home. The reward is not worth the risk otherwise.
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