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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
Please feel free to post miscellaneous subject matter, aka STUFF in this thread.

Please attempt to remain somewhat respectful to other members, ninnyhammers, dummies and folks you just don't like. Thank you.

New Comment       Rating: 11  

By bella! [Ignore] 28,Oct,21 08:55 other posts 
The thread "Most embarrassing orgasm you had?" /forum/thread.php?id=29289#21 piqued my interest because I thought to myself, how can any orgasm be embarrassing. The most recent poster went on to describe his most embarrassing moment was when his "banjo string" snapped at the time of his ejaculation. WTF? I thought who really gives a care about a banjo when you're engaged in sex? Uh-huh! When I Google'd banjo string, the results told me that banjo string is slang for frenulum. I wasn't aware that that is even possible!
By #610414 28,Oct,21 09:02
It most definitely does and it’s very painful. Some men’s frenulum is so tight that surgery is called for

By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 27,Oct,21 22:02 other posts 
I saw the the Saggy Granny whinging about exports to China, oil supply/production, etc... This is hilarious to me because this stupid monkey expects everyone to take her seriously here. What a joke! Senile old rat!

As many can recall, she struggled calculating 10% of $100.00. She has also told members she is a medical billing clerk. A real deep thicker and intellectual. Is she published in the Wharton Business Review?

Medical billing salary in FL? Like $29K. Qualifications? Watch for the commercial on daytime TV.

Commenting on things she doesn't even understand at the most basic level. Trying to sound intelligent. It really is amazing.
By bella! [Ignore] 27,Oct,21 22:22 other posts 
I believe that she mentioned that she was the supervisor or manager.
By #610414 28,Oct,21 06:57

By #610414 27,Oct,21 22:42
Sir-Skittles —-I saw the the Saggy Granny whinging about exports to China, oil supply/production, etc..

Yeah. I saw your post. Your whining is about 4 yrs old. Get new material, already. Oh, yes. Take a bath. Your stink bring tears to the members.

By bella! [Ignore] 26,Oct,21 14:08 other posts 
admin , is there a way to delete forum posts that the author of said thread finds unkind, repetitive or irrelevant? Thank you.
By #610414 26,Oct,21 15:37
Yes, Admin, is there? What would be good is if all threads are made public and only the blacklisting and the blacklisted could not see each other’s posts. I think other posters get shortchanged otherwise.
By admin [Ignore] 26,Oct,21 16:08 other posts 
It's possible to make and it is not hard, I had such feature on my other sites, but as of now it's obviously not made here.
By #610414 26,Oct,21 16:44
Do it, please. It would get Bella of my back.
By bella! [Ignore] 26,Oct,21 17:30 other posts 
Do you ever shut the fuck up?
By bella! [Ignore] 26,Oct,21 17:41 other posts 
See below, it double posted.
By bella! [Ignore] 26,Oct,21 17:42 other posts 
The feature I am interested in is available at the "Members Groups" level /groups.php . As a moderator, the moderator can choose to delete a post. Basically, I'm looking at it the same way at the forum thread level. I feel that I am the moderator of the threads that I create and I've found that some posts are unkind, repetitive, irrelevant and some posts are nuisance type posts.
By admin [Ignore] 26,Oct,21 17:47 other posts 
I understand, as I said, that is exactly what I had on my other site. It was made with exactly same reasoning.
By bella! [Ignore] 26,Oct,21 17:49 other posts 
Okay and thank you.
By admin [Ignore] 26,Oct,21 18:11 other posts 
It should be up now. Let me know if it's not working properly.
By #610414 26,Oct,21 18:32
I tried it out on a post on my thread and got this
You don't have rights to delete this comment.
By bella! [Ignore] 26,Oct,21 18:46 other posts 
Thank you so much!
By bella! [Ignore] 26,Oct,21 19:11 other posts 
I don't believe it's working properly. In the JUST ASK JustWill thread /forum/thread.php?id=30015#310 a poster called JustWill an asshole. I tried to delete that comment and received the following message; "You don't have the rights to delete this comment."
By JustWill [Ignore] 26,Oct,21 22:52 other posts 
Golly--I wonder who that "member" could be?

For the record, I have been called much worse things by much better (and saner!) people...

Take my advice, Forum People! Use that "blacklist" option! I swear it makes your time here way more enjoyable.
By bella! [Ignore] 26,Oct,21 22:59 other posts 
Golly, sleep on it and maybe you will come up with a name by morning.

I heard on good authority that this thread and possibly others of mine will be very unpopular and this can happen as soon as tomorrow. Here's my notification/warning; "Let’s see how popular this thread will be with me not sticking my nose in it."
By JustWill [Ignore] 26,Oct,21 23:39 other posts 
If the nose belongs to who I think it does I am guessing that it going away could only IMPROVE the popularity of your thread.
By bella! [Ignore] 26,Oct,21 23:08 other posts 
JustWill, the blacklist option works to a point. Keep in mind that the person blocked signs out/logs off and then reads the posts and some go as far as copy and paste elsewhere in order to have the last word.
By JustWill [Ignore] 26,Oct,21 23:34 other posts 
I understand, but that doesn't matter.
The point is that I don't have to see the garbage they post. It doesn't matter what the person on my blacklist says where I can't see it.If I thought that anything they said actually had any value, they (all one of them) wouldn't be on my blacklist in the first place.
From my perspective, shutting them out IS the last word.
By #610414 27,Oct,21 19:26
I advised Admin the feature wasn’t working. He fixed it and it works now. Go forth and delete.
By #610414 26,Oct,21 18:28
Great, now Bella can delete my posts and she can stay off my back
By bella! [Ignore] 26,Oct,21 18:58 other posts 
It's a shame that you cannot act like a sane adult. Here's an example, your need to be seen in the thread intended for JustWill. It's like you feel entitled to say whatever you want, wherever you want. Fine, but I will no longer make it easy for you or others to say what you damn well please...not within the threads that I created.

I've asked you to be nice, and you're able to do that for a short amount of time and then you slip back into your "Crazy Candy" mode.
By #610414 26,Oct,21 19:09
I won’t be participating in YOUR JustWill thread anymore. Did it occur to you that you are as Much to blame for my actions as me?
Have you tried this new feature Admin started? I placed a trial post on my personal thread. When I tried to delete it, it wouldn’t let me.
By bella! [Ignore] 26,Oct,21 19:16 other posts 
Don't be silly, you are old enough to understand that YOU are responsible for your words and actions and I'm, likewise, responsible for myself. I've tried to be reasonable with you, I've tried to be nice to you. You are like a bull in the china cabinet, it's going to be your way because you're not backing down.
By bella! [Ignore] 26,Oct,21 19:33 other posts 
I'm actually sorry that it has come down to this. It's truly sad that you seem to lack common sense and don't know when "enough is enough".
By #610414 26,Oct,21 19:48
Ok. Be sorry. Have your say. Let it out. But, remember, way down we all hit a truth.
Look at your posts. You argue from both sides and it’s impossible to reason with you. I, too, have been nice to you but you do what you used to complain about me. You take every opportunity to take a bite of my hand. And all you are doing is taking valuable time and space that other members have a right to enjoy. That’s all I’m going to say other than that change Admin made does not work. At least for me. You can comment all you want. Starting tomorrow I’ll be signing in on the Twowarmtts3! And copying/pasting anything that’s interesting. Any comments will be on my thread. Let’s see how popular this thread will be with me not sticking my nose in it.
--------------------------------------- added after 14 hours

"Starting tomorrow I’ll be signing in on the Twowarmtts3! And copying/pasting anything that’s interesting."

I'm going to have to change that somewhat for continuity. Sorry.
By bella! [Ignore] 26,Oct,21 20:18 other posts 
The thread is what it is and whether you believe it or not, it is not YOU who makes this thread or any thread popular. I've mentioned this to you before, you are not my co-host, we are not Kathy Lee and Hoda.

Take a good look at all your failed attempts to mirror this thread. There's NEW STUFF, OLD STUFF, ANY STUFF, then there was NEW STUFF, OLD STUFF, ANY STUFF II and finally NEW STUFF, OLD STUFF, ANY STUFF III. You're not even creative enough to come up with a catchy title that is uniquely different from this. Your threads are just reposting what you were able to snag and in essence, you're just talking to yourself.

Do what you're going to do. I've suggested to you that there's no need to respond to every damn post but you always do, you have the innate need to be seen and heard.

By phart [Ignore] 27,Oct,21 18:51 other posts 
The chinese couldn't kill us all with their damn wuhan virus,so they are just sending shitty brake parts so we can't stop!
only registered users can see external links
By #610414 27,Oct,21 19:23
We export around $57 billion with a “b” to China every year. I wonder how good is our product quality?

By phart [Ignore] 27,Oct,21 18:32 other posts 
only registered users can see external links

Hey 1 thing you all can do when you go trick or treating that will be FUN.
If you and a buddy knock on a door and don't get any candy,1 of you can just "Let's go brandon" as if the other person's name is brandon!

By bella! [Ignore] 26,Oct,21 13:38 other posts 
Hey, Mountain Man, oops, I mean dgraff , it must warm the cockles of your heart to know that twowarm is now your best friend and biggest cheerleader. You've been a member for 8.5 years and we have probably been friends that long. Gee, if it wasn't for licksipsuckit being booted from the site almost 3 months ago, twowarm would probably still be calling you a "MOTHER FUCKING HOMO" and Photoshop'ing your pictures to insult you.

But with lix's departure, twowarm had to scramble to see what she could salvage and luckily, you gave her a second chance. Never mind the second, third, fourth, fifth, etc chances that I gave her....

Here's a copy and paste of her recent response to me; "What do you know about friendship. The present is what counts. I am loyal to those I consider a friend. I did it for Lix, and others. I try to, if nothing else, give support and advice to my friends." Just my opinion, if I were in your position,I wouldn't allow her to give you advice. Look how her own advice works for her. Don't drink her Kool-aid.
By #610414 26,Oct,21 16:42
Of all the jealous ways to show your true nature, this is low, even for you. You say I act the way I do because of Lix being my friend or her leaving the site. It’s not, but, ok. Let’s say you are right. What is your excuse for acting like a bitch all the time? Dgraff and I have had a love/hate co-existence. Today is the only important day in a friendship. Yesterday is behind us and tomorrow is not here yet. If I’m the Mountain Man’s biggest cheerleader, I’m asking myself, what happened to you and your 8.5 years of friendship? You needed a break? If you would just thawed out just a bit. Fat chance. Did you ask Admin for leniency for Dgraff and the others? I did. It’s what friends do.
By dgraff [Ignore] 26,Oct,21 21:32 other posts 
Ladies don’t fight over me remember I like girly girls with a little extra between their legs as far as best friends my best friend passed away 3 weekends ago what I’m left with is a big old house I rattle around in all by myself a weekend booty call a bunch of acquaintances from a far and some ally’s
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

The 70s were some great times but I can’t bring them back because it’s the past all we can do is look to the future for get the past and work on the future
By bella! [Ignore] 26,Oct,21 21:49 other posts 
I bet the house feels empty without Muggsy. When the time is right, I hope you find it in you to visit the nearest shelter and find another buddy who needs a loving home. That's where I found my little pal, Ozzie. Ozzie has not been feeling good for the last two months. By the way, he's the handsome boy on my page with a nose in the shape of a heart. He has kidney problems which I understand is common in older cats. I've had him 15 years and the Humane Society that I adopted him from thought he was about 3 years old at the time of adoption. I'm not sure how much longer he will be with me but I'm going to love him as long as I can.

Having a group of acquaintances is not a bad thing, you still have your brother, right? Have you given it any thought about when you would like to retire
By dgraff [Ignore] 26,Oct,21 21:59 other posts 
I’m afraid if I quit working I would sit in my chair and drink and i wouldn’t last long doing that a body in motion remains in motion
By bella! [Ignore] 26,Oct,21 22:13 other posts 
I hear what you're saying. When I took the buy out from Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan it was a scary idea but it was during the COVID lock down and my thoughts were focused on caring for my parents.

Maybe you have an employee who shines that you are confident of, maybe you can make him an offer that he can't refuse and stay on to oversee the running of your business. Maybe you can trim back to working/managing 40 hours per week instead of the 80 that you're working.
By dgraff [Ignore] 27,Oct,21 05:54 other posts 
I have cut my hours back 8 hours a day and I’m done and I’m mainly the office boy anymore I make sure the workers are paid and the bills are paid I’m the service writer and I order all the parts and I guess I’m also costumer relations but I gave up all the ball busting work
By Dev01 [Ignore] 27,Oct,21 06:01 other posts 
Good man dg, All the power to you mate 👍👍👍
By dgraff [Ignore] 27,Oct,21 08:36 other posts 
You know how it goes Devo when your in the automotive business going on 40 years people get use to dealing with a certain person so there’s no one i could put at my desk that would run the shop the same way I do but I can get anyone to do the work and they are fine with that as long as I’m running the show
By Dev01 [Ignore] 27,Oct,21 08:55 other posts 
Agreed mate
By bella! [Ignore] 27,Oct,21 08:59 other posts 
I was trying to find the right words to respond to your post above and as you can see, it's wordy and took me a minute to find the right words and put together. And after reading this post, I see that YOU GET IT! YOU ARE THE MAN WHO HAS MADE DGRAFF A SUCCESSFUL AND LUCRATIVE OPERATION.
By bella! [Ignore] 27,Oct,21 08:48 other posts 
That's what I am talking about, 8 hours a day.

Don't look at yourself as being the "office boy", you are the Chief of Operations, the man in charge of of everything important in running a business. You wear the hat of the Head Writer of the Service Department, the man who makes sure that the job is quoted accurately and fairly so that the employees can be paid a fair wage and also that the customer is not overcharged. You wear the hat of the Head of the Parts Department, another very important job. Having the right parts on hand at all times while not creating an overhead that's too large is super important. Parts cost money and you don't want to have an inventory or surplus of parts, there's a fine balance in knowing what a business must carry. You wear the hat of the Head of Customer Care Department, yep, that guy who deals with all the questions and complaints. I'm not suggesting that the service you provide is anything but top notch but I am saying people are people and people tend to bitch about anything and everything. Customer service ain't easy job, not everyone has the temperament for it. You wear the hat of the Head of Accounts Payable, the guy who makes sure the vendors are paid, the utilities are paid, the guy who makes certain that day-to-day operations run as smoothly as possible. You wear the hat of the Head of Payroll, probably what the employees of Graff's Garage feels is the most important job of all. Your employees, whether you have three or three hundred depend on their paycheck every week or two weeks to take care of their family and other financial obligations. My guess is that you wear many more hats than that and if you don't recognize that you are much more than an "office boy", YOU are the backbone of the business, your business. You have paid your dues working 40+ years and it is time for you to leave the "ball busting work" for others.
By dgraff [Ignore] 27,Oct,21 11:02 other posts 
Absolutely office boy was short for everything you pointed out you know how i am about typing
By bella! [Ignore] 27,Oct,21 11:18 other posts 
Okay, okay, you are indeed the Chief Office Boy!

By #574505 25,Oct,21 07:30
@Attlee@ was reported for fake pics .
All the one that verify lost the ability
To verify anyone . Very sad
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Oct,21 07:36 other posts 
I assume that Attlee was deleted, is my assumption correct?
By #574505 25,Oct,21 07:38
Yes I pm him but he never log on he was here for 9 years
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Oct,21 07:39 other posts 
Who lost their privilege to verify?
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Oct,21 07:41 other posts 
Attlee was a 9 year member? Oh, my and I've never heard of her/him!
By #574505 25,Oct,21 07:50
Dgraff Stefan123 jayman73 Ravioli max
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Oct,21 08:05 other posts 
Oh my goodness, Attlee was verified by dgraff , Stefan123 , jayman73 , Ravioli_Max and Hotcaramel91 ? Yikes! I wonder if they made a copy of the verification picture that they requested? It's a shame if they truly lost their ability to verify. Still, I'm kicking myself that I have no idea who Attlee, a 9 year member, is.
By #610414 25,Oct,21 13:59
Is that forever or a finite time?
By dgraff [Ignore] 25,Oct,21 17:00 other posts 
Yes and I was away all weekend and never seen it oh well if they yank my verification that will be the last straw I’m done with this stupid crap and there fake account bull shit
--------------------------------------- added after 41 minutes

Hey it could be a 6 for one deal railroad one 9 year member off the site and get 5 other old members to leave in the process I’m sure all them old members won’t take this shit laying down
By #610414 25,Oct,21 19:13
Mountain Man, don’t do anything hasty. Many people ❤️ love you including me. We would miss you. Not being able to verify is not that important. You bring so much more to the site.
By dgraff [Ignore] 25,Oct,21 19:45 other posts 
It’s not just the verification that means nothing to me I’m not vein and have never entered a contest it’s the principle and the bounty hunters that think it’s cool to look at every site page just looking for a reason to report some one for points like that sand nigger notynyt and many others months ago I got so frustrated that I did some thing stupid and lost my ability to vote on the abuse panel over these snitches narcs and tattletale so this would be the last straw I mean how many years ago did I verify Attlee so long I can’t even remember him
By #610414 25,Oct,21 20:54
Perhaps D you should start a movement with the membership. The abuse panel needs some adjustments. Remember, the site needs our support and protection,but, at the same time, members are what makes the site successful. There are too many bounty hunters. Perhaps there shouldn’t be a bounty.
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Oct,21 20:42 other posts 
Hey, dgraff, apparently I was one of the members that voted to delete Attlee. I truly dropped the ball by not checking to see that Attlee was a longtime member and verified, too. I'm not making any excuses, I fucked up.

If I understand the ramifications of deleting a verified member via the Evaluation Panel, the members that verified him/her will not lose their green tick but their privilege of verifying others will be revoked. I'm very sorry that it happened, I should have placed a FREEZE on the voting and sent a bunch of messages.
By #610414 25,Oct,21 21:04
Perhaps it’s time to remember that old saying. Those that k!ll by the sword die by the sword.
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Oct,21 21:50 other posts 
I was 1 of at least 5 members that voted to delete and admitted that I wasn't thorough and messed up. Do you ever admit your mistakes? Do you ever know when just to keep your mouth closed? Why not stay in your own lane.
By #610414 25,Oct,21 21:58
It is my lane and I refuse to keep my mouth shut. It’s your thread and you know how to shut me up but not before I’ve had my say. Your actions indirectly affected a friend of mine. You live in the evaluation panel and that’s not the spirit of the site. You made a mistake and now you are sorry. Ok, it’s just a mistake. Now see if there’s something that can be done. You have pull with Admin when you don’t get sassy. Do it.
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Oct,21 22:02 other posts 
Can you read? Are you able to comprehend? Until you start owning up to your mistakes and making amends with those you have wronged, you can put a lid on it.
By #610414 25,Oct,21 22:47
My mistakes are for me to live with. Making amends to those I wronged? Wow, don’t hold your breath. I am glad I did what I did and I wouldn’t change one iota. It’s always been something rattling in that squirrel cage you call your brain, but that’s not important. I just asked Admin to reconsider about Dgraff. He said it’s automatic and it’s not him that’s doing it. I just can’t believe that. If you are truly sorry then why don’t you see if you can convince Admin to reconsider.
By dgraff [Ignore] 25,Oct,21 21:38 other posts 
It’s no sweat Bella I just get to feeling like I’ve been an out standing straight forward member for going on 9 years and a paid membership at least 7 years and in stead of getting any recognition for my years I keep losing ground with my privileges but the good news is it’s the site politics I’m loosing and I’m ok with that
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes

I never was any good at playing GOD any way there big shoes to fill
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Oct,21 21:52 other posts 
Exactly what recognition are you looking for?
By dgraff [Ignore] 25,Oct,21 22:16 other posts 
Not really any I guess but if I was the founder of this site the one thing I would do is on every paid member I would send them a message on their site anniversary saying thank you for another year or something like that all the guys that have worked for me have all stayed my newest employee is with me 7 years
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Oct,21 22:32 other posts 
That's a nice thought but I've lived long enough to know that if it ain't one thing it's something else. Many years ago, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan gave their employees a Christmas gift in the form of a gift selector. Every holiday season, the gifts shown in the booklet were very similar, a Swiss knife, a canvas gym bag, an AM/FM clock radio, things of that caliber. Employees were bitchin' that it was the same ol', same ol'. I can't remember how many years the gift selector was given, then one year (which happened to be the last time they gave the employees Christmas gifts) they gave us a hard cover, coffee table book of the art, art found in the City of Detroit. The Detroit Institute of Art was featured, old historical buildings, art featured in various local museums, etc. Guess what? The people still bitched. And when BCBSM stopped giving gifts altogether, there was still bitchin'.
By #610414 25,Oct,21 23:49
The employees were correct. Cheap gifts were a slap in the face. A cash bonus would have conveyed gratitude by the company
By #610414 25,Oct,21 23:44
Loyalty is a two way street. You, baby, have paid your dues and have been an active member. To take a perk away for something that happened all those years ago is not fair.
By bella! [Ignore] 26,Oct,21 00:22 other posts 
Hey, Mountain Man, see, your new and loyal friend's response epitomizes my point. No matter what is done, it's not going to be right because someone will always find something wrong.
By #275407 26,Oct,21 01:56
The company that I worked for For many years took the bonus away from there employees that we got every three months since the start of the company in 1928. And what did they do with the employees bonus money you ask, they increased the rate of pay for every employee to compinsate for the pay increase that we were to get anyway. That's low, they use our bonus to pay our increase so they didn't have to dip down in there billion dollar profits every year. And there isn't anything we can do about it.
By dgraff [Ignore] 26,Oct,21 05:42 other posts 
Your all right and have valid points and now that I think about it who really wants to hear from management anyway I imagine his voice as a Russian speaking robot cold and dry lifeless so to speak
By #610414 26,Oct,21 13:14
What do you know about friendship. The present is what counts. I am loyal to those I consider a friend. I did it for Lix, and others. I try to, if nothing else, give support and advice to my friends.
By #574505 26,Oct,21 17:01
I don't see his ame on the list
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Oct,21 08:14 other posts 
Now that I think of it, I'm surprised that not one voting member did not choose to FREEZE the vote and request that Attlee remove the pictures and to notify the members involved in the verification that they were in jeopardy, too.
By #574505 25,Oct,21 08:24
I was going to but he had 9 pics
--------------------------------------- added after 10 minutes

I would think Admin would prdom them they couldn't know that guy was reported this guys were asleep
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Oct,21 08:40 other posts 
Don't be so sure about that.

The use of the FREEZE would have been perfect in this situation. It would have provided upto 24 hours to reason with the offending member as well as alert the members who verified Attlee that their status was compromised, too.
By admin [Ignore] 25,Oct,21 09:22 other posts 
According to the log you personally voted YES on the deletion of that member.
By #574505 25,Oct,21 09:24
Who me ?
By admin [Ignore] 25,Oct,21 09:55 other posts 
It was a reply to Bella's post. You can easily see that if you press ⤴ link.
By #574505 25,Oct,21 10:11
Oh ok. Admin would you allow there ability to verify. They didn't know that person was reported to the abuse panel. They were asleep
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Oct,21 10:22 other posts 
Thank you. Based on admin's review, I voted to DELETE. I apologize, the name Attlee does not activate my internal bells and whistles.

I do recall there was a referral that included maybe 5 or 6 pictures of a female and the women appeared to be different, yes, the proof looked good and I voted to DELETE. I specifically remember this referral as a comment included with another member's vote was something like; "has more flaps than a seagull!".

There were also pictures I reviewed that were titled "xxx" and my guess, that was another member.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 26,Oct,21 07:25 other posts 
Jamie Gato, give you your log in info.. I will make sure you vote right!!
By #574505 26,Oct,21 07:45
sir-skittles .shut-it
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 26,Oct,21 09:01 other posts 
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Oct,21 10:44 other posts 
I do review the profile of the reported member, the picture(s) and proof. Apparently I overlooked the fact that Attlee was verified and that was a big mistake on my part.
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Oct,21 21:55 other posts 
Thank you.
By notynyt [Ignore] 25,Oct,21 12:16 other posts 
Attlee? He was playing big brother House ? Who reported his profile?
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Oct,21 12:27 other posts 
You're asking questions hoping for an answer but never answered mine?
By notynyt [Ignore] 25,Oct,21 15:53 other posts 
I have answered your question and given my views. We must use sense.
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Oct,21 16:35 other posts 
No, you never responded regarding your age so I'm going to ask in English and in Hindi.

• How old are you?
• आपकी उम्र क्या है?
• aapakee umr kya hai?

I do not expect you to respond because you would have to be dishonest.
By notynyt [Ignore] 25,Oct,21 17:41 other posts 
मेरी आयु , आप अपनी समझ से सोचें ।
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

नहीं । मैं बहुत शांत स्वभाव का हूं । लेकिन सत्य का पक्ष रखने की कोशिश करता हूं । क्षमा करें यदि किसी तर्क से दुख पहुंचा हो । 🙏
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Oct,21 17:49 other posts 
You know that if you respond with honesty, your secret would be exposed as you breached site rules because you were not yet 18 years old.
By notynyt [Ignore] 25,Oct,21 17:56 other posts 
No , I can't break any rules .
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Oct,21 18:00 other posts 
But you did break site rules. It took you 7 months to upload your first picture, apparently at that time you felt you were compliant.
By notynyt [Ignore] 25,Oct,21 18:23 other posts 
I used to come here sometimes to see photos of girls. When I was free But I was ashamed to take my own photo. Then he started taking pictures of himself. But it was a shame to upload. Then that day I got courage. And I uploaded the photo. This was my first photo. But then I was not a virgin. Like I said in my blog.
--------------------------------------- added after 21 minutes

I am using this site and chatting properly since December 2019 .
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Oct,21 14:05 other posts 
What do you think this means; "Attlee? He was playing big brother House ?" Questions that don't make any sense to me.
By #574505 25,Oct,21 14:14
Right makes no sense
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Oct,21 14:19 other posts 
And apparently I was a 1 of at least 5 members that voted to delete.

But I still do not understand why the member's screen name doesn't sound familiar to me, it's not like Attlee is a common type screen name.
By #574505 25,Oct,21 14:26
I know it happens sometimes i don't use ny glasses make big mistakes
By notynyt [Ignore] 25,Oct,21 15:56 other posts 
Who can't understand even a simple question? Sense words are meaningless.
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Oct,21 16:27 other posts 
Sorry, your question made no sense.
By notynyt [Ignore] 25,Oct,21 17:37 other posts 
I was asking jamie not you. /bbhouse.php
--------------------------------------- added after 78 seconds

Check list. You will find Attlee
By #574505 25,Oct,21 17:42
This here doesn't have to do with the game. I don't know who report him
By notynyt [Ignore] 25,Oct,21 17:48 other posts 
I was identifying Attlee. Because I wanted to know if you were talking about Attlee who was playing Big Brother House. Or there was some other Attlee. Where should we use Sense?
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Oct,21 17:46 other posts 
Oh, I'm sorry, apparently you did not notice this is a thread that I started. So you want to ask Jamie questions in my thread but choose not to answer a question that I asked you. Is there some reason why you will not respond to my specific question? Why do you avoid answering?
By notynyt [Ignore] 25,Oct,21 17:52 other posts 
I gave you answer. I cannot discuss any other person's topic more. because things often hurt
By #610414 25,Oct,21 19:27
And they say I have a very unusual way of posting. Can someone translate what Mr Notynyt is saying?

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