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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
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By dgraff [Ignore] 13,Mar,25 05:51 other posts 
I just love when the house democrats get on the news and twist and stretch things out of proportion
Inflation is lower than expected 2.8 percent i seem to remember Biden’s last month was way higher around 4 percent
--------------------------------------- added after 19 minutes

Gas in my area is down 30 cents per gallon
Milk down 50 cents per gallon
I won’t pay their price for eggs i will do without until they come down under 3 dollars per dozen were it belongs I’m no slave to the price gouging
By phart [Ignore] 13,Mar,25 11:08 other posts 
that is 1 of the reasons eggs will remain high,idiots pay the high price. If they get stuck with eggs and no sales, they will reduce the prices as soon as they can
Just wait until the tariffs kick in.

Also understand that inflation and unemployment typically have an inverse correlation. When many people are losing their jobs, because of the trade wars, that can actually LOWER inflation.

Declining wages also have a lowering effect on inflation.

However, when you have low inflation, but massive unemployment and declining wages, PEOPLE STILL CANNOT AFFORD GROCERIES!!

By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 12,Mar,25 04:40 other posts 

March 10, 2025: DJI Open: 42,507.65
March 11, 2025: DJI Close: 41,433.48

Difference over 2 days: -1,074.17 points

Time to impeach the president!
By Cody8789 [Ignore] 12,Mar,25 12:58 other posts 
There are many reasons the Dow would drop that had nothing to do with any president. The Dow has dropped and risen many times, it will correct itself once investors become more relaxed on what the new administration is doing. I’m not for trump or any president that has been in the running the last few years. Americas finest doesn’t want to run and I don’t blame them. Anyway, the majority of American voters picked who they wanted. And if any other country doesn’t like it, tough, I didn’t vote for trump or Biden so I’ll just have to go with who is in the white house now. If and when the social security or Medicare are being cut, then I will worry about what’s best for me to do.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 12,Mar,25 13:46 other posts 
I know, but Trump didn't provide such distinctions.

When Biden just started, the stocks went down too.
However, that was clearly related with Covid.
What's Trump's excuse now?

The Dow Jones Index is not just dependent on the feelings of investors.
It reacts to real damage to the economy as well, like trade wars.

The House already approved an 880 billion dollar spending cut. It's impossible to do that
without it affecting important entitlements.
By Cody8789 [Ignore] 12,Mar,25 13:52 other posts 
I think what a lot of Americans are worried about is losing their social security and medicare/medicaid. Well just have to wait and see what happens before all hell breaks loose.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 12,Mar,25 13:56 other posts 
If you listen to Elon Musk and Trump, can't you predict what will happen?

Elon has been telling people that social security is a pyramid scheme for a while.
Now they're both telling people there is massive fraud and waste in social security.
All of the right-wing media is preparing you for it, by telling you social security isn't "solvent", for how long? Or didn't you notice? They are telling you FOR A REASON!

That's them preparing you for it's destruction, by their actions.
They want to privatize social security, so everyone will only get what they save
for their retirement themselves. Of course, while big banks and insurance companies are profiting from your money. And if you don't make enough money to save some
for your retirement, you can work till you die.

This has been their plan for decades. Don't you know that?
By Cody8789 [Ignore] 12,Mar,25 14:06 other posts 
I don’t make judgments on what people say, it’s on what they do, so like I said, we will just have to sit and wait what happens before making any decisions on what to do next.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 12,Mar,25 14:17 other posts 
Then how do you ever decide who you are voting for?
Do you just flip a coin, vote for that candidate and then see if you like what they
will do, to decide if you vote for them again?

Or do you never vote and just wait to see what other people decided for you?
By Cody8789 [Ignore] 12,Mar,25 14:22 other posts 
I don’t vote, you don’t have to be rude, I’m not rude to you
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 12,Mar,25 17:31 other posts 
I wasn't trying to be rude, just "direct" (I am Dutch). Sorry if I came across rude.
One of my best friends and a family member we are close to don't vote either.
They tell me they don't have the time to think about it enough.
That's a confirmation that it is important enough to not take lightly.
Not everyone has political convictions as strong as me or eg phart.

However, I do stand by my opinion that you let other people decide for you.
Even if both options are mostly horrible, voting for the lesser evil can still prevent
a lot of misery. You seem to think that destroying social security and medicare/medicaid would be evil. We agree there. If they do that, would you vote next time?
By dgraff [Ignore] 13,Mar,25 06:03 other posts 
Suck my American 🇺🇸 dick You commie bastard
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 13,Mar,25 10:43 other posts 
Wow, if even social security is communism to you, you're beyond a cure.
By dgraff [Ignore] 13,Mar,25 06:01 other posts 
I can be rude to him for you Cody
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 13,Mar,25 10:46 other posts 
Sure, show him which side he definitely shouldn't pick.
By phart [Ignore] 12,Mar,25 19:00 other posts 
damn it, every since they put the social security money into the general fund it has been claimed it is going to be all gone, you won't get any and so on. Frankly I wish they would ditch it, send me a check for what I have paid in with the intrest it has earned and let me put it into a investment of my own choosing. Cd's right now are drawing 4.3 % at my local bank. better intrest than the government is drawing i am sure.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 13,Mar,25 10:51 other posts 
No, that's just you believing lies, intended to steal it from you.

Even if policymakers took no further action, Social Security could still pay about 83% of scheduled benefits, after 2035. Just raise the tax cap for it, and it will be solvent for the next 75 years.

They cannot pay you what you put into it, because it's NOT a savings program;
the working people are paying for the retired people. They are cutting into the buffer now, because more people are living longer, and your government didn't increase
the tax or the tax cap to compensate for that. That was INTENTIONAL.

It's a very simple program with very low operating cost. There is no one making profit on it. If you privatize the system to an investment system, most of the profits will go to big banks and insurance companies, and all the risk will go to the people.
Have you heard of the Enron scandal? There are many scandals like that.

Republicans are pushing this on you, because Wall Street wants to make big profits from privatizing social security, and they are bribing your politicians to lie to you.
Hell, Trump just gave away all the key positions in his administration to people who benefit themselves from screwing the working class, no bribes needed.

By dgraff [Ignore] 01,Mar,25 07:02 other posts 
Fucking Zelenskyy that ungrateful snot nose prick had to be asked to leave the White House
By phart [Ignore] 01,Mar,25 07:08 other posts 
Trying to renegotiate a deal on camera, not smart. doesn't want a cease fire!. His rocks are not worth our peoples lives.
By bella! [Ignore] 01,Mar,25 08:15 other posts 
Hitting the mark both MENTALLY AND PHYSICALLY

It's refreshing to see that our current President was able to negotiate the 25+ stairs into Air Force One and remain standing!

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Zelensky didn't come to renegotiate a deal on camera, but he was confronted
with a president and VP who lied to his face.
By bella! [Ignore] 01,Mar,25 07:54 other posts 
The United States finally has a STRONG VP!

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By phart [Ignore] 01,Mar,25 14:04 other posts 
By dgraff [Ignore] 01,Mar,25 14:33 other posts 
Vance tells it like it is that’s for sure
By BirdDog [Ignore] 01,Mar,25 20:43 other posts 
By dgraff [Ignore] 02,Mar,25 23:18 other posts 
Vance is our next president in training and so far i like what i see
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Mar,25 00:21 other posts 
It's nice to see "young blood" in the White House!
By dgraff [Ignore] 03,Mar,25 06:56 other posts 
It is indeed
By phart [Ignore] 03,Mar,25 19:45 other posts 
I spoke to some friends over the weekend that were lucky enough to attend a Vance speech before the election and they were close enough behind him to see what he brought with him to the stage, a piece of notebook paper with a few bullet points on it, he spoke for over a half hour. didn't use a teleprompter. I knew NOTHING about the man until Trump selected him and I was wondering what the hell Donald was thinking. I know now, he saw potential in Vance, similar to how democrats saw potential in obama.
By CAT52! [Ignore] 04,Mar,25 11:35 other posts 
If you mean a bully with no manners, absolute ignorance of how world diplomacy works, and interrupting his presidents during important talks, then, yes, he's just what this country needs.
By phart [Ignore] 04,Mar,25 18:11 other posts 
What part of that episode is so hard for you to understand?
A deal had been discussed, the leader of ukraine came over here to sign it and decided on national tv to renegotiate the deal asking for military presence in his country of US troops? Uh, NOPE. It is ukraine who is on the chopping block,and we have drained our military resources and sent millions in money to them and they are STILL fucking loosing the war 3 years in, and they want our troops to come over there and be cannon fodder for the russians? Literally creating WW3?? what the hell part of that do you think is logical?>
By CAT52! [Ignore] 05,Mar,25 13:10 other posts 
No, he didn’t. That’s a lie.
By phart [Ignore] 05,Mar,25 13:48 other posts 
Ok, the exact thing he wanted was "security guarentees".HOW else would we be able to guarantee his security without boots on the ground?
By CAT52! [Ignore] 05,Mar,25 17:36 other posts 
If you have to ask you really don't know crap about geopolitics.
By phart [Ignore] 05,Mar,25 21:31 other posts 
What the hell are you talking about? honestly, he wants American troops on the ground as he doesn't think putin will honor a cease fire. I feel like if Trump negotiates a cease fire,putin will honor it because the economic state of Russia will improve if he does.
By CAT52! [Ignore] 06,Mar,25 07:38 other posts 
He never asked for American boots on ground. He also, rightly, doesn't want to let Russia keep any Ukrainian territory. Putin can't be trusted either.
By phart [Ignore] 06,Mar,25 12:48 other posts 
how else would you guarantee security? There is not much of any other way to do it.
By CAT52! [Ignore] 07,Mar,25 10:19 other posts 
You think we are the only country that can provide that? The majority of the countries of Europe are willing to put boots on the ground to keep the peace and they don't have to cross an ocean.
By phart [Ignore] 07,Mar,25 14:24 other posts 
The idea is to END the fucking war, not get MORE PEOPLE killed from other countries. STOP THE KILLING, we will borrow that from the black people as it fits here to.

As for europe helping keep peace, the french sending in a few 100 troops to fight against all of russia is like sending greta thurnberg into the wrestling ring with Hulk Hogan. a sad day for the how dare you gal .just a quick visual to explain the point. Besides, the french make love not war.Some of the finest second hand long guns on the market are french army rifles as they have only been dropped once.
By CAT52! [Ignore] 07,Mar,25 14:52 other posts 
B4 you start playing with incorrect numbers, do some research.
By CAT52! [Ignore] 07,Mar,25 14:55 other posts 
Europe's national armies have a combined force of about 1.5 million personnel - much more than the current US force in Europe.
The report states that, if Washington does withdraw troops, Europe would need an additional 300,000 servicemen or around 50 brigades.
By phart [Ignore] 07,Mar,25 21:11 other posts 
Do you think every european nation is going to send in troops? really? Which president was it that compared zelenski to a drowning man?
By phart [Ignore] 07,Mar,25 21:52 other posts 
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By dgraff [Ignore] 08,Mar,25 04:46 other posts 
he has poopy 💩 in his tummy for sure
--------------------------------------- added after 92 minutes

Hey that can be the new UN slogan
Make poopies not WAR
Directed at Zelenskyy and all the rest of the countries that want to touch off WW3
By phart [Ignore] 08,Mar,25 07:41 other posts 
Yea he gota go make a boom boom.
By phart [Ignore] 10,Mar,25 17:05 other posts 
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Well he finally manned up and apologized for his behavior, so time to regroup and try to get the process restarted.

At least we will get something in return for all of what we sent over there if the mineral agreement works.
By dgraff [Ignore] 10,Mar,25 18:25 other posts 
He must have finally made poopies
By phart [Ignore] 11,Mar,25 11:08 other posts 
You won't see it in the media but I bet he caught hell from his supporters when he got home after shitting his bed in front of Trump and America.
By dgraff [Ignore] 11,Mar,25 16:48 other posts 
The UN wants peace but at no cost the United States wants peace but the taxpayers are tired of footing the bill the only one that wants to continue the war is that snot nose punk Zelenskyy but now that he is cut off the money flow he will soon be broke and unable to continue to fight

By Jamie [Ignore] 10,Mar,25 20:42 other posts 
Any one familiar with Tumu shopping for any thing.
By Cody8789 [Ignore] 10,Mar,25 22:16 other posts 
Tumu or do you mean temu. If you mean temu, it’s owned by the Chinese so I assume the products are cheaply made so you take the chance of getting lower grade merchandise. I wouldn’t give my credit card number to a country that I don’t trust.
By Jamie [Ignore] 10,Mar,25 22:20 other posts 
Oops yes temu
By Cody8789 [Ignore] 10,Mar,25 22:24 other posts 
I have ordered merchandise off eBay from china and have gotten both good and not so good products from china, but through eBay if your not satisfied you can either get your money back or be reimbursed from eBay if product doesn’t add up to be what they say.
By phart [Ignore] 10,Mar,25 23:29 other posts 
I use the aliexspress for odd ball things I want try without spending a fortune. right now the stuff i ordered 2 months ago is still in "transit". annoying.
The folks you deal with for customer service are chinese and are using translators. so be very simple and plain in your typing as they don't know our slang terms for stuff . So far, never had any issues getting a refund if requested and most of the stuff i get is serviceable for hobby-home use.
By AngelofDeath [Ignore] 11,Mar,25 00:22 other posts 
Ask Tecsan and Sagatha, they are quite fond of the 100 polyester thongs in banana cake yellow and calypso cooler for 10 bucks.
By Cody8789 [Ignore] 11,Mar,25 01:10 other posts 
By Jamie [Ignore] 11,Mar,25 09:34 other posts 

By #491031 14,May,19 12:30
Making a monkey wear a hat is just wrong.
By #460385 14,May,19 12:39
Catching a walrus in a shrimp net walking down the beach is wrong.

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