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Started by #610414 [Ignore] 14,May,20 02:51

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By #610414 02,Apr,23 10:18
This is what DeSantiss Florida has become

The Tallahassee Classical School has been showing 6th-grade students a picture of Michelangelo's "David” statue - but this year two families complained about not being warned ahead of time so that they could remove their children from class; one family said the statue was pornographic. The statue shows David completely nude, complete with male genitalia.

The school has a rule that parents will be warned if any controversial material is used in class and the principal assumed a letter went out to parents - but it was never sent.

The bigger issue is that there should have been nothing alarming about the picture to warrant a warning letter in the first place. What have we become?

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By phart [Ignore] 02,Apr,23 10:30 other posts 
My question is this.What is so special about a damn statue of a naked man anyhow? Hell, put the damn thing in a warehouse somewhere and forget about it.Problem solved.
By #610414 02,Apr,23 10:40
You are ONE DUMB SOB. This is one of the most famous sculptures of Western Civilization. It is not only a unique and valuable work of art but, a historical representation of the Renaissance art from Michelangelo's (sculptor of statue for the unwashed) city of Florence.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 02,Apr,23 16:05 other posts 
I did say before that phart is an idiot.
Michelangelo is the foundation of art.
phart can't understand the difference between the Ronald McDonald plastic statue and Michelangelo's David. In fact, he probably has the former decorate his yard (along with pink flamingoes, dwarves and Trump's ass).
By #610414 02,Apr,23 18:45
By phart [Ignore] 03,Apr,23 00:48 other posts 
That statue is worth less than your used underwear leo.
Art of that type has no practical value.What can it do? It can't talk,it can't function.Somebody just beat on a rock until they made a naked man.
A person not of the art knowledge would just walk up to it and see a marble naked man taking up space. Kinda like a democrat.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 03,Apr,23 05:20 other posts 
Thanks for verifying my claim: YOU'RE AN IDIOT.
"Art of that type has no practical value"
Is there art that does have practical value?

Most people think that art has value, because there are more things to life than just working, consuming and procreating. But you could say that art has the practical value of improving creativity and skills, which can be used to create the things that you might think have practical value. And maybe you think it has practical value when an assortment of art creates tourism and commerce in an area.

You must agree with some value besides practical value. Why else would you like an American made muscle car, with a big V8 in it? It has no more practice value to get you from A to B, than a cheaper, more dependable car, that consumes a quarter of the fuel. That looks like you also understand something like emotional value.

Art is a symbol for the advancement of humanity. We are capable of making beautiful things and enjoying it. However, often the value of those things are not represented by it's beauty, but by it's rarity, by its historical significance or by the historical significance of its maker or by the historical significance of what or who it represents.
That results in a work of art not just having practical value, monetary value, emotional value or historical value, but also ethical value. If a statue depicts a person who is known for improving humanity, we honor the person, by proudly displaying the statue. If a statue depicts a person who has committed crimes against humanity, we do not want to honor the person, by proudly displaying the statue. That statue is still kept for progeny, because of its historical value, but it get displayed in a less conspicuous place, with a plaque explaining the historical significance of the person in their time period.
By phart [Ignore] 03,Apr,23 08:21 other posts 
I know what you are explaining and understand most of it.But to display a statue of a naked man to a group of kids that are not versed on it's meaning or anything else is a bit off kilter.
That mess that supposedly honored MLK that was released a couple months ago,supposedly wrapped arms, looks hideous,even MLK's daughter said so. But it was somehow worth 10 million dollars. that is the kind of thing I am looking at.
To adults that are learned about art, it may have some meaning or value.
By #610414 03,Apr,23 09:06
And, yet, it's okay to show kids all forms of depictions of a man tortured on a cross, bleading from spear wounds on his side and those made with a crown of thorns. Dying of thirst and asphyxiation.
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The earliest paintings found on French caves dates back to just older than 30,000 BC. For the next 32,000 years, mankind has created art pieces by the billions and the public has enjoyed it or, at the very least, reacted to it. Humanity prefers and demands that beauty be part of our lives. Monet, Cezanne, Toulouse-Lautrec, Matisse, Gaugan, Van Gogh, Picasso, Pollock, Warhol, these are known because of the beauty of their works. But, painting or sculpting aren't the only forms of art. A good piece of music (Rapsody in Blue) or a song (I've Got You Under My Skin) or an architectural wonder (The Taj Mahal) are works of art too. And you know the best piece of art? Seeing your son or daughter for the first time. So, anyone can take a chisel and hammer and create their own "David", but few, maybe one in 400 yrs, can create a work of art like Michelangelo's David. It's for everyone, even children with the right explanation.
I'm sorry there are people who have their minds in the gutter instead of in the clouds.
By dgraff [Ignore] 03,Apr,23 09:26 other posts 
So take a picture of it post it on this site then put it in storage somewhere this site is for naked people not the public eye
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Especially not 6th grade girls
By #610414 03,Apr,23 09:35
It's on display in the Accademia Gallery of Florence in Florence, Italy.
By #610414 03,Apr,23 09:45
That's the problem with American culture. They deny what's inside their BVD's or panties. The human form is not dirty, it's just human. With some dignity and explanation, anyone can see what the anatomy of a human being is like. This is not the same as depictions of sex.
By dgraff [Ignore] 03,Apr,23 10:28 other posts 
I understand that but some people are just old prudes my dad used to say you can’t please everyone
By #610414 03,Apr,23 13:04
I understand prudes. I don't understand why they want everyone else to be like them.
By dgraff [Ignore] 03,Apr,23 18:27 other posts 
That goes true for the no gun thing you hate guns and expect everyone else to be the same
By #610414 03,Apr,23 20:15
Turn that around. You like guns and expect everyone else to do the same. Sensorship, while repugnant to free thinkers, doesn't kill. At least not immediately. Guns do. Guns are used to kill people. Of course we want, I WANT, to outlaw most gun ownership or, at the very least, heavily regulate them. And before you mention it, if they have to do it from your dead hand, so be it.
By dgraff [Ignore] 04,Apr,23 06:34 other posts 
But democrats won’t because they are pussies and afraid to knock on my door
By #610414 04,Apr,23 08:32
Pussy or not, afraid or not, they'll still knock on your door. Don't mistake " doing their duty" with "how they feel about it."
By phart [Ignore] 03,Apr,23 12:05 other posts 
trans people deny what's in their bvd's so what 's the difference?
By #610414 03,Apr,23 13:02
No, they don't. They don't WANT what's in their BVDs.

By Gntlmn [Ignore] 03,Apr,23 21:13 other posts 
golden showers in dump tower tonight
By leopoldij [Ignore] 03,Apr,23 23:55 other posts 
Alas, he'll escape unscathed.
By #610414 04,Apr,23 08:10
Are we worried about public urination?🤣🤣🤣😈

By phart [Ignore] 03,Apr,23 15:55 other posts 
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By #610414 02,Apr,23 19:39
Texas county's book ban overruled, titles coming back to libraries

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Author Jodi Picoult denounces book bans after Florida school district pulls 20 of her titles from shelves - ABC News

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I can't believe that on the 23rd yr of the start of the third Christian milenia, we, what used to be one of the most progressive countries in the world, is having book bans. And, what's more, I can't believe people are not more outraged by this Nazi-like attitude of the local governments. If we weren't the laughing stock of the world before, we must be one now. Can anyone imagine, us, the policemen of the world, showing our faces again in international politics?😢
By leopoldij [Ignore] 02,Apr,23 21:01 other posts 
You're absolutely right.
Let's see what the in-resident reactionary far-right wing guy will say to justify book banning.... lol
By #610414 02,Apr,23 21:33
I can only imagine. Probably a misquote from the Bible. Oh, wait, I think that's being banned too.
By phart [Ignore] 03,Apr,23 00:45 other posts 
If Trump had went to work at Mcdonalds after he left the white house, none of this would have happened.
This entire new york circus is only happening to cause trouble for Trump,nothing else, BUT it may very well back fire.
By #610414 03,Apr,23 08:21
Phart, if we follow your reasoning, there's no reason to go after criminals. After all, what's done is done.
By phart [Ignore] 03,Apr,23 08:22 other posts 
Well why didn't anyone go after clinton? Oh my mindset does not apply to a democrat?
By #610414 03,Apr,23 09:00
Witch Clinton crime are you talking about?

By #610414 02,Apr,23 19:20
BRUSSELS — Finland won final approval on Thursday to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization after decades of nonalignment, a major shift in the balance of power between the West and Russia that was set off by the invasion of Ukraine.

The Turkish Parliament cast the last vote needed for Finland’s entry into NATO, meaning that the alliance’s border with Russia will double. It is a diplomatic and strategic defeat for President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, who made clear when Russia invaded Ukraine that he was intent on blocking NATO’s eastward expansion.

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It's been many years in coming, and, honestly, I never thought I'd see it in my lifetime. It feels right.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 02,Apr,23 21:06 other posts 
Alas, Finland elected a very right-wing government.
On the other hand, the Turkish president is Putin's friend and a dictatorship. Human rights aren't respected in Turkey.
By #610414 02,Apr,23 21:36
Erdogan is, or should be, charged with atrocities to humanity. Wasn't Finland electing a new government this week?

By leopoldij [Ignore] 02,Apr,23 16:00 other posts 
Everyone in the world, besides the American Nazis like phart, are welcoming Trump's indictment. And, like you and me, nobody believes he's going to be sentenced because he has too much control over the justice system.

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By #610414 02,Apr,23 18:50
Indicted,? yes. Found guilty? Maybe. Made to pay? Not in a thousand yrs.

By #610414 02,Apr,23 10:31
Don't just root for the FAU (Florida Atlantic University) Owls, root for their professors' freedom to educate

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My Women’s Studies college education at Florida Atlantic University had a positive impact on my personal and professional life. I have used my education to benefit my community, from advancing women’s rights to combatting antisemitism and ensuring our state and others no longer invested in Iran and Sudan. I am dumbfounded to see legislation on a state level which will ban gender studies major and diversity education.

Research has shown that investing in women has a significant impact on the economy, as women are the key drivers of economic growth and development. Women’s economic empowerment leads to increased productivity, innovation and competitiveness, as well as improved social outcomes, such as better health and education. It is important for universities and other institutions to prioritize investing in women and provide them with access to education that allows all of us to learn from each other’s past, regarding where on the globe we live.

Dumbo Repucker DeSantimonious da governor should keep his hands on his pecker and out of education matters.

By #610414 02,Apr,23 09:59
Let there be dance......

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By #610414 01,Apr,23 14:55
By leopoldij [Ignore] 01,Apr,23 15:18 other posts 
We knew that this was going to happen.
So, don't be surprised.
By #610414 01,Apr,23 15:36
April fool
By leopoldij [Ignore] 01,Apr,23 15:39 other posts 
Thank goodness!!!

What you said will happen, but let the hope for justice linger on for a while.
By Gntlmn [Ignore] 02,Apr,23 06:07 other posts 

By leopoldij [Ignore] 01,Apr,23 14:03 other posts 
If you're interested to see what the US president was fucking, take a look at this. Him fucking he cost the US people millions. That's the state of politics these days.

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By #610414 01,Apr,23 14:52
That's one time I would approve if someone commented, "She's a dumb blonde."
By leopoldij [Ignore] 01,Apr,23 15:30 other posts 
You haven't seen Trump's dick but you've just seen where it's been in.

This is the first time in US history that we see cunt whether the president's dick has been in. Amazing, isn't it?

We know that every president's dick has been in *some* pussy (all presidents have been men) but we've never seen the pussy.

Soon, we'll be able to see the president's dick too. That's the order of things, while politics and culture are being elevated to higher and higher standards.

The dumb blonde should make more money by making closeups of her cunt with captions like "the president's dick has been inside", while, perhaps, giving an indication of his size. So many people have made speculations on the latter measurement.
By #610414 01,Apr,23 15:35
You mean instead of calling him Trumpo or The Clown I should start calling him Shorty?
By leopoldij [Ignore] 01,Apr,23 15:37 other posts 
That's up to the individual.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 01,Apr,23 15:37 other posts 
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By #610414 01,Apr,23 15:34
Illegal aliens from Canada

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They'll take over the ballot boxes.

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