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Started by #610414 [Ignore] 14,May,20 02:51

New Comment       Rating: 2  

By phart [Ignore] 07,Aug,21 22:07 other posts 
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By #623135 08,Aug,21 03:56
Sean Hannity "We really can't trust that derelict shell of a president Donald Trump.We can't trust his future administration. We can't trust the Republican party and the mobs, he lives in their protection program. They care about politics and power clearly more than our health and our safety. They are unscientific, unprincipled, ever-changing, autocratic policies, yeah it's leading this country straight into a massive new health crisis of their making." The country is fucked. DeSantis, Trump#2, is coming.
By phart [Ignore] 08,Aug,21 08:58 other posts 
you just can't handle the truth so you warp it.
By #610414 08,Aug,21 09:09
No more than Hannity……..and you '
By #623135 08,Aug,21 09:19
Sounds ridiculous doesn’t it? So does the original sound byte

By #623135 04,Aug,21 20:11
Got a gift for the site trolls

[deleted image]

By leopoldij [Ignore] 04,Aug,21 15:19 other posts 
I told her, today, to rub her pussy on my balls.
And she did.

[deleted image]
By #610414 04,Aug,21 17:39
Don’t tell me. Your balls exploded.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 04,Aug,21 19:36 other posts 
She wanted to make me cum this way. She refused to take it in. But then she had me rub her pussy and stick the dildo in. Whatever the girls want. I'm happy with anything.

By #623135 04,Aug,21 18:37
Sir-Skittles opened a new thread in the forums. The subject matter is Lix and Aussie. This MOTHER FUCKING HOMO is so lame that he can’t leave this alone. He knows Lix and Aussie can’t rebut his crap so he struts around the site like he made it happen. Typical coward.

He continues:
Good news, it will need to be a covert profile if they try to come back. Everyone knows what these two donkeys look like! They can never again flood the contests, front page, or forums with their rat pictures!

I can't stop laughing I was involved in getting them both grassed and at the same time! Site skills!
Maybe this is why the Saggy Granny returned to her bunker? FEAR!!

FEAR? Of you? An insignificant piss ant and HOMO? HA, you couldn’t scare anybody except your mama and the guy who does your ass every night. It’s well know he keeps the lights off.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 04,Aug,21 14:33 other posts 
This pic has few views even though the pussy of my girl is awesome, isn't it?

[deleted image]

And I love it when it's facing my face. Or when it's sitting on it.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 04,Aug,21 09:28 other posts 
[deleted image] Ex-girlfriend used to say, every time she gave me a hand or blowjob, women have power. I agreed. And I made this cartoon for her and sent it to her recently. Her reply "nobody appreciated my handjobs as much as you did." I said "anytime, I'm up for it again", except that she lives a few thousand miles away.
--------------------------------------- added after 45 seconds

[deleted image]
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[deleted image]

Yeah, that's her.
By #610414 04,Aug,21 12:14
You've got talent, baby.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 04,Aug,21 14:20 other posts 
Not really, I got apps.

By #623135 04,Aug,21 05:15
@The Messenger@
This asshole joined 8/3/21. He went straight for my page and trashed all my pics. No imagination Freddy

By #610414 04,Aug,21 05:41

By #610414 03,Aug,21 15:50
personality Senior Citazen3! banned me from one of its profiles because apparently I’m a motherfucking Homo for not being into women that are old enough to be my nana. Sorry not sorry old gal, but you give me nightmares of stale chocolate chip cookies and curdled milk being forced fed to me with wrinkled dried up liver spotted hands while I’m tied up to a moth ball smelling bed covered in cat hair while you are slathered in Ben gay and vapor rub and you mount me and gyrate your bony dried up chicken cunt on me. The phone rings on the background from CPS that you’ve neglected your granny duties and left the kiddies at the soup kitchen again..

You were blacklisted because of your opinions. It looks like it didn’t hurt you. Go in peace with your ass in the air. It suits your sexual preferences


By #610414 03,Aug,21 03:22
I was visiting Bella!‘s Stuff, Just Stuff. I was surprised to see SrCums posts. I thought he was blacklisted. My mistake.

By #623135 01,Aug,21 01:11
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By phart [Ignore] 02,Aug,21 11:13 other posts 
Sorry, we can’t seem to find the page you’re looking for.

is all I got
By #623135 02,Aug,21 12:42
I guess it was taken down

By #610414 01,Aug,21 08:24
THIS IS TOO IMPORTANT TO BE BURIED IN OTHER THREADS. MY VIEW. Some companies are requiring their employees to be vaccinated for Covid-19 and/or mandatory use of surgical masks.

Covid-19 changed my life more than I like. I took retirement. I would have liked to have worked a few more years. Being retired allows one to pick and choose whatever actions you like. I chose to get the shots (I call it a vaccine but, for the sake of our host, let’s call it shots). I believe these shots should be mandatory. Our great and glorious governor, DeSantis, has pushed against masks and shots. He doesn’t believe in proof of “vaccination”. This morning I listened to the news telling the audience that Florida was the epicenter of the latest round of COVID. Sure, we opened up the economy. Our businesses are going full blast………so what if a few of us die. We are all born to die. So, kudos to Disney, Walmart and any other company that has the cojones to do the Fed’s work. Please excuse this windbag for waxing long on a pet peeve.
By phart [Ignore] 02,Aug,21 11:30 other posts 
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3/4ths of the infected people in 1 state were given the shot.
Now,how does that compare with the %'s you and others have been talking about?
MY OPIONION< As more variants are spread across the country by the illegals being shipped all over the country to further infect the US population, the shots will become almost 0 effective in 6 months to a year.
The illegals are being used by the democrats,with support from china,soro's and others , to spread the virus and kill off more people and gain more control.
By #623135 02,Aug,21 12:41
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This chart shows percent of vaccinations by state. Vermont and Connecticut are the leaders at75% and 69%. all others hover around 50%. Let's take your one state (Vermont) as an example. In 219 this state had 624,000 people The 25% NOT VACCINATED IS 156000. That leaves plenty of room for the new Covid strain to ause a lot of sickness. Imagine Alabama with 34%. That is a disaster in the making.
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As far as relocation of Illegals, that is in your mind or some right wing trash newspaper. That is not happening. What I will tell you is that most Latin illegals, if they manage to get free, head for areas where Spanish is very common.
You continue with your OPINIONS wanting to blame the illegals ( that's read as Biden follies) for everything that's wron with this country. You complain they take your jobs. How many white (or even black) Americans are willing to work the fields or wash the restrooms in bus terminals? none.

By #623135 02,Aug,21 08:46
I entered the PIC OF THE MONTH contest. You’ll find it on the main page of the SHOW YOUR CUNT section. I’m hoping there’ll be more entrants. Mrs CountryCouple54 is competing too and she’s always a delight to see, so come, look ,and vote. Thank you,

[deleted image]

By #623135 26,Jul,21 09:12
California man who mocked vaccines on social media dies of COVID-19

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By sherryann [Ignore] 26,Jul,21 11:10 other posts 
angel this is sad regardless of our choice to get the shot or not.
By phart [Ignore] 26,Jul,21 11:35 other posts 
Remember the other day when the press secretary at the white house ask why you need that information when ask about breakthru cases at the white house? As people start dieing that have been vaccinated, that is when the sadness will give way to anger.And alot of folks that have trusted government will be wanting answers.
By sherryann [Ignore] 26,Jul,21 17:16 other posts 
yes i have heard about vaccinated people getting the virus & dying. I wouldn't hold my breath looking for answers from the government though.
By phart [Ignore] 26,Jul,21 17:31 other posts 
and now it goes back to what I said in another thread,when it comes to this virus thing,who can you ,or who do you trust when the government is actively covering up or denying information?
By sherryann [Ignore] 26,Jul,21 17:40 other posts 
agree with you. I actually just heard a clip on the news about Fauchi lying regarding the virus. I didn't catch it all but will Google it when I log out. Scary stuff.
By #623135 26,Jul,21 19:00
Texas reports that 99.5% of the COVID deaths since February were un-vacccinated. Only 40 out of 8000 deaths were vaccinated. Al other reporting are similar. Is this what you mean by the following?
As people start dieing that have been vaccinated, that is when the sadness will give way to anger

Phart why do you believe these untruths when the evidence is so overwhelming FOR vaccination. When will you change your mind?
By phart [Ignore] 26,Jul,21 20:59 other posts 
It is not a untruth, just a inconvenient truth.
We do not know the long term side effects of the so called "vaccine".
There are so many variables at work here.
1,the government is pushing the "vaccine".
2,they do NOT want you to know or hear or see anything that is not thru the CDC or WHO or from the government in some form.
3,we as Americans, typically do not trust our government with anything, especially our health.
4.The government does not know everything. There are other doctors and sources of information other than the 1's used by the government. Why are their words, their websites and such hidden, bleached, from the web? How do we know they are wrong? We don't. It is that lack of trust in the system as a whole that sours the stomachs of people like myself that feel like it should be up to each person if they want a needle in their arm or not.
The people that are scared, can wear mask,stay home,or etc.

DAMN thing lost half the words again,had to retype,what the fuck is wrong with this thing?
By #623135 26,Jul,21 21:43
My doctors don’t work for any government or quasi government medical organization. They recommend the vaccine. Most respected people of the community recommend it. So you don’t know the long term affect. Do you know the long term affect of Covid? Every medical web site has a Covid warning. My bank, BB&T, has a warning. My car finance company has a Covid warning. You don’t believe it. Well, friend, if you die from it, we’ll remember you. Hopefully if you get it you survive and long term health issues are at a minimum. Sometimes you have to trust on blind faith.
By phart [Ignore] 27,Jul,21 10:00 other posts 
"blind faith" Um, i thought that is what i have been trusting since this plandemic began. And so far so good.
By #623135 27,Jul,21 10:14
There was a man that stepped off the roof of a 20 story building. As he passed the eleventh floor someone called out, "How are you doing?". He answered, "SO FAR SO GOOD.
By phart [Ignore] 28,Jul,21 18:37 other posts 
1 simple question,I am sure you will be able to google a answer but really think about this 1 a minute. I went to see my doctor the other day for some blood work and to renew my handicap placard for the trucks.Not once did the nurse,or the doctor ask me if I wanted a shot of the "vaccine". 1 reason ,doctors can't give it!
Now,a couple months ago I could have driven over to the Charlotte motor speedway and got in a long line of cars and trucks and huffed exhaust fumes and got a free covid shot right in the arm from someone who worked at Hardee's as a janitor before the plandemic.
Think about that and explain why that is? A doctor or a nurse that you visit and knows your situation better than anyone,can't give you the shot,but a former janitor can?
By #623135 28,Jul,21 19:19
I don’t know. Control, money, logistics? I don’t know
By phart [Ignore] 28,Jul,21 23:21 other posts 
Now, that was a honest answer.Thank you, BUT NOW DO YOU UNDERSTAND? your honest answer " I don't know" shows clearly, there is room for other ideas, other reasons, conspiracy perhaps? Reasons to doubt? reasons to look for alternative information that the gov wants to bleach from the face of the earth?

When you make important decisions in your life, do you get 1 opinion and go with it or get more?
By #623135 29,Jul,21 08:02
But, Phart, once you are convinced, once you get other information and then you make a decision, shouldn’t you put your trust on that? I’m not a reliable source on something so personal as your health. I do know that the evidence of the efficacy of the shots is overwhelming for getting them. I don’t know if in the future these drugs won’t be a health disaster. I say, “Fight the alligator that wants to eat you now. Worry about drowning later. I’m 69 yrs old. I’ve spent my whole life generally trusting medical advice from my doctor to the Surgeon General. I’m not going to change now. Perhaps I don’t know how to be less confrontational and my opinions sound like “My way or the Highway “. Far from it, however, I feel bad that people are loosing their lives due to a possible fear.
Giving a shot is not rocket science. Giving advise about the subject is more difficult, but they don't do that at the vaccination locations (at least not here).
Did you at least ask the doctor for his advise on the matter?
Or don't they even dare to say anything about it anymore?
It's your life and it will be your medical bills, if you have to go to the hospital and live.
"From January 2020 to March 2021, an additional 2.5 million Americans fell into medical debt, adding over $2 billion to the total medical debt."
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I know you don't trust the government, so try to get information from neutral and trusted sources.

Even on FoxNews there are not hosts telling their audience that the vaccines save lives and are not dangerous, unlike they've told you before. Are those hosts now compromised by the government? Are they threatened or bought off? Or do they have more information than you and are they finally considering that it wouldn't be good for them, if they go into history as the cause for hundreds of thousands of people dying from a preventable disease?

I don't know if you consider Business Insider neutral, but they are definitely not lefties.
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Or is Fox4 enough aligned with your views?
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Would you trust a doctor from the Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center (LSUHSC) or don't you trust anyone, unless they tell you the vaccines are dangerous and don't work or are a conspiracy to kill off a big part of the population or are just the pharma companies trying to make even more money?

If you want to hear it, this Dr. Catherine O'Neal sais:
"The number of people with coronavirus is surging again across the country. Just three states - Missouri, Texas, and Florida - account for 40% of new COVID-19 cases in this country right now."
"We are seeing some breakthrough cases," she said, adding that "under the age of 50 should be rare in the hospital, but today that accounts for 50% of our COVID patients, and they are all unvaccinated."

Don't just take in all those rumors from people who supposedly died from the vaccine. Listen to people's own experiences, as directly as possible. How many people, who got any of the vaccines, do you personally know?

I know I'm not a trusted source, but me, my family, my friends and my co-workers all got vaccinated. Everyone, but a few had some side effects. I had Pfizer. The fist shot I had a painful upper arm the next day. I took some ibuprofen for it and the next day it was gone. The second shot I hardly felt anything. My girlfriend got the J&J vaccine (one shot) and had a fever for several hours. My father, mother and two friends both had the same side affects as me. My brother had a big scare the first time after his shot. He felt pretty bad after it. He went to the doctor and had his blood pressure and blood values checked. He also had an ECG. The ECG was fine, his blood pressure was very high and his cholesterol was very high. However, he has a history of those symptoms and he gained a lot of weight the past few years. He also works too hard, being a freelancer and renovating his whole house. The past weeks he got himself on a diet and already lost 15 pounds. His blood pressure is fine now, but he doesn't know about his blood values yet. He had his seconds shot the day after me and has had no side effects. His girlfriend is pregnant and had her first shot and only had a sore arm, but for a few days. I have heard from one person who had more serious side effects and that was the daughter of a co-worker. She has some allergy or something and was ill for a few days. She still gets the second shot, because her mother has a high chance of dying if she should get Covid.

Through my brother in law, I hear a lot of horrific stories of people dying or loosing bodily functions, from the vaccine. However, he is a fervent anti-vaxxer and when I asked him about the stories, he doesn't know the people himself and he doesn't want to say where he got his information. Not long ago, we've met some of his friends. They are bringing goods to the flood victims in Limburg. We brought our collections there and they will bring it to the area, when the truck is full. So they are great people! However, we found out they also have some strange ideas;
They are convinced the floods in Germany were caused deliberately, by opening
a hydro power plant, because they want to do something about overpopulation.
So they destroyed a huge piece of the country and wasted billions of euros, to kill 141 people (0.000002% of the worlds population)?
I've looked into that. That hydro plant was at risk and they needed to open it.
The weather was so unpredictable that they have made a judgement error, which made the floods worse. I see no conspiracy there. All of Germany tried their hardest to help the victims of the floods. It was just another extreme weather event.
But, I'm sure you trust my anti-vax brother in law and his friends over me.
By phart [Ignore] 29,Jul,21 13:37 other posts 
Well,I am not antivax,I am anti having it shoved down my throat.
I have a 87 year old friend that had the virus over Christmas and about died from it. He slowly got better and he ask his doc when he could get the vaccine.They tested, and told him things were ok to get it.He was back in the hospital that night.that was in late march and he is now having heart related issues like the 1's described on the news. Since the shot,he is also short of breath which prompted him to have to stop singing with the other fellows he plays music with.He got his voice and breath back after the virus, but after the shot and the hospital visit it never came back right. This is a man that grows a huge garden and only used a walk behind tiller and hand tools, maintains 5 acres of land,and was running a machine shop. due to shortness of breath and so forth from the vaccine and the near death experience from the virus making him aware his sons don't want his stuff, he is selling off his equipment now.
The side effects of the moderna on my father were not noticable from the first shot,but the second 1,he was almost homebound for a couple weeks.Hurt to much to walk. his mind was sharp,he has since gotten worse.87 as well.
Yea the folks I watch deal with side effects are older than I am. But due to injurys My health is equal to a older person.So it is a good reference point. Frankly,if the rest of the human race wants the shot,they can have it.I will have to be forced to take it or suffer some dire circumstance..
By #610414 29,Jul,21 15:59
Phart, no one will force you. I honestly hope this is good for you.
By phart [Ignore] 29,Jul,21 16:33 other posts 
Choice,it is what every one thinks they are entitled to or have a right to do,choose.When it comes to having a baby,getting married,what we eat,what we cover our bodies with and so on.But suddenly,illegals are scattering all over the US bringing a variant with them that is called Delta,and I am sure there are other mutations coming from other countries we don't know about and we are told to get a shot.
Why not keep the unvaccinated illegals OUT of the US? wouldn't that be simple enough? Close the fucking border?
Would canada stand for having 1000's of virus positive people running across their border? Would china?
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Notice they are catching buses to OTHER STATES? like mine! Not only are they spreading covid to Texan's' that were recovering quite well before biden took office.

Instead of expecting me get a shot, stop this shit!
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By #610414 29,Jul,21 18:16
Ok. I’ll give you that one even though I believe the solution won’t help.
Now, have you any idea how many LEGAL tourists enter the USA every day? Just Disneyland and Disney World bring more people than the whole state of Kansas, daily. Many are not vaccinated. They make the illegals a drop in the bucket. Do you recommend we close all entry points? Shut down the airlines, the service industry, train services, etc? Think, if closing the cities was bad for the economy, as they say “You ain’t seen nothing yet”.
By phart [Ignore] 29,Jul,21 20:37 other posts 
I hope another damn lockdown don't happen BUT I would not put it past the politicians to force 1.
The economy is open, you can wear protection, stay home,gather, your choice .But you are responsible for your own safety.
The US currently has more than 50,000 new Covid cases per day.
It's possible the Delta variant entered you country with an illegal immigrant,
but once Americans have it, they are infecting their own population much harder. Immigrants tend to stay out of the way from other people, because they don't want to get caught. They are just working on some farm somewhere and mostly infect each other.
Once you have the Delta variant in your country, it will take over the other variants very quickly, because it's much more infectious. If you were even able to close the country hermetically, it would help only a tiny bit.
If you want to be effective in preventing immigrants from spreading Covid, just have them report at the border, give them the one shot vaccine and have them wait two weeks in some camp. Then test them and if they are healthy, let them go work on your farms. No Americans want to do those jobs for that money and your economy is dependent on those immigrants.
By #610414 31,Jul,21 09:06
I mostly agree with you, Ananas
I don't know many people who got Moderna vaccine. It's of course possible that it caused or worsened his condition. He did however already suffer from Covid. Maybe those together had an effect on his immune system. You will never know
up front how it will affect you. I think dying from it would be an extreme case of bad luck. If your health is that bad, that you're worried about the vaccine, how come you're not worried about Covid itself?

Even though I have a lot more trust in the government and medicine, I still weighted my options. Could it be a plot to decimate the population? I thought the change is small, but I considered their motives. Would the government kill the trusting public or the people who distrust them? Would they kill people with a vaccine or would they kill people with a virus and protect the sheeple with a vaccine? I think Texans are spreading Covid themselves, but if you think the government (or another they) are giving Texans Covid, then do you think 'they'
want to kill the sheeple?

I just estimated, with my knowledge about vaccines and viruses, that the long term risks of getting the virus would be worse than the long term risks of the vaccine. Then I (47 y.o. overweight dude, with some hypertension) assessed my own risks when having Covid as substantial. Then I just waited my turn and asked around for people's experiences with the vaccines.
I came to the conclusion it would be safer to get the vaccine, than not.

It's difficult to do your own risk assessment if you know only a few anecdotes.
You prefer to go by your own experiences, but that's not possible in this case.
You can only get as close to the 'truth' as possible, by ask as many people as possible for their own experiences.

But, how are they shoving it down your throat? Are they calling you every day or ringing your doorbell? You know they just give you a shot right? Even with a Covid test, they just tickle your throat a bit.

I agree the Democrats should use a different strategy to encourage you to get a vaccine; just say: "OK, you all had your chance to get it, in a month it's not free anymore and we will send your free vaccines to the people who are begging for it, in India!". Do you think that will help?

"Shoving it down your throat" is just something the right wing media says to discourage you. They probably use that term, because it has a gay connotation, which conservatives are allergic to, for the maximum effect. I've seen videos of Tucker Carslon saying he's not against the vaccine, but than directly after compare it with forced sterilization and frontal lobotomy. Watching him too much is giving people frontal lobotomies.
They just want to disrupt the vaccination program, so they can claim Biden did a bad job. They don't care how many people die. They only care when their advertising revenue suffers or when it hurts their stock portfolio.

If you get Covid and can't breath anymore, then they will shove a breathing tube down your throat. Do you think that's better?
By #623135 26,Jul,21 13:57
Sherry, it is sad..When you consider that the latest upswing of COVID cases are almost 90% un-vaccinated,you start to question the validity of not getting the shot(s). At the beginning I could understand the hesitation. For what ever reason, it was possible. Now, with the success of the program I think it’s political now and that is a piss-poor reason to die for
By sherryann [Ignore] 26,Jul,21 17:36 other posts 
very sad yes, this whole thing is depressing. They're already talking about another lockdown here. I don't and won't ever do things I used to. No more going in big crowds, or the nail salon & beauty shop, malls, nothing. I wear my mask and social distance but a virus is so small i doubt that will work but i believe they will require it for the long haul, as this is not gonna end. This man in your article said similar things I've said. I pray I never get it but if I do they're not putting me on a ventilator.
I've heard there are now 163 million people in the US who are fully vaccinated and there have been 4,115 reported cases of fully vaccinated people being hospitalized and 750 of them dying with Covid-19 coronavirus breakthrough infections.
That would be a percentage of 0.12% of the total number of 610.000 people who died.

Vaccines help the immune system to recognize the virus. However, people with an immune system that doesn't work (sufficiently) will still die, with or without the vaccine.

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By #623135 30,Jul,21 08:39
Also, remember that this number represents only 45% of the US population. The other 65% are playing Russian Roulette with a six gun loaded with 5 bullets. The scary thing I’ve heard from the CDC is that fully vaccinated people can still be carriers and infect non-vaccinated. I understand people like Phart or Bella! not wanting the shots. Whatever their reason, it’s their choice, but, wearing seat belts is compulsory. Drunk driving is prohibited. Medical drugs need a prescription. Why can’t the shots be compulsory? It’s for the good of the country.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 30,Jul,21 11:02 other posts 
Most vaccines also prevent infection with Covid, but only around 60% against the Delta variant. I don't know if those people who still get it are just as contageous as the non-vaccinated people who get infected or how long both groups can be contageous without knowing they are infected. At least this is the reason why the CDC now recommends also vaccinated people were masks.
It is probably significant that new cases are now mostly occurring in Missouri, Texas, and Florida, where the vaccination percentages are the 39th, 37th and 25th lowest in the country.
I know Biden is thinking about making the vaccinations mandatory for employees of US federal agencies. I don't think they could fire people over not getting vaccinated, but they could probably ask for recent Covid tests when people are coming in to work. I don't know if it's legal for private employers to do the same.
I'm actually not in favor of mandatory vaccination, because it would probably just lead to massive lawsuits against the state and I don't think the state will win.
It will only create more distrust.

It might be better we let people find out for themselves whether it's smart to trust right-wing media over the government, because this might not be the last time humanity is challenged with a pandemic.

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