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Started by #610414 [Ignore] 14,May,20 02:51

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By #610414 05,Jul,20 08:07
The bitch witch advising Kebmo about me.

Obviously, I can see your response as I am alerted that you've posted in a thread I started. Since I can't see the original post, my guess is that you have replied to ANGEL1227. Unfortunately, she won't be able to view and/or respond in this thread as she has been blacklisted.

I can view all posts at any time. The bitch is wrong

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I expect her lap dog, Dgraff to come over to spy or threaten at any time.

By #610414 04,Jul,20 11:27
Well, it’s back to copy/paste. The RESIDENT BITCH WITCH IS BACK BLACK LISTING. SOMETHING SHE SAYS SHE DOESN'T DO. It’s so funny she gets upset when someone calls her a bitch yet she acts like one all the time. Hey, BELLA.....

By #610414 04,Jul,20 07:58
Kimberly Guilfoyle -- Donald Trump Jr.'s girlfriend and top Trump campaign official -- tests positive for coronavirus

The Prez is one lick away from getting it too. No more threesomes
By leopoldij [Ignore] 04,Jul,20 09:36 other posts 
As far as I'm concerned, Corona virus affects only humans or animals. But trump is neither. He's just a stone.
By #610414 04,Jul,20 09:45

By #610414 04,Jul,20 08:06
According to my sparring partner, New Jersey is a dark den of crime and mayhem.

By #610414 04,Jul,20 07:52
Something I learned this morning. Canada had a form of prohibition in the early part of the 20th century

CANADA'S National prohibition (a temporary wartime measure) WAS from 1918 to 1920.

By #610414 04,Jul,20 07:45
Trump at the 4th of July celebration at Mt Rushmore

Trump called out "social justice" protesters, who've enjoyed the support of a majority of Americans, saying, "They want to silence us, but we will not be silenced."

Does he know what he's saying?
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By #610414 04,Jul,20 07:38
What I've begun noticing when making a selection to watch on Netflix, when the intro plays, it may say violence, strong language, partial nudity, etc, it now alerts viewers that SMOKING is depicted. I don't smoke, I don't have young children or grandchildren to consider but I don't think that I would say, "sorry, little ones, you can't watch this", based on the smoking warning. 😳

By #610414 26,Jun,20 17:29
Even Marco Rubio, Florida’s senior Republican US senator, weighed in. “Everyone should just wear a damn mask,” he said.

But DeSantis, like the president, has refused to advocate for the wearing of masks, despite incontrovertible scientific evidence they help curtail the spread of the disease.

“Ron DeSantis has followed Donald Trump’s erratic leadership for three and a half months, and it clearly has not worked out for Floridians,” said Terrie Rizzo, chair of the Florida Democratic party. “Their eagerness to declare victory before the job was done has led us to this moment.”

By phart [Ignore] 16,Jun,20 14:36 other posts 
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Trump signs orders in reference to police and choke holds.
Now,let's see if the riots and shit stop. If not,then we know the protestors and rioters are not really wanting reform and peace,they just want to cause trouble and disruption
By #610414 16,Jun,20 16:58
I just saw a report. Except for the first few, most protest have been peaceful.
74% Of Americans Support George Floyd Protests, Majority Disapprove Of Trump’s Handling, Poll Says
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This is in Forbes. Yes, fake news, mud slinging libertard publication. But, 74% means a large chunk of your fellow Republicans agree too.

Naturally, you take your leader's law and order view that all THIS protesting is unamerican. When are you going to wake up?
By phart [Ignore] 18,Jun,20 09:19 other posts 
If you have a parade thru town,where are the horses in the lineup? At the back.
Because they shit in the streets and you don't want your marching bands walking thru it.
Same with these protest.The peaceful folks start out in the daylight,most are probably wellmeaning folk,but the parade gets to the end when it gets dark and then the shit hits the streets.The marching band is long gone.
By #610414 18,Jun,20 13:30
Says you. It's not what's happening.

By #610414 17,Jun,20 19:45
/polls/2213.html first time a poll collected so many votes. I was surprised with the results

By #610414 14,Jun,20 16:49
ORLANDO, Fla. – Some Florida bars and restaurants are temporarily closing their doors after being back open for just a few weeks because workers or patrons have tested positive for the new coronavirus.

The closures come as the number of new daily coronavirus cases in Florida on Sunday exceeded 2,000 cases for a second day in a row. The Florida Department of Health reported that Florida had 75,568 total cases and 2,931 related deaths.

By phart [Ignore] 14,Jun,20 21:11 other posts 
most everyone in the world will get the virus,you can get it now and get it over with so when the economy picks back up you can enjoy it or you can hide under a rock, and then when you come out,it will beat you down.
There Is no escaping the virus.Everyone has had the cold,a type of corona virus.
Do I want it? No,do i want others to get it? No, but just 3 months of this shit and the entire world is suffering in many ways. It is time to accept the fact the virus is here,it will be here,and we need to live.All the time you spend hiding,you can not get back.
By #610414 16,Jun,20 18:26
So, it's better to die now and get it over with? I prefer to hide alive than die fast
By dgraff [Ignore] 16,Jun,20 19:43 other posts 
It don’t kill everyone just the weak I’m not scared if I get it then I will worry about it until then my life goes on
By #610414 17,Jun,20 09:29
There’s a difference between being scared and being cautious. Just in case RIP
By dgraff [Ignore] 17,Jun,20 09:53 other posts 
Hahaha I’m a tough old bird I think I can beat it down
By phart [Ignore] 17,Jun,20 10:23 other posts 
Most folks are not going to die,of the virus anyway. I have watched a couple vids on youtube that the nurses are saying the improperly applied ventolators are actually the cause of some of the deaths.I don't want to die yet,and don't want others to die.We just can't hide forever.

By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Jun,20 08:50 other posts 
What’s the matter candy don’t you like my racist jokes I bet phart likes them and I bet scorps likes them
By #610414 14,Jun,20 12:25
A man wanted to obtain "welfare" for his dogs because they are "mixed in color, unemployed, lazy, can't speak English and have no frigging clue who their Daddies are. Familiar?
By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Jun,20 13:07 other posts 
Hey that’s a good one I will use that one
By phart [Ignore] 14,Jun,20 14:36 other posts 
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By dgraff [Ignore] 16,Jun,20 20:30 other posts 
Hahaha I don’t know about most dogs being Democrat but I do know all Democrats are Dogs

By dgraff [Ignore] 12,Jun,20 22:48 other posts 
A Puerto Rican an American Indian and a cowboy was sitting in a bar having a beer the Indian says once we were many now we are few the rican said once we were few now we are many the cowboy responded that’s because we haven’t played cowboys and Puerto Rican’s yet

By #610414 12,Jun,20 08:40
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Florida on Thursday broke its record for the highest number of coronavirus cases reported in a single day since the beginning of the pandemic.

The Sunshine’s State department of health reported 1,698 new COVID-19 infections — almost 20 percent higher than the previous daily high of 1,419 cases recorded last Thursday.

There are now at least 69,069 reported cases and 2,848 deaths tied to the outbreak in Florida, according to the latest numbers released Thursday.

Gov. Ron DeSantis was asked whether he would consider rolling back reopening plans over the increase in cases — and said the spike was tied to an increase in testing, according to Local 10 News in Tallahassee.

How does testing change the dynamics?
By phart [Ignore] 12,Jun,20 10:39 other posts 
More testing,means more known positive cases.Those positives have been there,just not known about until tested,so it makes the numbers go up.
Herd imunity is going to be the only real solution.
We can't keep hiding under rocks.The virus will just move over to animals until it can get back to humans 10 years from now.I wish the death could stop today,I wish harm to no one from this thing,but hiding from it will not make it go away.
By #610414 12,Jun,20 11:32
Until we develop a vaccine, until we test all the people and perform contact visits to possible transmission. It would be foolish to throw all the previous effort in the trash. I would think over 100,000 dead Americans would feel the same. This is not "floating". It makes sense. The whims of a megalomaniac septuagenarian Are not to be listened to.
By dgraff [Ignore] 12,Jun,20 21:45 other posts 
As I said before it’s killing off the weak and feeble think of it as a purge it keeps us from over populating and is good for the economy

By phart [Ignore] 12,Jun,20 15:05 other posts 
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By #610414 12,Jun,20 15:28
He back stabs everyone. Even his own people. He's like a praying mantis
By phart [Ignore] 12,Jun,20 20:50 other posts 
Trump didn't stab the states back,our governor did by not allowing a full house for the shindig.
Of course it makes perfect sense that a Democrat governor would stand in the way of a Republican event. I have heard so many times in the past few weeks bussiness owners and just common folk,all agreeing we can't wait to vote the sumbitch governor out.His lack of balls has cost our states people ALOT of money.
And not a full day after he told Trump he could not garrentee a full house for the convention, and shortly after padlocking a race track,he marchs with 2000 people down the street,removing his mask several times. The report said he is being tested for the virus because of violating his OWN safer at home policys.

By #610414 11,Jun,20 10:14
From the Civil War to the football field, we’ve been celebrating the wrong values

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Commemorating generals from a defunct, defeated, traitorous group of states is tantamount to erecting statues of Hitler and Mussolini. Flying that odious flag should be a third class misdemeanor.
By phart [Ignore] 11,Jun,20 15:03 other posts 
Forcing the flag down should be a crime as well,violation of free speach. I do wish you would step down off your soap box and actually learn the history of the south and what actually started the war against the south.
And then learn the terriable things the north did to the south after they had burned,robbed and rap3d their way thru the south. carpet baggers. Bastards.

Oh and what about this monument?
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The first military monument in the US Capitol that honors an African-American soldier is the Confederate monument at Arlington National cemetery. The monument was designed 1914 by Moses Ezekiel, a Jewish Confederate, who wanted to correctly portray the “racial makeup” in the Confederate Army. A black Confederate soldier is depicted marching in step with white Confederate soldiers. Also shown is one “white soldier giving his child to a black woman for protection”. – Source: Edward Smith, African American professor at the American University, Washington DC.

Take time to read this page,it tells of the union not paying blacks equal pay as whites for example.Alot to see and read

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Also,what do you say about this monument?? winning side is ok?

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qoute from this page.

The party of Lincoln, called the Republican party, under its present name and organization, is of recent origin. It is admitted to be an anti-slavery party.
By #610414 11,Jun,20 22:17
Phart, can you show me where a private person can not fly that flag?
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The Civil War started because of several reasons. The two main ones were slavery and secession from the union. The shooting war began when the Confederates bombarded Union soldiers at Fort Sumter, South Carolina on April 12, 1861. But, in your version I'm sure that was all wrong.
As far as the carpet baggers were concerned, the spoils belong to the victors.
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Phart, did you know in US navy ships blacks have to hang their asses over the railing when they need to take a dump?
The only black astronaut had to make coffee for the Russian crew.
--------------------------------------- added after 17 minutes

The Republican party went in a different direction. Ass spankings with magazines, golden showers in Moscow motel room with Russian hookers.
By phart [Ignore] 12,Jun,20 10:42 other posts 
Uh,when the US bombed japan,what did the US do? They rebuilt.
Back then,the US government hated the south,and enslaved the southern people for their resources.They didn't give a damn about human life,they just wanted our cotton,our grain,our labor.

By #610414 12,Jun,20 08:06
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The President's conduct is consistent with a lifetime of going against the crowd and his impulse to use racial and cultural flashpoints for his own advantage. At a time when much of the country, even many instinctively conservative individuals and institutions, is engaging in a racial reckoning, he is apparently betting that his stands will ignite and expand his political base and carry him to a backlash victory in November.

As he did with his "Make America Great Again" campaign slogan, Trump is implicitly invoking an idealized past vision of a nation untarnished by political correctness, where white conservative values were dominant, that seems incompatible with an increasingly diverse country. At the same time, he is propagating an alternative reality that the pandemic is over -- despite rising cases in many states -- to convince voters that the strong economy he was using as his main reelection pitch is on the way back.


By #610414 11,Jun,20 09:51
Virginia protesters tear down a statue of Jefferson Davis a day after bringing down Christopher Columbus

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It's alledged old Chis keel-hauled a black seaman on his way to the new world.

By #610414 10,Jun,20 15:10
Minneapolis police department pulls out of union contract negotiations

By phart [Ignore] 10,Jun,20 22:31 other posts 
It is so ironic that many of us have been anti union because it tends to protect the lazy not productive employees.
And folks that feel that way have always been kicked by the pro union folks.
BUT now,suddenly, the union is the "elephant in the room" and non desirable even to the liberals.

By phart [Ignore] 10,Jun,20 16:59 other posts 
I can't find the joke thread, so this is the best I can do.

sign on a Planned Parenthood office:



COME ON IN !!!!!
By dgraff [Ignore] 10,Jun,20 19:53 other posts 
Hahaha I love it
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Hey phart why can’t you get a blow job in Puerto Rico
Because all the cock suckers are here in the United States

By #610414 07,Jun,20 11:04
Great white shark kills surfer off Australia's New South Wales
Surfer was demonstrating for BLACK LIVES MATTER. Shark was hungry
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By #485312 10,Jun,20 00:28
that's the price you can pay for swimming or surfing here, same as if youre running across the savannah and get eaten by a lion. If youre in their domain, youre just part of the food chain like everything else. *Lix*
By #610414 10,Jun,20 07:59
I hear you.
By phart [Ignore] 10,Jun,20 13:00 other posts 
If you ever read about me getting bit by a shark,it was because he got his truck and drove up here to do it on dry land!
By #610414 10,Jun,20 14:51

By #610414 07,Jun,20 10:58
There are serious groups intent on violence, discord, and even civil war out there…but so far…it’s the right wing that seems to be taking the lead on the violence and the weapons.

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