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I was surprised a conservative CC54 rag on DeSantis
Michiganders were pissed at Whitmer for extending the Stay Home order through June 12, an almost 3 months quarantine. I'm not sure local government is handling things appropriately, though. In April, our local government went ahead with the Easter Egg hunt, two weeks ago, they brought back "Music in the Park" on our boardwalk. Feed me peanuts and call me Dumbo but when I go to an outdoor music venue that does not have assigned seating, I want to get as close as possible to the front. What I'm trying to say is that there is absolutely no social distancing. This summer feature is an annual event and draws so many young people, teens and tweens, etc. Yesterday was the third concert so that's a reflection that our city opened prior to the Governor's June 12 date. What is odd though is that the July 4th fireworks and celebration was canceled as well as some upcoming fishing events that draw fishermen from all over. These events have been annual events for more years than I've lived here.
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Whoo hoo Pennsylvania is among the top 3 states with the least amount of virus cases our numbers have steadily fallen in the last three weeks
There are 2 women in Antartica that are stuck there because no ships can come get them due to the pandemic,even they might get it,if and when they are able to go home at a later time.
Use some common sense and get on with your life,or at least don't get in other peoples way as they are trying to.Alot of us understand we are unable to live forever,and any time we sit idle in the basement with a flashlight shivering in fear of a virus,is time we can't get back
I'm not standing in anyone's way if they want to be irresponsible dumb-asses. But, I have the right, the duty even, to point out that their conduct will be responsible for more deaths and costs to the public health system. I know you have simple understanding of your actions. The rest of us that actually care, think Trumpo is only thinking of himself and his re-election.
I'm mot sure Florida is as bad as you think but then again I'm not in the US ...
So convenient...
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Something does not add up
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Kinda fishy don’t ya think
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A white police officer was shot at by a black man in reading Pennsylvania narrowly missing him the police officer got back in his patrol car drove to the police station and parked the police car got in his truck and drove home he later told the press its not worth it any more
I mean really? Chicken shit? I would like to see your health improve to a point we could put YOU out there trying to do the job for a day or 2 and see if you come back feeling the same.
Equal rights have been in place.
I don't know what the "peaceful" liberals that have been anti gun for so long are going to do when they need police protection they have been so adament was all we needed just a short time ago.It is not there any more.
China is not our problem
China is not our problem
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Says smoking Joe Biden puff puff pass
China is our problem in so many ways
Along with Peelowsee.
It is not a hard manual labor job requireing a strong body,but a healthy mind is important.
Or do you prefer Rocky de la Fuente?
Phil Collins would be my pick - but only because there's something in the air tonight!
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Everyone but me needs to wear a mask or observe social distancing. I’m too proud, manly, macho, and Trumpist, to do so. Who the fuck cares about that. This is like getting a polio vaccine shot. I suppose when they find one for this pandemic you’ll decline too. Every time a thread comes up about lifestyles, you jump into it showing us how “MACHO “ man you are. This is a safety thing. I you don’t care about yourself, think about other people
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One time I ask him how old you are when you’re junk quits working and he told me that I would have to ask someone older than he is
Old men cover their feeblness well. I am starting to notice things my dad misses and I am keeping a eye on him.So far just simple shit.
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