The mosquitoes have been unrelenting, I'm beginning to believe that they only have eyes for me. The last couple of nights they have torn me up so I took 3 Benadryl and I hope that does the trick. Yep, one night that the itching stops and a good night's sleep, too! --------------------------------------- added after 40 hours
Did you know that the biting mosquitoes are the females, and they do in fact have a preference of blood type? Perhaps you are more susceptible. I would recommend a dusting of deep woods off on your exposed extremities before going outside. Few days ago I attended a birthday party for one of my grandchildren that was at a pavilion in a local park. To my surprise, I sprayed my legs and arms with it and managed to come home unscathed. 😁
I believe they must have preferences. Charlie can sit outside, in the evening, and not get one bite. I go out for a minute and I get mauled. Deep Woods Off is very good but the results vary.
we should also continue to ignore the racial strife in the United States being primarily perpetuated by whites and or those suffering from white guilt and rich blacks
I came home tonight before 9 o'clock and those nasty little bastards were waiting for me on the driveway and chased me straight into the house, dammit!
Are you serious? You're making "homemade" fireworks? May I
ask, WTF do you know about fireworks? No, thank you! I do not mess around with explosives, I want to keep all my fingers and toes and both eyes, too!
Hahaha I reload my own ammunition for years so it gives you a sense of how explosive work yes for years now I’ve been making my own Roman candles --------------------------------------- added after 11 minutes
My brother-in-law is an X marine and he took me under his wing as a teenager he taught me all kinds of things I probably should not know
Now that you mention it, I HAVE given head to a barbarian or two in my sordid past.
They promised not to tell, though.
Moral of the story: Never trust a horny barbarian to keep a s3cret.
A lot of things have been cancelled but fireworks can be seen from far away so in my city, with a maximum outdoor gathering of 200, there are many small spots that can all see the fireworks. More of a serious downsizing as apposed to an outright cancelation. My restaurant is closed so it's still a day off all be it a rainy and cool one. I foresee a lazy day interspersed with naps for me.
Let's continue to ignore the racial strife in the United States being primarily perpetuated by whites and or those suffering from white guilt and rich blacks. Or the attempt to destroy our country, allowing anarchy to go unchecked in our most liberal or Democratic run cities, the constant desire to dismiss the rule of law and order, or the attempt to erase history. As if any of the stupid shit we are currently witnessing is going to actually improve anyone's lives.
Instead! (Just FOR one particular lily white member) Let us continue the discussion about face coverings ("masks") due to a virus that was either purposefully released by or accidentally released by/from China(that make you feel better? You know who you are).
Quite the quandary here, and I sincerely mean that!
In one breath, there are those (I won't point out which kind/type of people) that say, "black people are MORE likely to have severe repercussions/reactions to the virus, up to and including death in most instances". Yet, one of the biggest liberal/Democratic run cities in our country, (unno, the kind that claims to care the MOST about black people) has just declared face masks as a REQUIREMENT out in public for WHITES ONLY.
Now I ask you...
Since one can interpret this either way, TRUTHFULLY speaking (see what I did there, truth ALWAYS prevails over facts), what do YOU make of this? Is there ANY racism involved in this decision?
Your first paragraph, as you're so keen on delineating between fact and opinion, is exclusively your opinion.
Your second paragraph (congratulations) is less racist than usual. However, I would also add that some think it's likely that Covid 19 had a zoonotic origin. If that's so it was neither "released" purposefully NOR accidentally.
I've Googled "US city requires face masks for whites only" and all I could find was the story about Oregon County. A fact-checking site puts that into context.
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The key summary is as follows: "In sum, while it is accurate to say Lincoln County officials in June 2020 established a rule that required people to wear masks with an exemption for residents of color, authorities were not going to enforce the requirements, and the policy was later changed so that all residents — no matter their race — must wear the facial coverings to prevent the spread of COVID-19. We therefore rate this claim as “Mostly True.”"
Being truthful: it's clearly more nuanced than you have made out but, in my opinion, the lawmakers were fucking stupid (and borderline racist) to include that exemption. My opinion would, I guess, be pretty much the same if it's NOT Oregon County but some other place.
In an effort to understand, and witnessing some of the things going on in our country right now, and coming up with nothing, other than politically motivated. I stated the above to hopefully open up a dialogue on the matters.
To put it simply, I'm not subscribing to the whole "systematic racism" bullshit, or any other buzz words that some like to throw around, like "white privilege" or "black oppression". It's all racially incendiary and used to continue divisions between our races. 2020 is NOTHING like it was in 1980, we have come a long way and those still screaming racist and racism are more likely the same ones that are actually the racist. Whether it be agaisnt blacks or whites or any other race, there should be no divisions, period! We should absolutely all be Humans, Americans, Children of God, Citizens, Mankind whatever you choose to combine EVERYONE into. I wholeheartedly believe that everyone has the same opportunities to achieve greatness and or success in this country. It's been done repeatedly time after time by all races for a very long time. Taking personal responsibility for ones own destiny. There's a novel idea...
As much as I would like to take credit for it, some of the things cited above were actually spoken by someone else. I heard it and believe there is quite a bit of truth to it. So, to say that it's uniquely my opinion would be incorrect. Sorry! I guess I should have cited the source. But alas I didn't, because I don't want to come off as using him for any advantage.
I do believe, in my heart, that your response was honest and even-handed, and for that, I once again applaud you and appreciate it. Also for pulling more current data, last I heard of that, was a few days ago. Guess someone saw the err in their ways...
Points I can agree with you on: 2020 is nothing like 1980; we have come a long way; there should be no divisions; taking personal responsibility for your destiny is a good thing.
Where we differ: systemic racism DOES exist. Ignoring that will not help heal divisions, but will perpetuate them.
I don't say I agree with every syllable but this puts it pretty well (for the US in particular):
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I'll acknowledge that I hold some of those prejudices/stereotypical views referred to in the video. Acknowledging that is a good first step. To assert that a white 17 year old growing up in Palm Beach has the same life opportunities, and ability to achieve greatness, as a black 17 year old living in one of the rougher parts of Chicago is (in my opinion) both incredibly naive and, also, unhelpful in addressing your Nation's problems. Before you jump up and down, that black kid COULD achieve greatness but he starts from a different point that makes it more difficult. If you can't see that, I'm puzzled.
Never apologise for quoting something you agree with - that's fine.
Here's one for you: you seem to be acknowledging that race relations, in the US, were not perfect in the 80s. Is it possible, despite your misgivings, that they are STILL not perfect in 2020?
You may vehemently disagree with the way people are addressing these matters now, but I would contend that there are still matters to be resolved. The modus operandi employed to address those issues, we can debate. To shut it all down and say "There's no race issues in the US anymore, stop whining" is, in my opinion again, wooly-headed.
PS. Joe Biden, for the length of his political career, has achieved very little and would probably be a mediocre POTUS, at best. I should post that elsewhere but I'm venturing out for the afternoon!!
Is equality not the goal of all the disruption as of lately?And of all the disruption for decades?
All Men equal?
If that is the true goal, then why is it that the white people's heritage and history are suddenly taboo but black heritage is ok to be public?
Case in point,in North carolina a confederate statue was the subject of a protest recently,all the while a Martin Luther King statue stands RIGHT ACROSS THE ROAD from it,with no protesters,no vandelism.
There should be no contraversy of EITHER if all men are to be equal and accept each other as they are.
Until everyone can accept each other as individuals and equals and learn tolerance of the faults they find,racial strife will be a forever problem.
I may be a odd person,but I was taught to respect others peoples property and not to damage it.And honestly,I have never had a true desire to hook a chain to a statue I didn't like and pull it down.Now that is not to say that damn atm machine that pissed me off a feew years ago didn't about feel the wrath of a chain,but that is another story.
NO one should want to damage things that don't belong to them.Apparently they were not raised with much morals.
Fucking hell, phart. Did you fall on your head .. again?
Do I need to point out that statues are a celebration of someone or something, and that there's a considerable difference in giving that honour to a guy who fought for Civil Rights (and equality) and giving it to a General who fought on the side of the Confederacy (the pro-slavery side in the Civil War)?
The colour of that heritage is barely relevant. One fought for equality, the other fought to preserve slavery.
I don't (before you start frothing at the mouth) personally agree with violently tearing down statues. There should be an open discussion about the merits of any particular public monument. You can then, as a society, decide whether it's still appropriate to honour individuals in that way or whether those monuments belong in a Museum, where the full, nuanced history of that individual can be put in context. Heritage doesn't need to be destroyed - it needs to be remembered in the context of the history of that time. However, monuments that offend a significant proportion of any society need to be questioned.
How do you think the average German Jew would feel if there were still statues of characters from The Third Reich in their public places?
I agree with you that you shouldn't damage things that don't belong to you. On the other hand, I don't think that you should have to walk through your own town/city and see statues honouring people that enslaved, or murdered, your great-grandparents.
Phart, the confederacy tried to secede from the country. This s is treason. Martin Luther King was a man of God who tried to bring equality to his people. If you can’t understand why one statue should be brought down and the other let alone, there’s something seriously wrong with you
I'm glad to see that you do not agree with every syllable used in the video you provided, in an attempt to show me how "systemic racism" is keeping the white knee on the throats of black people. The video itself, produced by a white person, which immediately says what? Are white people the keepers of black people? Are black folk just too uneducated to speak for themselves? So some preachy white guy attempts to explain why he believes the black man is being oppressed by whitey. Oh the irony there!
Let's get this straight! "Stereotyping" i.e. black people are good at sports, white people can't dance, asian people are good at math, etc. I could go on and on but I won't. These are racist connotations, according to you and some others, right? Yet, for the argument of "systemic racism" it's OK to suggest that all black people are poor and oppressed. smh
Please, don't be puzzled. I never once said America or Humanity was perfect. There is NO such place nor person alive that can fit that bill. And I hate to break the bad news to you, there will NEVER be either! People are not robots, there will forever be degenerates in any given group or portion of society. Yes! There can even be racist black people. So to answer your question from above, sure there are still some issues even in 2020. But they certainly don't rise to rampant or widespread status. There was a terrific moment of unity following the death of George. If you had to assign a percentage what would you say? At least 98, 99% of American's, the world, agreed that what we saw was evil, outrageous, uncalled for? This oh so racist society agreed that it was wrong. Well, if there was so much racism within our society, why is the percentage so high? Shouldn't there be 10, 20 % celebrating the death of George and the lauding of the policeman? The United States managed to vote in a half black President. How could this happen in such a racist society? I assure you, the black vote was not enough to accomplish such a feat. Anyway, the race baiters, anarchists, and some others reared their ugly heads to ruin the moment instead of using it to give some sort of positivity to the mans death.
For every single modern day atrocity committed against a black person by a white person, and equally offensive act can be shown committed by a black person against a white one. I know, I know, I'm not allowed to say that. Afterall, whitey probably had it coming to them, right? Point is, we can go tit for tat till the end of time on the matter. What makes one races sins any less significant as the others, OR more significant than the others?
So, your example of the two 17 year olds... Yes, it may be easier for the one over the other, absolutely! But, he still is able to become accomplished, no? According to most of these things you are presenting, I must be black too! I've personally experienced many of the same issues. I've been denied loans, I went to a public school, once, I nor my family could afford college, I've been denied jobs for being the wrong color, twice, I've been racially profiled and harrassed by the police, and I'm not even upset at it, cause I get it! Do you? I've been evicted from my residence thanks to racism. Guess what! I must be black too! OMG! Perhaps these things are just excusable, cause afterall I'm actually white. I wasn't born with the so called "white privilege", whatever the fuck that is supposed to be, perhaps you and several others around here were, which would actually lend creedence to the whole "white guilt" thing but I wasn't. We were very poor often struggling to even eat when I was a child. I cannot tell you how many mayonnaise sandwiches I've eaten, because that's all there was. The ONLY privileged thing I ever got was the private school education that was given to me and many sacrifices were made to make that happen. Imagine attending a predominantly white school, where most of the kids are wearing nice clothes and shoes, and the only clothes and shoes your parent can afford are from goodwill. Now, I'm certainly not looking for any sympathy, but it is my opinion, that what we are/should be discussing here, is more in tune with financial inequalities rather than systemic racism. Class warfare?
There were SO many things in that video that can be shredded, and I've already written too much here, I just can't continue. Thanks for the video, if that's the proof off "systemic racism" I'll pass, it doesn't prove anything other than ANY race could actually fall into those situations. You don't find it a little disparaging to portray black people like that?
Unfortunately, I'm going to be pretty busy over the next few days (Foodbank, visiting my elderly father, and dealing with the Estate of my late aunt) but I WILL give you a considered response when I can find some time.
Had a great afternoon out and about, cheers. Hope your weekend was fun.
I actually stumbled across a video I would like you to see.
Like YOU, I'm not necessarily clinging on to everything being presented within the video. I have somewhat differing arguments that this video does not explain. That being said, I still believe that the video is worth watching as many of the points are valid as to why "SYSTEMIC RACISM" is nothing more than a political talking point or a tool to keep us divided as humans. I watched the video you provided to me no less than probably 3 times and would sincerely appreciate you returning the favor of at least once, in it's entirety. 😉
Too many righteous people spouting how they see the world and how wrong other people think.
Why not make it simple. A man named Floyd was murdered by three police officers. This is wrong. No amount of blah blah or demonstrating will make this right.
Might, sir. That’s the defining word. After the last four months, I don’t think I care anymore. If you think there won’t be a long line of Floyds in the future, you are kidding yourself. It’s not passive acceptance. At the risk of sounding racist, I like calling a spade a spade. There’s plenty of people like you and Scorps that think you can fix the world with all this palavering. You don’t need me.
Just following your example The living of a life full of simplicity. --------------------------------------- added after 18 minutes
I guess I should explain. Last March I came too close to death. I still get on my horse with my sword drawn and do the Joan of Ark thing. But mostly, I don’t care
Well,if you were to place a confederat statue in a "appropriate" location,do you honestly think everyone would go to see it and learn about the person? If it is in public,everyone is able to see it without making any effort at all.
I can't figure out how to post it,but I saw 1 of those "meme" things today and it was a picture of 3 black men,1 in cuffs,1 in a suit,and 1 was a cop.All 3 in a court room. It clearly displayed lifestyle choices determine the postion of a man,not his color.
Careful,your apathy might get you 4 more years of TrUMP!
That is why we conservitives can't get any sleep either,our apathy would get us 4 years of Obama's aged sidekick.
That's funny. Because the black guys I work with everyday, have not and still continue to not wear masks. They claim black people can't get Covid19. But yet the media is claiming the black neighborhoods are getting hit the worse. Come on fuckers, get your shit right. My black co workers are good.
They're full of shit. Anyone can get it. I just thought it was ironic. Black people were claiming they couldn't get it. Now they claim their neighborhoods are
the hardest hit and they need money for health care.
--------------------------------------- added after 40 hours
Did you know that the biting mosquitoes are the females, and they do in fact have a preference of blood type? Perhaps you are more susceptible. I would recommend a dusting of deep woods off on your exposed extremities before going outside. Few days ago I attended a birthday party for one of my grandchildren that was at a pavilion in a local park. To my surprise, I sprayed my legs and arms with it and managed to come home unscathed. 😁
we should also continue to ignore the racial strife in the United States being primarily perpetuated by whites and or those suffering from white guilt and rich blacks
Because it doesn't do any good.
ask, WTF do you know about fireworks? No, thank you! I do not mess around with explosives, I want to keep all my fingers and toes and both eyes, too!
--------------------------------------- added after 11 minutes
My brother-in-law is an X marine and he took me under his wing as a teenager he taught me all kinds of things I probably should not know
[deleted image]
They promised not to tell, though.
Moral of the story: Never trust a horny barbarian to keep a s3cret.
Couldn't anyone come up with a more creative name for the day, though? What was wrong with "Dominion Day"?
Check these barbarians out!
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Instead! (Just FOR one particular lily white member) Let us continue the discussion about face coverings ("masks") due to a virus that was either purposefully released by or accidentally released by/from China(that make you feel better? You know who you are).
Quite the quandary here, and I sincerely mean that!
In one breath, there are those (I won't point out which kind/type of people) that say, "black people are MORE likely to have severe repercussions/reactions to the virus, up to and including death in most instances". Yet, one of the biggest liberal/Democratic run cities in our country, (unno, the kind that claims to care the MOST about black people) has just declared face masks as a REQUIREMENT out in public for WHITES ONLY.
Now I ask you...
Since one can interpret this either way, TRUTHFULLY speaking (see what I did there, truth ALWAYS prevails over facts), what do YOU make of this? Is there ANY racism involved in this decision?
Your first paragraph, as you're so keen on delineating between fact and opinion, is exclusively your opinion.
Your second paragraph (congratulations) is less racist than usual. However, I would also add that some think it's likely that Covid 19 had a zoonotic origin. If that's so it was neither "released" purposefully NOR accidentally.
I've Googled "US city requires face masks for whites only" and all I could find was the story about Oregon County. A fact-checking site puts that into context.
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The key summary is as follows: "In sum, while it is accurate to say Lincoln County officials in June 2020 established a rule that required people to wear masks with an exemption for residents of color, authorities were not going to enforce the requirements, and the policy was later changed so that all residents — no matter their race — must wear the facial coverings to prevent the spread of COVID-19. We therefore rate this claim as “Mostly True.”"
Being truthful: it's clearly more nuanced than you have made out but, in my opinion, the lawmakers were fucking stupid (and borderline racist) to include that exemption. My opinion would, I guess, be pretty much the same if it's NOT Oregon County but some other place.
I hope I've been both honest and even-handed.
In an effort to understand, and witnessing some of the things going on in our country right now, and coming up with nothing, other than politically motivated. I stated the above to hopefully open up a dialogue on the matters.
To put it simply, I'm not subscribing to the whole "systematic racism" bullshit, or any other buzz words that some like to throw around, like "white privilege" or "black oppression". It's all racially incendiary and used to continue divisions between our races. 2020 is NOTHING like it was in 1980, we have come a long way and those still screaming racist and racism are more likely the same ones that are actually the racist. Whether it be agaisnt blacks or whites or any other race, there should be no divisions, period! We should absolutely all be Humans, Americans, Children of God, Citizens, Mankind whatever you choose to combine EVERYONE into. I wholeheartedly believe that everyone has the same opportunities to achieve greatness and or success in this country. It's been done repeatedly time after time by all races for a very long time. Taking personal responsibility for ones own destiny. There's a novel idea...
As much as I would like to take credit for it, some of the things cited above were actually spoken by someone else. I heard it and believe there is quite a bit of truth to it. So, to say that it's uniquely my opinion would be incorrect. Sorry! I guess I should have cited the source. But alas I didn't, because I don't want to come off as using him for any advantage.
I do believe, in my heart, that your response was honest and even-handed, and for that, I once again applaud you and appreciate it. Also for pulling more current data, last I heard of that, was a few days ago. Guess someone saw the err in their ways...
Where we differ: systemic racism DOES exist. Ignoring that will not help heal divisions, but will perpetuate them.
I don't say I agree with every syllable but this puts it pretty well (for the US in particular):
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I'll acknowledge that I hold some of those prejudices/stereotypical views referred to in the video. Acknowledging that is a good first step. To assert that a white 17 year old growing up in Palm Beach has the same life opportunities, and ability to achieve greatness, as a black 17 year old living in one of the rougher parts of Chicago is (in my opinion) both incredibly naive and, also, unhelpful in addressing your Nation's problems. Before you jump up and down, that black kid COULD achieve greatness but he starts from a different point that makes it more difficult. If you can't see that, I'm puzzled.
Never apologise for quoting something you agree with - that's fine.
Here's one for you: you seem to be acknowledging that race relations, in the US, were not perfect in the 80s. Is it possible, despite your misgivings, that they are STILL not perfect in 2020?
You may vehemently disagree with the way people are addressing these matters now, but I would contend that there are still matters to be resolved. The modus operandi employed to address those issues, we can debate. To shut it all down and say "There's no race issues in the US anymore, stop whining" is, in my opinion again, wooly-headed.
PS. Joe Biden, for the length of his political career, has achieved very little and would probably be a mediocre POTUS, at best. I should post that elsewhere but I'm venturing out for the afternoon!!
All Men equal?
If that is the true goal, then why is it that the white people's heritage and history are suddenly taboo but black heritage is ok to be public?
Case in point,in North carolina a confederate statue was the subject of a protest recently,all the while a Martin Luther King statue stands RIGHT ACROSS THE ROAD from it,with no protesters,no vandelism.
There should be no contraversy of EITHER if all men are to be equal and accept each other as they are.
Until everyone can accept each other as individuals and equals and learn tolerance of the faults they find,racial strife will be a forever problem.
I may be a odd person,but I was taught to respect others peoples property and not to damage it.And honestly,I have never had a true desire to hook a chain to a statue I didn't like and pull it down.Now that is not to say that damn atm machine that pissed me off a feew years ago didn't about feel the wrath of a chain,but that is another story.
NO one should want to damage things that don't belong to them.Apparently they were not raised with much morals.
Do I need to point out that statues are a celebration of someone or something, and that there's a considerable difference in giving that honour to a guy who fought for Civil Rights (and equality) and giving it to a General who fought on the side of the Confederacy (the pro-slavery side in the Civil War)?
The colour of that heritage is barely relevant. One fought for equality, the other fought to preserve slavery.
I don't (before you start frothing at the mouth) personally agree with violently tearing down statues. There should be an open discussion about the merits of any particular public monument. You can then, as a society, decide whether it's still appropriate to honour individuals in that way or whether those monuments belong in a Museum, where the full, nuanced history of that individual can be put in context. Heritage doesn't need to be destroyed - it needs to be remembered in the context of the history of that time. However, monuments that offend a significant proportion of any society need to be questioned.
How do you think the average German Jew would feel if there were still statues of characters from The Third Reich in their public places?
I agree with you that you shouldn't damage things that don't belong to you. On the other hand, I don't think that you should have to walk through your own town/city and see statues honouring people that enslaved, or murdered, your great-grandparents.
Now, let's get into this...
I'm glad to see that you do not agree with every syllable used in the video you provided, in an attempt to show me how "systemic racism" is keeping the white knee on the throats of black people. The video itself, produced by a white person, which immediately says what? Are white people the keepers of black people? Are black folk just too uneducated to speak for themselves? So some preachy white guy attempts to explain why he believes the black man is being oppressed by whitey. Oh the irony there!
Let's get this straight! "Stereotyping" i.e. black people are good at sports, white people can't dance, asian people are good at math, etc. I could go on and on but I won't. These are racist connotations, according to you and some others, right? Yet, for the argument of "systemic racism" it's OK to suggest that all black people are poor and oppressed. smh
Please, don't be puzzled. I never once said America or Humanity was perfect. There is NO such place nor person alive that can fit that bill. And I hate to break the bad news to you, there will NEVER be either! People are not robots, there will forever be degenerates in any given group or portion of society. Yes! There can even be racist black people. So to answer your question from above, sure there are still some issues even in 2020. But they certainly don't rise to rampant or widespread status. There was a terrific moment of unity following the death of George. If you had to assign a percentage what would you say? At least 98, 99% of American's, the world, agreed that what we saw was evil, outrageous, uncalled for? This oh so racist society agreed that it was wrong. Well, if there was so much racism within our society, why is the percentage so high? Shouldn't there be 10, 20 % celebrating the death of George and the lauding of the policeman? The United States managed to vote in a half black President. How could this happen in such a racist society? I assure you, the black vote was not enough to accomplish such a feat. Anyway, the race baiters, anarchists, and some others reared their ugly heads to ruin the moment instead of using it to give some sort of positivity to the mans death.
For every single modern day atrocity committed against a black person by a white person, and equally offensive act can be shown committed by a black person against a white one. I know, I know, I'm not allowed to say that. Afterall, whitey probably had it coming to them, right? Point is, we can go tit for tat till the end of time on the matter. What makes one races sins any less significant as the others, OR more significant than the others?
So, your example of the two 17 year olds... Yes, it may be easier for the one over the other, absolutely! But, he still is able to become accomplished, no? According to most of these things you are presenting, I must be black too! I've personally experienced many of the same issues. I've been denied loans, I went to a public school, once, I nor my family could afford college, I've been denied jobs for being the wrong color, twice, I've been racially profiled and harrassed by the police, and I'm not even upset at it, cause I get it! Do you? I've been evicted from my residence thanks to racism. Guess what! I must be black too! OMG! Perhaps these things are just excusable, cause afterall I'm actually white. I wasn't born with the so called "white privilege", whatever the fuck that is supposed to be, perhaps you and several others around here were, which would actually lend creedence to the whole "white guilt" thing but I wasn't. We were very poor often struggling to even eat when I was a child. I cannot tell you how many mayonnaise sandwiches I've eaten, because that's all there was. The ONLY privileged thing I ever got was the private school education that was given to me and many sacrifices were made to make that happen. Imagine attending a predominantly white school, where most of the kids are wearing nice clothes and shoes, and the only clothes and shoes your parent can afford are from goodwill. Now, I'm certainly not looking for any sympathy, but it is my opinion, that what we are/should be discussing here, is more in tune with financial inequalities rather than systemic racism. Class warfare?
There were SO many things in that video that can be shredded, and I've already written too much here, I just can't continue. Thanks for the video, if that's the proof off "systemic racism" I'll pass, it doesn't prove anything other than ANY race could actually fall into those situations. You don't find it a little disparaging to portray black people like that?
Unfortunately, I'm going to be pretty busy over the next few days (Foodbank, visiting my elderly father, and dealing with the Estate of my late aunt) but I WILL give you a considered response when I can find some time.
Had a great afternoon out and about, cheers. Hope your weekend was fun.
I actually stumbled across a video I would like you to see.
Like YOU, I'm not necessarily clinging on to everything being presented within the video. I have somewhat differing arguments that this video does not explain. That being said, I still believe that the video is worth watching as many of the points are valid as to why "SYSTEMIC RACISM" is nothing more than a political talking point or a tool to keep us divided as humans. I watched the video you provided to me no less than probably 3 times and would sincerely appreciate you returning the favor of at least once, in it's entirety. 😉
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Thanks Bro!
I'll watch that tomorrow. In the meantime:
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PS. sensible me will reappear soon!
Why not make it simple. A man named Floyd was murdered by three police officers. This is wrong. No amount of blah blah or demonstrating will make this right.
Passive acceptance of a death, of that nature, would be remiss.
I'll stick with Epicurean striving for a happier world. Using Epicurean as it meaning a disciple of his followings.
I now find myself in a subset with Scorps!? Interesting times!!
--------------------------------------- added after 18 minutes
I guess I should explain. Last March I came too close to death. I still get on my horse with my sword drawn and do the Joan of Ark thing. But mostly, I don’t care
I can't figure out how to post it,but I saw 1 of those "meme" things today and it was a picture of 3 black men,1 in cuffs,1 in a suit,and 1 was a cop.All 3 in a court room. It clearly displayed lifestyle choices determine the postion of a man,not his color.
That is why we conservitives can't get any sleep either,our apathy would get us 4 years of Obama's aged sidekick.
the hardest hit and they need money for health care.
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