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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
Please feel free to post miscellaneous subject matter, aka STUFF in this thread.

Please attempt to remain somewhat respectful to other members, ninnyhammers, dummies and folks you just don't like. Thank you.

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By bella! [Ignore] 01,Jun,20 16:20 other posts 
I continue to see this woman around town, she appears to be living in a Toyota which is packed with what is most likely, all of her personal and earthly belongings.

This makes me wonder if there are more homeless men or women. What are your thoughts? I tend to think it might be men but I don't know whether there are stats on this.

By #460385 30,May,20 23:24
Ok you fucks. George Floyd's death has been avenged. The officer has been arrested for murder. The other officers will be suspended without pay. Justice has been served. Let the justice system do their job. These fucks burning down cities, is just an excuse to be a low life. My son goes in at midnight. If something happens to him. I will hunt every last mother fucker down, and put a bullet through their head.
By bella! [Ignore] 31,May,20 01:08 other posts 
Prayer for Police

Oh Almighty God, whose great power and eternal wisdom
embraces the universe.
Watch over all policemen and law enforcement officers.
Father in Heaven please give them the strength,
courage and perseverance to endure
The unjust condemnation, danger, and physical abuse
to which they are at times subjected.
We recommend them to your loving care because their duty is dangerous.
Dear God, grant these brave men your almighty protection,
Unite them safely with their families after duty has ended.

- Author Unknown
By #551147 31,May,20 03:20
Best wishes for the safety of your Son.

I'm personally disturbed to see how many thugs, low lifes, and pieces of trash walk freely amongst us, so unnerving! Certainly an interesting side note, is that all the the city's experiencing the criminal behavior, are liberal run shitholes. What a coincidence... The behavior of these degenerates is completely uncalled for & accomplishing NOTHING! The Mayor and Governor of Minneapolis should step down as they are totally inept. Disgraceful!
By dgraff [Ignore] 31,May,20 07:23 other posts 
We need a few more Paul kersey’s in every city watch the movie death wish 1 2 or 3 if you wanna know who he was the first one is based on a true story Charles Bronson plays the part of Paul
By bella! [Ignore] 31,May,20 09:16 other posts 
Intolerance, hatred, lack of education and the feeling of entitlement and superiority contribute to the mess our country is in, whether we live in a liberal shithole, or not.

I don't know how we, as a country, can fix our mess but I hold hold out hope that we aren't too far gone and are fixable.
By #610414 31,May,20 06:59
I read some of these lowlifes are from other states. It’s time to round up all these people and incarcerate them. Demos are ok. Looting and destroying is not
CC hope your son is safe
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 31,May,20 08:59 other posts 
Why are you commenting here Saggy? You support all these scumbags out looting and burning.
By #610414 31,May,20 09:47
By bella! [Ignore] 31,May,20 10:07 other posts 
I don't hate you, I doubt anyone hates you. Life is about making choices.
By #610414 31,May,20 10:15
I don't need an explanation on how you feel about me, much less about other members. If you want to help, help. Otherwise go back to your circle of haters. The only reason I posted is because I'm tired of Skittles. I know, you feel the same about me but, from now on, if you have a comment do so in my thread.
By bella! [Ignore] 31,May,20 10:38 other posts 
I doubt you have any intimation of who I am or how I feel about you.

Help? "Violence begets violence".
By #610414 31,May,20 10:58
Your words. I believe everyone is entitled to justice. I believe everyone is entitled to protection even if that someone breaks the law. Violence is not my way. I use the word and my mouth.
I believe you are a Midwestern middle age woman with some success at work. You are a little past your prime but still have enough "HOT SAUCE" to bring excitement to a man. Being from the Midwest, you have a limited view of the world but are open minded enough to give other world ideas a chance. You don't discriminate but get a bad taste in your mouth if that idea does not come from a wasp. Last but not least, you hold a grudge for ever.
By phart [Ignore] 31,May,20 11:51 other posts 
2warm, your link to the story of a driver running over a protester is what will become the norm shortly.Like I said in that thread,nothing I want to do,but people driving along a public road have a right to protect themselves from these asshole rioters.
What I DON"T understand,and Perhaps Countrycouple can explain,is why the cops just stand back and let the rioters burn and rob and cause chaos? Why is there not just bus loads of rioter being delt with each night? For the law to stand back and do nothing,leaves the citizens no choice but to provide their own protection and defend themselves. Which of course the rioters will riot again if that happens.
By #610414 31,May,20 14:03
First. The lady turned into that street on purpose.
As far as arresting trouble makers, I'm all for it. Why they don't? I don't understand it either
By bella! [Ignore] 31,May,20 12:40 other posts 
I live in Michigan, I've always lived in Michigan. Regardless of where I live, the world is a BIG place and yes, my views may be limited.

And perhaps you might be open to sharing with me via private message, exactly what you feel my grudge is.
By #551147 31,May,20 16:20
I don't "hate your guts" whatsoever. I hate many of your radical views on many things, I don't even give a shit if you hate our President, but he's our President, period! I couldn't stand Obama's ass but when he said or did something rational I had the good sense to give him credit. I was up in Washington the day a person attempted to breach the white house and bring harm to Obama, the secret service shot the bastard dead. I applauded that move as MY President whether I liked him or not should be kept safe at all cost for my country, the greatest country on earth, despite some of our issues. Will you and other liberals say the same. No, I've seen umpteen people speak of his death. It's disgusting! I have never once seen you give the man credit for ANYTHING. Which is complete bullshit and you know it! I'm happy to see that you acknowledge that the behavior of the lowlifes should not be tolerated. But if people block me in or I feel in danger I would run the motherfuckers over too. I will NOT be another Reginald Denny, that you can take to the bank.
By phart [Ignore] 31,May,20 18:59 other posts 
If I am minding my own bussiness,using a public road and a group of thugs come towards me blocking my path delibratly,well, ,a group of rioters,vs 350 hp they can move or get moved until there is enough to act as wheel chocks.
By #610414 31,May,20 20:01
You would not consider backing up? How about if the group is peaceful?
By phart [Ignore] 31,May,20 21:20 other posts 
OF course I would consider backing up.But just as with the Fedex truck,sometimes the crowd SURROUNDS. I am surprised that driver showed the restraint he did.
BUT READ the link I sent you,the rioters, or protesters,can be ask to move by law enforcement out of the way of the public using public property. once told, they are in violation ,what are their motives if they are willing to do that? Friendly, Perhaps some,but not all. THe fed ex driver saw guns, and he got the hell out of dodge. And he was pulling doubles, try backing those.He had no option but get beat up and robbed or drive thru.
By #610414 31,May,20 19:59
First, somewhere in the site history you will find my post the day after the elections that brought Trump to power. I posted, Right or wrong, he is now my president. Since then I want him out. Not dead.
I give him credit for
He invited the Taliban to Camp David
He gave Turkey a green light to invade Syria and attack our Kurdish allies
He asked the president of Ukraine to investigate Hunter Biden
He used his emergency authority to circumvent Congress on the border wall
He lost a needless government shutdown fight.
He allowed the pandemic to kill thousands needlessly

HATING MY RADICAL VIEWS (views held by at least half the country)AND CALLING ME NAMES IS HATING ME.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 01,Jun,20 08:47 other posts 
Cut N Paste Saggy Granny! Get a life!!

Or, get back to work at Denny's! Those Grand Slam's are not self-serve!!!

By #610414 01,Jun,20 06:58
After careful consideration and seeing all the rioting, I've come up with a theory. This is one of Trumps way to get us away from blaming him for the pandemic. I mean, how did he know he had to hide in the bunker? He's doing his MAGA thing. He's deviding the country on purpose. He's bringing outside agitators from his shut down rallies to fire up the people. But, right or wrong, he's my president.

By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 31,May,20 21:04 other posts 
So.... that saggy cunt Angel1227... whinging and crying about her fake surgery...

The pic she posted as her post surgery pic.. yeah, it was found on the Internet!!

100% predicted!! She is fake and lies about EVERYTHING
By bella! [Ignore] 31,May,20 22:26 other posts 
Please be nice to her and to everyone in this thread.

By dgraff [Ignore] 29,May,20 22:56 other posts 
I seen a post one time about how much lixsipsucket does for this site just being curious I go to the activity meter and low and be hold what do I see Bella at 1294 and even Dgraff at 405 then there is lixsipsucket at 390 now who is doing what for this site
By #610414 30,May,20 07:55
Dgraff, much of the contribution to the site is immeasurable. Her biggest contributions are her pages. She has many exiting videos an explicit pics. The men love it and wank to them. That alone trumps your activity meter. Sure, yo PM and do some postings on the threads, but your motorized stool does nothing for men's libidos. Bella is pretty much the same. She posts a lot, and she's got a nice set of Tatas, but nothing to compare with Lix's. And let's not forget that, right or wrong, she chairs a whole slew of member groups.
You guys can continue uploading pics of kitticats and
--------------------------------------- added after 38 seconds

Other things
By dgraff [Ignore] 30,May,20 08:54 other posts 
We must see a little different you might have sand in your eyes when ever I see a picture of her I throw up a little in the back of my mouth and I can’t not look because she plasters her pictures every fucking we’re I’m afraid I’m going to go blind from seeing her or maybe she will turn me in to stone
By #610414 30,May,20 09:06
That sounds like a personal problem. I had a BF that would come watching me undress. There's no rule you have to like her, physically or mentally. I don't think for a second you matter anything to her.
By dgraff [Ignore] 30,May,20 09:15 other posts 
If I don’t matter to her then why is she always mentioning me and why does she always change her reason for black listing me my why
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

Clearly I’m on her mind 24/7 unless she is fantasizing about what it would be like to be with a real man instead of a midget
By #610414 30,May,20 09:22
I won't touch that last one but, if I may be gross, I think about a bowel movement every day. Maybe???????????
By dgraff [Ignore] 30,May,20 22:54 other posts 
Of course you do realize that the size and wealth of a man has nothing to do with what is in his pants or his wallet it’s what is in his heart
By #610414 31,May,20 07:05
You should read The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter By Carson McCuller
By dgraff [Ignore] 31,May,20 07:14 other posts 
OMG I can’t sit still long enough to get past the introduction to the book
By bella! [Ignore] 30,May,20 10:49 other posts 
I don't know, dgraff, I think your (WHY?) has remained the same for a while.

It surprises that she refers to you in this way; "is the biggest wanker on this site, he is a vulgar mouthed, trouble maker, liar, bullshit artist,,,,,,,"

When I read that, I said, "surely, she has dgraff mixed up with someone else!" I stopped short of your entire (WHY?) and rather then using an ellipsis, I chose commas.
By bella! [Ignore] 30,May,20 10:35 other posts 
Your exchange of thoughts were with dgraff, there was absolutely no need for you to bring my name into your response. That's how you like to roll, eh?
By #610414 30,May,20 11:18
Baby, you have a surprising thin skin. All I said was
Bella is pretty much the same. She posts a lot, and she's got a nice set of Tatas, but nothing to compare with Lix's. maybe you thought I was comparing Tatas. I meant the huge amount of pics and videos the GOOD DAY MATES two posted

Let me agree with you about "Your exchange of thoughts were with dgraff"but Dgraff mentioned you first

I seen a post one time about how much lixsipsucket does for this site just being curious I go to the activity meter and low and be hold what do I see Bella at 1294 and even Dgraff at 405 then there is lixsipsucket at 390 now who is doing what for this site

That was posted on the 29TH. Well before my post
--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutes

By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 30,May,20 08:10 other posts 
LIX and the Saggy Granny are site boner killers. The only ones wanking to them have seeing eye dogs...

The only thing I would put in either of those lardos is a harpoon!
By #610414 30,May,20 08:22
littlesissieclittie what would you do with a pair of pussies?? Go back to sucking Daddy's cock.
--------------------------------------- added after 3 hours


By bella! [Ignore] 29,May,20 04:18 other posts 
This is a copy and paste that I found very interesting. It was made by a prominent member with regard to the racial tension in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

"you people cant even work out your differences between black and white, and hate is something you must all be taught at school, judging by they way the country behaves, you see it here every day, black/white, class, and even your grammar police love to toss shit at each other, it must be a fucked up boring arse country, so much bitching and no fixing ... just yell at each some more and show us all that America isn't great, its just full of hot air, guns and self righteousness, all trying to one up each other useless shit, and when the real shit hits the fan, you all start the shit tossing again, blame game everyone, and at the end of it all, it MUST BE TRUMP that caused it. he gets the blame for everything now.. "

What was even more interesting, this post was made minutes prior and in yet another thread.

"gee not only are they rioting in the streets again in ermerryka, but the brawling troll and her punching bag are also rolling it all around forum and bring 'us aussies' into IT's shit fight, who cares anymore what happens over there, go get your guns and sort it the fuck out once and for all... who really cares who mentions what here , only a hagged old troll with piles lm guessing... if IT wants to spends IT's time trying to out wit and up talk Itself, be the weather broadcaster, the news presenter, the comedic relief, we should all chip in and buy IT a bus ticket to minniapolis and see if its big mouth gets it attention there.. lm sure that city needs enlightening with its allknowing powers of deduction"

If this isn't a reflection of a person whose head and heart are full of hate and a mouth full of lies, I don't know what is! All I can say is WOW!
By #610414 29,May,20 07:48
There was a response to the post. It was honest and up front. One problem with the forums is that one can insinuate without mentioning names. That post was made by Lix. I didn't like it or agree to it but, that's Lix.
By bella! [Ignore] 29,May,20 11:58 other posts 
Yes, you did respond to her post in your thread however, her post minutes before and in Aussieman187's thread she referred to me as the "brawling troll" and quite possibly you might be what she referred to as "her punching bag". Then she goes on to say "rolling it all around forum and bring 'us aussies' into IT's shit fight". Really? There was nothing said to bait her or any part of this world to engage in anything, shit fight or not. Does she consider herself the reigning BOSS BITCH? It's sad that her 400 plus groups and 2,000 plus friends don't keep her busy and that she has time on her hands to post something like that. As I said, that post is a true indication of the HATE she allows to occupy space in her head and heart. She is truly a prime example of why this world is the way it is.

To all, if you feel the need to convey my sentiments along to her, please do, but I do feel the BOSS BITCH will find them on her own.
By #610414 29,May,20 12:21
I don't think Aussie has you blocked. You could rebut her post with some copy/paste. She does read it.
--------------------------------------- added after 29 minutes

I, on my part, asked, "her punching bag are also rolling it all around forum". Who is her punching bag?
By bella! [Ignore] 29,May,20 13:18 other posts 
My rebuttal is right here.

Just so you know, he blacklisted me years ago, well after any of my posted comments on his pictures and after I verified him. You boast about being around for years, didn't your friend/friends tell you that I called her out in the forum after she had words to say about me being prejudiced and intolerant toward people? Oh, yeah and after all that, she has the balls to whine about Australia being overrun by immigrants and basically, the Muslims were the worst of all. For sure, she is a frikken hypocrite. When that all went down, she hadn't blacklisted me, nor I, her. Blacklisting by her of me probably happened a short time after. Yeah, and my guess is that she had her lap dog blacklist sometime after that. What's amusing about the couple is that 2 years ago, when I authored STUFF, JUST STUFF, her lap dog had already blacklisted me but had to unblacklist me to post in that thread. Once done, he blacklisted me again. I bitched to admin about my blacklister posting in my thread and basically admin laughed at me and told me if I didn't want lap dog posting in my thread that I needed to blacklist him back and I did just that. And once lap dog wasn't able to access my thread, he made another STUFF, JUST STUFF thread, which as you can see is dated a month or two behind mine.

Those two are something else! I know you think the world of them, good for you, good for them! YOU EARNED every kiss that she sent you, displayed on your page.
By #610414 29,May,20 13:44
Both of you will continue to have bad feelings towards each other. It's no longer a simple she said, they said. Now it's mostly like the Hatfield and McCoys. Well, if you compose a new thread stating whatever you want them to know, they like you and me, read posts off-line. They are my friends and I like them very much, but, I don't apologize for them or you either. Both of you have said things, not related to me, that I didn't like. Good hunting.
By bella! [Ignore] 29,May,20 14:27 other posts 
I don't expect any apology, not from you, not from them. All I've asked you to do is not incite shit here and I would appreciate it you didn't take things to lap dog's thread to elicit shit there. Do you think you're capable of that?
By #610414 29,May,20 16:38
I won't go out of my way to start shit. Sometimes shit happens, but I don't have the energy for a back-and-forth
By bella! [Ignore] 29,May,20 16:58 other posts 
Thank you, but sometimes I feel that you do when things I say are exported out of this thread and posted elsewhere. C
By #610414 29,May,20 17:44
Let's make a distinction between my thread and all others. Many times I like to rebut a post but I am long winded and I also like to copy/paste. I can't do that in your thread or other threads. I export to my thread and work on it.
On Aussie's thread, many times the damage is done. I'm one more comment maker.
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

I also refer you to this blog. I'm tired.
Living in the wild is lonely. I think the aussie gang needs to integrate with society more to understand what's going on in the world. It's easy to criticize from afar when you have no idea what's really going on.
By dgraff [Ignore] 29,May,20 09:24 other posts 
She should talk about hate she hated me sense the day she got to this site and that’s okay because the feelings are mutual
By #610414 29,May,20 09:56
Dgraf, hate between two people is generally extreme dislike for each other
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 29,May,20 22:08 other posts 
Angel Cunt- I see yer fake heart surgery is keeping you from posting...
By #610414 30,May,20 06:36
Do I care? I'm on an easy recliner chair with my laptop, tablet, phone, and TV/Roku remotes. The only entertainment is the news and SYC. I can type and walk to the bathroom. That's it. In my blog I said I didn't want to chat. Typing is not too bad.
--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutes

Skittles, in another thread you made fun of my dead Dad. Shame on you. Have you no shame? You want to engage me, little cunt? Bring it on, but, leave the memory of a warrior and fantastic father, husband, and man alone.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 30,May,20 08:04 other posts 
I rest my case--- you just type in lies to get attention. I doubt your dead rat daddy was even in the military. Your whole trailer is filled with rats!
By #610414 30,May,20 08:15
This was posted in my thread. It was a rebuttal to my thread about my Dad.


Would you say this little cunt, SKITTLES, (AKA littlesissieclittie) is a pice of shit?
By #610414 30,May,20 11:24

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