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But, kebmo, you've been boasting about all the measures that Canada has taken to keep her citizens safe and prohibit the spread of COVID-19, was it that you were able to get out and go shopping?
Anyway, it's here and it looks great! I had to put two tables together because they came in flat boxes. I have no extra screws or washers!!
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*Six active cases and none are in the hospital.
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Polka dot.
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Lebanon County I mean
I am looking forward to this virus running it's course so things will get back to semi normal.
I want to take a good road trip next year.
I'm beginning to think you truly believe that. 🤨
Not the fact that the Chinese government had knowledge of it spreading LONG before it came out to the rest of the world? How did that help ANYONE politically?
Not the fact that the so called "experts" stated very early on that facemasks were "ineffective"? How was that politically motivated?
Not the fact that the "experts" discouraged travel bans? After which, citing the President was racist, xenophobic etc. when he went against their recommendations. Which party made this A political issue instead of a reasonable decision?
It is in fact sad, that so many have supposedly been infected with and or died from the virus. But to declare it all happened because of politics, is intellectually dishonest or perhaps simply YOUR opinion.
What has/is happened, is COMPLETELY the fault of the Chinese government and the W.H.O. Which was complicit in the initial coverup or lack of getting the information out to the rest of the world quicker. Again, how did this politically help ANYONE?
What better way to test the effectiveness of a virus than allowing it's spread? I suppose there could be an inference of some political advantage gained for China. I think it's a great idea to believe everything that comes from a Communist leader that has no regard for his own citizens. 👍
I've always believed that they should start at the edge of a forest fire to ascertain the cause of said forest fire. Just ignore the starting point, it's irrelevant!
(Try to keep up with the rest of the class, scorps.)
Trump didn't ban travel from China, he just banned Chinese NATIONALS from coming to the US. Everyone else was free to come and go from China as they pleased.
Remember when CHINA said: "We only have five cases, soon it will be none."?
Remember when CHINA said: "The virus will go away when the weather gets warmer."?
When CHINA said: "One day, it will all just disappear."?
Or, how about China's continued insistence that "We've got it all under control." (Despite all evidence to the contrary)?
What has happened in the US is almost completely the fault of the Orange Imbecile in the White House and his denial of science.
Intellectually dishonest, indeed.
And, I know that Science is HARD for someone of your limited mental capacity, but the reason why the "experts" keep changing things is because they are still learning new information about the virus and how it works/spreads.
Or maybe you meant to say our PEOPLE are still falling...
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See will some times it pays to live that hillbilly lifestyle farm fresh food good hard work and plenty of fresh air to breathe
I wish that the rest of us could say the same.
Yesterday, Michiganders received the following Emergency Alert;
From the Governor's Office: Fight COVID by wearing a mask. Michiganders are REQUIRED by executive order to wear face coverings in public places and crowded outdoor spaces. Businesses must refuse entry or service to those thar do not wear a face covering (with limited exceptions). More info: only registered users can see external links
If there is even the slightest chance that wearing a face covering can keep people from getting sick, what type of selfish moron would you have to be to refuse to do so?
The whole "my body = my choice" idiocy is douche-nozzle-ish to the highest degree. Especially when your "choice" can give a potentially lethal virus to someone else's "body".
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About 3:50 minutes into this interview she says; "All cops are bad and the bad ones are absolutely horrific and very dangerous" and goes on to say they (the cops) do the "dirty work" for the prosecutors who are dirty and for the judges who are dirty.
Seriously, Camille? Surely you can't believe what you've said. You're not an ignorant woman, are you? If you feel so strongly about our "system", wouldn't you feel better living elsewhere, where things aren't corrupt?
Then later through the interview, she says that racism played a part in Bill's conviction because certain white women were believed without any evidence. #METOO Wow!
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That whole "me too" thing, sadly, was just a fly by night sensation. As you may have noticed, the power's to be have completely ignored the accusations against the current Presidential nominee for the Democratic party. Her "me too" experience is unworthy of discussion.
See, when it's ONLY important for or because of "certain individuals", the entire so called "movement" loses it's luster and credibility.
"Me Too" is only for certain deviants...
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A great man once stated "Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”
I believe that man...
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My dad at 93 could climb a ladder as good as i can
This is part 1, and there are 3 parts, on BLACKS AGAINST BLACK LIVES MATTER
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Video's like this, can't be posted enough, sadly.
Considering the ACTUAL percentage of black folks in the United States, it's OBVIOUS to me at least, that the BULK of the racial strife currently being perpetuated in our society, stems from white people. Why?
Matter of fact...
That whole "systemic racism", "white privilege", "white supremacist", "white fragility", and SO many more similar buzz words/narratives were started by and continue to be touted by, white people! Why?
A well respected, educated American black man, recently stated that, in HIS effort to try to understand why SO MANY "white people" jump on board with those rather ignorant narratives. He concluded that it must be "white guilt".
I, personally, believe he hit the nail on the head.
Many individuals believe in them "polls" and cling onto them dearly. Well, it was recently stated that BLACK LIVES MATTER (the group) is polling more FAVORABLY than EVERY politician in Washington D.C., our military, police, even the Pope.
That being said, the reality of it is, Black Lives Matter is a marxists group with very sinister people behind the scenes. Including a known prosecuted terrorist that was pardoned by none other than Bill Clinton. An organization that's ALSO being used to funnel money into the Democrat coffers.
THINK about that for a moment!
Forgive me for citing a particular political party, I know you prefer to primarily avoid those discussions, but it is the truth. I think I read 70% of ALL the funding to BLACK LIVES MATTER, from many many well known Corporations, i.e. Nike (I know, there's a shocker), Bank of America, Pepsi, T-Mobile, numerous sports franchises, etc. go right to the D party.
Have you seen the groups mission statement, agenda, goals!?
They are pretty unnerving to a normal person...
Black Lives Matter is a FRAUD, and according to the polling, they are succeeding! Why?
Why are SO many people, organizations, corporations, etc. buying into such a destructive, dividing organization perpetuating outright lies and deceit?
Now, the GENIUS of it!
With THAT name, "BLACK LIVES MATTER" good luck openly voicing your opposition to such an organization. If you don't support it...
AND, you can and most likely will be fired from your job and ostracized into obscurity.
They're painting that bullshit all over the fucking place, on the streets of D.C., New York just to name a few. Renaming streets, plaza's, parks, etc.
Who's willing to stand up to it, considering the consequences of being labeled one of the most vile things, a racist?
I will end this by saying... There are those ON THIS SITE that MAY watch the video, and their response just might be...
"That video only proves that even Black people can get it wrong"
I apologize for the length of this, but I believe the importance of it shouldn't be overlooked. And I'm not one who lives in fear of opposition, period! I'm one who will stand for what I believe in despite the repercussions.
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"With shops, restaurants and bars all open again in Germany, where prostitution is legal, sex workers say they are being singled out and deprived of their livelihoods despite not posing a greater health risk."
Like I said, prostitutes have to pay their rent and feed their babies, too.
All I ever heard him on interveiws and such,he seems a bit uppity and not to appreciative of the fans.
Y'all be sure to visit Tws86 's profile, apparently he needs traffic on his page.
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