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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
Please feel free to post miscellaneous subject matter, aka STUFF in this thread.

Please attempt to remain somewhat respectful to other members, ninnyhammers, dummies and folks you just don't like. Thank you.

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By #188992 17,Sep,20 13:20
ANGEL1227 has blacklisted me, but I thought I might congratulate her on her analysis of The Laffer Curve.

It's just a shame that it was a cut and paste from only registered users can see external links (word for word, pretty much):

only registered users can see external links.
By bella! [Ignore] 17,Sep,20 13:27 other posts 
Me, too.

You see how the old bag reacts? Just like her medication warning, do not operate any machinery, she should not be riding around in her Crazy Wagon! She is as UNHINGED as they come!
By #574505 17,Sep,20 13:39
I see no list here won't see his posts no more
By bella! [Ignore] 17,Sep,20 13:45 other posts 
By bella! [Ignore] 17,Sep,20 13:37 other posts 
If you haven't noticed, she loves to copy and paste. It gives her a sense of having something intelligent to express without having the worries of all the potential spelling mistakes.
By #188992 17,Sep,20 16:06
I cut and paste A LOT, but quoting your sources is just polite!!

I can't understand anyone who would think that cutting and pasting their cut and paste isn't a natural thing to do, especially when you suspect plagiarism. Writing on a subject outside your areas of knowledge is a tell.

I was, pre-blacklisting, going to tell ANGEL1227 that I would almost definitely come to her if it was a nursing matter (she used to do that job, right?). So if I need information on how to insert a catheter, or wipe a shitty ass, she's my gal, yes?

On the other hand: if it's politics or history I might not go to her as an oracle. Is that SO bad?
By bella! [Ignore] 17,Sep,20 17:20 other posts 
She's eluded to the fact that she is the head of an ER department, but for the longest time, her profile stated she was 39 years old. In her world, being the head of an ER room might mean that she is the head of housekeeping for the emergency room or quite possibly she really is head of the ER for a veterinarian.
By #574505 17,Sep,20 18:17
I wouldn't trust it with my dog .
By #551147 17,Sep,20 18:31
Me either LatinLoverMan!

My dogs are certified Republicans... 😄😆😂🤣

🇺🇲 TRUMP 2020 🇺🇸
By bella! [Ignore] 17,Sep,20 19:15 other posts 
What about a gerbil?
By #551147 17,Sep,20 18:30
Ha! Now THAT'S more likely...
By bella! [Ignore] 17,Sep,20 19:13 other posts 
Seriously, medical professionals present themselves in a more polished way. Ain't nothing polished or professional about her. And IF we were to believe that she was truly a head of anything other than a Dollar General, that would mean she had a higher education. What person with a college background or degree continues to use weather instead of whether? I can't imagine that ANY MAJOR EMPLOYER that would overlook basic skills like spelling. Can you imagine the intra or inter office communications? Whoa! Employees are a reflection of their employer.
By #551147 17,Sep,20 19:58
Oh for certain!

Couldn't possibly be much higher than a dime store attendant who believes they're a patriot because she worked for S.S. Kresge Company for 30 years. Even still, she looks for the sails in isle 3...
By bella! [Ignore] 17,Sep,20 20:59 other posts 
By dgraff [Ignore] 18,Sep,20 06:01 other posts 
How did I miss all this going on I must have fell asleep for a couple days
By bella! [Ignore] 18,Sep,20 09:52 other posts 
You were probably busy getting ready for "date night".
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 18,Sep,20 10:47 other posts 
I actually agree with Hux the cunt... Angel is a cut and paste mongoloid. She doesn't even understand what she posts...

Saggy old Granny!

By #188992 18,Sep,20 10:54
Oh bollocks! If that excuse for a human being, Skittles, agrees with me perhaps I have it all wrong?

How's things, fuckface? You remind me of Travis Bickle's monologue in Taxi Driver:

"All the animals come out at night - whores, skunk pussies, buggers, queens, fairies, dopers, junkies, sick, venal. Someday a real rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets." We could do with a downpour to get rid of you, vile misanthrope that you are.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 18,Sep,20 16:20 other posts 
Fist yourself Hux.. .that is the only action yer limp knob will be getting anytime soon.

Now, run along and play with something dangerous. I know you have nothing to do all weekend. Fucking muppet.
By bella! [Ignore] 18,Sep,20 16:31 other posts 
C'mon, what's up with all that? As far as I can tell, huxley isn't the type to initiate stuff but won't back down if he's put in or pulled into it.

Between ANGEL1227, WOODY1227, SrCums, Love2show2 and now you, I'm beginning to think that y'all are miserable people.
By #574505 18,Sep,20 16:45
miserable cunts aye
By bella! [Ignore] 18,Sep,20 17:12 other posts 
Oh, you're not only calling Skittles miserable, you're calling him a "miserable cunt's eye". YIKES, you're brave!
By #574505 18,Sep,20 18:31
Aye lot shaking 🕺
By bella! [Ignore] 18,Sep,20 20:22 other posts 
Shaking? That looks like disco dancing!
By #574505 18,Sep,20 22:12
I love diso music
By #551147 19,Sep,20 03:25
OOoo ME TOO! 🕺💃

🇺🇲 4 MORE years - TRUMP 2020 🇺🇸
By #188992 19,Sep,20 06:56
The self-proclaimed "muppet hunter" seems to have me in his/its sights. Let's see how that pans out! I'll give him/it one bit of praise: very occasionally he/it, possibly accidentally, comes up with a novel way of insulting someone.

I like how he "knows" I have nothing to do all weekend. That's a really savage burn, right?
By bella! [Ignore] 19,Sep,20 08:28 other posts 
Is this one of your "praises"?

huxley999 wrote (Sep 10, 17:23):
Seriously though .. I'm glad you're back. This site was below par, statistically, for racist fuckwits. See? You ARE useful.
By #188992 19,Sep,20 15:50
See, welcoming and factually accurate! What could he/it possibly find amiss with that?

By #574505 17,Sep,20 19:15
only registered users can see external links ..wonder if he will spent time in jail
Lol blm
By bella! [Ignore] 17,Sep,20 21:18 other posts 
My guess is there should be some jail time involved.

This is the second time today that my eyes and brain did not coordinate and cooperate with each other! When I opened the link, I see 'Cheer' and I'm thinking Sam Malone, Rebecca, Cliff, Norm and Coach. When I look at the picture and I'm thinking, there was not a black character in that sitcom. Ah! Not 'Cheers', but 'Cheer'
By dgraff [Ignore] 18,Sep,20 05:54 other posts 
It figures yet another law abiding African American citizen
--------------------------------------- added after 16 minutes

I betcha the young boy’s were white I can just imagine what his pick up line was
Hey boys want some candy
I have a nice chocolate bar for you
By bella! [Ignore] 18,Sep,20 09:50 other posts 
Does the color of the child's skin make the accusations any more heinous?
By #188992 18,Sep,20 15:46
Oi, watch the racism!!

On a serious note (or notes):

1) his skin colour is irrelevant
2) it seems to me that any relationship where there is a power imbalance (priest/worshipper, scout leader/scout, celebrity/ordinary joe, step-parent/step-child) there are always fuckers that will exploit their dominance, often in sexual ways.
3) jail time isn't always the best option. I'd rather he got educated/reformed/rehabilitiated than just satisfy society's (understandable) desire for punishment and revenge.
4) never heard of "Cheer"!
By dgraff [Ignore] 19,Sep,20 07:02 other posts 
I guess I should have worded that a little different I don’t mean to be like that it’s just every time I turn on the tv it’s the same thing white and black trouble I’m gonna stick to my movie channels me and markis watched the original cheech and Chong up in smoke movie last night while we got tuned in and laughed our asses off
By #188992 19,Sep,20 15:46
Great movie! Silly stuff, but I have laughed my ass off at their silliness on many occasions!

By bella! [Ignore] 19,Sep,20 08:45 other posts 
It's a beautiful, sun shining, Saturday morning and it's a cool, crisp 37 F outside.
By phart [Ignore] 19,Sep,20 09:09 other posts 
This last week has been wonderful.For months it seems the humidity has been unbearable and suddenly we have better temps.I am starting to get caught up on yard work and such.Feels nice to get out.

By bella! [Ignore] 18,Sep,20 12:17 other posts 
Members are too, too funny!

takeme123 was reported to the Evaluation Panel for posting "Illegal Images", no further explanation given by the reporting member. takeme123, has two pictures posted and after looking at them, I decided to vote "Abuse is NOT valid" and in my reason, told the reporting member that his explanation was not clear. I go to post my vote and ahead of me is admin , who cast a vote to delete because takeme123's avatar is that of a horse's penis, an excited horse's penis, at that! I agree with admin and change my vote. Can you believe that there are two voting members that don't agree with admin's assessment? admin, you, yourself, said the prerequisite for voting members was that they needed to possess common sense. It ain't happening.

DELETE THIS MEMBER 18,Sep 11:23 By admin
I'm not really sure, but it looks like horse dick in the avatar. The reporter should have explained the reason, since it does not seem that there is anything wrong with the 2 photos in the profile. I don't know why you people assume that everyone knows and notices the same as yourself.
By admin [Ignore] 18,Sep,20 12:36 other posts 
I could have deleted it myself indeed, but I'm fascinated to see what other stupidity shows up.
By #551147 18,Sep,20 12:49
By bella! [Ignore] 18,Sep,20 13:31 other posts 
I realize that you could, and I do believe that you enjoy screwing around with us. As you saw, two members did not concur with your opinion.

May I ask you regarding your take on the tarazarecky referral and profile? My initial thought is that the proof provided shows that the name is consistent however I do have a concern about our new member uploading 60+ pictures in less than 12 hours, that seems excessive.
By admin [Ignore] 18,Sep,20 13:48 other posts 
I do not like to screw with anyone. I just try to learn a lesson from everything that happens. Can't really tell anything about tarazarecky except that data is consistent. But I would not trust indeed in any profile without verification by photo on this site.
By bella! [Ignore] 18,Sep,20 13:59 other posts 
Perhaps screw was the wrong word, toy, play, would have been a better choice. Thank you for your response.
By admin [Ignore] 18,Sep,20 13:53 other posts 
Speaking about screwing around - in this particular case I find it amusing that notynyt who seem to be very eager to report members and usually notices more than others, failed to notice doubtful avatar. It's like he's not even interested if he does not get a reward for the referral. Nothing new and groundbreaking in such behavior, however.
By bella! [Ignore] 18,Sep,20 14:07 other posts 
You are spot on about notynt. notynt is very active in reporting fake profiles but not as active in voting on referrals. Does he use his points or does he sit on them like cloudbreak?
By admin [Ignore] 18,Sep,20 14:44 other posts 
Well, I can't really disclose that, but from looks of /imagetop.php I'd say he's bumping himself there.
By bella! [Ignore] 18,Sep,20 15:04 other posts 
Ha! It doesn't surprise me how Mr. chocolaty goodness was propelled to the top!
By dgraff [Ignore] 18,Sep,20 16:55 other posts 
He’s nothing more than a bounty hunter out for points to fund his picture
By bella! [Ignore] 18,Sep,20 17:15 other posts 
Bounty hunter for points, translates to a "cheap ass" in my book!

I have a message for membership. Support the site, BUY POINTS!
By dgraff [Ignore] 19,Sep,20 06:48 other posts 
Right on Bella

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