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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
Please feel free to post miscellaneous subject matter, aka STUFF in this thread.

Please attempt to remain somewhat respectful to other members, ninnyhammers, dummies and folks you just don't like. Thank you.

New Comment       Rating: 11  

By #188992 28,Aug,20 10:42
That most endearing of fruitcakes, SrCums, likes to bleat on about Israel and Abraham (and all sorts of other random stuff), so I thought it might be interesting to see how Human Rights Watch saw things, in their most recent annual report:

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Plenty of shocking stuff, but one that grabbed me was:

"As of October 31, according to Prison Services figures, Israeli authorities held 5,426 detainees for “security” offenses, including 3,224 convicted prisoners, 1,465 pretrial detainees, and 481 in administrative detention based on secret evidence without charge or trial. Almost all are Palestinian."

FOUR HUNDRED AND EIGHTY ONE!! No charge, no trial, just locked up. Wow!!
By #610414 28,Aug,20 11:29
By bella! [Ignore] 28,Aug,20 12:23 other posts 
And did you notice that her response was edited here, too?
By #188992 28,Aug,20 12:34
I think someone may have got the, not-so-subtle, hint. All good!
By #610414 28,Aug,20 13:20
The not so subtle hint is "post what ever you like.......just as long as I like it." Well, I too have a thread and in that thread I can tell a certain obnoxious Englishman that he can go play like public school students.

By bella! [Ignore] 28,Aug,20 11:10 other posts 
The fable of the scorpion and the frog bears repeating. A copy and paste from Wikipedia.

A scorpion, which cannot swim, asks a frog to carry it across a river on the frog's back. The frog hesitates, afraid of being stung by the scorpion, but the scorpion argues that if it did that, they would both drown. The frog considers this argument sensible and agrees to transport the scorpion. Midway across the river, the scorpion stings the frog anyway, dooming them both. The dying frog asks the scorpion why it stung despite knowing the consequence, to which the scorpion replies: "I couldn't help it. It's in my nature."
By #610414 28,Aug,20 11:24
By bella! [Ignore] 28,Aug,20 12:22 other posts 
You decided to edit your post.
By #610414 28,Aug,20 13:12
Yes. I don't understand why I had to but I did
By #188992 28,Aug,20 11:37
I know that one, with a different punchline:

"Who needs a reason, this is ... (insert the Nation/Region of your choice)?"

By #610414 28,Aug,20 12:19

By #610414 28,Aug,20 09:42
The weather is so frigging hot

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I don't want to open the door

By bella! [Ignore] 28,Aug,20 09:33 other posts 
Everything you click on on YouTube has commercials. Most commercials are annoying yet some are so entertaining I find that I cannot turn away! One of the external links in another thread gave me my morning dose of smiles and giggles!

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By #610414 28,Aug,20 09:35

By phart [Ignore] 27,Aug,20 22:04 other posts 
I,like most People on earth,have watched breif moments of the rioting going on in different citys in the US.
My dad ask me a question that I could not answer.Or at least not correctly.
He ask,how do the rioters support themselves? He went on to say that most Americans have jobs and once they get off work they go to the store,cook and eat supper and sit down to rest and eventually go to bed.
Rioters on the other hand,scream and crash and burn things all night. So apparently they sleep all day?
So how do the rioters afford to live?
How can they work and riot?
By #610414 28,Aug,20 04:36
Most demonstrators have to work and when they get off grab a sandwich and head to the demonstrations. Right now it doesn't matter since most of us are out of work. I have to say that now I understand you a little better. Like father like son.

By #551147 28,Aug,20 04:12
It's said that common sense, is not so common.

It's also been said that, the truth is hard to hear.

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19 mins. of Officer Tatum

I believe, he has a powerful message and thought I would share it...

What are your thoughts?

By bella! [Ignore] 25,Aug,20 10:48 other posts 
Golden Retrievers are smart, obedient and nothing more than a big, playful child with fur.

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By #610414 26,Aug,20 12:13
Same with Black Labs

By #460385 24,Aug,20 11:37
@ everyone. Let's just lay our guns down and move to the UK and all of our problems will go away.
By bella! [Ignore] 24,Aug,20 12:49 other posts 
I don't own a gun. I just retired, my pension is direct deposit so I won't have to worry about checks being lost in the mail. Besides, their climate seems to be better than what we have in Michigan.
By #551147 24,Aug,20 14:51
@ Bella,

Congrats on the recent retirement!? ✨ 🎉 🎆
I been enjoying it for about a year now. 👍

In preparation for a few upcoming events, I would implore you to go get yourself a nice pocket/purse sized handgun, of decent caliber.

Semper Paratus!
By #188992 24,Aug,20 15:44
Ad multos annos.

I'd prefer "Cura te ipsum" to Scorps' suggestion, as his probably means hiding behind a door with a gun in each hand!!
By bella! [Ignore] 24,Aug,20 19:53 other posts 
No gun(s) for me.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 24,Aug,20 17:22 other posts 
I have been retired now for 14 years, I hope you have as much fun in yours as I have had in mine.
By bella! [Ignore] 24,Aug,20 19:49 other posts 
We will see what fun is out there.
By dgraff [Ignore] 24,Aug,20 19:36 other posts 
Hey you can’t retire before me and I can’t retire as long as my loyal customers need me
By bella! [Ignore] 24,Aug,20 19:48 other posts 
My employer presented me with an amazing package. They made me an offer I couldn't refuse!

I am marketable and still have a few years left in me. Things probably won't get back to whatever "normal" is, until the November election and that's when I will see what's available.
By dgraff [Ignore] 24,Aug,20 20:24 other posts 
Very nice enjoy your time off I’m afraid if I retire I won’t have enough to do and get lazy and drink every day so I keep on trudging along I talked about retirement 5 years ago but I just can’t seem to do it I need a Reson to get up each morning
By bella! [Ignore] 24,Aug,20 21:16 other posts 
I hear you and not having a "reason" is scary to me. The offer came at a "good" time, my parents require more help and attention and now I have an UNLIMITED amount of time. The only challenge at this time is that they are approximately 35-ish miles away.
By dgraff [Ignore] 24,Aug,20 21:34 other posts 
I wish you all the best and spend as much time with your parents as you can cherish every moment with them while they are still with you both mine are gone a long time already
By #580336 24,Aug,20 13:38
Hahaha ... trust me , they won't. We have our own problems over here, just fortunately they don't involve guns but nevertheless we still have issues!
By bella! [Ignore] 24,Aug,20 14:50 other posts 
Care to share what problems your country has?
By #188992 24,Aug,20 15:39
I hope I don't steal 1RonG's thunder, but I'll give you a few of the UK's problems:

1) Creeping privatisation of our National Health Service.

2) Ingrained class inequality.

3) Crisis in the provision of Social Care.

4) A National Debt that recently exceeded 100% of GDP for the first time in nearly 60 years.

5) Increasing unemployment, partially due to Covid 19.

6) An over-reliance on the Service sector within our economy (our manufacturing base is tiny, compared to our past).

7) Anti-immigrant biases and xenophobia.

An uncertain future after we, finally, leave the EU.

9) Right-wing terrorism.

10) An unrepresentative, and unelected, Second Chamber of our Government.

11) Puerile interest in celebrity culture (including our fucked-up Royal Family).

12) Homelessness.

13) Crony capitalism.

14) Government ministers that are inept, immoral or both.

That'll do - it's starting to get depressing!
By milesbferry [Ignore] 24,Aug,20 17:05 other posts 
Oh, dear, huxley is a leftie, remain in the EU, labour party-voting, mask-wearing, fantasist. In the US he'd be a socialist AOC-supporting Dem!

The National Health Service would benefit from private organisations running it, and a rooting out of the useless management (see covid 19).

Of course there is class inequality. Some people are more privileged than others (usually money, not race).

Yes, Social Care is rubbish.

We are increasing unemployment daily with the cross-channel water-taxi service from France provided by the misnamed 'Border Force'. Who are put up in 4-Star hotels (closed at he moment)

Leave the EU, which 17.4 million voters voted for in 2016, a large majority, and then the remainer establishment spent 4 years trying to subvert Democracy. (We have left, officially).

We are the most welcoming country in the world, due to our extensive commonwealth of countries, black, white and brown.

There is no right-wing terrorism, only Muslim terrorism.

Yep, House of Lords needs a sort-out (of lib-dems).

(Skip a few lines)

Inept Ministers.

That'll do!
By #551147 24,Aug,20 20:44
Oh my! I suspected...

🇺🇸 TRUMP 2020 🇺🇲
By #188992 25,Aug,20 06:24
Hey milesbferry,

Can you enlighten me?

In a mature democracy is there something inherently evil in being left-wing, pro-EU, voting Labour, or wearing a mask during a global pandemic? Or is it just that you hold different views?

I disagree with regards to privatisation of the NHS. You can reform management of the NHS without privatisation.

The number of people crossing the Channel is a drop in the ocean (no pun intended) when it comes to our unemployment figures. If you can find me a reputable source that proves that illegal immigrants (as opposed to asylum seekers) are being put up in 4 star hotels I will be very surprised.

Be honest about the EU referendum: it was a 52/48 result which I would struggle to call a "large majority". Given the turnout it wasn't even a majority of eligible voters.
Nevertheless, I respect the result despite it not being what I voted for.

"Most welcoming country" is your subjective view. We aren't bad, but Canada runs us pretty close. There's plenty of other Nations that are very welcoming too.

No right wing terrorism? Yeah, right! Who murdered Jo Cox? Didn't the vile Priti Patel recently outlaw "Feuerkreig Division"? Please don't talk out your ass.

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People can disagree with me, on an ideological basis, but if it's based on falsehoods I'll call it out as what it is - bullshit.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 24,Aug,20 17:25 other posts 
So many of those issues are issues in many other countries in the world. With all that you say there is no other country that I would want to move to.
By phart [Ignore] 24,Aug,20 21:24 other posts 
number 6 is a problem here in the US for sure.
14. yep,a another biggei for the US, we dealt with it some in 2016 but still have some issues to fix.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 24,Aug,20 15:36 other posts 
problems will still be here,we will just have less guns....
At least if you get stabbed with a spoon here,you can just go to the hospital without insurance..
By dgraff [Ignore] 24,Aug,20 19:41 other posts 
The grass is always greener on the other side
By #551147 24,Aug,20 20:46
That's what SOME want you to believe, anyway...

🇺🇲 M.A.G.A 2020 🇺🇸
By #580336 25,Aug,20 03:33
Thats just it, people think that its all fine and dandy over here lol. Between them Huxley and miles have pretty much covered it.

Illegal immigration is shocking
Too easy to accept others culture over our own
Horrendous knife crime in places like London
Extreme poverty in areas
Too much homelessness
Inept political parties ( all of them!)

To be honest most of our problems are similar to other countries, i don't think anywhere is perfect!

Oh and our climate is far from nice BUT would I move to another country? I'm not 100% sure I would!

By bella! [Ignore] 24,Aug,20 23:53 other posts 
Entering week 4 of retirement during COVID-19 and I think I'm going bonkers. 24 hours in a day and many times nothing to fill the day with. I've putzed in the garden, cleaned the house, go to my parents, there's a drive up food giveaway every other week at a neighboring church and it gets dark by 9 o'clock.

One of the things I've noticed is that I wake up somewhere between 3:30 and 4:30 and can't fall back asleep. Gee, it's not like I'm contemplating the umpteen things that I need to accomplish during the course of a day so quite often, I'm on my phone looking at Amazon, reading and deleting junk emails, on SYD/SYC, checking out YouTube, etc. One of the things that I often enjoy perusing is an app called NEXTDOOR, which encompasses our area. It's great! Last year, so-and-so had a bumper crop of rutabagas and was giving excess away for free. Another family posted when their cockatiel flew away, honk when you drive by so-and-so's house because their dad turned 84, somebody ran over my goose, boaters creating extreme wakes while water levels are so high, you know, it's the boats with the Trump flags, and on and on...... So the other day, a local bitched about UPS delivering her someone else's package AGAIN. Yep, AGAIN, as if this has happened more than once. The local discloses the receiver's full name and street name and wonders if anyone knows her. Hey, I think I have the solution, and I'm first to respond, I suggest that she contact UPS and have them sort it out. I don't say this, but no need to get yourself in a spin, apparently you don't want to deal with it so let UPS correct their error. Throughout the day, other "neighbors" are responding and someone responds to my post saying that we should go easy on UPS drivers because her nephew is a UPS driver in the upper peninsula and they are working long days delivering packages. I'm sure that they do work long hours but my guess is that they are also receiving premium pay for anything over their eight hour day, too. So......I respond back that I wonder if we should accept mistakes or mediocrity from our healthcare providers because of all the hours that they put in OR if that misdelivered box contained "your" medicine and/or insulin. DANG! My analogy made sense and my "neighbors" stopped bitching. After the original poster called UPS to make them aware of their error, she came back to apologize to the lady who defended her nephew, the UPS driver, it was actually a package delivered by FedEx.
By dgraff [Ignore] 25,Aug,20 05:04 other posts 
Oh my so the woman griping was wrong about the company that delivered the package in the first place it’s funny but it happens

By #460385 21,Aug,20 10:07
only registered users can see external links added after 22 minutesAmazing that George Floyd's death hit mainstream news networks in hours. Our cities were being burned, our history was being torn down, our stores were being robbed and destroyed. Over what? A man who if he would have just got in the back of the police car after being asked for 18 minutes by police, would still be alive today. Then the thugs body was toted through town in a gold casket like he was someone of importance. This innocent little boy gets executed in front of his 2 sisters by a black thug, never made the news. Did anyone see it on CNN or Fox? Hell no, because it paints the grim picture of the black community. Which doesn't go well with the media's agenda. So to the media, the white guilt that you're trying to instill into Americans. Is now turning into a bunch of pissed off Americans. If the NBA has to put Black in front of Lives Matter all over their courts. Then they're racist too. All Lives Matter mother fuckers.
By #188992 21,Aug,20 11:47
Jeez, you live in a very troubled Nation. Not sure that repeatedly saying "fuck you" advances the argument much though.

I have to partially correct you though: it made the news here, a few thousand miles away, as well as Fox and CNN.

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Personally, I think tragedies like this are a direct result of you being a Nation that still has deep-seated problems when it comes to your "sacred cow" second amendment. My thoughts are with the poor little kid's family and friends. A tragedy.
By bella! [Ignore] 21,Aug,20 13:23 other posts 
huxley, this was not a leading story in the Detroit media. The child was murdered on August 9 and I first heard about it was on the 12th. Since I hadn't heard any chatter, I posted something about it in the Forum and Scorps responded on the 13th, I believe he didn't readily hear about it and strangely enough, phart , who lives in North Carolina, first heard about the murder after reading the posts in the Forum.

The tragedy of this child's senseless murder was overshadowed by the rioting, looting and BLM.
By phart [Ignore] 21,Aug,20 13:33 other posts 
Yea,kinda sad when something this tragic happens and I "hear" about it on a porn site instead of my local tv news!
I also agree with Country about the "black" in front of lives matter.
To acknowledge the skin color at all,is racist.If we are to be considered equal.
To be honest,why would anyone want to be "equal" Why not strive to be BETTER?
By #188992 21,Aug,20 14:00
Noted. I would freely admit that the vagaries of what does, and does not, get reported in the US is beyond my ken.

I would, however, tentatively suggest that it may have something to do with the worryingly high number of kids affected by gun violence EVERY day in the US. I saw something recently, on, that stated the following:

"Every day, 21 children and teens (1-17) are shot in the United States. Among those:

4 die from gun violence
2 are murdered
17 children and teens survive gunshot injuries
8 are intentionally shot by someone else
2 children and teens either die from gun suicide or survive an attempted gun suicide
8 children and teens are shot instances of family fire — a shooting involving an improperly stored or misused gun found in the home resulting in injury or death"

Wholeheartedly agree that it was "senseless". I do, however, see a strange dichotomy: CC54 objects to the adjective "black" before Lives Matter, but takes the trouble to describe the thug (no argument on the noun) as "black".

As phart says: "To acknowledge the skin color at all,is racist.If we are to be considered equal." So why is the perpetrator described as "black"? The poor kid's father himself has said "This is no racial issue". Your troubled Nation needs a ton of healing.
By bella! [Ignore] 21,Aug,20 15:57 other posts 
We do live in a troubled nation within a very troubled world. You say we need a ton of healing, that's for sure, and a ton of prayer, too.
By #188992 21,Aug,20 16:05
The "prayer" part I'll leave to the believers amongst us, but totally agree with the sentiment.
By #460385 21,Aug,20 18:28
@ Huxley. Put it in simple terms for me please. Are you suggesting our youth are dying because we have a gun problem.
By dgraff [Ignore] 21,Aug,20 23:09 other posts 
No cc54 we don’t have a gun problem we have an outlaw problem and most of them are foreigners I urge all law abiding citizens to conceal carry a hand gun and if I’m not mistaken I think Florida recognizes pa carry permits and vice versa
By #551147 23,Aug,20 05:17
@ DGraff,

You are absolutely right, we do NOT have a "gun problem".

The problem we DO have, is far more calculated and sinister. It's the constant peddling of a BIG, MASSIVE fucking lie, being pounded into the consciousness of a particular group of people, by numerous sources on a daily basis.

I'm afraid if it continues, there's going to be some VERY terrible times ahead. The damage may already be irreparable. Of course, I hope not, but I suppose we shall see in the near future.

🇺🇸 TRUMP 2020 🇺🇲
By dgraff [Ignore] 23,Aug,20 10:45 other posts 
I truly agree with cc54 farther down the line we are headed for another civil war it will indeed be good versus evil or democrat versus republicans brother against brother only the playing field will be in every state in any case I’m ruff and ready it will be my time to shine
By #188992 22,Aug,20 06:31
"Personally, I think tragedies like this are a direct result of you being a Nation that still has deep-seated problems when it comes to your "sacred cow" second amendment."

I'm not sure how much simpler I can make my opinion.

In the UK people get mad with their neighbours, get fucked-up on drugs, experience road rage, have mental health problems and the whole gamut of human frailties. However, we are not routinely armed with guns (regardless of clip capacity or whether they are automatic, semi-automatic etc). In 2019, as a Nation of about 67 million, we had 33 people killed as a result of gun crime. Personally, I don't feel less "free" because I'm not able to walk into my local gun shop and buy a weapon with minimal checks on my suitability to own such a weapon. Conversely, I feel more "free" to walk the streets in relative safety because I know the likelihood of someone pulling a gun on me is next to nothing.

In summary, the answer to your question is "yes" (but it applies to all age groups, not just your youth).

If shit like this happened in my country I would be mad as hell:

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As an aside: dgraff's comments, if indicative of even a minority in your Nation, are another part of the problem - Xenophobic and encouraging more violence to cure violence. Fucked up in the extreme.
By #460385 22,Aug,20 07:38
I'm not gonna get into a gun debate. It's senseless and a waste of time. I have a question for you. If a couple criminals break in your house in the middle of the night, how are you going to protect yourself and your family?
By #188992 22,Aug,20 08:52
I'm not. In the UK they are likely not to be armed, for one. Secondly, they probably want my possessions - which can be replaced. I don't have a lot of enemies out there (I hope) who would break in just to commit acts of violence against me. If they want my TV, jewelry, cash, hi fi, family silver etc. they can fucking have it. It's all insured.

How about answering the same question yourself?

If you have a gun within easy reach in the middle of the night, and you're ready for armed criminals to break in and threaten your family, I pity you. Living in that state of perpetual fear and readiness for violence is, in my opinion, a source of terrible sadness. That, as far as I can see, is the bargain you have struck when you defend that "sacred cow" 2nd amendment. Let's hope neither of us are faced with criminals breaking into our houses. Have a good weekend.
By #580336 22,Aug,20 09:13
Its an interesting debate between the UK and US... because criminals are armed with guns and it would appear be very prepared to use them in the US, the UK does not suffer too much. I have no doubt that there are criminals here in the UK that do carry guns. What is interesting is that they don't seem to feel the need to use them, now whether this is down to the fact that very few homeowners will have guns or whether its down to our police not being armed as a matter of course i do not know. So is it the fault of the constitution in the US or is it purely down to the police/victim being armed so the burglar feels they need to go armed too?
It is not an easy solution for the US I fear
By #188992 22,Aug,20 09:53
It's only a theory, but I've always thought that the US (much like the British Empire in it's heyday) is founded on violence and the theft of land and people.

Any current US citizen, if you ignore outliers like Erik the Red, live on land that 400 years ago didn't belong to them. A large proportion of that land was taken from the indigenous inhabitants by force, or other nefarious means. I believe "The Trail of Tears" has been mentioned in these forums before.

In addition, a significant proportion of the historical wealth of the US was built by "stealing" African people from their homelands and enslaving them. That, again, can only be done by force/violence.

If you're a Nation that is built on theft and violence might there be a subconscious feeling that, even at a collective subliminal level, in order to hold on to ill-gotten gains further violence is sanctioned?

If I took a straw poll amongst people from various countries and asked them which Nation do you think most closely aligns itself with the maxim "Might is right", I suspect that the US would be either near, or at, the top.

I don't, personally, think it's the "fault" of the Constitution. As an aside: I'm actually quite a fan of Thomas Paine (especially for his espousal of ideas like the guaranteed minimum income). I feel it's a flaw in the American psyche, if there can be such a thing.
By phart [Ignore] 22,Aug,20 10:29 other posts 
SO.that explains alot,you have insurance and expect the populace to cover the cost of replacing your stuff instead of taking some level of responiablity of retaining it.
As for hurting you,terrorist and crimminals might eat lunch at the next table from you that morning,and cut your throat that night.You never know about the crimminal mind or how it works.
I am strongly considering a concealed carry permit BUT I feel like it is a roundabout way of gun registration really.
By #188992 22,Aug,20 11:36
Fuck right off! Utter bollocks, phart.

I lock my doors and take sensible precautions to safeguard my property and possessions. What I DON'T do is arm myself like a one-man fucking army on the off chance that someone creeps into my house at night to steal my TV, and then come out all guns blazing! You'd rather shoot someone, rather than let them nick your TV and then claim on the insurance? Then it's YOU that's the fucking psychopath.

Are you telling me that you don't have a single insurance policy? If so, you're even more of a fucking idiot than I thought.

Why would terrorists and criminals want to cut MY throat?
The "crimminal (sic) mind" isn't usually that illogical. If all they want is stuff to sell to buy drugs why would they also cut my throat, and risk a murder charge?

I feel genuinely sad that you're considering a concealed carry permit. What's your motives for doing so? If your law enforcement officers can't keep you, and your property, relatively safe address THAT issue. Don't go thinking of yourself as some sort of latter day Rambo. You have any ideas of the chances that your own weapon will be taken from you by force and used to do YOU harm?

By your own admission you're an overweight, middle-aged bloke with cognition issues after a TBI. I'm betting my niece could overpower you. Grow up. Trying to take a cheap shot (no pun intended) at me, for having my home and contents insured is weak as piss. I can't believe, from your previous displays of humanity, that you would REALLY prefer me to be armed and waiting to shoot some poor miscreant just for trying to nick my telly!! Grow up for fuck's sake.
By #460385 22,Aug,20 14:24
The difference between us and you is. Our criminals likely will be armed as they rob us. Your criminals likely will not be armed. That's it, clean cut, black and white. It is amazing that your bad people have no guns. See here in the US, our bad people have more guns then the US military. You all preach gun laws for the US. Tell me something, how do you get the stockpile of guns from the criminals now????? You think they will just hand them over? You let me know when that happens, until then, if someone walks through my front door uninvited. I will put a bullet through their brain and not miss a wink of sleep.
By #580336 22,Aug,20 14:44
but CC is it as I said earlier , purely a ' catch 22 ' situation'? Criminals are armed so you arm yourselves ..... your armed so the criminals arm themselves? It is not a simple problem to solve, even having the police armed is encouraging the criminal to be armed. In an ideal world one side needs to 'lay its weapons down ' but i can see that that is not an easy solution to get off the ground
By #460385 22,Aug,20 15:17
It's an argument that will never be settled. It's too far gone to try to take guns from anyone in the US, good or bad. We had a friend who's younger brother was killed 2 years ago. He had just finished the Fire Academy and was on his way to spend a career as a firefighter. He went out to the local bar which was in walking distance from his apartment. Had some drinks with friends too celebrate. He did the right thing and started to walk home instead of driving after drinking. He was shot in the back of the head execution style as he walked home. They shot him to steal his Nike Air Jordan tennis shoes. Until you have lived in cities like Miami, Chicago, Detroit, Atlanta, Oakland, and the list goes on and on. You will never understand the importance of protecting yourself and your family. I ask you, would your country send it's military into battle without guns? Hell no. So this is where the law abiding, good ole Americans are at right now. We are tired of watching are cities burned down, our stores broken into and robbed, innocent people being hurt, our neighbors life savings being being destroyed. Call it what you want, but we are proud Americans and we will protect our neighbors and families at any cost. And no one will take our land from us. Unfortunately, I do believe I will see a Civil War before my time is over. It won't be about blacks and whites. It won't be about politics. It won't be about Black Lives Matter. It will be good against evil. And I pitty the evil, because they will not survive.
By #580336 22,Aug,20 15:24
Thats appalling and such a tragic waste. You are right , any of us who aren't in the US can never fully understand the issues. I think the old saying ( certainly here in the UK ) ' before you judge a man , walk a mile in his shoes ' is very apt here.
By #188992 22,Aug,20 15:18
There's the rub. I wish I had an easy answer for you, but I don't.

I am also conscious that it's not my country and I don't want to appear as though I'm lecturing you on how you should, collectively, run your Nation.

A few observations, nevertheless:

1)The link between economic inequality and both property crime and violent crime is well established.

2) Rates of violence are higher in more unequal societies.

3) Economic inequality affects violence by influencing the way we think, act and relate to others. It may stimulate social competition and so encourage violence or may curtail opportunities for some, giving rise to a sense of hopelessness which incites fear, violence and murder. Low levels of trust in (highly) unequal countries may provide the link which leads from higher inequality to high murder rates. Such societies may lack the social capacity to prevent violence and create safe communities. Experiences of inferiority may make someone less inclined to behave in a socially desirable way. This materialises as increased aggressive behaviour and high crime rates.

4) The average US Police Department requires fewer hours of training than it takes to become a barber or plumber.

5) You don't have a comprehensive National system to screen out "problem" police officers. I think they're known as "gypsy cops". Get busted for doing something wrong, and simply go and find a job with a different Police department in the next town/state.

6) Banning assault weapons could reduce gun deaths, but only when it is a mass shooting. Put simply: gunmen are less deadly when they have to reload.

7) Consider raising the age for having a gun to 21. One survey of inmates found that setting a minimum age requirement of 21 could have prohibited gun possession in 17 percent of cases in which people legally owned a gun and used it to commit a crime.

Safe storage laws. In Massachusetts, which has the strictest safe-storage laws in the country, guns are used in just 9 percent of youth suicides, compared with 42 percent nationally. The suicide death rate among youth in the state is 38 percent below the national average.

9) Try a "buy back" scheme for guns. Australia did it in the 90s, and had some success.

10) Hold gun dealers more accountable. Get them to change their sales practices, to comply with the law, or come down on them like a ton of bricks.

11) Strengthen background checks. Under federal law, only licensed gun dealers have to perform these background checks. Private individuals and many online retailers don’t. That leaves a lot of gun owners — about 42 percent, according to one survey published in 2017 — who didn’t undergo a background check for a gun purchase. So what happens when states go beyond federal laws and require all handgun sales to undergo a background check? Fewer gun deaths.

12) Close the "Charleston loophole".

13) Improve reporting on mental health.

14) Treat guns like we treat cars. In Connecticut, state lawmakers required people to get a license and safety training for a gun, just as we do for cars. In the decade after, it saw a drop in both gun homicides and suicides — at faster rates than other states without similar laws. And at the same time, Connecticut saw no significant drop in homicides not related to guns.

In short, I would prescribe progressive taxation. That would result in a less unequal society AND give you the necessary funds to develop a better-trained (and more numerous) Police Force, better mental health services, and all the other interventions I have suggested.

OR .. stay exactly as you are. If you do, however, you will have more stories like little Cannon Hinnant and more mass shootings etc etc.

You need politicians with the vision to have a long-term plan, because there is no "quick fix" - that's for sure. As you, rightly, point out the "bad people" will not just hand over their weapons. So, you need to take them from them and make it more difficult to get hold of them in the first place.

Sadly, I can "get" where you're coming from. The temptation to see yourself, and your family, as being in danger from gun crime and that the State is inept at protecting you must be terrible. In your shoes who's to say I wouldn't arm myself too?

It looks, however, like an internal arms race to me. "The bad guys have guns so I need a gun to protect myself and my family." All too often that mindset leads to dead bodies (never mind the risk of a child getting hold of your "home protection" gun, thinking it's a toy, and killing himself or another kid).

The current US thinking seems nihilistic, from my viewpoint. Good luck and stay safe.
By #460385 22,Aug,20 15:45
#4 and #5 are not true. #6 wouldn't matter there are thousands on the street already. #7 you can't ask an 18 year old to go to war and defend his country but tell him he has to wait till he's 21 to have a gun.
#8 I'm all for safe storage, my guns are locked in a gun safe. #9 has been tried more than once and it attracts old broke guns from citizens as the criminals don't show up. #10 and #11 have been in process since 9/11. Good luck with #13. And as for #14, we are required to go through classes for a concealed weapons permit. However, the best training comes from our fathers, our grandfathers our uncle's. Just as I was trained and as I trained my boys. My boys will never be that kid at his friends house with a group of boys and gets shot accidentally by his father's gun. My boys will be the kid that takes the gun from his friends, un chambers it, pulls the clip, and hands it back to his friends and no one dies that day.
By #188992 22,Aug,20 16:07
Hang on a second, a thought for you CC54:

You asked me what I would do if criminals broke into my house in the middle of the night. Now you tell me your guns are locked in a gun safe?

What fucking use are they there, if you wake up in the middle of the night and a criminal is in your bedroom doorway? Politely ask him/her to wait while you get your guns from the safe?

Meanwhile you're looking at the "bad" end of a sawn off shotgun?

I have no problem with you having an opposing view, but it should at least make some sense ffs!
By #460385 22,Aug,20 20:33
22 rifles, 30 shotguns, 2 AK's, and 14 handguns are locked in the gun safe along with 7,000 rounds of ammo. But under my pillow is my nine loaded. FFS who doesn't have a nine under their pillow? And still you haven't answered my question. Let me guess you have a baseball bat in the corner.
By #188992 23,Aug,20 05:19
"FFS who doesn't have a nine under their pillow?"

I go back, therefore, to my previous statement:

"If you have a gun within easy reach in the middle of the night, and you're ready for armed criminals to break in and threaten your family, I pity you. Living in that state of perpetual fear and readiness for violence is, in my opinion, a source of terrible sadness."

No, I don't have any weapons in my bedroom (or in my house for that matter). I'm 56 years old and have NEVER felt the need. Imagine that, CC? Living in a society where you feel, relatively, comfortable that you will not be a victim of violent crime and, therefore, feel no need to make your home a fucking arsenal! Have you any idea how bizarre it seems to the majority of the world's population that in "the land of the free" a private citizen feels it appropriate to have that many fucking deadly weapons in their house?
By phart [Ignore] 22,Aug,20 15:39 other posts 
Where did you read this line of bullshit?
"4) The average US Police Department requires fewer hours of training than it takes to become a barber or plumber. "

I don't know the exact amount of hours for a cop, but just to be a VOLUNTEER fireman requires 125 hours of training.

when I dial 9-11, response for medical is about 7 minutes average as the folks are only a short distance away. Sherrif and his deputys, 15 minutes if you are lucky.Alot can happen in 15 minutes,I am not worried about my damn 22 year old tv set,I am concerned theives don't like the idea of witness's.
and most of the theives around these parts are jacked up on meth or something,drugs are the REAL ISSUE in the US,not the guns. Someone on meth,or whatever,is no one you want to tackle,they feel no pain,no logic,just 1 track mind,steal and sell for more drugs.
Telling me to grow up and you living over there with the All the queens men baby sitting you,hahah.
By #460385 22,Aug,20 15:48
It's not true. My boy just went through the Academy. It was a 6 month course. He continues to train into his second year with ex military and SWAT on the weekends. Training never stops.
By #188992 22,Aug,20 15:55
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You can't ask him to wait till he's 21 to own a gun? If he's not in the Armed Forces, why not?

Not all kids have been raised by you, and your wife.

We could go around in circles, agreed?

As I said : your country/ your problems. The status quo, however, is going to give you more mass shootings etc etc etc.
By #460385 22,Aug,20 16:33
LMAO, ok I can see why you would think that. Ok let me sum it up for you. Plumbers, electricians, iron workers, elevator workers, pipe fitters, welders, crane operators, ECT.... They have what is called an apprentice program. Now for electrical workers and crane operators it's a 4 year apprenticeship program. However, you a only go to class 2 Thursdays and 1 Saturday out of each month. 4 hours on Thursdays, 8 hours on Saturdays. Police academy is 4 to 6 months long, 6 days a week, 10 hours a day. Now do the math. Yes apprentice go for longer time wise, but not hour wise.
By #188992 23,Aug,20 07:09
Laugh your ass off, but is there anything in the link I provided that you dispute?

If so, I am happy to stand corrected but a link to show where you get YOUR data from would be helpful.
By #188992 22,Aug,20 15:49

Maybe you should insist on a Police Service that responds more quickly when you need them. Maybe your country should invest in more drug treatment programmes so there are less miscreants fucked up on meth. Maybe you should get the rich to pay more taxes so that can happen. Maybe you should vote for someone who doesn't give tax breaks to millionaires, resulting in a more unequal society.

Is your TV insured then, phart? THAT'S what I was, primarily, mocking you for. Plus your implied assertion that your idea is "shoot first, ask questions later". Answer my questions for a change? What insurance policies do you have?

If you can show me a post where I have praised the UK as being, somehow, "better" than the US I'll be very surprised. My country has a ton of problems too. "All the queens (sic) men"? I would do away with our Monarchy in a heartbeat.
By phart [Ignore] 22,Aug,20 20:25 other posts 
signs of intellgence,at least you don't hug on your monarchy malarky. Yes there is a home owners policy,with a deductable.
Value of items plays a part.I would probably not get anything if any of my tvs were stolen because the newest 1 is about 15 years old.the 1 I watch the most is 35 years old. another like I said is about 22 years old.
When we had a issue with the incomeing power lines,insurance gave me 75 dollars to cover the cost of a microwave oven and my computer,both that cost me over 2000 dollars total. A friggen joke.But to them they depreciate everything ALOT for each year of age.Like who can afford to go out and buy a new tv every 2 or 3 years? And nothing fit to watch if you had the best!
The theiving that has happened in this general area the past 3 or 4 years,which thank God has not been much, the theives break in when no one is home,steal some jewelery, money out of the kids piggy bank,and so on,and distroy everything they touch, turn over the fridge,dump out fish tanks, injure or kill animals,just cruel,hatful things. Meth heads,with nothing to loose. Hell if you shot them they would probably thank you as they died or their family would stop in and say thanks for getting rid of our problem!
By #188992 23,Aug,20 05:29
Sorry to hear all that, phart.

Seems a little strange that you've been, regularly, praising your current POTUS for all his achievements in the economy/stock market BUT .. you can't afford a decent TV or appropriate levels of home insurance, and your community seems riddled with meth addiction and doesn't have the police resources to tackle those issues.

And your answer to all those problems - "Gotta git me a gun!".

You may not see it, but that looks fucking ridiculous to me.
By phart [Ignore] 23,Aug,20 08:03 other posts 
You musta missed the part where I said there is nothing fit to watch on tv if I had a good 1.
Taxpayers can't be expected to fund 500 law enforcement in 1 of a 100 counties in 1 state.
By #188992 23,Aug,20 08:40
Political choices, phart.

If you'd rather live in a County/State where the police are underfunded (as you seem to be implying), you pay low taxes, and have to arm yourself like fucking Rambo in order to stay safe - good luck!

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"In general, income taxes are higher in the Nordic countries. The highest taxes being in Denmark, Finland, and Iceland with respectively, 55.89, 53.75 and 46.24 percent. Based on the principle of public responsibility, contributions of wealthier citizens provide the minimum provisions for the less fortunate. Countries such as Austria, the Netherlands and Belgium apply a similar model."

And have a guess where in the World people are "happiest" and have the lowest levels of crime?
By phart [Ignore] 23,Aug,20 12:53 other posts 
A decent gun,heck a really nice gun,can be had for less than 600 bucks.way less. just tossing that figure up for discussion. Taxes,alot higher.It is cheaper in the long run to buy a gun and not need it than to pay all those taxes and never get any good from it.
By #188992 24,Aug,20 10:47
Like I said: choices.

I would, however, gently point out that if you feel you "pay all those taxes and never get any good from it" all is not well in your Nation/State/County. In the meantime you may find yourself in the unenviable position of deciding whether to pull the trigger and, potentially, taking another's life.

Not something I could easily live with.
By #551147 23,Aug,20 07:44
@ Phart,

Get your conceal carry permit, better to be safe than sorry. ESPECIALLY! Considering a couple events that are in our future, the Election, and the eventual verdicts on those Police killings.

They do NOT ask any questions about firearms you may or may not own. If your state is anything like mine, you have to participate in a 2 day class, 8 hours each day, on the safe handling and proper usage of firearms, they also make sure you shoot numerous rounds from your firearm or theirs and that your able to hit the target, "qualifying". The classes are well worth the fee. They also cover all the do's and don'ts within the confines of the laws as written in your state and even weird laws to be wary of in other states, like the communist run Illinois. I have maintained mine since the law was passed in my state, and have carried consistently every day since.

The piece of mind and on going training is well worth the time and cost.
By #551147 23,Aug,20 07:14
@ 1RonG,

To have a VALID debate or comparison between the two countries, the U.S. and the U.K. is not quite as simple as it seems.

ANY statistical comparison from YOUR country would need to be inflated by a factor of 6X, approximately, to even be remotely close to fair. Of course, there are other factors that would have to be taken in to account as well. Once the playing field is leveled fairly, I'm willing to go out on a limb and BET that the U.K.'s crime statistics OVERALL are just as bad if not worse than the U.S. and the ONLY possible exception, would be a crime involving a gun.

Just a quick example... How many crimes were committed in the U.K. involving a knife? Care to make a blind wager that it's FAR higher than the U.S.?

Albeit you are right, there is no "easy solution".

There are other things that KILL far more people, per year, in the U.S. than guns. Knowing that, why focus on guns? Does that make sense to you? Why not focus on DRUGS? Matter of fact, the number of deaths from drugs versus gun deaths is SO huge, it should be laughable to talk about guns. That's just one example...
By #188992 23,Aug,20 07:58
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"Knife murders are also higher stateside: there were 4.96 homicides “due to knives or cutting instruments” in the US for every million of population in 2016.

In Britain there were 3.26 homicides involving a sharp instrument per million people in the year from April 2016 to March 2017."

I'll take that wager.

"it should be laughable to talk about guns". I am staggered that you typed that, Scorps.

Plus, you can talk about both you know? In fact they're related, no? How many gun crimes are to feed a drug habit?
By #551147 23,Aug,20 06:29
@ Huxley,

If you're awakened by a noise in the middle of the night from within your own house, how do YOU determine a trespassers intentions? Do you strike up a conversation? Once that's settled, do you assist them with hauling your goods out of the house? Do you go so far as to offer up even MORE valuable items? I have to ask, as I found your response... Interesting!

There are some nutty people in our world, as evidenced by the outrageous way that lil boy was killed. In most cases, there's no way to know when or where evil is going to strike or happen. That being said, don't you think it's best to be prepared for ANY or MOST situations to the best of your ability? Granted, there was NO preparation in the world that could have prevented his death, I mean generally speaking?

I'll be damned! There's that "sacred cow" reference again. WTF! 🤪
By #188992 23,Aug,20 06:44
OK, here's my take (I'll use a real world analogy):

Risk assessments. You take each risk and consider 2 factors: how dangerous is the risk, and how likely is it to occur.

On that basis, from a personal point of view, it is highly unlikely that an ARMED criminal will enter my house. If one does it's pretty damned serious but it's also VERY unlikely to happen. So, measuring those 2 criteria I will have good locks on my doors and windows and a CCTV on an outside wall. But I will NOT arm myself with an AK47 or even a baseball bat. In that way I am REASONABLY prepared for the likely risks I face. I don't live in fear and I am highly unlikely to take another's life.

Where I differ from you is in your statement that "there was NO preparation in the world that could have prevented his death, I mean generally speaking?".

How about if ordinary citizens were NOT walking around armed? How about if ordinary citizens had to ALL have training in the safe use of guns? How about if assault rifles were banned? How about if ammunition was prohibitively expensive? How about really tough background checks and a mandatory waiting period before you get your gun(s)? How about better information on people with mental health problems being shared? Would all those measures have NO effect? You're not stupid, so answer honestly.

To answer your first, rather wacky scenario, question:

I would bellow at them to let them know I was aware of their trespass, call 999, turn on as many lights as I could and wait for the cops. You know the likelihood that this would lead to me being dead? VERY remote.

I'll take that deal.
By #551147 23,Aug,20 05:47
@ CountryCouple,

Gun debates generally ARE "senseless and a waste of time", in most cases.

Unfortunately, I missed most of this conversation as it was taking place. I had to go pick up my shiny new Mini-14 yesterday. I'm VERY excited!

So my apologies, just trying to catch up.
By phart [Ignore] 23,Aug,20 12:56 other posts 
You have to remember,when the US and other countries sent men to die on D day on the beaches ,they were carrying guns.
Now that they don't need the US's protection from a enemy,they don't think we need guns. Finally it makes sense. Let the shit hit the fan in Europe again and I guess we should send in the troops with aluminum ball bat's with college degrees in social work.?
By #188992 24,Aug,20 12:34
We are very grateful for the lives laid down by GIs to help liberate Europe from fascism. Nevertheless, that's the biggest, fucked-up, example of false equivalence I think I have ever had the misfortune of reading.

As an aside: how's your record in foreign military interventions post-1945?
By #551147 23,Aug,20 05:34
@ Huxley,

There's that "sacred cow" quote, again. If you don't mind my asking, who are you quoting?

By referring to some of the numbers, it appears like you are sorta comparing the U.K. to the U.S. for illustration purposes, am I correct? I don't wanna just assume...
By #188992 23,Aug,20 05:55
Nobody. "Quotation marks can be used to indicate that the writer is using a word/phrase in a non-standard or unusual way"

The 2nd amendment (surprise, surprise) isn't really a sacred cow, hence my use of that punctuation. I am trying to convey the meaning that the 2nd amendment, like cows for Hindus, seems untouchable - to the degree that it almost seems like a religious tenet.

I think I've made one statistical comparison between the UK and the US, plus some personal observations about how safe/free I feel.

Does that help?
By #551147 23,Aug,20 04:44
@ Huxley

Since you quoted Phart about the use of skin color preceding a description of a person as being racist, do YOU agree with that statement?
By #188992 23,Aug,20 05:22
Ha fucking ha. I recognise a trap when I see it, Scorps.

Depends on context/relevance, as you well know.
By #551147 23,Aug,20 04:30
@ Huxley,

Sacred cow, huh...

Tragedy indeed!
By #551147 22,Aug,20 17:54

There is SO much ridiculous bullshit being spouted off here, in this particular conversation, I don't even know where to start... 🥴

🇺🇲 M.A.G.A 2020 🇺🇸
By phart [Ignore] 22,Aug,20 20:29 other posts 
-Folks in europe and around just don't understand how it REALLY is here in the US.they only see what their government run tv they have to pay for,although it comes thru rabbit ears, lets them see.
If real Americans don't take the time to explain their own real life experiances to the europeans,they don't stand a chance of ever knowing or at least seeing things from a different perspective.
By dgraff [Ignore] 22,Aug,20 21:01 other posts 
Hahaha you just said your a pee in
By phart [Ignore] 22,Aug,20 21:34 other posts 
Yea,it's Urine now pee pee!
By #188992 23,Aug,20 05:21
".they only see what their government run tv they have to pay for,although it comes thru rabbit ears, lets them see."

That's simply untrue, phart. I don't know what else to say to that.
By #580336 23,Aug,20 06:57
I'm agree with Phart that outside of the US we don't understand the problems fully. My view on this is that its catch-22, armed intruders equates to armed householder, armed householder equates to armed intruder , both are armed to defend themselves ( albeit one shouldn't be in the property! )!
In the UK we don't suffer from huge gun crime? Whether this is down to our police and general public not being armed or just that guns aren't as prevalent in the UK , I dont know to be honest. We also don't have as big a ' meth ' problem as the US so again that may be some of the issue in the US.

As for the comments about ' government run ' tv , that is very untrue in the UK , we have severL news outlets , as does the US, and yes each has its own agenda the same as the US. Do we get told everything that goes on around the world ... do you in the US either? I very much doubt it. What we also have to factor in , discussing news outlets, they sensationalise a lot .... a sensational story attracts viewers/readers

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