Yea, and 1 of the things said right after,Pence has a pink left eye,a sign of wuhan virus in about 30% of the folks that get it.
1 thing I know he had for a while.A Black fly on top of his head. I guess if the Biden camp gets wuhan they will blame it on the fly that carried it from Pence over to harris.
I will say,Harris is a arrogant woman,and I can't agree with her or joes policys at all.
Pence kinda dodged some questions a bit to much,but over all it was MUCH more civilized than last weeks debacle.
A member was referred to the Evaluation Panel for deletion because it would appear that he's not yet 18 years old. The referral was based on the member's sole picture that he entitled, "Good enough for a 16 yr old?"
There were 5 solid delete votes and along comes a member that decides to vote NO ABUSE and offers this loony toon reason;
"Then you have the user name Matt20's so just because a title of a photo you are deleting a member that is by his user name maybe showing he is 20.... So with this I will turn the tide back on you, No Grounds for Abuse, due to Conflicting page information and images. In the past I have been shit on by members reporting, on the same grounds as this report. YOU ALSO NEED TO LOOK AT THE MEMBER NUMBER 627192 is it new or at least 12 months old, as from what I see its about 12 months old."
WTF is that rant supposed to mean? WTF does the number in a member's screen name is not always associated with the member's age, if it does, will someone kindly explain the members that use the numbers 123, 420 and 69? And finally, WTF, how does a membership number factor into the equation?
My thoughts on that case was when it comes to a suspected **** it痴 better safe then sorry --------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes
I believe my comment was throw this little fishy back till he grows up then he can return
As far as I could determine Matt20's caption on his picture was self explanatory, there was no doubt in my mind that he, the member, the poster of said picture admitted to being 16 years old. admin asked me what the picture was titled and then came back and said, "Never mind, I read it in your post" or something similar to that.
His question(s) to me suggests that we should be more diligent in our reporting and provide a more detailed reason along with the most appropriate subheading.
A new member, BikerGirl , has been well received by the SYD/SYC membership. Her three internet pictures can all be found on the SYC Popular Page! Welcome and congratulations, BikerGirl!
1. Did you turn off the notification feature when members use the @ before and after the member's screen name?
2. Me, as a member that is NOT INVOLVED in the "excitement" game, I don't see the "wanking carrot" that's just above or near the member's "membership rating", aka smiley face. In order for me to vote for a member that is involved in the excitement feature, my work around is to select a picture and click on the words, "I'm excited by this" and it registers a +1 for that member. THIS IS MY QUESTION, if I go through that process on 4 more pictures, that will NOT increase the rating an additional +4, am I correct? And in the same scenario, I don't get any extra Girl Scout points for seemingly appreciating multiple pictures on a member's page, right?
No, the site is broken! I tried notifying him earlier of it and sending him a screenshot, but that's broken too! Type out a sentence and try using one of the emojis under the "more" tab and see what happens...
As usual, you and Hux are certainly entitled to your opinions.
I like them, they are there for use, and many times it helps convey feelings within a written conversation, that you yourself has admitted that tone and feelings are sometimes unrecognized within. If they help solidify tone, why not!
Oh and BTW, he DID eventually respond and said something like he was experiencing internet troubles ALL day. That might be part of it, who knows...
Oct. 06 19:57 - Mr.Admin: "Don't know. I'm without access to internet most of the day. At the moment everything seems to be working as it should. But I can't really give it a thourough check"
I just tried to send screenshot and it STILL doesn't work. >shrugs<
I, personally, think that calling someone a "dumbass" when that person feels so desperate that they feel a protest, of that severity, is their only recourse is crass and insensitive.
The monk video was, maybe, a bit of a cheap shot. That monk was protesting against a vile, hateful regime that was treating Buddhists (and others) like absolute shit. It was in S.Vietnam and guess which mighty Nation was, in just a few years' time, propping up that vile and hateful regime?
I'll give you a clue: it wasn't China or the USSR.
It is suicide.Call it what you will,but when you self terminate,it is suicide.
And if no one cares about what you are saying while living,they sure as hell aint gonna care any more after they sweep your ashes up off the street and toss them in the trash can.
It is a futile thing to do.All it does is make sure the person burning no longer sees or lives thru the crisis.
similar case here of a American girl thinking she was going to stop a D9 Cat.
Wrong.Doesn't matter what she was standing for now.She will never know if anything changed.
Looks like lix would have her panties in a bunch, too bad she doesn't wear them.
My guess is that she referred someone to the Evaluation Panel for deletion on the 10th of September. My guess is that the referral was dismissed HOWEVER, the first person voting at 03:40 left a comment that was totally unnecessary. Hey, lix, that referral appeared to be open for at least 20 hours, surely you had time to see who posted that comment, but it wasn't me.
No worries, I reached out to admin hoping he could help, there's no need for Whatsupcocks to keep an "eye" on me. From the for what it's worth department, I wasn't online for 6 or 7 days, this kinda drama was getting to me, so really, it wasn't me. Have make it a good day, you can't help that you're a hater and haters are gonna hate.
Go to Aussieman's thread and you will see it there. She's so hell bent that I posted the comment, she probably can't get her fuck on. And like I said, Whatsupcocks said he would keep his eye (bella) open. Give me a break! Then there's admin, who can not or will not, stay unbiased. When he responded to my private message, he said that I demanded, yes, demanded that the response that the referring member would receive would be from "anonymous" but he neglected to take the link off the response that would jump the member to the Abuse Page and they can view which member voted which way. I didn't want members contacting me about my vote. I am one of few members that provide a reason. Even if I agree, I will always say, "as stated".
I find it difficult to wrap my head around the idea that she was not online within the 20 hour period. Meh, something for her to bitch about and speculate that it was me. She is so fricken blinded by her "hate" toward me. Hey, lix, it wasn't me and contrary to your opinion, I have only one profile and IF someone pretends to be me, my guess it is Skittles or cody8789. Also, like I said, that was within the timeframe of that I was not on the website.
Were you awake and on a Thursday "morning" posting at 3:40? I don't think you were. But if admin finds out that it was you, he will revoke your voting privilege.
admin does not take this lightly, nor do I. Do you realize that every time she is insulted, it flips back on me. Think about it, years ago, when there was a group was formed about her, admin blamed me for that, even though I didn't come up with the concept, I didn't use my points to create and when another member brought the attitude into the forum, I tried to calm it down. The other day she was called a "walrus", i can't remember in what context, but admin pointed fingers at me and said something about "my group". I don't have a fricken group.
You've got to be aware that lix thinks very highly of herself and that if members say negative things about her, she THINKS it's because I fire y'all up and prompt you to say those things. And the same thing goes for Candy. You guys, there's several of you, can treat her like shit and she's okay with it. And then there are the sometimes that "your" actions will cause her to get shitty with me.
You want to call anyone a name here, do me a favor, make sure your name is attached to it. I don't need any of these "shit for brains" women thinking I'm behind anything. I am a MATURE person, I own what I say and I don't hide behind anonymous posts.
Walrus is not one of my trade names for her so being that it was 3:40 am and walrus was the name I would say I知 not the culprit it must be some one else she pissed off --------------------------------------- added after 10 minutes
How would it be even possible to vote on the abuse panel make a comment and not know who posted it I知 not understanding this
I didn't say anything about the voter referring to her as a walrus, the other day someone called her a walrus in the forum. And, of course, that was all "my fault".
Apparently, if a referral is "dismissed", no record is kept. She's so damn angry, and I would be too, she can't think straight. My impression, based on the comments, the member is still here OR it she is unable to find the profile, they voluntarily deleted their profile. The only record admin has and keeps is the record of SUSPICIOUS profiles, that were PREVIOUSLY BANNED. If the member was not banned, he keeps no record of the referral.
IF THERE'S ANYONE THAT'S "FRIENDLY" with lix and could ask her why it took her 3 weeks to ask and be pissed off, I would be interested in knowing.
Surely, I must not be in tune with the cost of "things". Tonight, I heard a strange sound while driving my car. Yeah, I heard a noise that I've never heard, like a knock, thump, something. When I came back out to the car, the tire gauge alerted me that I had 25 psi in my front tire. Since I was at Kroger and they have a gas station attached, I popped over to pump air into the tire.
It's not cheap having a flat-ish tire, it costs $1.50 for you to pump your air. And in quarter car washes aren't a quarter anymore.
Are your valve stem caps green? If so ,nitrogen instead of air.cost alot more but supposedly does not change with tempeture.
Normally I put a plug in a nail hole or something but the safest way to repair a radial is by useing a inside patch for repair.
It cost 1.25 to get 3 minutes at the car wash with the wand.And the soap,if you ever get any,takes half that long to come out.
No, black. I wouldn't doubt if my tire is completely flat in the morning. When I finished placing air in the tire, the psi was 31. Approximately 90 minutes later, the psi was 19. I've looked and it would appear that absolutely NUTHIN' is open Sunday to repair a tire.
Same thing here Bella went to take markis home this morning and my truck was in the driveway with a flat tire I pumped it up took him home and made it back but I just looked and it flat again
YOU see it all the time? No, your hourly guy does. You only see that it was a scree or nail after he fixes your tire and shows you what he pulled out. Oh, it's good to be king of the castle!
My tire is flatter than a pancake and just as I thought, nothing is open. Not Discount Tire, not Belle Tire, not the auto parts and repair shop just .2 of a mile away. Nothing open until Monday morning.
You know, I don't know if there is a spare, or not. And spare tires, aren't they considered an "option" rather than standard equipment? I even thought about calling the number for the guy from Cadillac, he's like your personal concierge but it's Sunday and it's not like I have to be somewhere. I've called my parents and made arrangements with their cleaning lady, who lives nearby, in case an emergency pops up. I've resigned myself to staying home for the day and I have an 8:30am appointment with the NAPA auto parts/repair shop tomorrow morning.
No, no air pump. You know, I don't recall that Walmart has an auto service area.
Another thing, my guess is that since COVID-19 has compromised the business hours and services rendered, that's why places like Discount Tire and Belle Tire aren't open.
Ha! Your suggestion about Walmart made me think....I have a BJ's Wholesale Club membership. I gave them a call, they do have a tire and repair area AND they are open and meeting member's needs. The guy said they are a bit backed up, now. The only issue for me is that they are 20 miles away versus the .2 mile of the NAPA parts and auto repair.
Why not call AAA they surly can help 24/7 365 How are you planning to get to your apt in the morning? For the future you should consider keeping a can of fix a flat in your trunk.
I have maintained a AAA membership that gives me roadside assistance, I also have Citizens insurance with roadside assistance and Cadillac has their own guy that responds to emergency calls. If I had to attach a number rating to my dilemma, 10 being the worst, 1 meaning, it's nothing, I would rate this a 1. This happened on the way to the grocery store or in their parking lot, not 100 miles from home, at 1am and on a desolate road. It can wait until the morning. My concern is that my parents are okay.
I looked, I don't see a spare tire but there's a hatch that I didn't get into. About Fix-a-Flat, I heard it works however I thought that using it came with a "BUT..."
Fix a flat works fine on steel wheels But it corrodes aluminum wheels causing you problems a couple months later --------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes
Good luck with your tire Bella I知 gonna fight with my own flat tire and hopefully I can get it to the shop with out having to change it along the road on the way it痴 only 3 miles I should make it
Hey, Ray, let me tell you what happened....this morning, I came out of my house to find that the tire was flatter than a pancake, there was no air in the tire and the car was resting on the wheel. I called AAA and you go through the preliminary automated prompts and I was advised that my wait would be 20 minutes.
I'm impatient, I've got time, while I'm waiting I'm going to walk down to what I think is NAPA, the place that's going to fix my flat. As I near the building, I see it's O'Reilly so it's not the right place. It's only about .3 of a mile, as long as I'm "here" I'm going to ask about Fix-a-Flat, if they think there's enough pressure or "oompf" to get enough air in my tire to go .5 of a mile. There's these 20-something looking fellas behind the counter and they don't know the answer. I thanked them and left, now I'm going to cross the highway to go back home and AAA finally answers. Yep, I'm on the line about 20 minutes, but I'm finally talking to a real person. We go through the same questions that I responded to in the automated portion, no, I'm not presenting any symptoms associated with COVID-19, no, I haven't been exposed to anyone who has COVID-19, no, I haven't been out of the country in the past 2 weeks.... So, she puts me on hold, calls the tow company gets back to me and says that the tow company will be approximately 2 hours. Are you kidding me, 2 hours! Now, I've invested almost 30 minutes of my time in a call to AAA. I decide to call the tow company and ask, is it really 2 hours and their reply was, "it's Monday morning and we're very busy." It's October, there aren't cars spun off the road and stuck in a snowbank. There's no dead batteries because it's 5 degrees and the windchill puts the temperature at -12 degrees, it's fricking OCTOBER!
Last thing I decide to do is call NAPA and apologize for not getting there at 8:30 like I thought. The guy asks me exactly what was wrong and I told him that I was waiting for AAA to put enough air in my tire so that I could get there and he sent one of his guys, with an air tank.
I tipped the guy $20, he was reluctant to accept it, but I insisted. I don't think I was there for more than 20 to 25 minutes.
I think that COVID-19 and living in a small town each played a part in "why".
Funny, I just received my AAA membership renewal today, too. $54.00 for the "cheap" membership. My auto insurance is through Citizens and Cadillac owners have their own guy who is available for these types of problems. Three options and I went with AAA.
Have you had the need for AAA at any time during the COVID-19 pandemic? Like I said, this is October, not January or February. Maybe it's because I live in a small town, too.
not this year as I aint went far from home but normally about 2 times a year I go out of town and was thinking it would be a good thing on the interstate or whatever.
1 thing I know he had for a while.A Black fly on top of his head. I guess if the Biden camp gets wuhan they will blame it on the fly that carried it from Pence over to harris.
I will say,Harris is a arrogant woman,and I can't agree with her or joes policys at all.
Pence kinda dodged some questions a bit to much,but over all it was MUCH more civilized than last weeks debacle.
There were 5 solid delete votes and along comes a member that decides to vote NO ABUSE and offers this loony toon reason;
"Then you have the user name Matt20's so just because a title of a photo you are deleting a member that is by his user name maybe showing he is 20.... So with this I will turn the tide back on you, No Grounds for Abuse, due to Conflicting page information and images. In the past I have been shit on by members reporting, on the same grounds as this report. YOU ALSO NEED TO LOOK AT THE MEMBER NUMBER 627192 is it new or at least 12 months old, as from what I see its about 12 months old."
WTF is that rant supposed to mean? WTF does the number in a member's screen name is not always associated with the member's age, if it does, will someone kindly explain the members that use the numbers 123, 420 and 69? And finally, WTF, how does a membership number factor into the equation?
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes
I believe my comment was throw this little fishy back till he grows up then he can return
His question(s) to me suggests that we should be more diligent in our reporting and provide a more detailed reason along with the most appropriate subheading.
1. Did you turn off the notification feature when members use the @ before and after the member's screen name?
2. Me, as a member that is NOT INVOLVED in the "excitement" game, I don't see the "wanking carrot" that's just above or near the member's "membership rating", aka smiley face. In order for me to vote for a member that is involved in the excitement feature, my work around is to select a picture and click on the words, "I'm excited by this" and it registers a +1 for that member. THIS IS MY QUESTION, if I go through that process on 4 more pictures, that will NOT increase the rating an additional +4, am I correct? And in the same scenario, I don't get any extra Girl Scout points for seemingly appreciating multiple pictures on a member's page, right?
I did not turn anything off, I just got a notification that you mentioned me.
Please advise Scorps his emoji privileges have been suspended indefinitely. He tends to use way too many emojis in his posts. Thank you.
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes
My GUESS is that admin turned off the notification feature, and if he did, it was probably because members misuse the feature.
Now you know I gotta have my emojis.
And as far as emojis go, YOU use far too many!
--------------------------------------- added after 6 minutes
I am able to use an emoji shown under the "More" tab. Maybe he feels the same as I do and he's restricting your usage.
As usual, you and Hux are certainly entitled to your opinions.
I like them, they are there for use, and many times it helps convey feelings within a written conversation, that you yourself has admitted that tone and feelings are sometimes unrecognized within. If they help solidify tone, why not!
Oct. 06 19:57 - Mr.Admin: "Don't know. I'm without access to internet most of the day. At the moment everything seems to be working as it should. But I can't really give it a thourough check"
I just tried to send screenshot and it STILL doesn't work. >shrugs<
It takes a dumbass to do this.
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I had already read about a monk doing the same thing along time ago. I saw the video title and that was enough.
Still, dumb.
The monk video was, maybe, a bit of a cheap shot. That monk was protesting against a vile, hateful regime that was treating Buddhists (and others) like absolute shit. It was in S.Vietnam and guess which mighty Nation was, in just a few years' time, propping up that vile and hateful regime?
I'll give you a clue: it wasn't China or the USSR.
And if no one cares about what you are saying while living,they sure as hell aint gonna care any more after they sweep your ashes up off the street and toss them in the trash can.
It is a futile thing to do.All it does is make sure the person burning no longer sees or lives thru the crisis.
similar case here of a American girl thinking she was going to stop a D9 Cat.
Wrong.Doesn't matter what she was standing for now.She will never know if anything changed.
only registered users can see external links
If you feel so inclined watch this:
only registered users can see external links
particularly the last 2 and a half minutes if you want to see what the protest ACHIEVED. If you still think it was a futile suicide I am at a loss.
My guess is that she referred someone to the Evaluation Panel for deletion on the 10th of September. My guess is that the referral was dismissed HOWEVER, the first person voting at 03:40 left a comment that was totally unnecessary. Hey, lix, that referral appeared to be open for at least 20 hours, surely you had time to see who posted that comment, but it wasn't me.
No worries, I reached out to admin hoping he could help, there's no need for Whatsupcocks to keep an "eye" on me. From the for what it's worth department, I wasn't online for 6 or 7 days, this kinda drama was getting to me, so really, it wasn't me. Have make it a good day, you can't help that you're a hater and haters are gonna hate.
I find it difficult to wrap my head around the idea that she was not online within the 20 hour period. Meh, something for her to bitch about and speculate that it was me. She is so fricken blinded by her "hate" toward me. Hey, lix, it wasn't me and contrary to your opinion, I have only one profile and IF someone pretends to be me, my guess it is Skittles or cody8789. Also, like I said, that was within the timeframe of that I was not on the website.
admin does not take this lightly, nor do I. Do you realize that every time she is insulted, it flips back on me. Think about it, years ago, when there was a group was formed about her, admin blamed me for that, even though I didn't come up with the concept, I didn't use my points to create and when another member brought the attitude into the forum, I tried to calm it down. The other day she was called a "walrus", i can't remember in what context, but admin pointed fingers at me and said something about "my group". I don't have a fricken group.
You've got to be aware that lix thinks very highly of herself and that if members say negative things about her, she THINKS it's because I fire y'all up and prompt you to say those things. And the same thing goes for Candy. You guys, there's several of you, can treat her like shit and she's okay with it. And then there are the sometimes that "your" actions will cause her to get shitty with me.
You want to call anyone a name here, do me a favor, make sure your name is attached to it. I don't need any of these "shit for brains" women thinking I'm behind anything. I am a MATURE person, I own what I say and I don't hide behind anonymous posts.
--------------------------------------- added after 10 minutes
How would it be even possible to vote on the abuse panel make a comment and not know who posted it I知 not understanding this
Apparently, if a referral is "dismissed", no record is kept. She's so damn angry, and I would be too, she can't think straight. My impression, based on the comments, the member is still here OR it she is unable to find the profile, they voluntarily deleted their profile. The only record admin has and keeps is the record of SUSPICIOUS profiles, that were PREVIOUSLY BANNED. If the member was not banned, he keeps no record of the referral.
IF THERE'S ANYONE THAT'S "FRIENDLY" with lix and could ask her why it took her 3 weeks to ask and be pissed off, I would be interested in knowing.
--------------------------------------- added after 75 seconds
I do get up around 4:00 am though and I must have missed it
It's not cheap having a flat-ish tire, it costs $1.50 for you to pump your air. And in quarter car washes aren't a quarter anymore.
Normally I put a plug in a nail hole or something but the safest way to repair a radial is by useing a inside patch for repair.
It cost 1.25 to get 3 minutes at the car wash with the wand.And the soap,if you ever get any,takes half that long to come out.
Another thing, my guess is that since COVID-19 has compromised the business hours and services rendered, that's why places like Discount Tire and Belle Tire aren't open.
Thanks for the suggestion.
I looked, I don't see a spare tire but there's a hatch that I didn't get into. About Fix-a-Flat, I heard it works however I thought that using it came with a "BUT..."
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes
Good luck with your tire Bella I知 gonna fight with my own flat tire and hopefully I can get it to the shop with out having to change it along the road on the way it痴 only 3 miles I should make it
I'm impatient, I've got time, while I'm waiting I'm going to walk down to what I think is NAPA, the place that's going to fix my flat. As I near the building, I see it's O'Reilly so it's not the right place. It's only about .3 of a mile, as long as I'm "here" I'm going to ask about Fix-a-Flat, if they think there's enough pressure or "oompf" to get enough air in my tire to go .5 of a mile. There's these 20-something looking fellas behind the counter and they don't know the answer. I thanked them and left, now I'm going to cross the highway to go back home and AAA finally answers. Yep, I'm on the line about 20 minutes, but I'm finally talking to a real person. We go through the same questions that I responded to in the automated portion, no, I'm not presenting any symptoms associated with COVID-19, no, I haven't been exposed to anyone who has COVID-19, no, I haven't been out of the country in the past 2 weeks.... So, she puts me on hold, calls the tow company gets back to me and says that the tow company will be approximately 2 hours. Are you kidding me, 2 hours! Now, I've invested almost 30 minutes of my time in a call to AAA. I decide to call the tow company and ask, is it really 2 hours and their reply was, "it's Monday morning and we're very busy." It's October, there aren't cars spun off the road and stuck in a snowbank. There's no dead batteries because it's 5 degrees and the windchill puts the temperature at -12 degrees, it's fricking OCTOBER!
Last thing I decide to do is call NAPA and apologize for not getting there at 8:30 like I thought. The guy asks me exactly what was wrong and I told him that I was waiting for AAA to put enough air in my tire so that I could get there and he sent one of his guys, with an air tank.
I tipped the guy $20, he was reluctant to accept it, but I insisted. I don't think I was there for more than 20 to 25 minutes.
Funny, I just received my AAA membership renewal today, too. $54.00 for the "cheap" membership. My auto insurance is through Citizens and Cadillac owners have their own guy who is available for these types of problems. Three options and I went with AAA.
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