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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
Please feel free to post miscellaneous subject matter, aka STUFF in this thread.

Please attempt to remain somewhat respectful to other members, ninnyhammers, dummies and folks you just don't like. Thank you.

New Comment       Rating: 11  

By #610414 17,Sep,20 13:13
Bella! Huxley999 I'm tired of mixing it up with you guys. You are too good to argue with. Now you can go back to fucking each other silly.

By #610414 16,Sep,20 19:29
I'm not sure if I should cry for the lack of decent thought or cry from laughter.
-----------they are defunding the police------------ what idiot believes this? With all the corruption in big city police departments you actually believe the grifters would let that money flow through their fingers? I say it's a form of mental masturbation by far right proponents of Trump 2020 with the knowledge he can't pull it off.

Similarly, the Black Lives Matter movement moves their bowels to liquifaction while the Black Panther Movement has been around for what, 70 yrs and no one gives a fuck.

It's all a bunch of crap to scare women, old ladies, spinsters and amateur porn cite queens that show only their tits.

You want to be really scared? Be scared of all those yahoos that feel they need to protect themselves with a gun. They cause most deaths by guns.
By phart [Ignore] 17,Sep,20 11:45 other posts 
You really want to be scared? Be scared of those fools that need to be locked up in the funny farm that have nothing to do but sit around and read on the internet about Islamic extremism and how fun it is to strap a bomb on your self and walk in amoung the innocent and flip a switch.
You want to be really scared?
Think about in a year or 2 if you needed help ,calling 9-11 to only get a recorded message.It could happen.

By #610414 16,Sep,20 19:35

By bella! [Ignore] 16,Sep,20 19:11 other posts 
The oldest, American WW II veteran celebrated his 111th birthday on September 12. He attributes his longevity to serving God and being nice to people.

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Due to COVID-19 and social distancing, Mr. Brooks birthday celebration was met with military plane flyovers conducted by the Aeroshell Aerobatic Team and The Big Easy Wing.
By #610414 16,Sep,20 19:33
Happy Birthday, Mr Brooks. I hope you passed it with family and friends. Thank you for your service and more.

By #610414 16,Sep,20 19:05
Why can't the rest of the country see this?

By #460385 12,Sep,20 12:39
Well they have just defunded the police in Austin, Texas. Voting to cut $150 million. They now want social workers to take 911 calls. Are you fucking serious. As the mayor says it's ok if our homicide rates go up 50% because we would still be under the other big cities homicide rates. Are you fucking serious. Do these idiots listen to what comes out of their mouths. State police have put up 2 billboards at each end of the city. Saying enter at your own risk and you won't have much support for the next 20 miles. Now every scumbag criminal says, hey let's head to Austin. And that's the worse thing that can happen. So if you all wanted to know where the civil war will begin. I'm going with Austin,TX. And for all you I don't need a gun people. Once they defund the police in your state, you might want to get one. And to any criminals rolling into Austin right now. Good luck. I'd advise your first stop be a tour of the Black Riffle Coffee company, I'm sure Mat Best would love to meet you.
By #188992 12,Sep,20 13:14
That sounded pretty drastic, so I did a bit of research. The reality is much more nuanced, but I guess that doesn't fit your narrative?

Two articles that give a slightly more balanced account of what's happening:

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Personally, I think the billboards are decidedly unhelpful given current tensions.
By phart [Ignore] 12,Sep,20 17:57 other posts 
I can't imagine being a senior citizen now in Austin.Calling 911 for help and suddenly someone starts counseling them. I bet Uhaul's bussiness will be booming.
In both directions.As some folks think it is all ok to live in a place with no laws.and MOST don't.
I am also willing to bet the bastards that voted to defund the police are NOT running for office this year! If so,they woulda waited. Texas is the last place I would have expected such libertard behavior.
Wow, just glanced over Hux's link, defunding the the forensic lab? Oh great,so no one there to process evidence except for 8 to 4:30 monday thru friday? What fucking good is that? Cutting cadet class's? So we aren't going to let older guys retire? I mean really people. THINK
By #188992 12,Sep,20 18:04
Jeez, you are on poor form tonight phart.

Do you not imagine that all 911 calls go through a triage system? If not, the SWAT team would turn up for everything!

Not defunding the forensics, just changing how they get their money. "glanced over" is very telling - you have clearly NOT read both the articles in full. It's a more balanced position than your rant makes out.

The bottom line is: do you feel that prevention of crime should get a bit more money? If so, could SOME of that money come from the existing Policing budget? If "NO" that's a valid opinion, but I would remind you that insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results.
By phart [Ignore] 12,Sep,20 18:22 other posts 
2 of my friends are 911 operators, they answer the phone,you state your problem,they clic and dispatch fire or sherriff or whatever.Counslers are not on the list.
Yes prevention of crime should get alot more money.Worthy cause.BUT take it from the department that plants bushes in the middle of a 4 lane hwy or take it from a budget where it would put astroturf on a high school foot ball field. Yes, 2 schools in the next county have it.
THat is waste that could pay for crime prevention. Crime prevention also includes keeping the fucking criminals OFF the street once caught instead of letting them buy their way out with some dope money so they can get back at it in 2 hours flat.
By #188992 12,Sep,20 18:33
By your own fucking admission they decide whether it's fire or sheriff! Why could they not also decide that a mental health worker might be the best choice? Counsellors could, sure as shit, be put ON the list!

The rest of your bleat reminds me of what I wrote to you, not that long ago, telling you about personal agency.

If you think your elected reps are spending too much on planting bushes what are YOU doing about it? If the astroturf budget is too high what are YOU doing about that? You, and your neighbours, elect these fuckers - is that not true?

Your own arguments are weak as piss. Fucking do something. it's your country. Aww, poor phart and the tyranny of the Democrats - do me a fucking favour!
By #610414 13,Sep,20 16:30
We lost our country to the Kremlin. We even have cities named Moscow and Saint Augustine.
By #610414 13,Sep,20 16:31
phart two of my friends are corner candy
By phart [Ignore] 14,Sep,20 14:45 other posts 
do what? I dont get this?
By #610414 14,Sep,20 15:06
By phart [Ignore] 16,Sep,20 16:54 other posts 
Are they exspensive? It's been several years!
By #610414 16,Sep,20 17:46
By #580336 13,Sep,20 07:38
It is interesting to read about the ' defending ' and I'm going to be honest is a huge cit of money , how can you cut $100 million from a budget and it not effect services ( forensics fir example ). Also $49 million is ' under review ' and within that is police training? Really?? Surely you want as much money as possible to get the officers trained and then keep their training up to date. Yes I undesta5there may well be money that is squandered and wasted .... but sort that out before announcing how much you are cutting . And if that is the reason for the cuts ....say so!
By #610414 13,Sep,20 16:27
We don't need cops. We have the biggest military in the new world. Give them orders to shoot BEFORE the interrogation
By #610414 13,Sep,20 16:33
huxley999 the swat team in my county hides until it's all over.
By #610414 13,Sep,20 16:20
phart the cops are hireing undocumented Mexicans. They work for half the money, they bring their own firearms and they know how to r.a.p.e women and sissies. will be the wild wild west all over again
By #574505 12,Sep,20 17:10
Eyedmonster It be More like the Civil War again
By dgraff [Ignore] 12,Sep,20 22:43 other posts 
You might want to hang on to that shot gun of yours it’s only good to 30 or 40 yards but from your bed to the bedroom door it will make a real mess
--------------------------------------- added after 91 seconds

Sleep with it my friend it could save your life
By #610414 13,Sep,20 16:24
aoneeyedmonster we'll march all native Americans to Arizona. Take over their casinos and practice hunting a new type of game.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 13,Sep,20 19:22 other posts 
Latte Libtards fucking up Texas. The same group left CA because it was broken by the way they run things.

By phart [Ignore] 16,Sep,20 17:11 other posts 
Folks argue that Californias policys on land clean up are not related to the fires.
A few years ago during another outbreak of fires out there a friend that used to own and operate a funeral home in the northern part of California,told me that the Sierra club was behind alot of the policys on land clearing.
Here is a link to some of the info.They don't like clear cutting or use of herbicides to kill under growth. 2 things that would help prevent fire spread.A clear cut area between 2 forested areas would prevent the fire from spreading over large areas.Also underbrush being cleaned up,would eliminate the lighter fuels that help a fire start. Nothing can reverse what has happened and been lost.But blameing a President that has only been in office a few years is not a good response.
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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 15,Sep,20 16:46 other posts 
"Dawn Wooten is a whistle-blower exposing the reality that multiple immigrant women have been given Hysterectomies without consent in ICE facilities in recent months. This is essentially a project of forced sterilization against women who are not giving the OK for this."
That's fucking Nazi eugenics.

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By phart [Ignore] 15,Sep,20 18:04 other posts 
Well,I will agree perhaps they were not given a choice about the surgery.BUT they coulda stayed home and made kids there instead of coming here expecting the tax payers to keep them up.
Perhaps that could be a option for coming into the US.Get the tubes tied or get a vasectomy before entering.

America's Horn of Plenty funded by the tax payers is running empty.Stay home people!
By dgraff [Ignore] 15,Sep,20 19:47 other posts 
I don’t know about dawn Wooten being a whistle blower but she sounds like a good cock blower
By phart [Ignore] 15,Sep,20 21:02 other posts 
Have you taken the time to read anything about Eugenics? Perhaps a book printed BEFORE Hitler missused it for his twisted purpose? I can't lay my hand on it but I have a copy,printed in 1939,green,kinda cross between a hard back and paper back."Practical Eugenics" . Hitler actually had a copy of this book that he read.BUT IF you take the time to read some of it,I have not read ALL of it but some of it,you would figure out and understand that it is now considered evil because of the radicalization of it.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 16,Sep,20 09:19 other posts 
I know what Eugenics is and I'm not saying the US is as bad as Nazi Germany, YET.
But you're fucking trying hard, man.
FORCED STERILIZATION is fucking evil shit. It has also been reported that those surgeries have been performed under terrible conditions, as well.

Please explain how the use of FORCED STERILIZATION, under dangerous conditions, would be legitimate and how it could have any other purpose than to selectively prevent this group of people to procreate. (which is Eugenics by definition)

It is also hypocritical as hell to now suddenly be offended by me comparing you to Nazis. I've been getting that every time I propose some social program. It immediately gets put down as socialism or communism and gets linked to Hitler's and Stalin's mass murders.

Now, 'socialism' is used in many democratic countries (even in yours) to the benefit of the people. So it has it's good uses.
So, go ahead and take your shot at defending FORCED STERILIZATION.
By phart [Ignore] 16,Sep,20 16:54 other posts 
Not defending forced anything,But I am trying to say it is a very logical thing to be considered to reduce the amount of bumming off the American tit of illegals and their offspring.

By #610414 16,Sep,20 10:10

Is this enough?

By #460385 14,Sep,20 17:49
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--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

This guy doesn't even know what day it is. Are you serious about this idiot running this country.
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Sep,20 18:33 other posts 
I would like to think that the "we" he's referring to is the Democratic runners, Biden and Harris.
By #188992 14,Sep,20 18:36
If you'll post the same stuff twice, so will I:

Do you want a clip of Donald saying something stupid? You know there's a ton out there, so what's your real point?

PS. I think BOTH your candidates for the next POTUS are fucking hopeless. Guess whose responsibility that is?
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Sep,20 18:41 other posts 
What did you think about our choices in 2016?
By #188992 14,Sep,20 19:03
I thought it was an inevitable consequence of your decline, to be honest.

Political discourse had coarsened. Dividing people had become as popular, if not more so, as bringing people together.

You had appeared to creep into this weird world where your chances of being nominated depended on your surname - how many Bushes and Clintons have you had win or run!?

Only just over half of eligible voters bother. The Electoral College system is weird. Social Media allows you to really target people who might not have ever voted before. If I was just a tad smarter I reckon I could get elected, or get someone elected who "looked" good but was a total puppet.

You're fucked. Biden is in the pocket of lobbyists and big business to the same extent as Trump. The only big difference with Trump is that his corruption tends to directly benefit him and his family. Biden's is more arcane.

Just a Brit poking his nose in (and telling you that you're NOT the best country in the World) but tell me if you think I have a point!!

The bigger question is how are you, collectively (ie. all Americans), going to fix things? If you deny that things are broken .. well,who are you kidding?

You could rely on phart and his weird pronouncements. Scorps with his partisan nonsense. SrCums with his weirdly biblical solutions, coupled with sexual threats. Skittles with his misanthropy (probably fuelled by his tenuous grasp on actually being human), or ANGEL1227 with her strange take on all things "liberal".

But, like I say - your country. It has all been going pretty good recently, right? Ha fucking ha
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Sep,20 19:10 other posts 
Should there be a comma after the first ha and after fucking? Ha, fucking, ha? Just asking.
By #188992 14,Sep,20 19:13
If anything I would go for "ha, fucking ha"! Mimicking the pattern of speech, which is always a good starting point!
By #460385 14,Sep,20 19:15
It's funny to me how the people living in other countries pay attention more to the politics and news in the US then they do in their own country. I for one don't give a fuck what goes on in the UK, Australia, or Canada.
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I really don't. But the wife and I do love hockey.
By #188992 14,Sep,20 19:25
If you want a chat about how Boris Johnson is fucking up the UK, I'm game!

The US, and it's politics, affects us all. Have you seen how many wars we've followed you into recently?

How does this one grab you: what do you think of Priti Patel's stance on child asylum seekers/immigrants? Got an opinion?

This "You're a foreigner so you can't have an opinion" schtick is pretty tiresome. It didn't stop you having an "opinion" in Afghanistan, did it?

Remind me, how did that work out?

Yanks telling foreigners to mind their own business is beyond fucking parody. Try a decade without interfering in other Nations' business and I MIGHT take you seriously!
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Sep,20 19:17 other posts 
Yes, we need to fix our country. Honestly, I don't know that our country can take another 4 years with President Trump, because there has been so much dissension with Democrats and Democratic leaders as well as within the Republican Party. But, I am equally concerned with the Biden/Harris ticket.
By #188992 14,Sep,20 19:27
I think I posted elsewhere about all the things that WON'T change, whoever wins.

That should be what concerns you, in my humble opinion - as a damned foreigner!
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Sep,20 19:34 other posts 
And the next four years concern me, too.

What is your opinion on crisps?
By #460385 14,Sep,20 20:17
Hey Huxley, yeah I'm telling you to mind your own business. Stop following us into war, trust me, we don't need you. Literally I know from experience. I don't give a fuck about Afghanistan, you fuck I spent 6 years there watching my boys die. It's amazing to me that you fucking foreigners think you matter here in the US. No you don't. We are tired of solving your problems too. Tell the UK to put there big girl panties on.
By phart [Ignore] 14,Sep,20 21:34 other posts 
Hell,I thought they were already in Panties!
By #188992 15,Sep,20 06:38
Yes, you watched your boys die and you probably outdo me in physical courage by a country mile.

What's your honest opinion about what the Coalition actually achieved in Afghanistan? The US, and British, boys (and a lot of them were little more than boys in terms of age) killed in some foreign field - what was it FOR?

Have you checked the news from that part of the world recently? The "bad guys" you were over there killing are now negotiating a ceasefire. The fucking Taliban are, in all likelihood, going to be a part of the ruling class in Afghanistan.

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"Even on the first day of talks, conflict in Afghanistan killed and wounded more than 100 people."

It's a good job that US foreign policy isn't on performance related pay!

I don't think I "matter" in the US but, despite your protestations that you don't need our help, I fear that more British young men and women will be killed or injured in a future US-led intervention. I also fear that it will be poorly thought-out and lacking a decent plan to "win the peace". You spend so much on the military that you can kick the ass of pretty much any Nation on earth. What you seem unable to do is to actually achieve sensible objectives - stable governments, lack of sectarian violence, democracy. No, you tend to just leave a fucking mess no better than when you intervened.

I lack patriotism so you can insult the UK as much as you like. I'll probably join in.

Don't get me started on the psychological damage combat does to people. I'm guessing you have a pretty good understanding of how many Veterans suffer from PTSD? The percentage of Veterans that end up incarcerated? The likelihood of Veterans becoming addicts? Killing another human, at the behest of some cack-handed leader safe and thousands of miles away, is bad for your psyche.
By #610414 14,Sep,20 19:48
Huxley, it's hard to make positive points in the middle of this horrific pandemic. Every last bit of life is affected. My point is that in 2016 MAGA came to be. I hated that more than Trump and his politics. My country with it's 340 million people, were living in relative confort. Some where not but it was fixable. Every country in the world, even the UK wanted a piece of us while at the same time criticizing us for one thing or another. Look at us. Even with a pandemic taking us down to unprecedented levelst, we still cope. Foreigners can bitch all they want but one day soon we'll be able to buy their country.
By #460385 14,Sep,20 20:21
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Sep,20 22:53 other posts 
Our country needs "fixing" and I think that you recognize that. The Democrats had 8 years to accomplish something and what did they accomplish, as far as I'm concerned, not much. Yes, Osama Bin Laden was found and killed and the ending of the Iraq War, Oh, I forgot, transgender people having access to public restrooms of the gender they identify with. Now, on the down side, unemployment was crazy and the jobless rate was at an all time high and our stock market tanked.

Of course, it stings when someone points out "our" shortcomings, especially when it's an "outsider". Yeah, grandma, defended the honor of her country, but she is the first one to oppose President Trump.

As long as we, the people, remain so divided, it will be difficult, not impossible, to make America great, once again.
By #610414 15,Sep,20 06:06
Bella, you have little faith in your fellow countrymen. First, let me remind you that Obama realy, really inherited the Bush depression and unemployment. If you remember, it was a worldwide problem. Obama, despite not having complete control of Congress, managed to get control of the economy. That, in itself, was a major achievement. Obama-Care was another.
Now we can discuss our current president. If the country is divided, it's his fault. He has done everything possible to devide us knowing he has a better shot at winning a second term
Well, our people may be politically devided, but, as a nation, we'll kick ass in unison against any person or country that tries to step on us.
By bella! [Ignore] 15,Sep,20 06:48 other posts 
And President Trump has been working on the mess that former President Obama left behind. Remember, if you are not part of solution, you are part of the problem.
By #610414 15,Sep,20 07:06
What mess? The economy was strong, no riots. Both houses of Congress was in Republican hands. The western world was united. Global warming was being addressed.
But, I don't know it all. So, how about you, an expert, list all that was wrong in 2016 before the election?
By #188992 15,Sep,20 07:18
These last few exchanges are, sadly, what puts a lot of people off the USA. It sounds like:

"We can kick your asses, militarily", and "We can buy your shitty little country with our economic might".

Couple that with, what seems to many, an infantile obsession with your fucking flag ... my oh my!

Do you ever wonder why you're disliked?

I'm not talking about the charming, individual Americans I have had the pleasure of interacting with. It's your reputation, as a Nation, for stomping around the world fucking things up. Quite often to depose tyrannical governments that you previously helped and armed!!

Operation Cyclone anyone?

US support, and arming of, Saddam Hussein in the 80s?

Manuel Noriega and the CIA?

Giving Ferdinand Marcos sanctuary in Hawaii?

Xhafer Deva in Albania?

Kissinger's approval of Guzzetti's "dirty war" in Argentina?

It's so sad, particularly given the good that the US could do.
By #610414 15,Sep,20 07:50

"We can kick your asses, militarily", and "We can buy your shitty little country with our economic might".
WHAT'S WRONG WITH THAT? If you have the ability why not flaunt it.

Couple that with, what seems to many, an infantile obsession with your fucking flag ... my oh my!

Do you ever wonder why you're disliked?

I'm not talking about the charming, individual Americans I have had the pleasure of interacting with. It's your reputation, as a Nation, for stomping around the world fucking things up. Quite often to depose tyrannical governments that you previously helped and armed!!


Operation Cyclone anyone?

US support, and arming of, Saddam Hussein in the 80s?

Manuel Noriega and the CIA?

Giving Ferdinand Marcos sanctuary in Hawaii?

Xhafer Deva in Albania?

Kissinger's approval of Guzzetti's "dirty war" in Argentina?

It's so sad, particularly given the good that the US could do


By #188992 15,Sep,20 08:19
CAPS LOCK doesn't make your rant any more credible.

I'm the least patriotic person you'll ever come across, so your points about The Empire are well-made. You want to emulate all the things The British Empire got wrong?

Those operations did NOT have "THE DIRECT APPROVAL OF THE BRITISH AND NATO". Most of them were shady, covert operations. Do your fucking research before you make a fool of yourself.

If you STILL want us to thank for you for coming (late) to the fight against Fascism in the 1940s: thanks. The Russians did a shitload more, by the way. How's your foreign policy record for the time YOU'VE been alive?

PS. thanks for reinforcing the view that you're a Nation of braggarts, when it comes to your economic and military might. Insults regarding my genitals are puerile, childish and affect me not one jot.
By #610414 15,Sep,20 09:16
The caps are to separate bloggers
The operations were shady and covert but our allies knew ahead of time.
We got to WWII late in people but our lend-lease program started way earlier. And let’s not forget our boys are buried in France, Germany, Holland, Burma, Africa,Malaysia, China, and a whole string of island in the South Pacific. We even protected Australia and New Zealand.
The sun never sets on the British EMPIRE. NOT BRAGGING?
And genital insults must be affecting you or you would have ignored it.
Sir Huxley, I think you are full of crap
By #188992 15,Sep,20 09:35
The caps excuse: risible.
"our allies knew ahead of time": false.
Still no answer re POST World War 2 conflicts.
I use the word "Empire" as an insult. Imperialism is, without exception, an affront to humanity. The fact we had a British Empire, to me, is a source of shame you deranged bat.

You conveniently forget to mention your "boys" who are buried at Arlington who fought in wars that should never have been fought.

Seriously, the "we stopped you from speaking German" routine is 75 years old now. Give it a fucking rest!

As for your previous comment about "THE COLORS IN THAT FLAG NEVER RAN", do you want a list of US Military disasters? It would be a cheap shot, but the evidence is there.

Now who's full of crap?
By #610414 16,Sep,20 09:55

The caps excuse: risible.

"our allies knew ahead of time": false.

Still no answer re POST World War 2 conflicts.

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You use the word "Empire" as an insult. Imperialism is, without exception, an affront to humanity. The fact we had a British Empire, to me, is a source of shame you deranged bat.

You conveniently forget to mention your "boys" who are buried at Arlington who fought in wars that should never have been fought.
SOLDIERS SELDOM, IF EVER, CAN CHOOSE A WAR. ARLINGTON IS A PLACE WE CAN HONOR THEM. Just like my Dad is buried in the Florida National Cemetery. He didn't get to pick his wars. He just served honorably.

Seriously, the "we stopped you from speaking German" routine is 75 years old now. Give it a fucking rest!

We never will because after it was all over, the tally was over 104K casualties in actual fighting. You might want to give it a rest. We honor our dead.

As for your previous comment about "THE COLORS IN THAT FLAG NEVER RAN", do you want a list of US Military disasters? It would be a cheap shot, but the evidence is there.

Now who's full of crap?
By phart [Ignore] 15,Sep,20 10:50 other posts 
9-11 hasn't been repeated yet has it? Um,could it be that terrorist know that we WILL bunker bomb their ass back to the stone age?
By #188992 15,Sep,20 11:19
Or could it be that you're talking out your ass?

Since 9/11:

The Shoe Bomber - Dec 2001
Passover Massacre - March 2002
Bojaya Massacre - May 2002
Bali Bombings - October 2002
Podshipnikov Zavod Theatre - October 2002
Madrid Train Bombs - March 2004
Ba'Qubah - July 2004
Beslan School Siege - September 2004
London Transport Bombings - July 2005
Mumbai Railway Bombings - July 2005
Yazidi Community Bombings -August 2007
Mercaz Haraz shooting - March 2008
Siege of Mumbai - October 2008
Breivik Shootings - July 2011

I've got another 40 odd, if that's not enough?
It's difficult to repeat 9/11, but I would hardly say that terrorism has gone away, would you? REALLY?
By phart [Ignore] 15,Sep,20 11:38 other posts 
And how many of those were on US soil? I remember 1 mass shooting thanks to 2 a couple that learned from the middle east in California a while back,and the Fort hood thing.But nothing on the scale of 9-11 has happened since. America first,you know,the reason we put Trump in office,to try to curb the US from playing world police.
By #188992 15,Sep,20 11:59
Boston Marathon - April 2013
Isla Vista - May 2014
San Bernardino - December 2015
Orlando Nightclub - June 2016
New York attack - October 2017
Pittsburgh Synagogue - October 2018

Nothing on the scale of 9/11 - I'll give you that. Your smugness (maybe that's a bit unfair) that terrorism has shifted to other countries is reprehensible.

Would it also be unkind of me to mention that a lot of your cities are burning NOW, under your guy's watch?

I think you, yourself, have implied that BLM are terrorists. True?

Plus, phart, you need to know WHERE to drop your bunker bombs - which you've not got a great record in. Bin Laden was, in all likelihood, in Pakistan whilst you were bombing the shit of a totally different country. Guess what? If you bomb the WRONG guys you make more martyrs and encourage more terrorism. Might is right, though eh?

If I was you I'd start a petition to remove all references to E pluribus unum and replace it with that: "MIGHT IS RIGHT". It seems to reflect your National character more succinctly.

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