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--------------------------------------- added after 12 minutes
If someone wants to drop a couple of piles of steaming shit on her page compliments of me, I will gift you a premium membership.
And that pauper didn't have a dollar at the start of the month either.
~ Voltaire
There's no right or wrong. I see it as purple.
Another member saw my post(s) about the "purple" thingy and they took a screen shot, sent it to me to show me that they saw another color. Based on their screen shot, I saw the same color that they saw, and it wasn't purple!
--------------------------------------- added after 85 seconds
Oh and sorry, narcissistic drama queen. Two not too
--------------------------------------- added after 68 seconds
2+2 always makes 5
Show me where I stated 'too' meaning also...༼☯﹏☯༽
--------------------------------------- added after 58 seconds
Its your thread Bella, so will stop now
I don't know about that "Mark's Wing Sauce" bit, though...
--------------------------------------- added after 3 hours
Sounds like something that fuck wad Leopoldij would offer up with your food...
Is this some sorta play off of - "having a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out"?
You posted, "By the way have you seen me leave a comment on syd???Just asking..."
I responded, "No, I haven't seen comments that you leave for SYD members."
So just what is it that you want me to prove? If you want me to prove that you're nuttier than squirrel shit, you've already proved that yourself!
I see your sign-up date as Nov. 2018, which is 8+ months AFTER me, and when I got here, SYC was already established. So, what are you talking about, when you first got here?
Are you a previous member or something?
Dude, you are nuttier than squirrel shit! I recall admin posting about the history of the site. Show Your Dick aka SYD was launched in 2008 as a site for men that wanted to display their penis for the world to see and also for the men that liked to look at penises. Then comes along women and probably pretend women, too. These randy women wanted to look at penises and display their naughty bits and thar created some turmoil and admin saw the need and a companion site. The sister site needed a compatible and catchy name was introduced, BOOM! Show Your Cunt aka SYC was launched. My guess is that SYC was conceived early on, maybe 2010.
So, if you are not attracted to dicks, what drew you in, why did you become a member?
Another thing Tinkerbell, you seem be a master of avoiding answering questions. ༼☯﹏☯༽
If you are suggesting that I am a man, all I can say to you is that you are wrong, yet again. ༼☯﹏☯༽
You have such odd nicknames for members, "crapper cleaner", "shittles" and now "tinkerbell"? Wouldn't it just be easier to refer to them by their screen name so everyone will know who you are insulting?
WHOOOA! Gotdamn! Calm down old fella...
Your like borderline homophobic AND insulting about it.
Who are you SO desperately trying to convince your "STRAIGHTNESS" to? Yourself?!
Fine! You're straight, we got it the first 3 times. Steadily announcing it over and over seems like the only person that needs convincing, is YOU!
I mean, if you are SO deeply appalled by the sight of a dick I'm not sure how you live with yourself. I'm assuming you possess one, as you have one posted. No? You do touch your own dick, don't you? OR Are you so homophobic that touching your own dick, may make you gay?
One other thing, if you're so disgusted, uncomfortable, and feel your masculinity is under threat merely by being on this site, perhaps you should reconsider. ALL signs point to the majority on this site are... MEN! 98%+ ARE MEN!! What part of that do you and some others not understand?
Relax Dude!
You wanna view the women's photos but only wanna give them ONE to look at of yours. Seems rather one sided and selfish to me. I guess the mere thought of some guy strolling along looking at YOUR wiener might cause you to be gay. Wouldn't want that to happen, now would we...
I appreciate some of your political views and commentary, but you did not answer my question above.
Were you a previous member? Under some other name? Should I inquire with Mr.Admin?
Almost forgot
I have too, but I was trying to hit someone.
Speaking of pissing...
It's purple, yin and yang symbols...
BTW I believe I saw the MOST "prominent member" refer to him in a backhanded comment as the guy with "beer goggles".
Otherwise, I'm just as stupefied as you are by it. 😁
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I'm still leaning toward this peculiar purple thing being a custom made bikini top for the woman with square boobs. ༼☯﹏☯༽
As to whose the "Hog with the big nuts" around here...
I'm still the new kid in town, in comparison to many of you prominent veteran members.
For me it´s black and white
If i zoom in on one “circle”, it´s clearly a boob being exposed by a lady in a ball gown (try it!)
If i zoom out, it looks like two wiggly sperms. Or Kra-kra balls (anyone remember them?)
[deleted image]
--------------------------------------- added after 32 hours
This explains better I think [deleted image]
--------------------------------------- added after 32 hours
Hmm, my artistic limitations are apparent. She looks more like a he. But it´s about the principle.
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