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Which seems to be logical for their state office postions but when voting for a national postion,such as president,the rules should be the same nationaly so there is less room for confusion and problems.
And WHY IN THE HELL didn't these states count those mail in ballots as they came in so the results could be had on election night or at least in a day or 2?
AND what are they doing in Pencilvania that they don't want observers to see with these mail in ballots?
Did you post this in the wrong thread?
Mail in shit is going to complicate and enlongate the process.
From Saggy:
5 bedrooms-3 baths-2 living-1 dining-double kitchen-acre lot
Now, I keep commenting about the dilapidated rooms she is always posting here. She says that is their cabin... Why not post pictures of this beautiful home you ask? Because it doesn't fucking exist!
Nope, a single story dumpster!
--------------------------------------- added after 96 seconds
So its Rig
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watch this and explain to me why Americans want this?And have fucking VOTED FOR IT!! They voted for a wolf in sheeps clothing.
I guess the unnerving part, is just, HOW important this particular election is for America. The country most of us have come to love.
The great Ronald Reagan once stated:
"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free."
I NEVER thought I would see the day when we are actually close to what he spoke of, so long ago. Nevertheless, we'll know soon, the fate of this magnificently beautiful country.
Let's hope the lunatics, haters, losers, liars, thieves and degenerates don't outnumber the sane, yet... 🤞
🇺🇲 Make AMERICA Great Again, Again - TRUMP 2020 🇺🇸
You have bussiness's all Over the country boarding up their windows because of a ELECTION in the USA? sounds like something that should be happening in Afganajackastan or something,Not here.
But Biden's puppeteers will be park ing all our cars and have us walking before he gets out of the whitehouse,
Why are so many Americans willing to give up basic freedoms such as travel and good food? Have none of these liberals watched any of the videos of the GREAT RESET and so forht? If people like AOC and her puppeteers have their way,she will not only get rid of cow farts,the fucking COWs will be gone and meat DELETED or greatly reduced from our diets.
The video I watched said that alot of the foods socialist countrys eat are full of estrigen,makes men wimpy,so they are docile and easyer to control.Folks,you really should have done your research before voting for that puppet biden.His controlers are out distroy your basic way of life.
Apparently we're surrounded by idiots and there's no returning. Feel free to mark this day as a pivotal moment in history, because it IS!
Got their about 1 hour before polls opened, was like 50th in line many many more after me by the time I got in. The line looked to be about an 1/8 of a mile or more down the street. NEVER have I seen that many people!
Who will come to her aid??
Have a great laugh then if you're American, go VOTE if you haven't already. Have a great day!!
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--------------------------------------- added after 18 hours
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I do wish the guy hadn't bumped the car,that was a bit over the top,blowing the horn,cussing them out,and just plain annoying the living hell out of them was fine with me,but bumping them,eh,a bit much.
loss of crediabilty.
But I would help pay for the guys tire if the side wall was damaged.
The more I watch tv the more I worry about Texas,I used to think those folks were smart,but for Biden to even have a prayer there ,makes me sick.
BUT IF the FBI does what they should,The texas law enforcement should ticket the bus driver.To drive that bus,he has to have a CDL,and that bus was straddling the lanes ALOT.As in drunk driving maby?
out the state
Apparently the driver of the Black Ford did not do the bumping!
GOOD for Him!
The photo clearly shows the black truck in it's lane,the suv following WAY to close to the bus and as I said,the bus and the suv are straddleing the dividing line between the lanes. Drunk or stupid,who knows. I know most NCDMV officers would have that bus pulled to the side and that driver would be walking the line to prove he was sober.And he would get a big TICKET!
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Living in one of the least worst hit areas through the initial lockdown and in the current wave, I do feel aggrieved and feel harsher ' local ' lockdowns should have been the answer. I also feel that , yes, it may get the infection rate down in time for Christmas but if large groups meet at Christmas and New year ( which they will i have no doubt ) then in January rates will start to rise again
Maybe it's not really really dangerous until Thursday?
My guess is it to give time for people to prepare by flocking to supermarkets, hairdressers, nail salons , restaurants and the like .... and spread it a little more. Yes i am joking but all of the above have reported marked increases in business since the announcement last night!
I hope for the best for your nieghbors but lockdowns,may just postpone,not prevent anything.
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The thinking behind our lockdown isn't so much that it will go away, the thinking is to protect our NHS from being overrun. The only issue being other things are ignored, like cancer treatments, alcohol abuse. The idea is if we can get transmission down then the NHS can cope but what happens post lockdown if no vaccine is available?? Oh I know ( and come on doesn't take a viral expert to work it out ) , yep transmission will rise once more and back to square one we go....
You mentioned your area being "jammed packed with tourists" in the summer. When did your lock down ease up? In Michigan, it wasn't until approximately mid July when we could dine in a restaurant.
As for financial assistance given to the businesses or citizens, I know that I received a $1200.00 stimulus check that I felt that I didn't deserve.
Bars and restaurants initially operated a take out service and then , providing they had ' covod secure ' measures in place they could then open fully but at a greatly reduce capacity indoors. After period of time, we then had a 10pm curfew on bars , and table service only. All fast food outlets initially closed here , including McDonalds. I think it was initially late May , early June when the drive thrus opened and much later for eat in ( I haven't been anywhere near a McDonalds to be able to answer this 100% accurately). Restaurants , in September went to masks for all staff and customers whilst moving about the restaurant, once seated the mask could be removed. As goes Libraries and banks I have absolutely no idea!
Rather than just throw some nonsensical bullshit out there. How about SAYING - what it is, EXACTLY! THAT the "idiot in cheif DID NOT DO"?
THEN! Explain what SHOULD have been done?
Both of those tasks should be relatively easy for you, since YOUR certain he's and idiot. No?
Just ask ANY member here! Some of you fucking morons around SYD/SYC keep repeating the same shit over and over and over and over and over. Yet, when asked what coulda shoulda woulda been done, none of you imbeciles have a fucking answer. Just like the two shit for brains running against Trump. What is it EXACTLY that THEY would have done SO differently?
Not a gotdamned thing, that's what!
Put up or shut up! Change OUR minds!
Until then...
🇺🇲 Keep AMERICA Great - TRUMP 2020 🇺🇸
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