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Republicans think you’re smart enough to decide for yourself.
I can see the veins bursting in her forehead as she is stomping her hooves in the dirt
White Precious or the Saggy Granny?
She loves me I give her so many things to watch and do on a daily basis
She is getting fatter by the minute!
She starts off with a 20 lb turkey 🦃 then a side of beef 3dozen eggs 5 lbs of bacon 🥓 2 stuffed pork chops and whatever is leftover in the dogs dishes
-Cheap gas
-Low taxes
-Safe neighborhoods
-Secure borders
President Biden just isn’t getting results.
- Healthcare when they need it, without going bankrupt
- Affordable education for their children
- Jobs that pay enough to live on
- Some time off from work to enjoy their life
- Security of retirement in old age
- Security of life when they become disabled in an accident
- Some social security when they get fired
- Not loosing everything in a fire
- Not loosing everything in a flood
- Not loosing everything in a hurricane
- Electricity in the summer and not die of heat stroke
- Electricity in the winter and not freeze to death
- Roads and bridges (if they can afford a car)
- Public transport (if they can't afford a car)
- Cops that don't kill them for just looking suspicious
- Fair justice when they get screwed
- Fair elections and politicians who represent them
- Air that is safe to breath
- Tap water that is safe to shower and preferably drink too
Just some of my lefty ideas perhaps, but I am curious about which of those things
you think are extravagant.
It helps if you have an actual democracy, like us.
So you think all of those are extravagant?
What the hell are you even paying taxes for then?
Well, you need at least some taxes, for your priorities:
-Cheap gas (= no taxes on gas. Some taxes for a military to steal the oil)
-Low taxes (no taxes if you don't get anything for it)
-Safe neighborhoods (some taxes for police? Or just protect yourself?)
-Secure borders (you don't need them, if no one wants to come to the US)
Idiot loves welfare and being told what and how to do it.
Here's something to ponder. The Egyptians proved 3000 years ago the earth was flat and your Europe still spun the bullshit the earth is definately flat and it wasn't until the 16th century when Magellan sailed around the world where they had to use their spin on something else.. Either convert to christianity or die a horrible torturous death.
And 90% is bullshit lies you've fallen for or making up?
One question do you think Dutch people are fucked over harder by the 1%
than American people? How?
One question do you think Dutch people are fucked over harder by the 1%
than American people? How?
Your 1% is the richest in the world. Jeff Bezos fucked over his employees to become that rich and he is using his money for space tourism, for the other 1%ers.
He doesn't pay any taxes, so you have to pick up the slack.
Please explain how I'm lying here.
The early ancient Greeks, Sumerians, Babylonians, Egyptians and Vikings all believed that the Earth was a flat disc or plane surrounded by water. This was based on the evidence of what they saw around them. They didn't prove it, they just believed it.
We also agree that religion held back discoveries of how the world actually works, for thousands of years. The Greeks knew the earth was round 500 years B.C., but because of religion that knowledge was forbidden.
"By around 500 B.C., most ancient Greeks believed that Earth was round, not flat. But they had no idea how big the planet is until about 240 B.C., when Eratosthenes devised a clever method of estimating its circumference"
Carl Sagen, do you know him? I'm actually related to him. He was an astronomer that educated the world how we know simple facts by exploring the cosmos..
In one episode He went to the dessert of Africa, SaharA where you know now to be southern algeria around 1500 BC give or take was a deep well which still exists. Egypt claimed this land and so did some people. The well was several feet deep and narrow. The sun never hit the bottom of the well, well except one day every 365.. By Using A Squared + B Squared - C Squared Pythaorean theorm it told them the angle of the sun varied.. Well the sun also had different arc lengths by going high in the sky then low in the sky.. At its Zenith of maximum Arc Length they started using this formula.. The result was the earth is round, its spinning on its axis and it is orbiting a star, going around.. and they deduced the earth to be 40,000 Kilometers around. When you use all the GPS, space ships computers of the great 21st century it confirms... So why do we need computers rather than using a simple formula to find out by ourselves? It's because they want us to be stupid...
So with that said, and you connect the dots of the information they are telling you to not look down the well turns you into a man that his head just took a high dive down a loooow well... BUT this is not your fault.. You were taught to be dumb, literally..
There was a lot of pressure on Columbus trying to get to China from Spain. Pressure of knowing the world is flat or sea serpents and other stories. But his lust for riches overcame him.. He never reached china nor the north america but europe did claim he discovered a new world which was well after the vikings did but they didn't want you to know that either.. The American Indians survived here for 12000 without using computers so imagine that.. Now 40 years into the internet is showing it is slowly destroying us..
Here is some videos where he is just showing how to use the scientific method:
Carl Sagan on the Existence of God
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Note how he often talks about 'evidence'. Know someone else who does?
Carl Sagan On Alien Civilizations
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No one has ever taught me WHAT to think. I was taught HOW to think from a young age. My father never answered questions like an authority, he tried to explain subjects by talking about them and helping me come up with the answers myself. Sometimes we picked up an encyclopedia and read about it. He bought me books about Astronomy and how stuff work and how to do home physics experiments. I got a chemistry set and an electronics set before I was 10 and I actually learned something from that and not just made interesting colors or sounds. At age 10 I got my first computer (a Sinclair ZX81) and I started learning to program in Basic. Later I got my Commodore 64 and learned myself to do pretty complicated programs. From a schematic in a German magazine I made an output interfacing box, that enabled me to electronically switch lights, buzzers, etc. Connecting this to the joystick ports of the Commodore 64, with wires under the carpet, I could send messages to him. When years later I got programming lessons in high school, I knew things my teacher didn't know and aced the course. I almost went into IT, but I liked science more, so I went to laboratory education, doing pretty good in physics, statistics and instrument technology, but finally taking Biotechnology for graduation.
I have worked in several analytics laboratories, but finally found my home in biotech pharmaceuticals production. I did that for ten years, but started to get bored. So I took every course they allowed me on innovation, lean, safety, ergonomics and root cause analysis. Meanwhile I was reading books like Charles Darwin (evolution), Richard Dawkins (atheism), Daniel Dennett (philosophy), Sylvia Nasar (economy), Noam Chomsky (political activist), Maarten van Rossem (historian), Michael Moore (leftist), Charles Groenhuijsen (America correspondent), Friedrich Nietzsche (philosophy), Willem Middelkoop (economy), Salomon Kroonenberg (sustainability) and Douglas Hofstadter (Gödel, Escher, Bach).
So, maybe you disagree with me, but if you think I was taught to be dumb, I hope you now agree that I at least did that myself. lol
Please explain what I should do to wise up.
Going back to Carl Sagan; maybe you should listen to him more, because he agrees a whole lot more with my views than with yours. For this claim, I refer you to the next YouTube videos.
Carl Sagan on CNN 1%
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"The government should be working for the people, not the other way around."
I agree with every word he says here. Do you?
Ted Turner asks Carl Sagan if he is a socialist.
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"I believe that the government has a responsibility to care for the people."
He also says "Making people able to take care for themselves", "The United States is an extremely rich country. It's perfectly able to do that, it chooses not to, it chooses to have homeless people."
I am quite intrigued about your statement: "It's because they want us to be stupid...".
I thinks so too, but would love to here who is 'they' in your opinion, what their reason is for wanting us to be stupid and what kind of stupid they prefer.
Very true, it is rich in resources. and by far a rich nation. But the corruption makes it hard on us. Too much free money is given to certain groups while homeless population is on the rise. It's wasting away and the millenials who are being taught are destroying it and the next generation creates a very frightening scene..
The strength of a nation is clearly the soul of its inhabitants. The compassion and unity of one anoth er the stronger the nation. Unconditional love for its flag, the love of moral correctness and the choice of loving God. By nature everything comes together. All those things on the list come into play and you don't have to even try.
The total desire to receive slowly becomes the desire to be alturistic through our desire to bestow. To give, to teach yet still be student because we are striving for infinity.. This is point one..
Infinity I say,, what is it. We really don't know what it is except its forever no matter how much we count we are still as far from infinity as the number 1. Can't see it.. God did say the way to join with him is through the love of each other and what he's created. I believe there is truth to this such that eventually as we unite we excell ever upware towards the common good.. Our constitution was written with this idea where it is 1 nation under God with liberty and justice for all... Under God is the key. The unconditional love of one another including everything composed of fire, air, water, earth, time, compassion. 5 elements of God. Just like in physics with length, width, height, temperature, time.. Its still not everything,,, not even close.. SOOOOOO How do we grow with our universe? Achieving the will and desire to bestow. This will answer our questions regarding finding the unknowns of existence.
However,,, there is an enemy. A tumor of egoism that is getting stronger, And it is being taught to children which is hate, pain, suffering and most importantly diverting them learning to do what is right through compassion.. It's alien to them,, the will to receive with greed and hate. No matter how much you have you will always want more with the feeling you have nothng....This if left unnoticed will destroy us. It's happening right now... From day 1 of our existence we have developed a tumor of our existence and its growing. Can you make life with physics? How about a fish, a tree? Tell me how. So protecting the earth the indians made a good point. It's sacred for the great spirit in thier words.. You must give love and compassion whenever needed.. You can't do that with anger or greed... Do what you know to be right? of course. Teaching is the key,, but how can you teach importence if you've never had a teacher? This is what the left is working on.
The left's utopia is a world filled with hatred, despair ,and then they,as in liberals, can come into the picture similar to the way Hitler did in germany and rebuild their own evil empire on the backs of the people.
The people will be hungry,angry,and the liberal will promise heaven and only deliver more hell painted white.
What the devil tells you he wants you to believe.
The world is not flat, but I'm believing you still believe it to be true.
Jews are not the causes for the problems in the world.
Blacks are not a minority.
Muslims are not evil.
Russia is corrupt but it is magnified as the ultimate force of evil when the real enemy is china.
They feed you with crap on a smoking gun that appears to make sense to you. But once they stop talking they go back. Selling child porn, child sex trafficing. Keeping borders open so that illegal votes can be casted, bribery, pay to play giving china more power.. This is the same groups that let the flood gates in with radical terrorist ravishing europe with gang rapes of european citizens. You support hell better than anyone I've ever seen.. I hope God has a plan because this filth is gaining momentum and the only way they can stay in power is to recruit poor slobs like you into a forming cult of destruction.. I stand by my words.
NO incentive for self improvement if everything is laid out for you from womb to tomb.
You must live in a fucking bubble.
How can folks not loose everything to a fire? Hell, I was a fireman for 10 years with alot of credentials for the job. The finest homes in the community can burn at any time from sort of fault unknown to anyone. Lighting can strike anywhere any time? The last mansion that burned locally was because of a Chevy Volt charging system.So much for going green with all that particle board and plastic going up in smoke along with 15 collector cars and the family pets.
Safe tap water? Hell, filters can be installed to whatever source comes into the house.
We pay enough taxes to cover bridges and roads,if it was spent wisely.
I still had to do a good job, to get where I am. I still had to do good in school and learn what I could during my career. Read my story above and then tell me if I do self improvement or not.
At least I got a chance with my education. My family is not rich, so I probably wouldn't have had it in the US.
You found another reason for why we shouldn't do anything about climate change. At least that shows creativity. It does off course not convince me that those risks are worse than the risks of climate change itself. Knowing my predictions on the future, could you think otherwise?
If your tap water contains lead and mercury, filters don't cut it. You could shower with it, but for drinking you should better buy bottled water. Carbon filters to take out lead and mercury are more expensive than bottle water. At least our regulations give us the 2nd best tap water in the world.
"More than 220,000 U.S. bridges need major repair work or should be replaced, according to an American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA) analysis of the just released U.S. Department of Transportation’s 2020 National Bridge Inventory (NBI) database. That figure represents 36 percent, or more than one-third, of all U.S. bridges."
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He talks about TV commercials for pharmaceuticals. Maybe a shock, but those are not allowed in our country. How's that consistent with the idea that it's the liberals who want you dependent on pharmaceuticals? Here's an idea it's actually the capitalists who do, because they make money of your dependence.
He also talks about the food making you sick. True, but it's the cutting of regulations on the food industry, that made it possible to sell garbage as food. We have rules against that.
At least I'm a pet who is not dependent on pharmaceuticals and doesn't eat garbage.
Just because they are the blessed job providers.
But I am a pet for saying to those 1%ers: "Give me my fucking piece of the cake!"
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Looks like number 10 is the loop hole.
Novant and Atrium health are both requiring the shots to work by a certain date in October.
I just read that california state employees will have to be tested weekly or take the shot to wrok.
It seems this pandemic is showing us how little actual freedom we have in this country.
This is not confirmed……
SrCums is a crackhead alcoholic.
Hi bella Remember when you asked me to stop trashing Kebmo's page because he was crying OH WOOH is me. Like the bitch that fucktard really is? I just put a nasty shitpile on his page and I guarrantee he's gonna drown in more shit than the lava flowing out of Icelands ass before its all said and done.
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