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Stupid cunts.
Treat the Earth and all that dwell thereon with respect
Remain close to the Great SPirit
Show great respect for your fellow beings
Work together for the benefit of all Mankind
Give assistance and kindness wherever needed
Do what you know to be right
Look after the well-being of mind and body
Dedicate a share of your efforts to the greater good
Be truthful and honest at all times
Take full responsibility for your actions
There were hundreds of different Native tribes across the Americas, and they all had differing beliefs,theologies and cultures. The fact that you lump all of those varied cultures into one "Native American" group with this nonsense only highlights your ignorance on the subject matter.
If you are going to continue to try and convince people that you are not an idiot, I suggest that you stick to topics that you may actually have some knowledge about.
"How to look like a moron in public" and "How NOT to make sense when you rave like a madman" are probably safe subjects for you to babble about.
Go ahead and 'trash' my page, lackwit. Everyone on the site knows that you are deranged and mentally defective. When they see you've had to resort to posting crap on my page, they will know that you were unable to use words to beat me and, like the whack-a-do that you are, you had to do something childish like that.
It will just be a sign for anyone who sees it that I beat you.
I got the best of you and you couldn't handle it like a man.
I got the best of YOU, therefor I got the best of NOTHING.
I am happy to see you are able to admit your insignificance.
That shows a sign of personal growth!
Native Americans and their practice is NOT religion. Kabbalah is not a religion or Jewish for that matter. Judaens are called Jews.
Liberals seperate people into groups so their arguing points are Religion never even existed. diverted as well as giving them no common frame of reference.. Religion is a political narrative just like the left wing establishment of communism.. All it is basically is a group of political parties...
The purpose of the illustration here is to give truth to the best of our abilities describing the true nature of existence. For example, compassion and joining with the higher level. Is there any statements listed that you disagree with?
You sound like a crackhead alcoholic and nothing more.
Those were most likely written by members the Anitsiskwa (bird) Clan of the Cherokee people. No one is quite sure of the date that they were written, but most agree that it happenned long after Europeans took over the Americas.
The Cherokee were one of the first tribes to decide that adapting to European ways and proving that they were 'civilized' was better than constant war with people spreading across their land. Writing those commandments was a way of demonstrating how 'civilized' they could be.
Still, the Cherokee are just one small group out of hundreds of Native tribes. While they share many similar beliefs and practices with other Native cultures, there were still major differences all across the Americas.
My objection to the above post was because there was no context given and it was made to look like ALL Native People followed those guidelines. It is a generalization, and very misleading. It would be like posting that all white people are Baptists.
Actually, it was the first denomination to pop into my head when I was writing.
If you would like, pretend that I said Mormons...
I know you see my posts Lix... and you know it was me that grassed you! Stupid cunt
Lets do some quick math, (-1) for the narrative she wrote, (-2 or -3) for Skittles posts and (-4-ish) for a couple of other posters who really didn't seem to sincerely care about lix. Now divide the remaining number in half because Twowarmtts responded to each poster.....What is the remainder and final answer? That's right, not too many true friends/admirers wondering what happened.
As for same patterns of assertion, I find her unique spelling tends to give her away!!
He just accused ME of this in another thread.
This guy is the male version of CandyMandy and he doesn't realize it.
You know NOTHING.
I'll be nice here,, you like him you can have him.
To set the record straight, I've been friendly with JustWill for as long as I've been a member. He's smart, he's creative, he's interesting and he is sarcastic. Hey, kebmo and I have been friends a long time, too. He's another smart guy and I don't hold it against him that he took the COVID shot. As for huxley999, ANOTHER smart guy, benevolent and family oriented. I guess it's apparent that I am drawn to smart men.
You can't even keep your deranged stories straight,
Being smart is a relative term.. For Einstein people are stupid, while a moron sees the whole world as geniuses.
In comparing these people have one thing in common.. Do you know what it is?
Skippy, you wouldn't know a "point" if it poked you in the fucking eye!
You babble and ramble and contradict yourself like a drooling idiot.
(In case you are wondering, everybody on the site thinks that you are a fool and a nitwit. When we all get together, we laugh at you.)
Yes, yes yes,,,, You will be just the perfect one to use for my purposes, another stupid person just like you..
I'm wonering what the world would be like if we exterminated all the stupid ones... If you disappeared from the planet who would care and how would that hurt humanity, animals or the earth.. Nothing.. Absolutely nothing..Just an insignificant fart blasting in the earth that nobody sees or hears or smells or cares.. Just like you.
For the record: saying things like "you will be the perfect one to use for my purposes" makes you sound like a whack-job.
Try to work on that...
The deal is this.. get your pigs or the fakes you verify and keep them locked up then I won't have any reason to continue verbal lashings on your fakes or whatever you call them.. I think this is reasonable..
I'm done with reasoning,, you are limited in your intelligence and reasoning ability..
You've been doing this for sometime so perhaps you have immunity and allowed to be on here with no pictures and still act like you are the supreme ruler of this site.. I find it weird that leo who is the biggest pig on here can do what he wants even though he too is a liar and a fake..And don't tell me its not true because if you did I'd know you are lying and quite frankly there are several people that can 2nd my motion. You don't have to insist with my assertions because frankly I don't care what you do. The only difference is over the years is I've never lied to you and we've known each other for several years. Many times admin has been disappointed in your behavior over the years. We did speak on skype once and I can tell you that you are absolutely a different human being now as compared to back then.. I am very disappointed in you.
Why lie. If you don't want to show but yet spend all this time per day on this site without any participation whatsoever is peculiar also.12 years in fact.. Just crazy stuff.. Just be transparent for crying out loud.
You've told me to piss off! But you keep talking to me trying to make me believe your lies.. I don't like being lied to and I don't appreciate your fakes attacking me. I'd prefer we just dont talk.. I won't bother you but I prefer talking to people that have transparency.
I speak fluent moron and I get a brain-ache trying to follow his blather.
I'm not going to allow you to roll over me as you try to continually do.
This is how I communicate in blogs. Questions are to find the truth, assertions are to express the truth. You can stop this by banning me and its all said and done. So again I'm asking why are you still talking to me? Do you have a question or do you wish to go on continuing expressing yourself with more lies and neurotic rationalizations and denials?
I'm going to type this in all caps so you understand how serious I am about you and your bullshit.
You can take it anyway you choose.. I just speak the truth so here is the issue and choices..
1) Get over it and move on
2) Ban me and hide
3) Keep this up
choice 3 is illogical becaue it only ends up with the same results. But hey,,, that's choice from free will. But keep replying to me.. The more points I get from replies the more shit piles for Kebmo..
Um...I didn't actually see a time when he had STARTED with reasoning...
Fuck, numbskull, I never get tired of poking a stick at a big pile of stoopid like you.
It's kind of my favorite hobby.
I'm gonna get something to eat.. The fun will start soon..
I know there are people that like me here and unfortunately I am not liked.. I'd prefer being myself and truthful. I don't want to fight so if your dogs accidently left your house without a leash I suggest you get them out of the dog pound and train them effectively
Every single one of them is an actual picture.
They are all real, you dolt.
You use them in such a strange and incoherent fashion that more words would definitely be more amusing.
I get that English isn't your native language, but seeing you butcher it so badly is more funny than I can say.
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