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Then look at the attempted interview of her after she gets bood off the state.
Remember that Arizona was a state in question
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What I gather from your essays is you lack transparency. That's what liars do.. Don't even think of undermining my intelligene.. As long as you produce with facts I'll reply.
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Near ocean front,means not only moisture but SALTY moisture was able to get to that steel. Too a while but it did it's damage
[deleted image]
Here's the deal.. 2warmth... whatever her name is, probably the 15th fake ended up with 1000s of shit piles rammed so far up her ass she was spitting out peanuts. I don't mind having a nice debate and it is good to disagree and bring up important points of hypothecies and evidence to support.. It's an invite for good learning. But if you fuck with me with my personal attributes like she did,,, well look at the results..:Let's all be cool mates.
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That is the liberals wet dream right there.Now,who pays in the end for all that stolen stuff? The customers in line at the cash register.Paying higher prices for the stuff they want.
Getting fired for trying to prevent theft? Sheesh,makes me not want to go to best buy if they don't appreciate their employees hard work any more than that.
Edit,I may be the wrong color,perhaps some shoe polish will help and a change in my slanguage
I guess like cumo in new york she will get away with murder of old people. Which the virus was designed to kill off anyway by the chinese.
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those 2 democrap governor's could write books like oj simpson did on how to get away with murder.
A page on how to get rid of gnats but the photo is reminding the gnats how to make more!
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By licksipsuckit...admin I have lots of people wanting to be verified ... so they can enter comps, but it seems just like before, VERIFIED MEMBERS WITH FAKE PICTURES are entering comps yet again.. so my question is, why do we have to verify all these other honest members to enter competitions, when the reason for being verified members to enter comps, was put on by a pair of fakes who needed an edge to win, and have now returned and again are entering FAKE PICTURES in the comps and are again verified by the same people as before, fully knowing they're FAKES???..
cuntrycouple54 aka alwaysfucking returned with the same pics and are again entering into competitions.. so when these pics are found and proven that they are video stills off pro porn videos, will the members who verified them again have their verifying rights revoke this time ??? or will the rest of the site have to follow the rules while this pair of fakes blatantly use these fakes pics in the comps, ruling out other people with real shots who would like a chance to win ???
By Jamie 23,Jul,21 17:32
I Google Alwaysfucking pictures and they are Real so I'm not losing my plrvige to verify.
By admin 23,Jul,21 20:34
If the images are really screenshots from videos that do not appear as individual images anywhere else, you won't find matches via google. Google can not index every keyframe from every video that exists out there.
By Jamie 23,Jul,21 20:50
Thanks Admin
By admin 23,Jul,21 18:58 ⤴ (his response to lix's claim)
If you prove what you say, I don't see how those who verified them can be excused.
By licksipsuckit 23,Jul,21 19:57
thanks admin, its only a matter of time before someone spots the video *lix*
--------------------------------------- added after 25 minutes
lix asserts that many members seek her out to become verified in order to enter "comps". Aussies seem to have a unique way of communicating, often times they choose to shorten words when speaking or writing. I will assume that "comps" means competitions and if I'm correct, the ONLY competition that a member needs verification for is the Pic of the Month. So why is lix moanin' and groanin'?
lix, why not verify all 2400 of your friends and blow up all the "comps"? I bet all your devotees, admirers, fans, whatever would love to be verified by you. But if you are bombarded by all these verification requests, it's going to cut into your ability to spend time searching the web for whatever you're searching for. lix, my guess is that you don't even recognize how venomous you've become and how desperate and hateful you appear.
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