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Started by #610414 [Ignore] 14,May,20 02:51
New Comment Rating: 3 Similar topics: 1.Food stuff 2.STUFF, JUST STUFF 3.NEW STUFF, OLD STUFF, ANY STUFF 4.A Forum Topic 5.NEW STUFF, OLD STUFF, ANY STUFF II Comments: |
The donkey said to the tiger:
- “The grass is blue.”
The tiger answered:
- “No, the grass is green.”
The discussion became heated, and the two decided to submit it to arbitration, and to do so they went before the lion, the King of the Jungle.
Before reaching the clearing in the forest, where the lion was sitting on his throne, the donkey began to shout:
- “Your Highness, is it true that grass is blue?”
The lion answered:
- “It's true, the grass is blue.”
The donkey hurried up and continued:
- “The tiger does not agree with me and contradicts and annoys me, please punish him.”
Then the king declared:
- “The tiger will be punished with 5 years of silence.”
The donkey jumped happily and continued on its way happy and repeating:
- “The grass is blue”...
The tiger accepted his punishment, but first he asked the lion:
- “Your Majesty, why have you punished me? After all, the grass is green.”
The lion answered:
- “Indeed, the grass is green.”
The tiger asked:
- “Then why are you punishing me?”
The lion answered:
- “That has nothing to do with the question of whether the grass is blue or green.
The punishment is because it is not possible for a brave and intelligent creature like you to waste time arguing with a donkey, and on top of that come to bother me with that question.
The worst waste of time is to argue with the fool and the fanatic who does not care about truth or reality, but only about the victory of his beliefs and illusions. Never waste time on arguments that make no sense...
There are people who, no matter how much evidence we present to them, are not able to understand, and others are blinded by ego, hatred and resentment, and all they want is to be right even if they are not.
When ignorance screams, intelligence is silent.
Your peace and tranquility are worth more. OR NOT
Deepak Chopra
No matter how much evidence is shown to you in reference to the economy or employment rates, you still hate Trump, simply for his hair I guess.
Perhaps I am wasting my time.
But I can't help but remember what a old country preacher said to me and a neighbor 1 day years ago.
My neighbor ask him why he kept trying to help the neighbor hood dope head. Why waste the time?
The preacher said," Does the Sheppard chase the flock that is staying together , or does he chase the 1 that has strayed away?"
You Cat, leo, and for the most part ,Ananas, have strayed from the flock , you will eventually be hungry and broke, and become fodder for the wolves of society such as soro's and sanders ,that will do harm to you as in put you to sleep for being sick, or rob you of your assets for no reason but for spite, all because you allowed the system to fall that far down.
Here is how they can harm you ,by controlling your medical care,thus, deciding if you live or die,
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May not have went thru YET,but let harris and her ilk get in,
In a socialist-communist society, this is how it goes ,
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Used to kill prisoners they say, but ALOT of people disappear in china, would you like for that to be happening here? Vote democrat long enough and it will
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Other economic indicators from June 2024 include:
Personal income increased $50.4 billion (0.2%)
Disposable personal income increased $37.7 billion (0.2%)
Personal outlays increased $59.3 billion (0.3%)
Consumer spending increased $57.6 billion (0.3%)
Personal saving was $703.0 billion
Personal saving rate was 3.4%
We show you facts and figures readily available on the net. You don’t. You say we strayed from the flock. Well, we are in good company. At least half of the country thinks like us. That’s some straying, right Leo?
You forecast the 1%’s will swallow us up. They didn’t come on the scene in the last four years. This country, like most other countries, is full of oligarchs. We live with them because they need us to be oligarchs. You cry “Wolf”, yet you conveniently forget that Trump gave these people a sweet deal in a reduction of taxes. Anything else you brought up on your post has no bearing on what your main point was.
BTW, my post was not about rabid conservatives, MAGA followers, Trump or the Republicans, or any such. It was an observation by Chopra that I happen to agree with and know to be true of the general public, no matter their political leanings.
"Am not one to be nasty or cruel but i received two rather nasty comments from mongo and sir-skittles so black listed them"
The reply was this by "Another Prominent Member".
"So that hurt your feelings and you felt the need to share that information with members. I can assure you, no one cares."
Don't mind this member who thinks she owns the site along with 4 or 5 other TROLLS that appointed themselves as rulers of the site. Not even Admin can do anything about it, so, my suggestion to you is to blacklist them all. There's plenty of other threads and members that will be happy to interact with you. This group of moribund, hateful, people are not worth the bother.
Quick tip. If you sign off and re-enter the site without signing in, you'll be able to go to most places to read what these TROLLS are saying. 😈
“ I know there are others here (including myself) that would like to join you & fight along side you in your single handed war against oppression, but most of us are blocked by the Saggy & we can't.
I follow you there numerous times logged out every day & you have my full support bloke”
You are referring to posting here, in this thread. I started this thread in May 2020 but I lost ownership when I gave up my last account. Nothing stops you from posting here in support of Phart or , as I imagine you’ll do, trash me. I’ll know what you post like you know what I post and, we both, can take long breaks from reading each other’s posts.
My conclusion on your post is as Coronel Potter used to say in the TV show, Mash. “Horse pucky”.😈
A PIC OF MONGO BEFORE THE OPERATION. My defense to the SITO Court allegations. (Pitbull)
"Donald Trump Congratulates Vladimir Putin for Prisoner Exchange."
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I mean, who appointed these people to be the chosen ones to question other members right to belong to the site, regardless of their look. Who made them sheriff? What right do they have?
And who gave them the right to stalk another member in real life?
Kebby was about to log off for the night when he saw a notification that he had a new private message. He opened it to see if was from his sweet little tasty Dutch pineapple. There was a picture of Ananas on a bed with his asshole gapping open, and an actual pineapple next to him covered in feces. Ped0mo instantly grew hard in his high waisted grandpa jeans. High fashion he was not! He quickly undid the Velcro opening and pulled out his scab encrusted penis. It was still healing from wearing a thong he had purchased from TEMU after he saw a member of the cock site wearing a puke green colored pair with a little cat on the front. His poor penis, despite looking like it got dragged across sandpaper, was hard at a full half inch. He knew it would grow to full capacity at a whopping 3 inches once he was able to zoom in close on Anal Lickers gapped open Dutch oven. Seeing it up close on his monitor really got him going, and he looked around for the full 2-liter bottle of Canada Dry he purchased earlier to insert in his own asshole. Kebby paused a sec, he didn’t really like anal but he needed that feeling of being full in his back pussy, so once the bottle was all the way in his ass, he started humming along to Avril Lavigne’s Skaterboi. He had been unable to find his beloved ABBA record lately and his record player was broken.
After a few strokes, he knew he was about to bust so he grabbed an empty jar of smoked mackerel and shot his man gravy into it. The scene resembled a cyst getting popped. Despite his best efforts to save the cum to eat over video chat with Annasa later, it got everywhere. He pulled out his phone and snapped a pic to post for later. He cleaned up and walked to the bathroom for more pics. He did a few poses by his Calgary Flames shower curtain and admired his frail and elderly Mr. Burns from the Simpsons like physique in the mirror. Another old rat on the site hanging on to glory from decades ago!
Kebmo was just mad jealous of the United States. The US just made Canada look like a cuck on the world stage. Even though they constantly criticized the US, that did not stop them from having their hand out. Also, eager to accept US aid. America was also ungrateful for all Canada did after 9/11. They had sent a jeep and 8 “Soldiers” to fight in Afghanistan! Yes, we should be very grateful for all the assistance in smashing global terror. One can hardly imagine what will happen now that Biden has got the US in a shooting war in the middle east… again! Those pesky Houthis and dirty Hamas cunts. They all need a bullet in their unwashed heads. Filthy fucking savages. The only thing they understand is a boot to their scummy balls. But what had happened to lil Kembo, shoe size 6 to have all this rage?
We did some research and we understand his rage and jealously. It all started by in 1979 when little Kebby dropped out of high school. He wanted to make big money working in the oil fields or timber industry. About the only two things Canada has and the libs are wrecking both industries these days. Kebmo was wondering about looking for work when he ran into some oil workers from Texas. These were some real men. All over 6’ 3” and had had muscles. The exact opposite of the site wimp Kebmo. They were a in a small-town bar outside of Calgary (fucks sake, I actually had to look this shit city up on a map) Flyover country for sure! Kebmo had been drinking Molson all day, the shit beer they make up there. The Texans all had brand new trucks, expensive cowboy boots, and had their shit together. They were also spending a ton of money at the bar. Kebmo with his legendary inferiority complex, was filled with rage.
He went to take a piss and to try to cool off. He stood in front of the urinal with his 3 inches of flaming fury out, when one of the Texans came in. His inferior little pecker shriveled up and he stopped peeing. He cursed his little soldier and tried to zip up. The Texan reported he was literally cursing his cock and nearly zipped his junk up. The Texan looked over and said, wow! It is like a cock but smaller! And then saw Kebmo’s girl panties. This immediately enraged the Texan who turned towards lil-Kebby and finished his piss on Kebmo’s legs. Howling with laughter and exposing his massive cock, Kebmo shook in fear. He ran from the bathroom with the Texan in hot pursuit!
Lil-Kebby was trying to run to settle his bill at the bar and was dripping piss all over the floor. His cheap jeans were soaked from the large amount of piss the Texan had shot all over him. The Texan stopped his pursuit and yelled out to his friends- this little cunt is wearing panties and he has a small cock! The rest of the Texans got up and grabbed Lil-Kebby and started to choke him out. He took several punches to his frail frame before the bartender kicked them all out. Hardly finished with their beating, they took Lil-Kebby to their truck and threw the cunt into the pickup bed. He landed in their like a sack of potatoes as he passed out from the savage beating he took. It was the last thing he remembered.
He woke up hours later with his ass bleeding and sore. One of the Texans, a big black dude by the name of Deshawn has taken a liking to Kebby, and had roughly fucked Kebmos man pussy. This is why to this day he doesn’t like anal.
The Texans were nowhere to be found but he could still hear them howling with laughter in his feeble mind. It took a few minutes to fully realize what had happened to him. He was also in a strange place. Then his worst fears came true: They had broken the front window at Hudson Bay and turned him into a mannequin! He was in one of the women’s display windows wearing his little panties and was tied down like a dog. One of the female mannequin’s was positioned to be pointing at his small knob with a sign that said: hey, ladies, check me out! I am just like you! Completely humiliated by the Americans. He struggled to free himself before the store opened and all the shoppers started to arrive. But it was too late. Security found him and started howling with laughter. They took several pictures and let the public see his rat cock before cutting him down. He was handed over to law enforcement for booking.
go read the rest of the postings. You will see who the real problem is.
The fact your are to much of a jurk to even post the entire statements and insert yadda yadda in there just shows you are the problem.this is the censorship we conservatives all complain about,just shows you the part they want you to see.
You said this. You're a racist.
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In this paper, we see the latest results of many years' worth of studies about erogeneous zones in men and women, as well as their pleasure intensity.
1 Clitoris 9.17
2 Vagina 8.40
3 Mouth/lips 7.91
4 Nape of neck 7.51
5 Breasts 7.35
6 Nipples 7.35
7 Inner thigh 6.70
8 Back of neck 6.20
9 Ears 5.06
10 Lower back 4.73
1 Penis 9.00
2 Mouth/lips 7.03
3 Scrotum 6.50
4 Inner thigh 5.84
5 Nape of neck 5.65
6 Nipples 4.89
7 Perineum 4.81
8 Pubic hairline 4.80
9 Back of neck 4.53
Not only women have more erogenous zones but feel more pleasure. No wonder that women appreciate foreplay.
Men with short dicks (like me) have the natural tendency
to spend more time pleasing their female partners than men
with long dongs. This provides evidence for the fact that
many women don't mind much about the size but more about
the whole act. I personally have never had any criticisms
because I've always been happy to start with foreplay and
to please my partner first. It comes naturally to me.
And it's rewarding for both.
I read these statistics in a medical journal
and showed them to many men and women.
All agreed.
As for the last paragraph, that we small-penis men
usually compensate by increasing the foreplay time
and devising foreplay techniques, I certainly do this
ever since I was a teenager. Those men with small dicks
who aren't doing this are missing out.
This was posted in Tecsan‘s thread. Ananas2xLekker posted on 31,Jul,24 06:00
“I challenged you to do better, but you just doubled down on bullshit (referring to a well known MAGA member)
What happens in America affects the whole world. Of course I am obsessed with America turning into a fascist dictatorship, because The Netherlands neighbors Germany, the country that showed the exact same signs in their 1930's, as the MAGA movement is now showing.
The problem is that you know nothing. You don't know any history, you don't know your own country's law and constitution, you don't know anything except for the lies that your media, funded by oligarchs and christo-fashists, want you to believe.
People like you don't give a fuck about anyone, and people like you think everyone else is like you. You're wrong, you're a minority. A majority of Americans DOES care about what happens outside of America. Sure, most Americans cannot point out
The Netherlands on a blank world map, but most of them recognize our freedom,
our products, our innovation, our history and our culture of being honest and direct.
Every American that comes to my country (and that's a lot) never wants to leave, because it is exactly what Americans used to stand for; freedom on principle and progress from entrepreneurship. The Netherlands IS the American Dream.
Meanwhile, you are turning that dream into a fantasy for the actual America.
You are turning America into a failed state. You are turning it into Russia;
the country that is telling its citizens they are fighting Nazis in Ukraine, while doing complete and utter Nazi shit. The failed communist state turned to fascism.
The country that once was your biggest enemy is now your example.
You want to break down democracy completely and turn the US into an autocracy,
while your orange cult-leader is using pure Nazi rhetoric, to rally his cult-members.
You are the one showing your ignorance. You just know the people of your in-group and you have no curiosity about anything happening anywhere else in the world.
That's why you think America is just like you, while it absolutely is not.
I know more about your country than you.
You are a minority. You are not a real American. America is based on liberty,
America is liberal and you are a traitor to America's core principles.
I agree. 😈
Hi everyone 🙋♂️,
First of all I just wanted to introduce myself, Me Mongo
I am the soul survivor of a botched abortion my Mommy, Saggy Granny #610414 she preformed on me & my twin brother with a rusty old coat hanger, I was left severely disfigured having one of my eyeballs poked out, one side of my face no longer works from trauma & one of my testicles was ripped out, even though my penis received some scaring from the procedure, its ok, but instead of pointing up on a erection it points down 🤷♂️
My twin bro, he was never officially named, but I gave him a name, Bro, I love you Bro 🥹, didn't make it, while Mommy was fidgeting around trying to get me out, the coat hanger pierced his widdle heart & he died 😭.
Mommy got me out & threw me into a plastic bucket, I tried & tried with all my widdle might to climb the big plastic wall, I could not escape. Bro, even in his death saved me, in all the confusion when he came out, Charlie got up of the couch to kick him out the door of our trailer park home & bumped my abortion bucket over, so I took the chance & slithered under the couch & hid, feeding on old cigarette buts & Arby sandwich leftovers that my Step daddy Charlie had used to masturbate in & once done would chuck under the couch.
I grew strong & eventually was able to leave my confides of living under the couch & got a job working for the local parks department, scaping off roadkill of the roads in our local county, putting them into plastic garbage bags & have now improved myself again & have become a Uber Eats food delivery driver in my local area.
Love always
Me Mongo 💖
👉 /blogs/58025.html 👈
No more stolen "Double Beef 'n Cheddar" meal's only registered users can see external links for U Mommy #610414 while I'm out on Uber anymore, its given me a bad rating
Here's one. A byplane crop duster buzzes a running man through a corn field.
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Republicans, they stand “for the family” (sic). As long as the family is rich. 😈
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Harris campaign rakes in $310M in July, far outpacing Trump
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--------------------------------------- added after 48 seconds
Trump is done for. He should drop out and save his party a huge embarrassment.😈
bella! Reason: Just for the hell of it
PITBULL Reason: Asshole
Sir-Skittles Reason: ASSHOLE
ChainsawGutsFuck Reason: Too much cum in mouth
Mongo Reason: Retard
You are a sad individual.
BUT Whoever you are, why not contribute something yourself?
I want border security,I want safe streets,I want criminals to stay behind bars, I want a leader that others are Scared of,not laughing their ass's off at while raiding their neighbors.
Kamala wants to laugh it all off and leave the borders wide open and give citizen ship to those that are trying to steal it because they can swim.
Scummy Woody and his crime, yer dead daddy's resting place, the cerebral palsy brat, and much much more!
Stupid bitch!
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"I hope they lock him up and her along with him"
And then he answers my post. Weird?
U.S. District Judge Mark Walker previously ruled the law is unconstitutional. That decision was upheld by an appeals court in March. Walker’s latest order makes his temporary injunction permanent.
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That idiot, DeSantis, has cost Florida it's reputation and millions in legal fees.
The only way that would even be remotely fair is if normal people were treated with the same respect as the colored and gender confused crowd demand. and they are not.
Straight white males have been discriminated against for years and colored have been hired and promoted over them for the sake of meeting quotas , some of which has been fixed but not the effects linger. the mistrust of the system for sure.
Only one going to jail is that lying rat Avenetti
You really are a slow individual.
And when that is not an option, your scummy kids fight the crows for popcorn in the movie theater dumpster!
Like that old rat could hold up a Harley without tipping over!
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