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Started by #610414 [Ignore] 14,May,20 02:51

New Comment       Rating: 3  

By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 27,Dec,21 21:52 other posts 
The imbecile Joe Biden said he had all the answers on COVID.. now defeated, defers the solution to Republican Governors.

Democrats always critical of decisions others make.. but have NOTHING when they have to make them... WEAK cunts and losers.

Does he even know what day it is??

By phart [Ignore] 27,Dec,21 22:12 other posts 
wasn't it Trump who felt like STATES should be doing most of the leg work during the pandemic when it first started??and folks kept trying to get the fed involved,removing states powers to fix their own issues?
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By dgraff [Ignore] 28,Dec,21 05:50 other posts 
By crackie I do believe your right
By phart [Ignore] 28,Dec,21 10:35 other posts 
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 28,Dec,21 22:11 other posts 
Yup... and the DNC media went CRAZY~~

By onthelose [Ignore] 30,Dec,21 00:06 other posts 
Only because there is someone there to make sure he knows what day it is.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 29,Dec,21 20:49 other posts 
Why does she need so many veggies?
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By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 28,Dec,21 22:11 other posts 
Charlie is MIA and Saggy is down too...

By #610414 22,Dec,21 15:16
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Fewer immigrant workers are coming to fill key jobs. That has slowed the U.S. economy
By phart [Ignore] 27,Dec,21 20:45 other posts 
Where have you been? 1000's of immigrants have crossed over in the past 12 months.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 27,Dec,21 21:52 other posts 

Saggy Granny logic.. she is as dumb as Joe Biden. Senile rats
By phart [Ignore] 27,Dec,21 22:08 other posts 
And she and a couple others insist that they are coming here to work and pay taxes.
We will see.
The link above clearly indicates that the added immigrants from the last 12 months have not improved anything.

By phart [Ignore] 23,Dec,21 16:21 other posts 
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Um some more good folks in florida.I always thought florida was fully of yankees!
By #610414 26,Dec,21 08:13
You would be wrong
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 26,Dec,21 08:36 other posts 
Other than Broward County... solid red!

By #610414 22,Dec,21 09:36
Bella! It’s that time of the year to burry old grudges. Merry Xmas and a prosperous New Year.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 24,Dec,21 13:25 other posts 
That will last 5 days... crazy old rat
By #610414 26,Dec,21 08:12
Are you sure?

By phart [Ignore] 22,Dec,21 20:24 other posts 
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The second story on the page is the 1 of more intrest,the teen was knowledgeable with the gun and protected his mother.
In Philadelphia, a suspect attempting to rob a pizza shop was shot by a 14-year-old boy. The incident occurred at approximately 10 p.m. on December 9 at a local pizzeri

By #610414 11,Dec,21 19:08
Kentucky has been hit by tornadoes. In the coming weeks the people there will need all the help they can get. If you get the chance and are able to, please help
By phart [Ignore] 12,Dec,21 09:22 other posts 
It is getting international attention.
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1 problem that happens after a disaster like this is looting and gawking. While I was working there was a couple times we would have tornados come thru and we would close the roads off to the public as to keep gawkers out of the way of cleanup and rescue.
By #610414 12,Dec,21 17:13
I’ve lived through 7 hurricanes and know about looters. They are vultures that kick people when they are down. And these vultures come in all colors.
By phart [Ignore] 12,Dec,21 20:39 other posts 
Yea, hell has a special hole for those kind I hope.
By phart [Ignore] 19,Dec,21 07:22 other posts 
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By phart [Ignore] 19,Dec,21 20:38 other posts 
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By dgraff [Ignore] 13,Dec,21 05:50 other posts 
OMG I have a connection down there that sends me a case of their special watermelon mash once a year I certainly hope they are ok and I hope God protected the still
By #610414 13,Dec,21 12:07

By phart [Ignore] 17,Dec,21 18:24 other posts 
Another good man in Florida.
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By leopoldij [Ignore] 24,Nov,21 19:57 other posts 
I didn't know that three white men chased a black jogger and shot him. Wow! People are so backwards...
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By #610414 25,Nov,21 08:37
It’s terrible
By leopoldij [Ignore] 25,Nov,21 11:40 other posts 
I'm happy that, in this instance, they were sentenced. Such racist crimes shouldn't be possible.
By phart [Ignore] 25,Nov,21 12:26 other posts 
no squabble with them being held accountable but the race thing is the only reason this has dominated the news. had it been a white boy, we would not have heard as much about it.
The media just keeps flashing the race card because it is profitable.
minimum of 30 years is to long.10 is plenty,and the guy that filmed it should not be given near that much. Without his video,there would not have been as much evidence avaliable.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 25,Nov,21 14:48 other posts 
People shouldn't kill.
Nobody should kill.
People should respect life because life on Earth, as we know it, is probably unique I'm the universe. Killing is not just a bad thing, it's doing a big damage to the whole universe. Intentional killing, as in this case, is the worst. Whoever kills intentionally should be made to regret and should not be considered as a human being.
The media doesn't talk about all the other murders much anymore, because those
are happening every day. The difference between those murders and this one is
that the ONLY reason for this murder was racism. That probably happens more often, but somehow the media found this particular racist murder very interesting.

It's not like this murder provokes any ideas from politicians to do something about racism. And whenever some lunatic kills a bunch of people with military weapons,
it doesn't provoke any action on preventing lunatics the access to military weapons.
You all follow or reject the news for a while, scream about it or get bored with it,
but nobody does anything and the problem continues.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 26,Nov,21 14:40 other posts 
What about the lunatic kid, Rittenhome or something, who killed 2 people and got way with every charge? Isn't that crazy or what?
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 26,Nov,21 15:24 other posts 
Stupid kid wanted to be a hero, got an AR-15 which he is not allowed to have,
went looking for trouble, killed 2 protesters and wounded another and the whole right-wing threats him like a hero. In my book, if you go out looking for trouble
and you find it, it's not self defense.

But in the mind of a right-winger, looking for trouble is a warrant to BE killed,
especially for black people. Both principles are pro death. How is that strange?
By phart [Ignore] 26,Nov,21 17:55 other posts 
Well if you would watch the interview that Kyle did the other day,you would hear him tell joe biden to go back and watch the trial. biden called him a "white supremist"
You need to go research that situation instead of painting it with a broad brush.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 26,Nov,21 19:29 other posts 
I've seen a lot of the trial. That judge was crazy biassed. He said a video of Kyle saying he's going to get an AR-15 and travel to the protests to kill people is not in any way related to the trial for doing exactly that. He did not allow it as evidence.
The prosecutor was useless too, his job was to immediately challenge the judge.
If I was the prosecutor, I would appeal.

And a mother who lets her 17 year old son go to a protest/riot with an AR-15 is also complicit.

Biden calling him a "white supremist" was not smart. It digresses the discussion
to terminology.
By phart [Ignore] 26,Nov,21 21:25 other posts 
He went to provide security to a used car dealership, not participate in the riot. Police actually thanked them for coming to help maintain some level of order,which we all know 3 rioters prompted disorder and caused this whole mess to happen. Police were overwhelmed. As I have said before, 1 of the rioters had a gun, what was he going to do with a gun at the riot?
Peaceful protest my ass. those people have evil intentions,hence the reason there was calls for help for securing bussiness's and private property.
As a side note, 1 of the rioters killed raped 5 young boys, multilabel times. Far as I am concerned, he got much less than he deserved dying on the asphalt.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 29,Nov,21 04:20 other posts 
One of the protesters had a gun? Wow!
Ever seen protests of white supremacists?
....more than one gun, I tell you. (per protester)

When there are legitimate causes to protest for, it sadly also attracts vandals.
There are daily protests against the Covid measures here. I don't agree with them, but I agree with their right to protest. Most of those protests are peaceful, but it escalates almost weakly. Massive fights break out between the protesters and the police. Always at night, they start destroying police vehicles, lighting random cars on fire, breaking shop windows and looting the shops.
The protesters say to care about the owners of shops, pubs and restaurants having trouble to survive, because of the lockdowns, but then the protesters destroy many of those shops, pubs and restaurants, to give them the last push.
Because of the violence, my brother in law stopped joining those protests.
He says there are some crazy people in those crowds.

As long as there's a reason for protests, bad people use them to live out their violent tendencies. So better make sure the reasons are worth the trouble.
The reasons for the Covid measures are to prevent overburdening hospitals with Covid patients to breaking point, so people with Covid or cancer or hart failure can still get admitted to hospital and don't have to die (at home).
What are the reasons again, for not doing anything against police violence?
By #275407 29,Nov,21 17:46
Who said he's not allowed to have an ar15, the law in 30 states sais your allowed to own a rifle including an ar15 over the age of 14.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 26,Nov,21 14:42 other posts 
The US is a really dangerous place.
I'm glad I'm not there.
I'd be forced to have a gun too
but I can't possibly imagine myself
holding one. I'm happy that, for now,
where I live is very safe and nobody
has a gun. Basically, nothing happens.
It's quite cool this way.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 26,Nov,21 15:40 other posts 
The danger is not my reason to not want to live in the US. I prefer socialist paradises. lol
Even if I somehow became very wealthy (which would be incredible luck, because I'm not prepared to either work very hard or just lazy and scam other people for it),
I would still prefer the higher tax burden over my shame towards my impoverished fellow countrymen. That would put a damper on me enjoying my money.

Besides that, there is a bit higher chance of getting murdered in the US, but I still wouldn't buy a gun. It's just a fantasy that it can ever safe your life. Best way to save your life, if the shit hits the fan, is getting the fuck out of there. If you start shooting, you will only kill other people who just pulled out their gun to protect themselves.

I can definitely see myself holding a gun or shooting a gun, because I already have and thought it was a lot of fun, as a sport. However I deal with danger in very objective way. Owning guns would only increase my personal risk, unless I lived
in a fucking war-zone.

I don't worry about small chances and only take preventative measures that lower my risks. I have fire detectors and dependable locks, which I close at night, I wear my seat-belt, I try to keep my cholesterol levels and blood pressure low and I took the Covid vaccine. That keeps the most real risks to a minimum. Besides that, I do some things to support pressure on politicians and informing the masses on climate change, because that will surely be increasingly irritating, maybe dangerous and probably costly, in the future. But since I'm not personally able of affecting any real change, I'm not going to ruin my life over it, for as long as that's possible. It would however be future suicide, for me to support politicians who deny the problem and delay measures to prevent the worst of it. I'm asking to be forced to pay for my zero carbon footprint, with everyone else, because me doing it alone doesn't change anything and only hurts me personally. That's just rational selfishness.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 26,Nov,21 17:33 other posts 
The US *is* a dangerous place.
It's the only country in the world where there are more guns than people. Obviously, people are scared there and keep buying guns. They're shitting their pants because their neighbours have guns, the police have guns, children have guns, white supremacists have guns, black guys have guns, women have guns, lawyers have guns, butchers have guns, gardeners have guns, .... everyone has guns.

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By phart [Ignore] 26,Nov,21 17:58 other posts 
So we folks that just want to have a fair chance at defending ourselves should just carry a cell phone and be right with the Lord in case he calls , right?
You folks just stay where you are,there are enough naive wimps here in the US that depend on the police to much already for their safety .

There was a domestic dispute down the road a peice about a month ago, man beat his wife and she came to my house to call for help because he had busted her cell phone. She called a family member for help on the landline and I called 911 for a deputy to come out and check the situation as I knew there were 2 small kids in the house and I was more concerned about them than anything else. 2 deputys showed up, 18 minutes later. 18 minutes.
Now had there been a criminal trying to kill me, he would have had time to make a sandwich and raid the house and leave after doing it in 18 minutes.
You folks in those liberal paradises are so naive.I wont say stupid,you were just raised to trust in government to much. Indoctrinated I think they call it.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 26,Nov,21 20:10 other posts 
I didn't say any of these things you uttered. I just said that everyone in three US is armed to their teeth because of you live in a dangerous country and because you're scared and so do most people who buy guns. If I were there I'd have to buy guns too. It's really bad to live in such a fear. I fully understand you.
By #275407 27,Nov,21 11:21
I counted my guns, I have 42 of them, gees, not enough, I'm thinking about buying some rifles now that I know I can shoot someone from 300 feet away and claim self defense.
By phart [Ignore] 27,Nov,21 12:56 other posts 
IT is perfectly understandable to call it self defense if they TO are equipped with a rifle pointed at you.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 27,Nov,21 13:23 other posts 
I completely agree.
By #610414 27,Nov,21 13:59
Phart if both of you are defending yourselves does that mean both of you are right and can legally kill each other? Seems like a fucked up way to greet each other
By phart [Ignore] 27,Nov,21 19:12 other posts 
Unless it is pointed at you,it is not a threat to you. So if both people are armed and carrrying the guns properly,there is no threat.
if 1 points it at the other, it is completely logical for the other 1 to react.But then only the 1 pointed AT is defending themselves, the pointer is guilty of a threat.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 29,Nov,21 06:05 other posts 
You are really counting on the gun owner to be responsible and have good judgement in any situation. Not even the police is doing a good job at that.

There are infinite situations possible that can be perceived as a threat, but aren't. The gun owner responds, starts shooting and kills innocent people.

Many people in your country are afraid of every Muslim carrying a bag.
Not strange when that bigotry gets enforced by politicians like Lauren Boebert, making a joke about Ilhan Omar, (not) carrying a bag pack
in an elevator.
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I can't tell you how often middle eastern people are killed for looking like
a terrorist, because they are not even specified as an ethnicity in the statistics. Are they under black, other or unknown?
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By phart [Ignore] 29,Nov,21 09:02 other posts 
Uh, gee,where were you when the muslims killed over 3500 people with airplanes on 9-11-01??
We have DAMN good reason to fear the 1 religion that's book clearly states convert or kill the infidels.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 29,Nov,21 11:56 other posts 
No I was not there. I saw it on television, probably just like you.
It was absolutely horrible, but it didn't make 1.6 billion Muslims terrorists.
Treating people as suspects, just because of their race or religion, that's discrimination by definition.

I'm sure all history combined, Christians have killed way more Muslims than Muslims killed Christians. Christians started the hostilities hundreds of years ago and it's not like they ever stopped.
In the historical contest of which race kills the most people of other races,
white people win easy.

There are at least 100 verses in the bible about killing non believers.
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By phart [Ignore] 29,Nov,21 13:53 other posts 
True, can't argue with the HISTORY. Christain's aint killed 1000's in quite a few decades. Perhaps they LEARNED from history it was wrong?
I will admit, right after 9-11, if I saw someone that looked "muslim", I got as far away as I could. BUT even I have learned that not all of them think that way. BUT how the hell do you know which are which? A back pack or suit case or speaking in language no one else can understand to each other are suttle things that prompt fear. .
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 30,Nov,21 11:15 other posts 
"BUT how the hell do you know which are which?"

It's not a completely water tight system, but the ones who choose to come to the satanic western world tend to be not the worst ones. When we leave them in, we should just check if their not know terrorists and then keep an eye on them for a while. If they go make a life for themselves, they prove to be trustworthy after a while. If they are extremists and up to no good, that will be noticeable pretty soon. You have the biggest intelligence machine in the world. They should be able to pick up when a few of them are getting radicalized.

There is reason for your fear. When Muslims go extreme, they get themselves all over the news. That actually is the strategy of those extremists, because they want us to fear them. But that's not the people we let in. They are harmed by that extreme ideology too.

Other than that, the violent murders in your country are mostly committed by right wing extremists and other crazed lunatics.
Most often, many people had seen signs years leading up to it. Domestic violence is the largest predictive factor. But if you don't want background checks or other preventive measure, anyone can acquire the tools to rain death on crowds of people.
By phart [Ignore] 30,Nov,21 12:49 other posts 
can you imagine for a moment the horror the flight instructors felt when they saw the faces of the men who flew those planes into the towers and pentagon and realized THEY had taught those people how to fly the planes???
Don't you think those men were vetted to some degree before they were put in flight school?
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 08,Dec,21 04:46 other posts 
I imagine the flight instructors felt horrible about it. A flight school in Minneapolis reported suspicious behavior in August 2001. The FBI was investigating terrorists planning to attack the US with planes, so actually your intelligence system works right.

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Many people are questioning why the hijackers weren't stopped. Some say the Bush administration let it happen, because it was the perfect reason for their war plans in the Middle East. I think that is a bit much, but they absolutely used it to the maximum potential.
The bigger question is; if they were so successful in using 9/11 to start the wars, why were they so completely incapable of achieving their goals? They say they wanted to bring piece and democracy to Iraq for starters and democratize more of the Middle East with that example.
How did that turn out? Perfect, if they wanted perpetual war!

The Bush family and Dick Cheney both had massive ties to the defense industry and surely made a lot of money from those wars. Would democracy in the Middle East have helped them?
I think they got exactly what they wanted. Big bucks for them and useful fear for the public. Or haven't you noticed?
By phart [Ignore] 09,Dec,21 22:58 other posts 
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By #610414 27,Nov,21 13:56
Cody, do you use a wheel barrow or a wagon to transport all them guns to the shootout?
By #275407 27,Nov,21 17:24
Really, I don't think I could shoot animal or humans. I leave them in my bedroom where they are safe and secure and never carry them outside of my house.
By phart [Ignore] 27,Nov,21 20:20 other posts 
Yea, i hope I never have to hurt or kill anyone.
I went as far as untangling a little lizard from a spider web last week.I don't know if he made it or not,he had it so tight around himself in 2 places I have to put him on the work bench and use tweezers and a exacto knife to get it off of him,he had fought trying to get out of it so long he was hardly moving when I found him. He ran off into the leaves but he was weak.
By #610414 30,Nov,21 18:00
42 guns?
You know, it's the ammo that does the damage, right?
Or are you going to throw the damned things?

In Counter-Strike you can carry two guns.
One good sniper rifle and one good SMG is all that you need.
Or are you expecting an Alamo situation?
By #275407 29,Nov,21 05:48
My dad was a gun collector and was a law enforcement officer for 36 years and was also in the military for 17 years. When he passed away five years ago, I inherited all his weapons and possessions.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 29,Nov,21 06:44 other posts 
My best friend plays airsoft and owns an increasing collection of airsoft guns. He is very careful to put them into a locked closet, so his children don't hurt themselves.
Real guns do more damage. I understand the appeal of them, but I don't like their potential. People are not allowed to own deadly poisons or the raw materials for bombs, but they are allowed to own guns, which are even more efficient murder tools.

My country does allow them too, but under much more strict regulation.
I would understand allowing ex-cops 'easy' access to guns (unless they
were fired/prosecuted for police violence), so they could continue to protect society. They should be more responsible than regular citizens. But an ex-soldier is a trained killer and possibly traumatized. I would regulate them even more strict than regular citizens. I guess you are pro gun ownership. But what level of regulation would you think is sensible?
If a guy was prosecuted for beating his wife into the hospital, should he
still be allowed to own a gun collection? What if people are not prosecuted yet, but family and friends ask the police to take their guns away, because they see them going insane. What should they do?

How do you draw the line between the 'good guy with a gun' and a 'bad guy with a gun'?
By phart [Ignore] 29,Nov,21 09:07 other posts 
If a fellow walks into a bank with his gun drawn hollaring "give me the money", he is the bad guy. The person that draws a gun and shoots his ass dead and puts the gun back in it's holster ,potentially saving the lives of the tellers and customers,is the good guy.
The guy that breaks down a door on a house with a gun drawn to hurt and kill a family,the homeowner pulling a gun and blowing his ass back out of the door,is the good guy.
Real simple really.

Hammers can hurt or kill. Just ask the guy I threw a 16 oz claw hammer at when I was in high school.He had picked on me for years and he said something I and threw the hammer at him. He tilted his head to his left as the hammer went INTO the cement block wall putting cement and mortar chunks in his ear and hair.Needless to say,he didn't mess with me any more.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 29,Nov,21 11:37 other posts 
So no regulation whatsoever and everybody can buy guns, without any background check?

Well, the large majority of American gun owners doesn't agree with you.

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By phart [Ignore] 29,Nov,21 13:57 other posts 
NEVER did I say that there should be NO regulation. If you have a history of being a nutcase on medicines for it you should not have a gun. Here is the beginning of the problems.
NUT CASES< being turned loose to over medicate or undermedicated and harm others.
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And IF someone is concerned about a person having guns and making threats,law enforcement should take it seriously.
I just hope the Fbi having to pay out all this money MIGHT wake their ass's up next time someone trys to warn them about a punk wanting to hurt people.
Shame it cost lives to get the point accross the punk was a threat.HE COULD HAVE BEEN STOPPED.BUT No.
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Honestly, I think this was ALLOWED to happen to prompt more gun control.
By #275407 29,Nov,21 14:26
I think we should ban hammers
By phart [Ignore] 29,Nov,21 16:40 other posts 
I know 1 fellow that might agree, but in later years he has roofed the house twice! So he may have decided to improve his own skills with a hammer! so he was paid in cash!
By #610414 30,Nov,21 18:01
How many mass murders at schools have been committed with hammers then?
By phart [Ignore] 08,Dec,21 20:27 other posts 
not any that I know of.
BUT go thru some of these mind boggling charts. Doesn't look like the nether regions have much business judging other countrys crime rates.
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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 13,Dec,21 05:39 other posts 
The 'nether regions'

The Netherlands has the 53th crime rate in the world. Actually not that impressive, I agree. But still better than the US, which is 30th in the world. If guns prevented crime, than why is the US way up there in crime rate?

And why are you talking about crime. Sure, getting you bike stolen is annoying, but not as much as getting your life taken. Murder is what we were talking about. And in the US people are 5-6 times more likely to get murdered than in The Netherlands.
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Apart from some tiny countries, which had no murders at all in 2021, Japan does best on murder rate. They are about 3 times safer than the Netherlands. Actually pretty surprising, considering they have the Yakuza. Maybe they're just more efficient in hiding the bodies.

But in conclusion, the statistics show having easy access to guns doesn't lower your crime rate and it doesn't lower you murder rate. So you just have guns, because they make you FEEL safer. I would too, if I was they only one allowed to have them.

But what about the crime rate; might it be the police force? It surprised me a bit to find out we have some more people in law enforcement:
The Netherlands: 295 officers/100.000 inhabitants
The US: 239 officers/100.000 inhabitants
The US spends more of its GDP on Public Order & Safety, but has less actual police people.
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Actually, crime is very complicated. People go into crime for so many different reasons. It can be debt, greed, frustration, desperation, anger, mental illness, addictions, group pressure or just boredom. Certainly the risk of getting caught and severity of punishment play a role, but people also don't want to live in a police state. So you have to balance your freedom with the consequences of freedom. And that might actually be the bottom line of every discussion we've had.
By #610414 30,Nov,21 18:09
I was going to say that for you to start shooting in a crowded bank was not good as you are endangering other innocent bystanders but, after reading your response about half a million deaths from Covid being a small amount of victims, I can understand why you don’t give a fig about starting a shootout in a crowded plac.
By phart [Ignore] 04,Dec,21 22:05 other posts 
Funny how liberals love numbers and stats when they benefit their cause or plans but try using them to explain something.
I gave you the damn digits, facts not jibberish,and you think I AM the dumbass?
Sheesh,how did you survive in the real world???????
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 08,Dec,21 04:04 other posts 
What liberal causes are benefited by Covid deaths?

How about this logic; the more death and damage a problem causes,
the more action is required.
By phart [Ignore] 08,Dec,21 09:38 other posts 
Sadly covid has prompted the American people to loose money. Loosing money means loosing control of some aspects of peoples lives. Putting them dependent on the government. Which is the ultimate goal of liberals.
Lives lost of older people that have paid into social security means MORE MONEY that has been paid into social security that the person paying it can't draw, so that means more that can be handed out to illegals that have done nothing for it.Thus buying votes.
And if you look at the idea of Voter Replacement , older conservatives that die from the virus and more illegals that come into the US given voting rights and such gives the liberals a greater chance of maintaining control.
I could go on but you would still disagree thinking it is all fine for us to be locked out of the world for eternity eating delivered pizza
By #610414 08,Dec,21 13:58
Who put that crazy idea that libs want people to be dependent on the government? If anything, it’s you, conservatives, that try to regulate the public with your Christian morals and 1800’s racist views.
Liberals or Democrats are already the majority in this country. It’s the reason Republican legislators try to gerrymander voting districts.
You can go on but, I doubt any more will sound less asinine than what you just spouted.
By phart [Ignore] 08,Dec,21 17:36 other posts 
The reason why democrats are becoming a majority is they are being brought in from the mexican border.
Voter replacement.
By #610414 08,Dec,21 17:44
Sure, Phart. You keep saying that to yourself. And don’t believe the moon is made of cheese. It’s made of Hershey’s chocolate.
By phart [Ignore] 08,Dec,21 18:08 other posts 
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I like extra sharp cheddar cheese better than chocolate.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 08,Dec,21 22:23 other posts 
Democrats are also trying to make the US insecure by wanting to make weapons less accessible to even god-fearing, law-abiding citizens because they argue that killers are law-abiding up to the point they pull the trigger and blow the brains off some schollk1ds. What they fail to realize is that (1) these peeople have never been fully law abiding; in fact, a lot of studies show that they have been sympathetic to communists; and (2) that schoolk1ds shouldn't have irresponsible parents who let them go to school without protection. A real mess, they often create, the Democrats I mean. It looks like they love to make a mess and then blame others especially because they control many leftist newspapers like the new York times, the Washington post and the Kalamazoo Tribune.
By phart [Ignore] 09,Dec,21 00:34 other posts 
Neither party contains all saints. But just as some here say war is profitable to the republicans, riots and violence on the news sells advertising. And the libs own and control most media.
By #610414 09,Dec,21 12:21
Top 70 Most Influential Conservative News Sites by Global Alexa Rating (Research-Based)
Fox News
WSJ Opinion Journal
Drudge Report
The Blaze
Daily Caller
Washington Times
National Review
Town Hall
Free Republic
Instant Pundit
CNS News
Hot Air
Washington Examiner
Weekly Standard
Heritage Foundation – It conducts basic research on public policy. Its stated mission is to formulate and promote conservative public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional values, and a strong national defense.
Lew Rockwell
Glenn Beck
American Thinker
Rush Limbaugh
Western Center for Journalism
LifeSite News
Life News – It has lots of abortion-related stories, and prioritizes them well, but is not critical enough of politicians who pretend to be pro-life
The Libertarian Republic – A free market news, culture, and opinion magazine featuring the writing of prominent libertarians, conservatives, independents and sometimes democrats. The goal of TLR is to inform and educate citizens on important news stories from a perspective of economic freedom and personal liberty. We are non-partisan and devoted to the principles of liberty.
Red State
Matt Walsh Blog
Gateway Pundit
Powerline – It rose to national public attention during the 2004 election when it questioned the validity of a 60 Minutes report and documents used were later proven as forgeries. The controversy is now infamously known as “Rathergate”
Frontpage Magazine
The Right Scoop
Weasel Zippers
Right Wing News
Canada Free Press
Common Sense Show
Ace of Spades
Human Events
The Black Sphere
The American Spectator
Federalist Papers
Ann Coulter
The American Conservative
Legal Insurrection
Jihad Watch
Freedom Works
Commentary Magazine
Army Times
American Renaissance
Barracuda Brigade
Dick Morris
First Things
Renew America
The Other McCain
Media Research Center
Bill O’Reilly
Daniel Pipes
Western Journal
Sean Hannity
V Dare
Mark Levin
White House Dossier
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

Yeah, not enough conservative news sources.
By #610414 09,Dec,21 12:46
Leo, the second sentence doesn’t change the first. In many countries, and especially in Europe, laws are based on the Napoleonic code where accused are guilty and forced to prove their innocence. Here, in the US, all accused are presumed innocent until PROVEN guilty. Studies do not identify the bad individual. So, a crazy maniac takes advantage of a passé Constitutional amendment and gets a firearm. He commits a heinous crime and then he’s no longer a law abiding citizen. And, pray tell, what does being in sympathy towards Communism have to do with mass shootings? You say Democrats created this mess? Can you explain why this mess existed when we’ve had so many Republican administrations and Congress has been mostly controlled by Republicans? I just posted 70 influential news sources in answer to Phart’s post. I think conservatives like to blame the main media for their failures. They just can’t get it in their minds that there’s a majority of people that like middle of the road or left leaning politics more than the conservative.
By phart [Ignore] 10,Dec,21 09:48 other posts 
democrats did away with institutions where the crazy were kept away from society. They put to much reliance on medicines and therapy's when they themselves don't even know how they work and will admit on advertising.
Using the latest school shooting in michigan. The neighbors warned authorities there were issues in that house long before the shooting. BUT as usual ,it is racist or profiling or some technicality that prevents law enforcement from going in,taking the people away to a place and checking them out and finding issues.
Why must people die before the law enforcement or others take action against potential threats???????
By #610414 10,Dec,21 17:26
It’s called the rules of law
By phart [Ignore] 10,Dec,21 20:38 other posts 
Well everybody talks about changing shit,looks like there needs to be a change in the laws so when there is a potential threat it can be dealt with promptly instead of waiting for bloody sidewalks before anything is done.
By #610414 11,Dec,21 19:03
No argument here

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