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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
Please feel free to post miscellaneous subject matter, aka STUFF in this thread.

Please attempt to remain somewhat respectful to other members, ninnyhammers, dummies and folks you just don't like. Thank you.

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By JustWill [Ignore] 31,Jul,18 18:22 other posts 
My subjectivity and lack of visions for justice will eventually be my own undoing.
Or, so I have been told.
Truthfully, I always thought my undoing would be a result of the fact that I am slightly red/green colorblind.
--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutes

This just in: Pride is going to be what destroys me.
Apparently, my subjectivity and lack of visions for justice aren't all that bad.
By Ravioli_Max [Ignore] 25,Aug,18 04:22 other posts 
Just Will...I want to show you these so badly.:

Darth Vader vs. Batman

only registered users can see external links

Darth Vader vs. Batman-Alternative Ending

only registered users can see external links

I prefer the alternative ending one, myself.
By 2nice [Ignore] 25,Aug,18 06:34 other posts 
Subjectivity is subjective.
By JustWill [Ignore] 25,Aug,18 09:01 other posts 
Is that an objective opinion?

By JustWill [Ignore] 24,Aug,18 21:23 other posts 
Here's an odd question:

What the hell is an "English Room"?

While on a school trip into the city when I was in 8th grade, our bus drove past an adult "Entertainment" establishment. On the side of the building there was a large sign which listed what the place had to offer. One line read "English Rooms Available".
The buddy I was sitting with on the bus pointed it out to me and asked "What the fuck is an 'English Room'"?
My reply was to shrug and tell him "Maybe they give you a blowjob and then serve tea."
To this day, I have no idea if I was right or not.
Anyone able to solve that mystery for me?
By kebmo [Ignore] 24,Aug,18 21:53 other posts 
I prefer coffee.

I checked Urban Dictionary, my favourite place to go when I feel too old for the word or phrase, they had nothing so I assume it's not sexual.
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Aug,18 00:00 other posts 
That's was your thought and response at 13 years old? That explains so much!
By JustWill [Ignore] 25,Aug,18 01:42 other posts 
You've read my stories. What can I say? I was a precocious lad.
By Ravioli_Max [Ignore] 25,Aug,18 02:11 other posts 
I'm thinking these places employ a lot of women from the Orient and many of them don't speak any English or very little English, so the sign may have meant that some if not all of their employees, even their Asian ones, spoke English so don't worry...they can understand you and communicate just fine. As a matter of fact, the establishment may have been owned by Asian people and possibly one of them wrote that English was not his or her first language so it turned out as being just a little bit different and tricky to understand. You know when, for example, if you see someone wearing a t-shirt from Japan with English on it, or read an old instruction booklet, it does make sense and may be correct wording, but it isn't worded the way we would say it or write it here. I guess that's called syntax.
By JustWill [Ignore] 25,Aug,18 08:53 other posts 
You might be right, Max. Still, that explanation is a lot less exciting than the "blowjobs and tea" scenario that I have been imagining all these years...

By 2nice [Ignore] 24,Aug,18 12:04 other posts 
Why do so many men take pictures of their junk while sitting on the toilet?
By JustWill [Ignore] 24,Aug,18 12:08 other posts 
Maybe they think it's SUPER SEXY if the viewer catches a glimpse of a random "floater" in the water underneath?
By bella! [Ignore] 24,Aug,18 12:44 other posts 
Yeah, I actually called a premium paid member out on a picture that he posted like that.

You know how you men folk can be. This guy popped a boner just after he dropped a deuce but in his moment of excitement he decided to make it a Kodak moment. He stood up, schlong in hand hovering over the toilet bowl AND the turd below. SNAP and post.

This guy has a tendency to not have any regard for what can be seen in the background of his pictures. Most of the time it looks like someone came in and ransacked the place.
By JustWill [Ignore] 24,Aug,18 12:53 other posts 
First of all, I take umbrage (UMBRAGE, I SAY!) at the "how you men folk can be" bit, ma'am. While I fully recognize how SOME (most?) men folk can be, I am happily not one of those.

Second, perhaps that particular photo was intended to be one of the COMPARISON pics that so many of the guys here seem to be so fond of posting. ("Look, folks, my dingus is bigger than a turd!" or, on a sadder note "It's so depressing when your poops are larger than your dingle-dangle.")
By bella! [Ignore] 24,Aug,18 13:22 other posts 
You're absolutely correct, it is some men.

While we are on the subject of men, why do you think that SOME men ("straight" guys included) seem to enjoy exposing their assholes? Shoving their hand and arms in assholes? Or shoving their fingers, hands and arms up into a vag?

I wonder if women are into this? I can only speak for myself, I am not although, I have been known to diddle about a man's ass with my fingers and tongue.
By JustWill [Ignore] 24,Aug,18 13:42 other posts 
Although I have made it a hobby to study men in my spare time for most of my life, I must confess that many of their behaviors (such as those you have mentioned) leave me baffled.

I will admit, in the spirit of full disclosure, that I DO find a pic of a handsome ass with just a peek of the owner's asshole visible can often make my dangly parts a bit less...dangly. The gaping bung-hole shots are NOT attractive at all. (I have zero interest in seeing your spleen, pal!)

I think the only real answer to your question is that Charles Darwin only got his theory partially right. Women may have EVOLVED from apes, but most men are still working on the EVOLVING part.
By bella! [Ignore] 24,Aug,18 14:44 other posts 
Oh, I probably should have said that it is the bent over, cheeks spread asshole pictures that I am repulsed by. Let it be known, I am a fan of a beautiful butt
By #562152 25,Aug,18 07:09
JustWill, you may take "umbrage" at "how you men folk can be", but you can't change the truth.
By kebmo [Ignore] 24,Aug,18 14:37 other posts 
Of my 1914 photos you will find no (none, zilch, nada) photos of me sitting on a toilet or of any butt holes (butts yes but not the bent over spread photos).
It just never occurred to me that taking a photo while sitting on the toilet would be appealing.
As for the butt hole photos, they gross me out. When I see one I hold my breath and quickly scroll away, not breathing again until the photo is out of my sight. When I go to a profile with many such photos I leave the profile and don't return.
--------------------------------------- added after 5 hours

*** 1903 now. I deleted all of my personal uploads.

By bella! [Ignore] 25,Aug,18 00:03 other posts 
If anyone drinks Coke Zero, my female sibling says that Coca Cola Zero Sugar is a different recipe then Coke Zero and tastes different to her. I can't taste the difference and I think she's crazy. Anyone else notice a difference ?
By veryshyguy [Ignore] 25,Aug,18 00:11 other posts 
I don't like those diet pop drinks! I **** the taste of all of them!
By Ravioli_Max [Ignore] 25,Aug,18 02:13 other posts 
That reminds me. Everybody wants Coke from Mexico. Do they put sugar in it in Mexico when they make it and does the U.S. use high-fructose corn syrup instead of sugar, by any chance?

By bella! [Ignore] 23,Aug,18 22:11 other posts 
Our "100 days of summer" is coming to an end in the northern hemisphere.
By veryshyguy [Ignore] 25,Aug,18 00:09 other posts 
The high country in Colorado is also getting colder at night and we've had some snow in the higher elevations but that goes away quickly when the sun comes out.

While some of the leaves in the city here are turning colors, most of that is because of the drought conditions. The same for the higher elevations.

I don't mind the winter but I prefer spring/summer/fall seasons. I'm not much into winter sports anymore, other than snowshoeing and I hike in the foothills west of Denver where there isn't that much snow.

By bella! [Ignore] 22,Aug,18 01:52 other posts 
Regarding the Evaluation Panel.

I was asked today, why would a member vote to delete the referred member AND freeze the voting process. In my head, freezing the voting process only seems necessary and logical in the instance where you need to reach out to the referred member to encourage them to edit their gallery. They are not always online when you are, so there is freeze time of up to 24 hours is given.

Today a voter voted to delete the referred member then froze the voting process. Why? Very odd! Fast forward 12+ hours and it seems that the member freezing the voting had second thoughts about their vote and canceled their vote entirely!! And the voting process is still frozen. Cuckoo!
By #562152 22,Aug,18 08:05
Excuse my rauchiness,but this policing system sucks the big one. Its arbitrary, unfair, and undefendable. Admin, find another way or fix the current system.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 22,Aug,18 08:56 other posts 
There are certainly flaws in the system, not least of which is the eagerness with which some members seem to vote to delete without any explanation of how or why they came to that decision. I can only hope that they have cchecked out the alleged abuse but somehow I doubt it.
The systen itself is not the fault it is the way that some members us it that is the problem.
By bella! [Ignore] 22,Aug,18 10:50 other posts 
I agree with Andthisisme, it's really a decent system but it is the voting membership that is the "sucky" part. Not too long ago, admin tweaked the system so that if there was a referral to give consideration to, you knew. With that tweak came a bunch of new voters which is good AND bad.

Yesterday there were 3 referrals made within, probably, a 2 hour time period. We can go days and not see that many and 3 in two hours, GEESH!

What I've noticed and what really bothers me is that some voters just vote and they don't post a comment so basically, and in my head that means they have no opinion.

So yesterday, the first referral I see is for "Dangerous behavior". The referring member is not new to the evaluation system that is in place so why call it "Dangerous behavior" when your claim is about finding matches elsewhere on the internet? This claim CLEARLY falls under "Copyright/stolen" category. The referring member stated that the images could be found all over the internet and included links to Tumblr and one to only registered users can see external links . I excluded Tumblr as being valid proof and checked the imageporn link. Because the referring member did not include a specific picture or pictures, I visited the referred member's profile to see if I could find what I recalled seeing. I did and for the ease of the next voters, I attached a couple pictures to validate the referring members claim and the comment I provided was that not only was the referral made incorrectly (it was not "Dangerous behavior") also that we cannot vote to delete membership solely because their images were found elsewhere and reminded the referring member that their images can be found on the internet as well.

So here come the voters after me and there were 3 members that didn't agree with the referral (or possibly my vote), one member did comment and said his image could be found all over the internet, the other two voters had no opinions, no comments left. Ultimately, the referred member was deleted.

The second referral is submitted correctly as "Il-legal image" because the referring member believes the images are of young ladies who are not 18 years of age. The referring member does not submit any "evidence" nor do they provide any rationale with their referral, just a picture.

The picture submitted with the referral is clearly of two CLOTHED young women who both have their tongues sticking out, like Miley Cyrus, a a picture that you would probably find on Facebook. The member who uploaded these pictures in his gallery, Cockzilla, titled the picture something like this; "That's Sammi on the left, she's 18 and Rainey on the right, 22".

The first voter comes along and votes to delete. Why? I don't know. In my head, those are "of age" young women who are fully clothed and voted NO ABUSE. I provided my rationale but clearly, the majority decided that the picture was inappropriate and the member was deleted. One member did say that his gut impression was that the girls were not 18 and felt that their images were posted without their knowledge and would reach our to Cockzilla for clarification but without freezing the voting process, which allowed the others to vote to delete prior to Cockzilla being able to defend himself.

The third referral was "Copyright/stolen" and in my opinion, a clean referral. I voted to delete, the comment that I post if I am in agreement with the referring member is "As stated". This is the one where the member comes along, votes to delete but freezes the voting. WHY? It took the additional 24 hours to resolve but it looks like the member was deleted.
By #562152 22,Aug,18 12:42
@ Bella,,,,as far as I can see, you followed a protocol that, to you, seems fair. Ok, maybe i'm making too much of it, but, in any of these people have a chance to post on the deletion page the reasons why they don't think they are breaking the rules? On the 1st example, did it do any good that you didn't think it was worthy of deletion? On the 2nd example, was the member able to prove these women/girls were the age they claim they were? Cockzilla is a friend on site, honestly, he seems to be a person that would compromise and removed the pics or prove they are true. But, this complain came from people that "thought" the girls were un derage. Yes, maybe it's better to be safe than sorry, but that is subjective and really, wrong. The 3rd the claim was true. You voted to delete. It's allowed by the rules, but,,was the member given the chance to delete the pics??
I know that changing the system would probably be hard, maybe expensive, certainly a pain in the rear for admin, but, I ask. Is the reporting member required to contact the offending member and saying, "I'm putting you in the deletion committee because,,etc,etc,etc"? Does someone go to offending member and says, "You have 24 hrs to remove offending pics or you are out"???Does the clock start when the member is reached or when the complain comes in???
allowing 48 hours for Copyright/stolen pics to be removed will not hurt anyone. Having the reporting member accusing the offending member would make it harder to accuse someone because you don't like him/her. Giving an offending member a place to state his case might make those mindless voters to think a little before voting someone out.

All right, now I'm going to do some crowing. Most that know me here know that i like to have fun,,i try to be helpful, I'm entertaining, I post without inhibitions, say what i mean, and seldom are mean to someone unless provoked. I'm the 3rd most active member on site behind Ms Bella and Ms Lix. Why am i saying all this?? Because when i joined about 3 plus yrs ago i read the rules as follows,,I skipped to the end and agreed to them,,then, i loaded up some of my pics and photo shopped some. Ms Bella, Countrycouple54 (maybe) and some very nice member that i don't recall but was very friendly adviced me what to do to be able to stay. I was voted to stay. Why am I telling you this? Because at the time I was a new member and was not known here nor was i very popular, But in the next three years I became very popular,,I have been very prolific with my blogs,,talk with everyone that is nice to me,,try to make my chats as sexy as posibbe,,give entertainment to hundreds in their sexually frustrated lifes,,and not so frustrated either, I'm involved in the forums (probably more than many people would like) and I care what happens to SYC and SYD, But, if had been voted out,,the site, although not knowing that at the time, would not have had a good member like me. (anyone wants to disagree, feel free) What does this mean?? It's that sometimes, we do things in haste and end up loosing, if not a treasure, than a member worthy of knowing,,,All we have to do is be a little more fair. That's why i still believe the present system is flawed and unfair.
By bella! [Ignore] 22,Aug,18 13:50 other posts 
On the first referral I actually did vote to delete the member but I also reminded the referring member that we cannot vote to delete members because their images were found elsewhere on the internet, because the referring member's images can also be found on other websites not just SYD/SYC.

I sought assistance via the Forum and through a private message to another member asking for assistance in understanding what only registered users can see external links was because I could have, would changed my vote in an attempt to attempt to "save" the member. Heck, the voting member I contacted requesting information about imageporn blacklisted me and the reason given was that I was too f*cking nosy. Whatever!
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 22,Aug,18 08:52 other posts 
I can imagine a scenario where i would be tempted to delete the member but decided to give the the opportunity to remove the offending material. in order that the referral was not completed before the member had chance to even see it let alone read a message from me I may well freeze the referral but would explain in my comment that if the offending material was reomoved I would change my vote.
By JustWill [Ignore] 22,Aug,18 08:56 other posts 
I may have said this in the past, but I believe that, for some members who vote on the panel the voting isn't really about removing "dangerous" accounts or those that violate the rules. It is actually about the POWER TRIP of having a member deleted and the perverse thrill of just being able to fuck up someone's day with the push of a button.
Sure, most of the voting members refer accounts and vote to delete for what they believe are the right reasons.
Many, however, just get-off on being an asshole.
By #562152 22,Aug,18 09:35
And that, even once, is reason enough to revamp or replace the system
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 22,Aug,18 16:16 other posts 
Sadly I think there may well be more than an element of truth in what you say.
By #23212 22,Aug,18 15:20
bella!, upon seeing the 'delete' plus 'freeze' from the same member, a new member from South America, I asked him in a message why he did this, as it did not make sense to me. It appears that then he understood, and canceled his freeze, etc.
By bella! [Ignore] 22,Aug,18 15:50 other posts 
Yes, the gentleman was from Uruguay and as I recall, he has been a member for four years. New? Maybe new in the sense of voting but definitely not a new member.

You may have thought he canceled the freeze but once the freeze is implemented there is a freeze time of up to 24 hours before anything else can be done and all he did was he removed his vote of ABUSE.

By bella! [Ignore] 21,Aug,18 13:15 other posts 
The Free Theme Image Contests and participants make me smile!

There are currently two contests created back to back by the same member. One is called "Tiny dicksl" /contest.php?id=668 and the other is "Smallest Cock" /contest.php?id=667

Can someone please explain the difference to me?

Then there is the contest for the Best Black and White however two members must have decided that they could pass off their pictures taken in low lighting as meeting the criteria for B & W! /contest.php?id=666
By JustWill [Ignore] 21,Aug,18 19:01 other posts 
The difference is so minuscule that it isn't worth mentioning...
By bella! [Ignore] 21,Aug,18 19:06 other posts 
Are you making reference to their weenises?
By JustWill [Ignore] 21,Aug,18 22:29 other posts 
Nope. Just playing around with the "tiny" vs "smallest" thing.

I may not have mentioned this before, but words is kinda my bitch, ma'am.
By kebmo [Ignore] 22,Aug,18 00:47 other posts 
By kebmo [Ignore] 22,Aug,18 06:52 other posts 
I posted one in smallest cocks.
By #562152 22,Aug,18 08:01
"Tiny Dicks" could be a character description.

By bella! [Ignore] 21,Aug,18 07:58 other posts 
Would anyone have any information regarding ?

Is it a blog type site like Tumblr, an amateur site, what is it?
By #562152 21,Aug,18 09:47
I think it's a place that redirects to porn pages on other sites. You click on what you want and it sends you to a directions page
By bella! [Ignore] 21,Aug,18 11:47 other posts 
Sorry, I don't understand what that means. Can you dumb it down for me, thank you?
By #562152 21,Aug,18 14:20
It looks like (and i'm not that sure about it) that you can click on an image and it takes you to that pic and comments from the subject,,,maybe answers too. They also have different departments like "boots" "boobs" etc so you can go to postings of that subject.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 21,Aug,18 17:09 other posts 
It is one of many similar sites which collect together loads of links to free porn, mostly. You can just click on the images of the day and they will take you to a site with some free porn or you can select from a themse in the menu and loads of links to that theme related porn will appear. In essence it is the same as porntube or xhamster.
By bella! [Ignore] 21,Aug,18 17:54 other posts 
Okay, I THINK I understand that BUT could you dumb it down just a bit more, please.

If I understand you correctly, you say is that imageporn visits different sites aka trolling for the purpose of accumulating images for their members(?) to view. Correct? If that's correct, what keeps them from coming to SYD/SYC, or any amateur site, for purposes of borrowing member's images and then post them on their imageporn website?
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 21,Aug,18 18:30 other posts 
I don’t know is my answer to your last question. Except that maybe they are paid by sites for directing people to these regular porn sites through their links. Sites like SYD would not pay for people to be directed towards them via such links. I have certainly seen material from well known and established subscription websites on sites like Imageporn and they would not allow that without reason.
So the business model of imageporn maybe to attract people to their site as they have collated all these links into themes and hope that the punters who visit will click on the links and visit the sites who will then pay imageporn a certain amount for every 100 or 1000 or whatever, people who visit them via the links,
I may not have explained that very clearly but that would explain why SYD type sites don’t feature.
By bella! [Ignore] 21,Aug,18 18:34 other posts 
Thank you.

Maybe admin would provide me and anyone else who is interested or confused what only registered users can see external links is


that only registered users can see external links looks similar.

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