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"That's just what Republicans tell you" such a fucking ignorant statement.
NO! THAT'S WHAT THE DEMOPUKES SAID, and I just decided to believe them!
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And how
I thought it was a "typo" but it was used a couple times, so, I'm assuming it has some meaning...
Anyone? Anyone at all?
COVID-19, vaccine aside, it saddens me that we, Americans, are so divided.
A terriable virus,killing people and robbing the WORLD economy blind,and the Dems have another chance to impeach the pres because some of his supporters went past what he ask them to do.Get the priortys straight.2 weeks and the dems will have their personall puppet in place.
As for the Dems being a virus,naw,they are becomeing more of a terrorist group.Kinda like BLM and Antifa.
He said the Repugs or whatever ,just spread the rumor that democrats are after our guns.
WELL whoever he is, it would be mighty nice of him to explain this.
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It was this fucking idiot ➡️ Nekekal
I'll caution you... He's "militarily trained"
As if that's exclusive...
BTW, I too posted a rather short video, less than two minutes, I doubt he watched it so that he can remain ignorantly blissful. But good luck anyway.
He hails from the State that hosted C.H.A.Z. for almost 2 months. That alone should tell you all you need to know.
Military trained- he probably wanted an episode of GI Joe
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Pot kettle pot kettle
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It's nice to know members do not mind doctored pictures!
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Funnies are ok D.
Is real or fake?
But who would pay the money owed? And where you draw the line? I mean think about this.Ok,so Sir Biden forgives a portion or all of your student loan debt,you just right back into debt for a car or a house. 20 years from now,AoC in her second term decides to forgive home mortage debt. and etc.
I am sorry but my thinking is,if your grades were not good enough to get a good Scholarship,did you really need to be going to college anyway?
And if you make a debt,it is yours to pay,not the taxpayers. I think forgiving the debt would set a bad example for the future generations. "Oh,go plunge into debt,the government will bail us out".
Perhaps I am running against the traffic,but I just don't see forgiving college debt to be a bright idea
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