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This morning I came across a post that I can't accept. This is a huge disappointment to me and possibly cost me a friend. I feel like I've been kicked in the stomach.
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"Behave or I will dump your ass's in Kansas!"
Zzick Did you know squirrel shitty was nutty? 🐿 💩 🥜
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Why would anyone want to carry the flag of a defeated enemy into the hallowed chambers of democracy. The Confederacy was born on the shoulder of slaves. They were traitors to this country and deserve no recognition. It was a putrid attempt to harm our country and anyone that marches under this banner is a traitor to this country, too. I know about free speech but this should earn the traitor several years in prison and his citizenship should be revoked.
It would enlighten you.Just read about Lee,you might be shocked.The north tried to keep him but he wanted to serve his state and his people,not the north.
For your information, my minor in college was history. You seem to think I pull the information out of the air or Google. I don't. I use google to get the facts to SUPPORT MY views. I'm 68 yrs old. I have read more books in my lifetime than a small library. My favorites are historical fiction and histories of this country's struggles. Books like "Victory at Sea" and Main Kampf. I know Robert E Lee's story much better than the average person. I went to Google to get this as it tells it better than me. This is from THE MODERN WAR institute at West Point.
Articles exploring this veneration and petitions calling for the removal of displays of Lee at West Point often fall short in addressing exactly how the Confederate leader became ingrained in academy culture. Lee’s return to a place of honor at West Point occurred as a result of a reconciliation process that downplayed the Confederacy’s treason as the primary transgression for which southern officers required forgiveness, papered over the issue of slavery, and ignored the underrepresented black officers of the US Army. The reverence shown, though, is no longer unchallenged by the diverse, twenty-first-century officer corps, and as a result, West Point now faces a decision: What should it do with displays of Lee’s person and his name? And more broadly, what place should this controversial figure—and former academy superintendent—occupy at the academy?
While West Point likes the exploits of R E Lee, they all agree that he turned down to serve in the Union Army and went to war as an enemy of the Union as a TRAITOR. REGARDLESS WHAT HIS VIEWS WERE. He was lucky. He got work as president of Washington College.
So, you see phart, I don't fart my information. Instead, I'm amazed most Americans so ignorant about national and world news. I'm not shocked at Lee's actions. Men like him support their states over the good of the country. You seem to be like that.
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes
But I was born in 1962 I’m not responsible for what my ancestors did just like I’m not responsible for what they may or may not have done to the blacks
I do remember the battle in Wounded Knee where the locals fought for the presevation of the Wolf's Laird. The oil flowed fast that day. It turned everyone into a redskin or whitey
Similar to what my ancestors might have done in regards to slavery. I was not there,the blacks alive today,were not there.
My ancestors on my fathers side were Cherokee Indians.Should I go burning down the court house asking for repreations for the Trail of Tears? No,I did not walk that trail,nor did the 1's that would be paying force that journey on anyone.
Alot of the treatments for cancer,jet plane tech,and automotive tech,can all be linked back to Hitlers works.
But does he get credit?No, of course not,He lost,that seems to be a wonderful exscuse.same with Trumps great economy.IF the economy doesn't crash this year,it will be because of residuals from Trumps work.But he lost so liberals don't want him to receive any credit.
Oh and 2 Warm,what were Lee's feelings toward freeing the slaves? I am interested to see what you reply as his views were not what most would think.
To forget those who fought for the Confederacy is a travisty.They fought for what they thougth was right.The same thing soilders do today.And I am not so sure we would not have been FAR better off had the Confederates had won.
Oh and wouldn't it be ironic if my Confederate ancestory was linked to the Cherokee Confederates? 2 hated groups all balled into 1!
On Lee. The Atlantic published this:
But even if one conceded Lee’s military prowess, he would still be responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans in defense of the South’s authority to own millions of human beings as property because they are black. Lee’s elevation is a key part of a 150-year-old propaganda campaign designed to erase slavery as the cause of the war and whitewash the Confederate cause as a noble one. That ideology is known as the Lost Cause, and as the historian David Blight writes, it provided a “foundation on which Southerners built the Jim Crow system.”
There are unwitting victims of this campaign—those who lack the knowledge to separate history from sentiment. Then there are those whose reverence for Lee relies on replacing the actual Lee with a mythical figure who never truly existed.
Lee owned slaves. His plantation became Arlington Cemetery.
The idea that the Confederacy and it's soldiers was a white wash of the true meaning of these people. Maybe, like other combatants of other wars, one tends to glorify their exploits. I see them as traitors to their country. They could have tried to change the system but they chose war. I see all these confederate flags flown by fools that believe it was a great cause. It wasn't.
I don't care if your ancestors were Nazi or not. I don't care if you have Cherokee blood. So what? My grandmother on my Dad's side was born in hungry and her husband, my grandfather was polish. So what? I am an American. You can be whatever you like, but at the end of the day, you are an American. You owe this country and it's government fealty.
If you follow thru history,not much has improved for them.And some of it is no one's fault but their own.
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Californians are being urged to stay close to home — and residents of other states to stay out — under a new travel advisory issued in hopes of curtailing the raging spread of the coronavirus.
Under the updated guidance from the California Department of Public Health, issued Wednesday, Californians are told to eschew traveling anywhere in the state that’s more than 120 miles from their residences, unless doing so is essential.
Travelers from other states or countries are also “strongly discouraged” from coming to California, except for essential purposes.
The state defines such essential trips as any “associated with the operation, maintenance, or usage of critical infrastructure or otherwise required or expressly authorized by law … including work and study, critical infrastructure support, economic services and supply chains, health, immediate medical care and safety and security.”
Nonessential travel, on the other hand, would be for recreational or tourism purposes.
“Postponing travel and staying home is the best way to protect yourself and others from COVID-19,” the advisory states.
Health officials are already waiting to determine the full fallout of holiday travel and gatherings — activities they’ve long feared could trigger yet another coronavirus surge at a time when California is still adding tens of thousands of new cases every day and hospitals statewide are contending with record levels of COVID-19 patients.
All residents “should keep in mind that community transmission rates are so high that you run the risk of an exposure whenever you leave your home,” L.A. County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer said.
“It’s better to be lonely than to be sick,” she said this week. “It’s better to care for others by following all the rules than to end up passing along the virus to someone who gets hospitalized or even dies.”
One to get the ladder. One to get on top of the ladder. 5 to turn the ladder the WRONG way to screw in the bulb. Two to call the electrician.
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Thank you, end of rant.
And to 2nice , like I said, I am not one to initially blacklist another member, but I will reciprocate. BOOM! Back at this nut job!
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