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Now it’s “only” -28C (-18F) but the windchill is-40.
It’s a nice day to work in the kitchen. 😀
You now should have timestamp (if you chose it in settings) translated into your timezone automatically. If it does not work correctly i.e. id you see that timestamps do not correspond to your local times - let me know.
Additional Info: Weclome to my profile page, please enjoy all my videos and pictures. If you add me to your friend list, I'll send you a SECRET SELFIE. Please also vote me and keep me as TOP MEMBER ❤️ Every time you are here 🙏
Rachel is a known pan-handler
Both are mentally ill. Perseverating about being top ranked!
The act of destroying a gift without a realized benefit does not make sense to me.
I don't like it, I hope it's just an "oops!" and that admin corrects it.
--------------------------------------- added after 19 minutes
leopoldij 's Abuse Panel referral of ALittleFreak03 does not seem to be affected. Nor does Daniel 's whinging comment that accompanied his vote; "DELETE THIS MEMBER 05,Feb 00:14 By Daniel
some will say it's no problem to upload internet pics as ALittleFreak03 doesn't claim it's her on these pics. I think it's pretty clear the user tries to fool us. If you join this site and upload some pics, you want to make others believe it is you in those pics"
Now I have to work out what the date was rather than just see it.....
Timezones make a difference in how people talk here,now I don't know what actual time and day it was....
Guess his idea of banging is wanking to an Internet pic. Fat rat that he is acting like he has all this tail around. Gimme a break. Lard ass can't even see his own knob with that fat belly!
My big chuckle was over Daniel's post. Specifically, the "some will say it's no problem to upload internet pics", silly, silly Daniel needs to understand that admin is not "some" person. If admin doesn't mind whether a member chooses to post an internet pic or two, why should he, meaning Daniel.
Daniel was someone I was not aware of until he reached out to me around Christmas, yeah, with the new way of dating things, about 46 days ago, give or take. He wanted to vote another member out that was referred to the Evaluation Panel, because of his youthful appearance. Anyway, he had previous interaction with the referred member only because he asked the fella how old he was. When the member didn't respond or refused to respond, that was proof in Daniel's mind that the member was too young to be here. Daniel is a hard headed guy.
Freedom of choice is everything in life...
Basically it was his "couple of members" plus 12.
Also, I got tired of people uploading 10 seconds videos that take up 50Mbytes of space and made the system convert everything that it can to 480p quality. Most of videos have crappy quality anyway. So now most of the 30 seconds videos will be less than 2Mb and will not require points to watch.
Specific dates and times on posts, whether they are on the site wall or your gallery's wall, are a point of reference. This thread says it started 2 years ago, that's a big window, 2 years. So the perspective of every thread, every post made within, loses their perspective. Just my opinion.
I was lucky, I live in the EST timezone so I was in sync with the time and date stamp given. HOWEVER, if I lived elsewhere, if I'm clever enough to upload pictures of my privates, I would like to think I was clever enough to calculate the difference between the timezone I was in to that of EST.
Some of our dear members can't find their privates using both hands. Calculating time zones? Nah .
But I guess the two people who asked for it are happy,and you,so that's all that matters
For the 9+ years I've been a member, everything has been dated. Dating anything, regardless of what it is, provides a point of reference.
Everyone is happy then
And maybe in the future you could ask the members by voting on changes...?
"a person who is irritating because they behave as if they know everything."
Your sarcasm is slacking dude
You can't please everyone.
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