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And that was on Sunday because the other place I eat breakfast is closed
Other wise,I only eat at places that allow inside dining.Several non chain places around here threw in the towel on the "rules" shit months ago and you can hardly tell there is a virus thing at all when there.And you know what,I eat at the same place 6 mornings a week,and it is the SAME crowd every day,week on week.Makes me think this "virus" is spread by the media as much as thru droplets.
Last night markis and I were fooling around and an idea just popped in my head hey pudding so I went to the kitchen and grabbed a chocolate fudge pudding cup I must say it was delicious
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It brings a whole new meaning to
You can’t have any pudding if you don’t eat your meat
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That makes me feel a tad better if nothing shoulda been felt.
Congresswoman green said the california
Fires were caused by laser beams from outer space, the only people sending them would be the lizard people!! Of course!!
Thank god we have solved this mystery.
This was something that was attached as a closing remark on an email that I received;
Thought for the day: Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant' is
like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist.'
conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch.
President Trump's speech encouraged the people gathered on January 6, 2021, to PEACEFULLY and PATRIOTICALLY march to capitol and let their voices be heard.
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--------------------------------------- added after 113 seconds
Sedition is a serious felony punishable by fines and up to 20 years in prison and it refers to the act of inciting revolt or violence against a lawful authority with the goal of destroying or overthrowing it.
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--------------------------------------- added after 6 minutes
Trump’s speech included no overt calls for his supporters to actually enter the Capitol or resort to violent means. But it included plenty of allusions to the idea that Congress accepting Joe Biden’s victory — an all-but-assured outcome at the time — was a result that simply couldn’t be countenanced and must be stopped. He urged his supporters to “fight” and “fight like hell” and lamented that they didn’t do so as hard as Democrats.
"Fight and fight like hell"
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You just gotta love the people in Pennsylvania
During my work years, a good portion of my day involved investigation/problem solving touching on "customer service". Both facets involved the use of the telephone and unfortunately the phones we were using did not support headsets so, in order to multi-task, the phone was cradled on my shoulder and pressed against my ear to free up my hand to write or key while I "talked" or waited on hold.
Over the years, it is my guess that the phone caused pulling on my ear lobe/earring and elongated my pierced hole thus causing my earrings to hang differently.
In October, I explored getting my earlobe repaired and initially called my dermatologist to see if that was a procedure they performed or if I needed to consult with a plastic surgeon. Yup, I needed to go to a plastic surgeon. I Google'd plastic surgeons near me, found one in an location that I thought was suitable, called and inquired whether that's a procedure that they would do. Oh sure, no worries, they could accommodate that for the low, low fee of $450.00. I'm worth it, it's something that has bothered me for a number of years and I'm going to finally take care of the matter.
In October, I've got a consultation appointment, meet the doctor, no problem, let's schedule an appointment and "git 'er done". On the way out, I assume there's an fee for my "office visit" and I inquire with the receptionist, is this something that can be billed through my insurance. Let me take a look, yes, she says, we've billed BCBSM before and were paid. Cool! I'm not paying the full $450 because my insurance will pick up a portion! Back to the EOB....so now in late January, 2021, I receive an EOB from BCBSM saying that the doctor billed them $1500.00, however they only approved and paid $813.00! That is over $350.00 more than what I was going to be charged if I paid out of pocket. Wow! Now I know why the BCBSM Subrogation department has contacted me for additional information.
My insurance company was bilked by a dishonest doctor. And I'm not sure what bearing my monthly insurance premium has on the matter. No worries though, I don't mind sharing. Upon separating from my employer after 36 years of employment, my employer also the insurance company, is paying 100% of the Healthcare premiu cost for 12 months period.
That doesn't happen in the Netherlands. I don't have to worry that a doctor or hospital bills too much, because that is the insurance's responsibility. I can check how much they paid if I want, but I will never get deducted more than what is allowed (€385/year).
Good that you don't have to pay premiums for your health insurance. Do you know how many Americans have the same benefits?
Tell me this, if you are seeking a job as an accountant that lives in the Netherlands, is it possible that 1 employer will offer you €20 per hour, 2 weeks paid vacation and you pay your own Healthcare and another employer will offer you €18 per hour, 2 weeks paid vacation and S[HE] will pay your weekly/monthly healthcare premium? It's up to YOU decide who you want to work for, the employer who pays more per hour that offers you a benefit that you must pay for OR an employer that pays you less and pays for all of your benefits.
I'm not sure of what other Americans are paid to perform a comparable job or the benefits that they receive. This is the employer I CHOSE to work for because of the pay and benefit package that was offered.
BCBSM was the first place I applied to and my intention was to save my money and send myself away to school. It didn't happen. And Ananas2xLekker my employer offered tuition aid in which they basically paid 80% of my college courses as long as I received a "C" in that class. Benefits are a wonderful thing!
In my opinion, my country allows me to be anything I want to be, and it is MY responsibility to make good choices.
The rules for basic health insurance are:
- Everyone is accepted, regardless of age or health.
- Everyone pays the same premium: no group discount
- A higher voluntary excess for premium discount is possible
- The health insurance is a combination policy with a free choice of care
- Children up to the age of 18 are insured free of charge
- Hospital help
- General practitioner and medicines
- Mental healthcare
- Seated patient transport
- Medical assistance abroad
- Dentist and physiotherapy up to the age of 18
Not reimbursed:
- Regular physiotherapy from the age of 18
- Dental treatment from 18 years
- Alternative cure
- Orthodontics (braces)
- Contraception from the age of 21
I have the feeling that you BELIEVE that the employers or government agencies in the United States do not take care of the people, but that is not true. People make choices, some people make good choices, some people make bad choices.
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The cost of COBRA coverage is usually high because the newly unemployed individual pays the entire cost of the insurance (employers usually pay a significant portion of healthcare premiums for employees).
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If you had good group coverage, yes COBRA coverage will be pricey. And regardless whether the employer contributed something toward the premium or contributed nothing at all, it is surely much more cost effective than Obama Care. IF Obama Care was as good as you project it to be, it would have caused health insurance companies to go out of business years ago.
Health care insurance is like ANY insurance, car, home, whatever, is a crap shoot. All the years you pay insurance premiums and you never make a claim, then BOOM! One day your car is stolen or in a major accident OR there is a major fire in your house. Now you need your insurance to pay out. The only reason Obama Care is so inexpensive is because the deductible or out of pocket expense is so high. Don't kid yourself.
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Now I don't know anything about Estonia or their healthcare system, but I would like to have our politicians look to that healthcare system and copy it.
According to the same article, The Netherlands have the highest-quality healthcare. However, I've seen us at lower places in other studies and also read we have the second most expensive healthcare system in the world, after the US. This list places us a bit lower on the list:
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Here's a study on health outcomes, between the US and 11 other countries with similar GDP's.
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Here is a list of the whole world:
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Here's a graph of the health expenditure of most countries in the world. The US has the most expensive system:
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Anyway I guess I got 1 up on the insurance company they paid out 5000 dollars more than I paid in
A good underwriter would have then looked at my medical records and said he has no medical records in the last 30 years he must be in good shape and don’t run to the hospital every time he has gas
A good underwriter would have just paid the hospital bill instead of taking two years while they searched for loopholes and reasons not to pay
I know how insurance companies work and I have to tell you I see them as part of the problem not the solution
My employer gave health care insurance upon employment. As a business owner, do you offer your employees health insurance?
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I had health insurance when I was a fleet mechanic for the cable tv company but when I left so did my insurance
Now I don't want to turn you off on it, because so is the police and the fire department. I'm just surprised.
People nowadays think it is all in the hourly wage. It's not.
That means every time you get another job, you don't have health insurance?
What happens if you have an accident or you get diagnosed with diabetes or cancer?
I haven't been without health coverage for a day in my life. Until 2006 (so 33 years of my life) I was covered by the 'ziekenfonds' (roughly translated as 'sickfunds'). We payed around €20/month and everything was covered. That was publicly funded healthcare. The stated payed for it through taxes and controlled the prices. The costs were steadily rising, but after the privatization in 2006, prices rose much faster and every year after some coverage was slashed. What we also saw was giant insurance buildings full of marble being built and commercials for healthcare insurance companies everywhere. Maybe that's were our money went.
It is not free.
The question is what results in the best quality of healthcare, with the best health outcomes for the lowest costs to society as a whole.
The choices are how much solidarity you are giving to the sick from the healthy and how much profit you allow for healthcare providers, the pharmaceutical industry and insurance companies (if at all).
Why would you even need insurance companies as a for profit middle man between the patient and their doctor?
Have they proven to be trustworthy?
Do they have a positive effect on quality, choice or price?
Do they make the billing process simpler or more transparent?
Do you just like insurance companies for some reason?
For example,to work for my employer,you worked at least 30 days temp, but sadly,you were required to get a CDL license within that 30 days to continue to work.part of my duty was to instruct the new hires in my department to get theirs.
Going to private school for CDL's is expsensive,so people out of work would take a job with us,get their license,while earning a paycheck,then not show up for work once they got them.Twice my help didn't come to work on a monday and on Tuesday they passed me by driving a cement truck. The state finally got tired of investing my time,and their money and desiel fuel in these type people,so now,CDL is required BEFORE you get hired. Same with insurance, so if you gave insurance right then,the employee would get their gonads fixed or teeth fixed or whatever on your time and leave.Not good.And COSTLY.
So to get the benifits offered by a employer,you have to invest a reasonable amount of your time with them first.
We complain about health care cost,everyone has ideas,but if you take away the incentive to even be in the feild in the first place,that means few people taking care of you.
Your listening to right wing propaganda against public healthcare again. It's not the doctors, surgeons and nurses who benefit most from a private system, it's the insurances, the pharmaceutical industry, the marketeers and the media. And they are funding the interest groups and the lobbyists, who are funding the campaigns of the politicians. Often not even just their campaigns, but they find ways to enrich themselves directly too. They don't care what's best for the public (you), they only care about their bottom line.
The ER entrance at the nearest hospital has a 100,000$ water fountain in the center of the circle drive up doors.
What the hell good is that for the person having a heart attack that will then see a huge bill?
That tells me the hospital could have put that money towards someones surgery instead of a water fountain.Waste in the industry is a issue that could be addressed easy if anyone cared enough to do so.
But your absolutely right about the waste spending. Now I don't really think that would matter much whether it is government money or insurance money. Anytime a building is built, the architects and contractors will push the decision makers to give the building curve appeal and grandiosity, offer a ridiculously low quotation and then later push up the price to a factor of 5, because of unforeseen circumstances. We had programs on national TV about that topic that ran for years, called 'Over de balk' (over the beam = down the drain) and 'Van onze centen' (with our pennies). It was one story after another about ridiculous wastes of money by the government, semi-government and private institutions, that all finally were paid by the tax payer and consumers. I think you would have liked those programs.
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