Abortions using medication instead of surgery accounted for 54% of abortions in the US in 2020, up from 39% in 2017.
-PBS News
I think that if Roe v. Wade is overturned people will just find different ways to do what they want to do. Internet prescriptions for abortion drugs will probably soar whether they are illegal or not.
Canadian gas is selling for about CDN$2 a litre right now.
There are 3.8 L in an American gallon.
It costs about $1.23 Canadian to buy a US dollar.
Considering all those factors, Canadian gas is about $9.34US a gallon.
It’s even more expensive in Europe.
Naw,he needs to toddle off back home to his basement and sit back in his rocking chair drinking his prune juice while watching reruns of the Apprentice.considering that is what he is,Obama's apprentice.
Every thing is joe Biden fault he’s in the drivers seat unfortunately as I said a few years ago he’s not a good driver and he’s eventually going to steer us in the ditch I kinda think the Democrats screwed up we will see the primaries are may 17th for state senate and the governor’s position in Pennsylvania so far their is not a great pick a couple black guy’s and one of them is gay a couple woman both blonde a bald democrat that wants to save the world a tv doctor a republican that thinks joe Biden is doing a great job and my pick bill mcswain for governor state senate I guess Dr mehmit oz but I think we will see a swing from a democrat run state to a republican run state
Well, you have the right to vote. All you have to do is actually vote. That’s the way it works unless you are a former President with a crazy following
Good morning but, it’s not a wonderful day. SCOTUS is about to overturn ROE V WADE. FUCKING Republican dirty old men are, again, getting into women’s viginas. Men should be castrated every time a woman gets pregnant unless she says it’s ok. I bet men would use protection after that.
Women should keep their pants up or use protection or ask the male to do so. Very preventable issue.
BUT as usual,liberals want to blame everyone but themselves for problems.
I can't imagine what it would feel like to be resting in my mothers womb and seeing and feeling a foreign object ripping my guts out and pulling my parts from the womb.
Maby some of these abortion supporters would like to crawl into a really small sleeping bag full of jello and Vaseline and water, and let a republican stick a coat hanger up in there and start ripping them out piece by piece, with nothing to kill the pain?
Phart, explain why women should keep their pants up when men can’t keep it in their pants? And when did you become an authority on the moment conception becomes a sentient being? Also, explain why a fetus has more rights than the woman? --------------------------------------- added after 21 minutes
And legal abortion was, partially, to get real d of back alley coat hanger abortions with so many women dying or having major medical complications. More than 60% of Americans, men, women, Republicans, Democrats, approve abortions as we’ve had for the past 50 yrs.
Regardless of your take of the issue,the sad thing is the leak of info it's self.
AND that loosing their job and law license is the worst that will happen to the sumbitch that leaked it!
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That sumbitch should be busting rocks somewhere for 20 years,barefoot and with a coathanger stuck in their ass.
I am not a authority on anything.
BUT it is hypocritical for liberals to scream or use capitol letters in a text about a black person being killed by a white cop being so wrong, for example while sitting in a abortion clinic waiting your turn.BOTH lives matter.
Women can fuck all they want, BUT they should be willing to take responsibility for their actions. And as I have read numerous times today,where is the fathers right to help decide the fate of THEIR child???? It takes 2, and both should take responsibility for their actions.OR BE SAFE and use PREVENTION>
Heres the way I look at it, the same women that are willing to let a crooked ass quack doctor stick a coat hanger in their pussy to remove a baby, a LIVE HUMAN BEING that is denied the GOD given right to life, are the same 1's that stick needles in their arms and consume liquor and dope. I can't see a self respecting woman being willing to go to a quack to get out of taking responsibility for their actions.
And where would YOU be if your mother had decided to drop by the abortion clinic on the way to Woolworths to buy some clothes?
I must admit,this is a good case of twisting words a bit,but still,hard to believe that people think this way.
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"Overturning Roe Would Result in Pregnancies that Will ‘Turn Into Children"
Uh,just what the hell else is a pregnancy supposed to turn into? a flower pot? Sheesh.
No, sadly to many people like yourself don't THINK enough about your actions or their repercussions.
We would not have this issue if people would respect and value life.
Why is it that when the fresh prince of no air george floyd died,everyone was up in arms,but when a baby is killed in the womb,that has held a gun to no one,has stolen nothing,has harmed no one,including themselves,it is ok?
Legalize murder if you are going to continue down the same path.
Pro-life Republican Scott DesJarlais wins re-election to U.S. House in Tennessee’s 4th Congressional District AFTER it came out that he had forced his mistress to have an abortion and forced his wife to have two abortions.
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(but I'm happy he didn't procreate those three times)
Not excuses,reasons. If you can't feed them,don't breed them is a good idea.
Why should a single woman be excused from protecting her self from becoming pregnant?
I also find it strange that the folks wanting to force a vaccine on people to supposedly prevent or decrease the chances of getting the wuhan virus, are the same 1's that fight tooth and nail to keep from preventing pregnancy with a simple pill or condom or shot that requires being stuck into the body just as the wuhan vaccine.
There are not a lot of people who wanted FORCED vaccination. I didn't.
Show me evidence of any progressive who asked for FORCED vaccination.
The people who forced vaccinations onto people were the EMPLOYERS.
In my country, employers were not even allowed to ask about vaccination.
You want to give all freedom to employers, so that makes you responsible
for their ability to take away your freedom to choose.
Do you think being forced to get a shot is even remotely comparable with being forced to be pregnant for nine months and then go through the pain and risk of childbirth, with your ridiculously high hospital costs associated with it?
Vaccines are free, the pain is negligible, the risks are trivial compared to childbirth and it only takes a few seconds instead of 9 months and often weeks of recovery.
Since when is being Pro-choice the same a being against contraception?
I'm supporting FREE contraception! Are you?
You folks seem to forget that the states can still make the abortion legal if they want to. it is not the end of the world for the people who fuck and kill and kill and fuck.
Except for states that want to make it punishable to get an abortion out of state.
And even if the ones that don't, are no problem for asshole pro-life republican politicians, who force their mistresses to abort their mistakes. They have the money. Poor folk who can't afford contraceptives, because of your sick healthcare system, don't have the money to go out of state.
They are going to mess with a knitting needle, because having to care
for a kid will ruin their already hard life.
It's not going to prevent abortions, it will only cause suffering.
A google search result or 2.
"On average, condoms cost about a dollar each, but it may be less or more depending on the brand, store, and package — most of the time larger packs end up being a better value. Boxes of 3 go for about $2 to $6. In packages of 12 or more, condoms usually cost less than $1 each."
"Without insurance, birth control can cost up to $50 for the pill, $300 for the implant, and up to $1,300 for an IUD. An appointment with a doctor or nurse may be necessary to get a prescription for the pill. This visit can cost anywhere between $35 and $250."
"Birth control pills cost between $0–$50 a month. They can be totally free with most health insurance plans, or if you qualify for some government programs. You can get a prescription for the birth control pill from a doctor or nurse at a doctor's office, health clinic, or your local Planned Parenthood health center"
"Is Depo-Provera expensive?
Each injection (3 months' worth of birth control) costs between $0 and about $150. Many health insurance plans cover the cost of birth control shots, as well as the cost of the doctor's visit. Family planning clinics (such as Planned Parenthood) may charge less."
I could go on with the results but "FREE" is pretty damn cheap for someone that wants to fuck all the time and not get pregnant.
It all goes back to people with no common sense, no morals, no sense of responsibility for their actions. Just fuck and fuck and until "oops, I am pregnant" and then make a trip to the quack for a coat hanger job while on the way to burger king..
If you
can wear a mask for two
years to prevent
Covid you can use a
condom during sex to
prevent pregnancy.
Phart, you posted: Heres the way I look at it, the same women that are willing to let a crooked ass quack doctor stick a coat hanger in their pussy to remove a baby, a LIVE HUMAN BEING that is denied the GOD given right to life, are the same 1's that stick needles in their arms and consume liquor and dope. I can't see a self respecting
Phart, this is from an article in the New York Times
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The typical patient, in addition to having children, is poor; is unmarried and in her late 20s; has some college education; and is very early in pregnancy. But in the reproductive lives of women (and transgender and nonbinary people who can become pregnant) across America, abortion is not uncommon. The latest estimate, from the Guttmacher Institute, a reproductive health research group that supports abortion rights, found that 25 percent of women will have an abortion by the end of their childbearing years.
As you can see, your assumption about women who get abortions is not correct. --------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes
What's more, the fathers are often A)absent B)don't want to support mother and child C)the ones that either force or suggest the mother get the abortion. --------------------------------------- added after 8 minutes
This is nothing more than a bunch of religious people wanting to force women to follow their antiquated views. Over 80% of the adults in the USA want abortions to continue as they have been.
I do think, though, that NOW Congress should pass a law LEGALIZING abortions making it the Law of the Land.
"Overturning Roe Would Result in Pregnancies that Will ‘Turn Into Children"
Or it will turn into illegal abortions. Desperate people do desperate things.
Or it will turn into children growing up for the gutter.
Great choices! They will surely Make America Great Again.
It's also a result of Obama not pushing through a supreme court judge.
It's also a result of Ruth Bader Ginsburg not stepping down under Obama, so he can appoint a successor, but waiting until she died.
Democrats suck at strategy, because they are payed to be weak by their donors. Republicans are payed to be strong, by the same donors. Republicans have it easy, because their pathetic cuck voters want the rich to screw them.
I think Democrats are not lifting a finger to prevent this, because now you
have to vote for Democrats, for just the basic human rights again.
That is a good distraction from the people asking for healthcare, a living wage, childcare, renewable energy and all those other things that will upset the donors, who want the people to be their cattle.
Then he should have used force, like Republicans do.
Republicans can get their ideas through when they have a minority.
Democrats should learn tactics to do the same.
Using the huge majority support from the public for most of the policies is one.
A 59% majority of U.S. adults say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, while 39% think abortion should be illegal in all or most cases. They should organize pressure from the people.
It’s almost 80% approval. --------------------------------------- added after 80 minutes
Ananas, each country that has a free legislature operates under certain rules. It’s safe to say that laws are made to benefit (hopefully) that country. Outsiders (and many locals that should know) have some understanding how the process works, but, the ins and outs of the process and the time required to get there is not so apparent.
“Then he should have used force” is not a choice. Not even the Republicans can do that. Perhaps you meant “try to put pressure”. In Obama’s time the Congress was firmly in control of the Republicans. Now Democrats control the House but, the Senate is 50/50 and all it takes is one Democrat to vote against the party line. Then, nothing good happens. The “huge majority support “ you talk about takes time to get organized. And even then, there’s little to change the mind of the McConnells of the Senate. Re-election or not is the only carrot or stick.
Europe has had thousands of years to finally divest itself of the suffocating strangle hold of the Christian/Judeo religious mores. Sadly, this country, while having religious freedom, is not secular. This abortion problem is a direct result of religious groups exercising their belief on other people. I guess that religious freedom means, “Only my freedoms are allowed”.
And if that wasn’t enough, we have countless families that the man can fornicate out of the marriage until caught. Yet, the barefoot wife with holes in her underwear, keeps having his babies wether she wants to or not.
There is still people in jail over the january 6th protest at the white house.
All the liberals are upset about it.
BUT the WHITE HOUSE IS ALL BUT ENCOURAGING protest at justice's homes regarding abortion.
YOur home is supposed to be your safe place.NOT a place you have to put up with screaming women that won't prevent pregnancy.
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Uh,I understand the penis is attached to the man in the equation but what would prevent the woman from asking for a condom to used if entering her nether regions?
What if the man said:
1) You are my wife or sweetheart and you’ll do as I say
2) my religious beliefs won’t allow me to use a contraceptive
3) Bitch, open your legs or I’ll beat you to a pulp
4) Sorry, my raincoat popped just as I cummed
5) I forgot to buy any
What if the man had a vasectomy to prevent unwanted pregnancy?
What if the man said before marriage there would a prenuptial agreement?
If religious beliefs won't let them use a rubber, and the other party wants a rubber used, what the hell are those 2 doing together in the first place?
What if the rubber popped? SUE the manufactor.
Hell folks want to sue the gun makers, why not sue the rubber makers?
If you forgot to buy some, then get in the truck and GO GET SOME.that is if you really want "some".
Vasectomy is good. Now, how many men will get snipped? Pre-nups is also good. Now, how many women will say they’ll get pregnant 3.5 times? How many men will say that? Suing the condom manufacturer does NOT PREVENT the pregnancy. Get in the truck and go buy some? Phart, your sexual experiences are sadly lacking.
Really Phart? Do you have any idea how psychologically hard it is on a woman to abort? Do you believe that its as easy as getting pregnant? I’m beginning to think Midwesterners are ostrich-like
I don't think you are seeing the actual problem.
This abortion thing,should never have to be a issue in the first place. use a rubber.
BUT the border crisis,you know the mexican border,don't hear much about it lately.
YOu also don't hear much about the Taliwackers,Taliban, in afganistan either. A much greater threat to our world than climate change or abortion rights being given back to the states.
China is watching us give all our weapons to ukraine,deplete our oil reserves,and once we get down low,they will pounce on taiwan and we won't be able to help.
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Did she literally rot alive on this couch for over 12 years??
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-PBS News
I think that if Roe v. Wade is overturned people will just find different ways to do what they want to do. Internet prescriptions for abortion drugs will probably soar whether they are illegal or not.
There are 3.8 L in an American gallon.
It costs about $1.23 Canadian to buy a US dollar.
Considering all those factors, Canadian gas is about $9.34US a gallon.
It’s even more expensive in Europe.
Be sure to send Joe Biden a thank you card!
BUT as usual,liberals want to blame everyone but themselves for problems.
I can't imagine what it would feel like to be resting in my mothers womb and seeing and feeling a foreign object ripping my guts out and pulling my parts from the womb.
Maby some of these abortion supporters would like to crawl into a really small sleeping bag full of jello and Vaseline and water, and let a republican stick a coat hanger up in there and start ripping them out piece by piece, with nothing to kill the pain?
--------------------------------------- added after 21 minutes
And legal abortion was, partially, to get real d of back alley coat hanger abortions with so many women dying or having major medical complications. More than 60% of Americans, men, women, Republicans, Democrats, approve abortions as we’ve had for the past 50 yrs.
AND that loosing their job and law license is the worst that will happen to the sumbitch that leaked it!
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That sumbitch should be busting rocks somewhere for 20 years,barefoot and with a coathanger stuck in their ass.
I am not a authority on anything.
BUT it is hypocritical for liberals to scream or use capitol letters in a text about a black person being killed by a white cop being so wrong, for example while sitting in a abortion clinic waiting your turn.BOTH lives matter.
Women can fuck all they want, BUT they should be willing to take responsibility for their actions. And as I have read numerous times today,where is the fathers right to help decide the fate of THEIR child???? It takes 2, and both should take responsibility for their actions.OR BE SAFE and use PREVENTION>
Heres the way I look at it, the same women that are willing to let a crooked ass quack doctor stick a coat hanger in their pussy to remove a baby, a LIVE HUMAN BEING that is denied the GOD given right to life, are the same 1's that stick needles in their arms and consume liquor and dope. I can't see a self respecting woman being willing to go to a quack to get out of taking responsibility for their actions.
And where would YOU be if your mother had decided to drop by the abortion clinic on the way to Woolworths to buy some clothes?
I must admit,this is a good case of twisting words a bit,but still,hard to believe that people think this way.
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"Overturning Roe Would Result in Pregnancies that Will ‘Turn Into Children"
Uh,just what the hell else is a pregnancy supposed to turn into? a flower pot? Sheesh.
We would not have this issue if people would respect and value life.
Why is it that when the fresh prince of no air george floyd died,everyone was up in arms,but when a baby is killed in the womb,that has held a gun to no one,has stolen nothing,has harmed no one,including themselves,it is ok?
Legalize murder if you are going to continue down the same path.
Then you take care of an unwanted baby!
When are you going to adopt?
My income is not enough to support a child.
THEREFORE,i don't take chances and get women pregnant.
You are giving the exact reasons most people who get an abortion have.
Sometimes accidents happen. They should not ruin people's lives.
Let women just take a pill to end such a mistake and prevent that misery.
Pro-life Republican Scott DesJarlais wins re-election to U.S. House in Tennessee’s 4th Congressional District AFTER it came out that he had forced his mistress to have an abortion and forced his wife to have two abortions.
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(but I'm happy he didn't procreate those three times)
I am single,a child needs a mother and a father. Really? So why should a single mother have to have a baby?
And as far as you getting a woman pregnant, I don't see much of a chance a woman would let you considering your views on women.
Why should a single woman be excused from protecting her self from becoming pregnant?
I also find it strange that the folks wanting to force a vaccine on people to supposedly prevent or decrease the chances of getting the wuhan virus, are the same 1's that fight tooth and nail to keep from preventing pregnancy with a simple pill or condom or shot that requires being stuck into the body just as the wuhan vaccine.
Show me evidence of any progressive who asked for FORCED vaccination.
The people who forced vaccinations onto people were the EMPLOYERS.
In my country, employers were not even allowed to ask about vaccination.
You want to give all freedom to employers, so that makes you responsible
for their ability to take away your freedom to choose.
Do you think being forced to get a shot is even remotely comparable with being forced to be pregnant for nine months and then go through the pain and risk of childbirth, with your ridiculously high hospital costs associated with it?
Vaccines are free, the pain is negligible, the risks are trivial compared to childbirth and it only takes a few seconds instead of 9 months and often weeks of recovery.
Since when is being Pro-choice the same a being against contraception?
I'm supporting FREE contraception! Are you?
And even if the ones that don't, are no problem for asshole pro-life republican politicians, who force their mistresses to abort their mistakes. They have the money. Poor folk who can't afford contraceptives, because of your sick healthcare system, don't have the money to go out of state.
They are going to mess with a knitting needle, because having to care
for a kid will ruin their already hard life.
It's not going to prevent abortions, it will only cause suffering.
"On average, condoms cost about a dollar each, but it may be less or more depending on the brand, store, and package — most of the time larger packs end up being a better value. Boxes of 3 go for about $2 to $6. In packages of 12 or more, condoms usually cost less than $1 each."
"Without insurance, birth control can cost up to $50 for the pill, $300 for the implant, and up to $1,300 for an IUD. An appointment with a doctor or nurse may be necessary to get a prescription for the pill. This visit can cost anywhere between $35 and $250."
"Birth control pills cost between $0–$50 a month. They can be totally free with most health insurance plans, or if you qualify for some government programs. You can get a prescription for the birth control pill from a doctor or nurse at a doctor's office, health clinic, or your local Planned Parenthood health center"
"Is Depo-Provera expensive?
Each injection (3 months' worth of birth control) costs between $0 and about $150. Many health insurance plans cover the cost of birth control shots, as well as the cost of the doctor's visit. Family planning clinics (such as Planned Parenthood) may charge less."
I could go on with the results but "FREE" is pretty damn cheap for someone that wants to fuck all the time and not get pregnant.
It all goes back to people with no common sense, no morals, no sense of responsibility for their actions. Just fuck and fuck and until "oops, I am pregnant" and then make a trip to the quack for a coat hanger job while on the way to burger king..
If you
can wear a mask for two
years to prevent
Covid you can use a
condom during sex to
prevent pregnancy.
Phart, this is from an article in the New York Times
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The typical patient, in addition to having children, is poor; is unmarried and in her late 20s; has some college education; and is very early in pregnancy. But in the reproductive lives of women (and transgender and nonbinary people who can become pregnant) across America, abortion is not uncommon. The latest estimate, from the Guttmacher Institute, a reproductive health research group that supports abortion rights, found that 25 percent of women will have an abortion by the end of their childbearing years.
As you can see, your assumption about women who get abortions is not correct.
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes
What's more, the fathers are often A)absent B)don't want to support mother and child C)the ones that either force or suggest the mother get the abortion.
--------------------------------------- added after 8 minutes
This is nothing more than a bunch of religious people wanting to force women to follow their antiquated views. Over 80% of the adults in the USA want abortions to continue as they have been.
I do think, though, that NOW Congress should pass a law LEGALIZING abortions making it the Law of the Land.
Or it will turn into illegal abortions. Desperate people do desperate things.
Or it will turn into children growing up for the gutter.
Great choices! They will surely Make America Great Again.
It's also a result of Ruth Bader Ginsburg not stepping down under Obama, so he can appoint a successor, but waiting until she died.
Democrats suck at strategy, because they are payed to be weak by their donors. Republicans are payed to be strong, by the same donors. Republicans have it easy, because their pathetic cuck voters want the rich to screw them.
I think Democrats are not lifting a finger to prevent this, because now you
have to vote for Democrats, for just the basic human rights again.
That is a good distraction from the people asking for healthcare, a living wage, childcare, renewable energy and all those other things that will upset the donors, who want the people to be their cattle.
Republicans can get their ideas through when they have a minority.
Democrats should learn tactics to do the same.
Using the huge majority support from the public for most of the policies is one.
A 59% majority of U.S. adults say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, while 39% think abortion should be illegal in all or most cases. They should organize pressure from the people.
--------------------------------------- added after 80 minutes
Ananas, each country that has a free legislature operates under certain rules. It’s safe to say that laws are made to benefit (hopefully) that country. Outsiders (and many locals that should know) have some understanding how the process works, but, the ins and outs of the process and the time required to get there is not so apparent.
“Then he should have used force” is not a choice. Not even the Republicans can do that. Perhaps you meant “try to put pressure”. In Obama’s time the Congress was firmly in control of the Republicans. Now Democrats control the House but, the Senate is 50/50 and all it takes is one Democrat to vote against the party line. Then, nothing good happens. The “huge majority support “ you talk about takes time to get organized. And even then, there’s little to change the mind of the McConnells of the Senate. Re-election or not is the only carrot or stick.
Europe has had thousands of years to finally divest itself of the suffocating strangle hold of the Christian/Judeo religious mores. Sadly, this country, while having religious freedom, is not secular. This abortion problem is a direct result of religious groups exercising their belief on other people. I guess that religious freedom means, “Only my freedoms are allowed”.
And if that wasn’t enough, we have countless families that the man can fornicate out of the marriage until caught. Yet, the barefoot wife with holes in her underwear, keeps having his babies wether she wants to or not.
All the liberals are upset about it.
BUT the WHITE HOUSE IS ALL BUT ENCOURAGING protest at justice's homes regarding abortion.
YOur home is supposed to be your safe place.NOT a place you have to put up with screaming women that won't prevent pregnancy.
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1) You are my wife or sweetheart and you’ll do as I say
2) my religious beliefs won’t allow me to use a contraceptive
3) Bitch, open your legs or I’ll beat you to a pulp
4) Sorry, my raincoat popped just as I cummed
5) I forgot to buy any
What if the man said before marriage there would a prenuptial agreement?
If religious beliefs won't let them use a rubber, and the other party wants a rubber used, what the hell are those 2 doing together in the first place?
What if the rubber popped? SUE the manufactor.
Hell folks want to sue the gun makers, why not sue the rubber makers?
If you forgot to buy some, then get in the truck and GO GET SOME.that is if you really want "some".
This abortion thing,should never have to be a issue in the first place. use a rubber.
BUT the border crisis,you know the mexican border,don't hear much about it lately.
YOu also don't hear much about the Taliwackers,Taliban, in afganistan either. A much greater threat to our world than climate change or abortion rights being given back to the states.
China is watching us give all our weapons to ukraine,deplete our oil reserves,and once we get down low,they will pounce on taiwan and we won't be able to help.
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