![](/avatars/470/470348.jpg) | Hello World.
HERE will be the NEW HOME of all the strange and odd things I have feelings about. You could consider this, Phart's Brain Farts regarding world or local news.
There will be freedom of speech here.Just don't violate someone elses.
For starters,
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Really now? Well what is really despicable is the mess at the border with folks coming in willy nilly bringing their dope and their virus's and diseases we have eradicated decades ago. Instead of putting all your air into denying it, PROVE THE THEORY WRONG.
There is overwhelming evidence of a problem brewing,and unless democrats can gain from it,they would be otherwise trying to stop it. |
She can't handle a few bus loads of illegals in her city.BUT yet,must think it is perfectly ok for Texans and folks in other states to have to cope with a huge influx of illegals in their states.
She clarified that the issue is not sending people to Chicago but doing so without proper warning, stating that "there could be a level of coordination and cooperation, but [the Texas governor] chooses to do none of those things and instead tries to send human beings, not cargo freight, but human beings, across the country to an uncertain destination."
There is no coordination or cooperation when the illegals cross the damn river and come over here unannounced. So what the hell makes her think she deserves any? She supports the open border,so let her and her cohorts deal with the problem.
"He's manufacturing a human crisis, and it makes no sense to me,"
Abbot did not create this "human crisis" biden's and the democrat policy's created it.
Nope you and other liberals would whine like babies if they started shooting. So why are you whining about hauling them away? It is not your problem.
Do you see the problem here? Something that is affecting the entire country is suddenly just 1 states problem. BUT you are all for federal this and that,but immigration is suddenly just 1 states problem. Hypocritical.
Hauling them away makes it someone else's problem and that makes Texas another Mexico.
You can't be that stupid. What's happened to you?
Let me mention seceding from the union and you folks get all bent out of shape. BUT now that there is a issue that SHOULD BE ADDRESSED BY THE UNION ,it is suddenly just 1 states problem.
Can you not see that? What has happened to you?
Quitting the Union can happen, but, it has to be done in a legal way. It has to be done with the blessing of both the people who live in that state and the people in the rest of the country. Not in the way the Confederates did it.
At 4:30 a.m. on April 12, 1861, Confederate troops fired on Fort Sumter in South Carolina's Charleston Harbor.
What makes use think that the Federal Government is not doing anything about our Southern border?
While the number of migrants at the border has been steadily increasing since April 2020, the numbers spiked sharply after Mr Biden took office.
Economic problems and environmental disasters in Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Cuba worsened during the pandemic, forcing some to take on a long and perilous journey north. Gangs and violence have also been given as reasons why some left home.
We can catch them. We can jail them, but we can't fix their country. Our country is rich and powerful enough to absorb this influx. We, as a people, should open our arms to the needy and help, not criticize.
"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore"
sound familiar?
We have to many people born here in the US that are in poverty ,black and white, why put illegals in front of them?
as for the fire department, there is something called mutual aid, when a structure fire is reported around here, 4 departments are dispatched. if it can't be controlled, you can rest assured it was not because they were ill equipped or didn't try.
First sentence......no one is putting the illegals first. If you think that, then fly to Mexico and come back pretending you are an illegal. We certainly heard you complain you get no help.
This is blowing smoke up the public's ass. The Texas governor, who is a Trumpist asshole, wants to make points with his base. He's the one making the trouble. Why doesn't he rent $400 rooms for these people. Houston has them.
Since you haven't bothered to post any pics in your page, we can assume you ARE a waste of space.
Question, why did you go with an insult instead of a rebuttal? What am I asking? The letter Y and O and U go together with the letters D and U and M and A and S and S. Ask your Mommy (who must have a pussy too) what they mean
What is bugging me is dealing with the insurance company's, and billing agents.
a hour and a half on the phone to find out what I actually still owe after paying for 5 months is more than I owed before I started paying on it because the insurance company decided they over paid.
they need to make it easier to deal with bills and understand them.
"It's so dishonest when you look at it. And so people were concerned because they said: 'Gee, that's a strange thing.' You look at the floor and see documents. They have coversheets of documents."They [the FBI] put them there. And they put them there in a messy fashion. And then they took a picture, and they released it to the public. And this is what we're dealing with these people."
Most anyone capable of logic would think the FBI would have more sense than to throw a bunch of paperwork ,important enough to them to raid a former PRESIDENTS House for,and release a picture to the public. That is a frame up job,a setup. Something someone with a less than legit motive would do to demean and harm someone's image.
BUT his poll numbers are UP> So hopefully, this shit will blow up in the democrats faces.
I guess that is a nice way of saying they raided a mansion and left it looking like a college spring break party?
Even to the point of perversion if you think about it,here is all these fbi agents ,digging thru a former super models underwear and other stuff. I feel sure if there were sex toys, they played with them, sniffed them and such, knowing where they had been.
If it comes up that there was nothing worthy of such an act, does he not deserve the cost of cleanup reimbursed?
FBI agents collected 43 empty folders with classified banners inside Trump's personal office, as well as 28 empty folders that were labeled "return to staff secretary/military aide." Additionally, there were seven documents marked top secret, three documents marked confidential, and 17 documents marked as secret.
Wow,empty folders.
Think about this for a minute,those top secret decals were laying around like leaves in the fall around the white house I am sure.Who is to say that Trump didn't just put stickers on empty folders for the fun of it??
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Number 1, Number 1!!
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If they were looking for a stolen car, the FBI doesn't have a reason to look in
sock drawers. If they look for smaller items, like documents, they need to search EVERYWHERE.
Criminals are not reimbursed the damage done by police when they carry out a search warrant. I would have been just as angry as you, if they killed his cat or dog
in the process, but when have I ever complained that police left a mess?
I might have complained if police trow a flash-bang in the crib where a baby sleeps, ripping open it's chest. When all these things happen to normal people, you think the police is justified.
When the FBI peacefully searches daddy Trump's location of documents he stole, didn't return them after multiple request and even lied about returning them and having his lawyer sign for that, than you cry that the might make a bit of a mess,
than you are acting as the king of hypocrisy.
Ever heard of the EQUAL Protection Clause? That means any suspect should be treated equally. What would the FBI do if you had stolen classified government documents? Ever heard of Bradley/Chelsea Manning? At least they were a legitimate whistleblower. Didn't you want them to rot in prison for life or be executed?
Explain why an ex-president should be treated differently.
Trump is obviously guilty of multiple crimes, just in this case by itself.
Or do you think the criminals always keep their contraband open on the table?
What you heard is Trump confessing THAT HE HAD TAKEN all those documents.
There is no difference for the law if the documents he stole are on the floor or in boxes.
They also found 50 empty folders. It's now up to Trump to explain what he did with the documents that were in those folders and why he took those documents in the first place.
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Whoever wrote that speech for biden to read wants this country divided and hating each other.
He was being kind, because Trumpism agrees with 14 of 14 characteristics of fascism:
1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism
2. Disregard for Human Rights
3. Identification of Enemies as a Unifying Cause
4. Supremacy of the Military
5. Widespread Sexism
6. Controlled Mass Media
7. Obsession with National Security
8. Religion and Government are Intertwined
9. Corporate Power is Protected
10. Labor Power is Suppressed
11. Disrespect for Intellectuals and the Arts
12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment
13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption
14. Fraudulent Elections
Trumpists are not 'semi-fascists', you're full blown fascists.
And real Americans should hate fascists, because the US won WWII against them
and the constitution is written to prevent fascism.
Besides, every speech of every Republican has only one goal; stirring up hate
for Democrats, transgenders and non-whites, to their stupid hate-filled crowds.
So stop crying about Biden being 'divisive', because it's horribly hypocritical.
Why is that a problem when we have enemys at all sides?
"6. Controlled Mass Media"
The democrats control the media,not the republicans.
". Supremacy of the Military"
Again,with north korea and iran wanting to kill us all,what is wrong with wanting a good military?
"11. Disrespect for Intellectuals and the Arts"
you do know part of the reason for the disrespect is being really pounded into the American peoples lap with the student loan forgiveness? Useless degrees in the "arts" that don't pay back the loans?
I could go on, but the symptoms of fascism, are kinda like the symptoms of covid, shared across alot of different illness's.
Simply wanting to live in a SAFE country,does not make 1 fascist.
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Ironic a european is talking shit about obsession with national security.
All the while,the european leaders put themselves at the mercy of the russians for energy and now look at them. It won't be long before europe will be at a stand still,ripe for chaos and take over.
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In reference to the "supreme military" part of that rant,
Look who's running low on weapons to protect their "union".
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"7. Obsession with National Security"
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Uh,who is insecure now? A NUCLEAR plant is in danger, and you want to talk about fascism instead of looking at reality and seeing that You NEED a STRONG military to protect your interest from enemy's, LIKE RUSSIA maby??? Who's going to provide power to the areas affected by this plants being offline? Who's affected if it leaks? Strong military's protect against these type threats. Ukraine had nuclear weapons and WOULD NOT BE where they are today had they not given them up.
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I hope this is not a sign of things to come.
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So some asshole decided to go hurt and kill people. BUT he didn't use a gun,he used a knife. So let's see just how much coverage this gets on the big media.
And this damn thing deleted all but 2 words of my message the first time I tried to post it.
Blinded by anger and lust for Aclima, Cain sought to get revenge on Abel and escape with Aclima. According to another tradition, the devil appeared to Cain and instructed him how to exact revenge on Abel. "Hit Abel's head with a stone and kill him," whispered the devil to Cain.
So , that tells us a couple things, although atheist won't believe it could be true.
Alot of men have died over sex and women.
Stones can kill, just as a gun, not as many maby.
Anger and lust emotions ,breed the desire to kill.
Makes me wonder if this "me TO" movement hasn't brought about alot of this killing. 1 of the recent killings, a woman said she felt her rejecting the shooter may have prompted his actions.
so many more murders than all other modern countries?
Is it just that you all are such a bloodthirsty bunch?
It might be that, because you and dgraff truly are very eager to kill.
To the alpha bad ass ruthless mother fuckers you are just sheeple.
They don't protect you from all the rest of the countries who you think would want to screw with you, they just told you that so you make willing victims to their screwing.
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And I’m not even mentioning the fact that we are surrounded by seas that make a boots-on-ground practically impossible. Back to the war, the Japanese gave us a run for our money. Island hopping in the Pacific cost many American Marines, Grunts, and Flyboys lives and the same holds. Japan had a limited number of aircraft carriers. We cranked them out like confetti.
If you want to be with that lot, you are doing a good job at it.
Vote for Trump again and the US can join the list of Hitler, Stalin and Putin.
Well, Bush came bloody close already.
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If the link wasn't enough for you: how about 9/11?
You fuckers can't keep your borders secure, shoot each other with alarming regularity, elect clowns (of both political persuasions) to the highest office, have crumbling infrastructure, have a pathetic Healthcare system, and (for all your supposed military might) left Afghanistan in a similar way to how you left Vietnam. What else you got, shitkicker?
"High and mighty"? Point out ONE example where I have praised the country I live in. The UK is a flawed Nation, just in different ways to those in which the US is flawed.
When YOU have, personally, won a medal for YOUR bravery come back to me. You're not Audie Murphy, you ignorant shitkicker.
I would point out that the "mothers basement" crack is a simple ad hominem attack, but you wouldn't have a fucking clue what I was on about. Go fuck yourself, shitkicker.
Which one's you and which one's phart?
Mine was to point out to an ignorant shitkicker that the US has had it's share of military defeats, as well as successes, just like most other Nations. So, to be patriotic (as I have already mentioned) is pretty pathetic. You take credit for stuff you had nothing to do with (like Omaha Beach, unless you're 90+ years old), and it makes you look down on people you've never met, but who have the "misfortune" to have been born elsewhere.
When you refer to "your country" (the UK in my case) it doesn't belong to me, and I am probably the least patriotic Brit you'll ever come across. I'm more likely to have stuff in common with a Slovenian Trade Unionist who likes punk music, than most of my fellow citizens. Why should I be proud of where I happened to be born? It's, quite literally, an accident of birth. I prefer to judge people based on the characteristics they have/display. Don't you think being kind, generous, humble, compassionate and empathetic are more important than being "American"?
You're coming across as being like those stupid cunts who shout "USA, USA" at every sporting event your country participates in. My country, right or wrong, is fucking stupid.
I would, however, disagree with your assertion that the US's history is "mostly good". I would say that it's mostly fucking awful. The UK is NOT a bastion of liberty and justice either.
I'm totally ambivalent about who gave birth to me. I do, however, have very fond memories of my late mother. But that's because she was kind, considerate, loving, and a natural peacemaker in family conflicts. NOT because she was MY mother, or because she was British. Those things were random happenstances that neither she, nor I, had any control over.
Your last sentence is the exact opposite of how I see most of US influence in the world, during my lifetime at least. If you'd like I can give you some fucking good examples but I'm sure you can work those out for yourself. The US fucked up in (just to get you started) Vietnam, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, and The Middle East. In addition you treat some of your fellow US citizens like shit, both political parties are in hock to big business and lobbyists, you elect clowns (of both political persuasions), your infrastructure is crumbling, you don't consider universal healthcare to be a human right, you shoot each other on an alarmingly regular basis, and most of your TV exports are execrable.
Let's see your examples of how the US is "kind, generous, humble, compassionate and empathetic" because, from where I'm sat, the balance sheet is looking pretty awful.
"Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel." S. Johnson 1775 (despite some controversy over the context of his apophthegm)
They may not go away,but it will annoy the hell out of them
In some ways I think the US would be better suited to ditch NATO . I mean really,why should Americans or other folks die to protect ungrateful assholes like this guy?
We lost enough people in korea,vietnam,iraq,and that afganistan country.
If my aunt had wheels she'd be a bicycle. That makes about as much sense as your typing in German comment.
OK, you sell me the benefits of patriotism ....
Any evidence to show that I'm in a minority? Even if true, does that mean I'm wrong? If more people were less patriotic do you think more (or less) young (predominantly male) service personnel would be killed or horribly injured?
And for what purpose?
As you yourself seem to be asserting: all those young, brave, soldiers who fought in Afghanistan did so for fuck all. Are the Afghanis grateful? Or are they, predominantly, glad that you Yanks finally fucked off out of their country?
Ironically, when Yanks invade a country to "protect" assholes there's nearly always a lot of dead assholes and a country that's in fucking tatters afterwards. Bang up job, Uncle Sam!!
If your current career as a shitkicker doesn't work out, I would give stand up comedy a miss too.
Phart laughs 3 times at every joke: once when it's told to him, once when it's explained to him, and (if you're lucky) once when he understands it.
You have never given anyone any reason to believe you are anything but a arrogant wanker from the Uk that thinks his shit don't stink.
They may not go away,but it will annoy the hell out of them"
The entropy thing is actually quite good, but why don't you either follow your own advice (see above) or actually answer the points I raised about patriotism, US military defeats, and the negative influence the US has had upon world affairs?
Or ... go fuck yourself!
2 options: ignore me, or try to engage in a meaningful discussion. Fuckwit chooses option 3. SMH.
frankly people like you are a waste of time to talk to.
the only thing you have to say to someone that is not in agreement with you is fuck yourself or some other immature remark.
So to me,you are the "shitkicker".
you might be kicking higher class shit,but you are the shitkicker.
I'll try again - what are your answers to the points I made about patriotism, wasted young lives, and the deleterious effects of US foreign policy?
Pacifism has a proud tradition, numbnuts. "Be the change you wish to see in the world." is not a bad maxim, huh?
If you want to live in a world without war what are YOU going to do about it?
As far as young lives wasted in war, of course I don't want that. BUT I was not alive when vietnam happened. And I am not in a position to tell anyone what to do in washington. They don't even follow the constitution any more in that joint.
MY idea of foreign policy? get the fuck out of the country's of our enemy's, and draw a line and tell them not to cross it and we will leave them alone. Cross it,and you will be blown back into the stone age.
Stop trading with foreign powers and letting them decide what we have to pay for shit, you want to sell us a barrel of oil? Fine, we will buy it with a bushel of grain.
The time of the foot soldier is over, we have drones and long range bombers. we can take out enemy's without loss of life on our side. We have the tech, we need to use it.
I disagree with your assertion though. If you don't want wars - don't enlist, actively discourage others from joining the Armed Services, join an anti-war group, take some (non-violent) direct action. If you feel that your politicians aren't fit for purpose, what are YOU going to do about it?
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Think of this: if the US (since the end of the Cold War) had halved it's military budget, and spent the money saved on foreign aid to places where your, so-called, enemies live wouldn't the US be both (still) feared AND loved for it's largesse?
Or the money saved could be split between foreign aid AND addressing all the myriad of problems your Nation faces - rates of incarceration, shitty infrastructure, addiction, homelessness, violent crime etc etc
Or ... sit on your ass and moan about your elected politicians and the State of your borders!
There is no real excuse for example for iran to be a shithole. it has oil and the labor to pump it and move it .BUT they choose to terrorize and fight each other and their neighbors.
And they want to build weapons to kill millions ,nukes.
Foreign aid is a bad investment.
Show me 1 good example of foreign aid that actually WORKED for anyone's benefit.
Show me how all the millions blown on puerto rico have paid off for the US? A leach country, that should be given back to spain.
To halve our military budget would make us vulnerable to terrorist far more than we are now. And our surplus equipment would not be there to aid other allied countries.
Have you not noticed what those antiwar freaks look like on tv? WHO in the HELL wants to be seen with that bunch of freaks????? .
I never killed anyone and don't want to.BUT I value my life over that of some one who does not value their own life or mine.
We are not the only country that provides safe heaven for those fleeing tyranny and death. There’s Germany, France, Spain, Italy, England, and the Northern countries of Europe. We just happened to be on this side of the world.
Please note that yearly, the influx is les than 1% of our population. We can handle it if we put our minds to humanly stop it
What you have below your southern border doesn't comply much to that.
If you want to compare yourself with them, you set the bar low.
and people with killer mentality.
They justify their right to kill
by attributing it to their god
and to their constitution.
What do you expect from a country
where 30% of its citizens think
that the earth is 5000 years old?
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The rationale is that the latter attracts millions of psychopaths and transforms ordinary people into psychopaths. American-type christianity involves insanity. It includes ridiculous denominatoons such as pentecostals, jehocas, mormonics, and so on. Such religions take ch1ldren and fuck their brain.
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They take adults and fanatize them. They make them so crazy that they pick up their guns and kill. This is unique in America.
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This chart is a few years old but shows that, roughly, the American South has the problem I mentioned above: Psychopathic-type christianity (that encourages and promotes guns) and more crime.
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--------------------------------------- added after 282 hours
More on religion:
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First of all, the percentage of idiots among religious (esp. of American-type psychopathic religion) is much higher than among atheists.
Second, morality is higher among intelligent people
So religious people are more prone to crime.
Two examples:
1 The percentage of ped.oph1les among Catholics is much higher than among atheists. Up until recently, becoming a catholic priest was a ticket towards abusing ch1ldten.
2. American-type religionists tend to be both idiots and religious and have thus very low sense of morality. No wonder they end up in prisons.
This absence of morality is very common among uneducated people. Take, for instance, Trump. He is totally uneducated and has very low sense of morality.
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Southern Baptists fuck and r@pe.
Besides,how long as the Human race as we know it been on earth?
you seem to know stuff,you are fast to talk shit,but never do you come up with concrete evidence that your "facts" are any different than our "facts"?
Religion is source of evil.
I like humanity and morality, concepts that are alien to religions.
Why is that? Could it be related to New York's far stricter gun controls and Alaska's really weak gun controls?
I heard of a case today where a 15 year old boy in Alaska shot and killed 3 of his siblings before shooting and killing himself. The parents were both out somewhere at the time.
Surely guns should be kept secure from the hands of children????? I gather that this weapon was referred to as a 'family gun'.. whatever that means.
15 years old, probably played those video games that you push buttons and kill,kill ,kill, and then turn it off and go eat supper .Blood and guts on a flat screen for several years of his life, probably just got bored ,depressed ,and decided, to see and feel it himself for real. Sad, really sad you and other liberals care more about the tool used than the WHY,
could it be the nearly 2 years of social lock down? could it be that to much is expected of him,"go to college" don't look at a job in the trades?
Could it be a girl rejected him? could it be a teacher abused him?
Ask yourself this, did you want to kill your family and yourself at 15???
So yes deal with the cause of the problem but make it more difficult for these people to get hold of a gun.
I saw an interview with the father of a teenage boy who had taken his father’s gun to school and shot and killed a number of his fellow pupils. The father was asked why it was so easy for his son to access the guns in the house. His response was that if the boy hadn’t been able to access them it would be VERY EASY for him to get a gun from somewhere else. That is the problem.
To kill a number of people with a gun may take a matter of seconds but without a gun, say using a knife or some other method would take far longer and far more effort, yes, people will always kill but let’s at least make it more difficult for them
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Alaska - 24.4
Mississippi - 24.2
Wyoming - 22.3
New Mexico 22.3
Alabama - 22.2
Louisiana - 22.1
Missouri - 20.6
South Carolina - 19.9
Arkansas - 19.3
Montana - 19.3
I also think that video-games that are centered around killing should be 'R' rated and it might be good to do some government ads asking parents to keep 'R' rated games away from youth.
But I don't think games are the problem. The internet is full of hateful disinformation. Right-wing extremists are feeding people conspiracy theories to stir up hate against the government, any people that are different and basically everyone who is not a right-wing extremist. That is what creates mass murderers.
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That's what mind control does to people. They think they are cool or tough,
when they kill some unarmed loser, but there is no courage or honor in that.
And they are not that cool when they end up dying from suffocation in bed.
Either from lung cancer or from being too cool for vaccines and masks.
But it all serves a greater purpose; maintaining the wealth and power
for selfish assholes, who don't give a damn about them.
you flitter along in life like a buttery fly, apt to just up and be stabbed or shot at any minute and don't even seem to care.
My risk of getting stabbed or shot are 1000x lower than yours, because I don't live in a fucked up society like yours. It's not just your guns that fucked up your society, so it wouldn't help a lot to give them up, but you're not willing to do any other things to unfuck your society either. Maybe you prefer living in a fucked up society over living in safety, health, harmony and luxury.
Funny that my leftism amuses you, but at least I'm a happy and safe leftist.
You're a miserable, fearful right-winger, who feels the need to be armed and
not go out much, because 'the others' might try to kill you. I would think that
was funny, if I was a sadist.
Your right to protect yourself might lower your fear a bit, but when someone wants to kill you, you are most likely not quick enough to stop it. It's better to
live in a society where you don't have the tiny chance to protect yourself, but the risk you need to is much lower. If you would be more afraid, while the risk
is actually lower, that's because fear is irrational. Especially right-wing fear.
YOUR brain is the fucked up 1 far as I am concerned.
I am independent in my thinking. It just so happens the better direction for my vote is the right because the left is so radical.
What the fuck else could you use as a crime deterrent if fear is not a option? and besides, fear is not a problem, nothing to be afraid of,IF YOU AINT FUCKING UP. If you live a honest ,clean life, there is no need for fear of punishment.
What is radical are your ridiculous costs for healthcare and education.
What is radical is denying healthcare for veterans who are poisoned on duty.
What is radical is giving PPP-loans to corporations and then still forgive those loans, after they sacked their workers, after agreeing to not do that.
What is radical is keep burning oil, while the world is burning and the alternatives are cheaper.
What is radical is banning abortion and than planning to ban contraceptives.
What is radical is denying abortion for a 10 year old ra.pe victim.
What is radical is denying abortion of a fetus with 0% chance of survival.
What is radical is asking teachers to register their political ideas.
What is radical is having no vision for the future besides 'Democrats suck'.
He was supporting a full blown fascist, who was set on changing the US to a dictatorial theocracy. The majority of Americans didn't want that and preferred a probably useless centrist over the fascist, who is actually fixing some problems after a year of doubt, and now he thinks Stalin took over.
Or does he know what fascism is?
I bet he only knows these things as cliché words that have been ingrained in his brain via fox news and pop culture.
socialism, communism, capitalism, democracy, freedom, human rights, discrimination, 'woke', sex, gender, identity, genetic, biological, natural, physical, equality, privileged, disadvantaged, disability, anomaly, justice, morality, theocracy, dictatorship, corruption, fascism, right-wing, left-wing, conservatism, liberalism, liberty, progressiveness, change, progress, causes, symptoms, actions, consequences, accountability, responsibility, blame, common sense, skepticism, critical thinking, philosophy, logic, logical thinking, science, truth, facts, confirmed, debunked, contradiction, data, evidence, proof, argument, hypothesis, theory, valid, sound, independent, neutral, objective, partiality, prejudice, uninformed, irresponsible, intentional, misinformation, disinformation, malinformation, indoctrination, propaganda, lying, obfuscation, inconsistency
and off course hypocrisy.
Add missing ones to your heart's content.
They surely don't understand that he's only interested in his pocket and not in making them happy. He couldn't care less if they all died.
However, he was making them happy. They have been taught to think they deserve nothing and Trump was giving them that. And he was hurting people they hate, which is everyone, including themselves.
Trump fulfilled all their masochist and sadist wet dreams.
and they were enjoying it.
When Trump was doing well,so were we.
Can't say that for the current "resident"
Because unlike your stupid government, China's government is actually capable.
Evil (just like yours), but capable (unlike yours).
Before you say "also the Democrats?". Yes, just the lesser evil.
Like I've said about 100x before.
By the way; Covid started under Trump. Masks, stay at home orders and social distancing started under Trump. Because it was the only way to de-escalate a pandemic that escalated due to Trump's denial of the problem and continuing misinformation.
Under Biden, everyone who wanted to vaccinate could. And Biden opened the economy again. The economy suffered losses and Biden is trying to fix that, but Republicans vote against all of his bills.
That's because Republicans don't want to fix any problems, when
a Democrats is in office, because they can use YOUR MISERY,
to stir up anger. And suckers like you don't see through it.
Or you do and you are a willing victim of your own stupid beliefs.
Just like all the stupid Trumpists, suffocating to death in a hospital bed, from a virus they didn't want to believe existed. MAGA
These are the words of a person who can't have independent thoughts.
By the way, I never mentioned the words left or right because they're not important. What's important is critical thinking and that you can't do. So you utter cliché phrases like "liberals are bad" or "the left is so radical". Come on. These are really cheap phrases instilled in your mind by those who brainfuck you you can't even imagine what life is like outside the prison, the little cave, you live in. And yet, you call that freedom.
Greater population and ready access to firearms purchased either legally or blackmailed.
Americans do tend to be a bit bloodthirsty. As a nation, our media has always inundated us with violent hero worship. Our film, television and written media have always shown us heroes as less philosiphers or thinkers as much much as they are violent and brave.
It makes for great military personnel and strange civilians.
It might be true that people in Europe don't like it as much or more people have an aversion to it. At least my father called cartoons like Transformers 'stupid American filth' and called Rambo, Top Gun, Iron Eagle and alike 'filthy war propaganda' and didn't let us play with toy guns much. My father was especially against violence on TV and in films, but I have heard of friends who also were not allowed to see media that was deemed too violent.
But I actually don't think violence in media is the problem. I think dehumanization is the problem. Your media and your politics are extremely divisive. People in your country are being incited against other people who are 'different' and who are deemed inferior. Your media is fearmongering and stirring up hate.
If you see everyone as the enemy, instead of as other human beings, it makes it easy to kill that enemy. The media turns everyday life into zombie survival.
But, it's the guns too. If it was because of the sheer size and population, China would have as many or more murders than the US. According to these statistics:
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The US has a 4 times higher Murder rate than China.
The US has a 4 times higher Intentional homicide rate than China.
And maybe that's why:
People in the US Fear of Violent hate crime 54% more than people in China.
People in the US believe crime increasing in the past 3 years, 32% more than China.
Which might be a cause for why:
Gun ownership per 100 residents is 18 times higher than China.
Which in turn is probably causing the higher murder rate in the US.
I think it's a vicious circle.
I told the owner of this thread, time and again, that I truly feel sorry that he, and millions of his compatriots, live in a state of constant fear and are amassing wagons as a result of this. I also told him that I'd probably be scared too if I lived in a society like his and that I might be forced to buy weapons. And I explained to him that I feel happy that I, by choice, live in a society that is more or less void of fear.
He replied:
You must protect your property, that's why you need guns. To which I replied that I, by choice, don't own much and I'm happy this way and that if someone tried to steal my TV, say, I'd definitely boot shoot him.
He also replied:
You need fear in society, created by religion, so that people don't commit crimes.
And he also replied:
We need billionaires, it's good for the survival of us.
Just examine these two replies critically.
They show a man who has no sense of morality and that he controls himself via fear and subordination to people whom he considers above him. A man who understands little about freedom and equality, one who has been brainwashed to believe that extreme inequality is good for him, and millions of other poor Americans like him. He's exactly like the man in Orwell's opus, except that the latter had gone through a process of refutation only to be converted to nothingness by the system. Phart has been converted to nothingness by birth without ever having gone through a process of doubt or disbelief about the state of his society.
If some have-not wants to take what we have, we kill'em!
But we respect capitalists who took the most, and make sure
they can keep taking whatever they want. Because maybe
some day, we could take whatever we want too and then we don't
want anyone to tell us we can't just take everything too.
So we slave all day for those people who already have everything
so they can take even more from us and we end up with nothing.
Then we blame the socialists, who ask the capitalists to share a bit
and the 'others' who already ended up with nothing, before us.
All I know for damn sure is life was much better here in America about 4 years ago than it is now.
You think I live in fear. I don't fear jail or the death penalty, because I don't act in a way that those things come into play. Those that do commit crimes, they are the 1's that should be afraid.
I have lots and lots of American friends
who have guns too. They, like you,
are afraid that someone with a gun might
break into their house.
So they have guns too.
If I lived in a country where there
are now guns than people (that's the US, by the way, the only country in the world
that has this record),
then I, too, would be forced to have a gun.
Besides, it was you who said that religion
has a merit: it inflicts fear in people,
people should be afraid of the god
(or gods, the boogeymen) so that they
don't commit crimes.
That's sick.
In a healthy society, nobody believes in
nonsense like the boogeyman, and yet everybody behaves nicely.
Then why do you fear the addition of new IRS agents?
Are you engaging in tax fraud?
Isn't that the same and shouldn't only the people who do fraud be worried?
Three quarters of the murders are committed with some sort of firearm.
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But, if there is a knife violence problem, you indeed need knife control.
That's what they do in London, because the knife violence is through the roof there.
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There are also several anti-knife crime charities active in London, educating children
and parents and going from door to door, asking for surplus kitchen knives that are just laying around for children to take without their parents noticing it.
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carrying a knife is not going to be enough to protect yourself.
If you want to reduce the number of murders in the US, knife control could only reduce murders by 10.6%, which was the argument I was making.
However, in the UK, 40% of murders are performed with some sort of a sharp object, while only 6% is killed with some sort of firearm.
If you didn't have access to guns in the US, the percentage of gun murders would be lower too and the percentage of knife murders would be higher too. However, since knives are a less efficient and less effective murder weapon, the total number of murders would be lower too. The murder rate in the UK is 4x lower than in the US.
If you want to reduce the number of murders, taking away the murder weapons is one strategy. It's what they are trying to do in the UK, by preventing kids access to knives. Your solution would be to give them all knives. But they all were carrying knives already, which was the cause for all the stabbing. They are only using knives,
because they don't have guns. If swords were available, they would use those.
You will probably propose to give them all guns, right? Then they would just all
shoot each other, instead of stabbing each other, just like in your country.
And because shooting is more effective, they would kill 4x more people.
“Stupid is as stupid does”
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