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Started by phart [Ignore] 19,May,22 18:33  other posts
Hello World.
HERE will be the NEW HOME of all the strange and odd things I have feelings about. You could consider this, Phart's Brain Farts regarding world or local news.
There will be freedom of speech here.Just don't violate someone elses.

For starters,
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Really now? Well what is really despicable is the mess at the border with folks coming in willy nilly bringing their dope and their virus's and diseases we have eradicated decades ago. Instead of putting all your air into denying it, PROVE THE THEORY WRONG.
There is overwhelming evidence of a problem brewing,and unless democrats can gain from it,they would be otherwise trying to stop it.

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By phart [Ignore] 05,Nov,22 15:35 other posts 
Next time you hear someone saying blacks need repriations,
Show them this video.
Which clearly indicates the lifestyles of the people from the country's the slaves were brought from. these video's are not from the 1700's.this is CURRENT.
So you don't like having to work in America, you are unhappy about 1 thing or another? GO to the country your ancestors were brought from. Leave the Lexus behind. yank those gold teeth out with some pliers, leave those 1000 dollar tennis shoes on the curb. GO LIVE the life of your ancestors before they were brought here to build the country you enjoy.
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By sherryann [Ignore] 06,Nov,22 00:19 other posts 
What you posted was about Biden. So...what's that got to do with blacks?
By phart [Ignore] 06,Nov,22 08:39 other posts 
I got the links screwed up.

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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 07,Nov,22 06:04 other posts 
Is he giving cunnilingus to a cow? Do cows have a clitoris?
But sure, find a stupid dare video and call it culture.
There are lots of videos showing fucked-up American culture then.
By phart [Ignore] 07,Nov,22 13:31 other posts 
from what I understand they do,but the bull better hurry up because if she gets REAL Happy,he will get shit on,as that is what a cow does when they reach orgasm.They shit all over everything. I remember that from something someone read back in high school.
That was not a "dare" video,that was showing how they dye their hair.
By sherryann [Ignore] 07,Nov,22 23:11 other posts 
By phart [Ignore] 13,Nov,22 11:09 other posts 
Exactly, so does that not indicate the people here are better off?
They can at least shower in clean water and use soap.

But it seems their mindset is to forget the sacrifices and suffering of their ancestors and ride the victim train.
The patriot twins again.
Sure they don't need reparations, they do great grifting for right-wingers.
That's really embarrassing, but I'm sure you consider that 'working'.
I consider it fellating your former slave owners, with an even worse aftertaste.
But, I guess they got used to it after a while and like the money.

Are there black people asking for reparations?
Or are those all white people with a guilty conscience?
Is it reparation to ask for equal opportunities and less racism?

I think you're just jealous. But you might have a right to be, because
working people require reparations too, after decades of oppression.
By phart [Ignore] 07,Nov,22 10:11 other posts 
That is very racist of you to assume that those half black men are only grifting and are not capable of making up their own minds about things.
Why is it every time any black person speaks out of character for the average liberal, victim black person,
they are suddenly grifting or kissing ass or some other derogatory thing?
I don't consider internet videos to be "working" but they are making money so they aren't out asking for handouts or out in the field running a tractor or combine.
By #610414 07,Nov,22 13:09
How many Blacks are asking for money?
By phart [Ignore] 07,Nov,22 13:26 other posts 
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By #610414 08,Nov,22 07:28
Next time I hear Blacks need repatriation, I'll be thinking, "let them go back to the South and take over those old plantations"? 🤣😈
By phart [Ignore] 08,Nov,22 08:50 other posts 
Let em go work a couple days in the fields .Pay them a fair wage and give them good rooms at the hotel .But just let them see for themselves the sacrifice their ancestors made for their freedom. Perhaps a few would appreciate it more.
Besides that, look at what the Indians are doing. They build casinos, get the foolish white mans money and buy back their land with it.
Why don't the blacks go to college, make good money and BUY the plantations?

By phart [Ignore] 08,Nov,22 17:15 other posts 
This is 1 good reason i like for wealthy intelligent people to be a part of our society.
They think outside the box to bring their products, services to the people. and in this case, helping to employee Indians, a forgotten minority in America.
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By phart [Ignore] 07,Nov,22 10:27 other posts 
I think it is time some laws were changed. If you are rap$d and you manage to kill the sumbitch ,you should not be in jail yourself.
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By #610414 07,Nov,22 13:08
It, Phart, it’s the woman’s fault for not keeping her legs closed.
By phart [Ignore] 07,Nov,22 13:29 other posts 
Ding dong,r@pe is not the same as being loose and Peromyscus as so many women are is a terriable thing sick people do to women and men actually.
I never condone that and if you take something I said as otherwise you are so sadly mistaken.
I just despise loose ,no account women using murder-abortion as birth control.
By #610414 07,Nov,22 15:59
Men are loose and promiscuous as much if not more than women.
By phart [Ignore] 07,Nov,22 19:30 other posts 
Well damn, i wonder how that works? Do I go out with my wang hanging out to see if I can
get a bite or?
Could I get paid so i can get me 1 of these i want so bad while
I can get it on sale?
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By #610414 08,Nov,22 07:25
Actually, that’s exactly how it’s done. Money, good looks, money, good threads, money, hot car, money………….oh, yeah, money. 🤣😈
By phart [Ignore] 08,Nov,22 08:51 other posts 
But would I have to screw some fat 1's ? or do you get a chance to be picky about your clientele?
I am in shape, well round is a shape.So I have looks. just not Brad pitts!

By phart [Ignore] 07,Nov,22 15:51 other posts 
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By phart [Ignore] 21,Sep,22 22:21 other posts 
got yet another funeral of a good friend to attend this weekend.
3rd person I have known for many years that has passed in the last few months.
Of all things, i have had a little bump on my neck for a couple years. It would wiggle around if you moved it and it was about the size of a sugar pea.
A little over a week ago I noticed it "bothering me" ,you know just a nagging pain. Well it had grown bigger than my thumb in the last 3 days! So I had to go to the quick med place and that lady gave me 3 shots to numb it and I could still feel every cut she made,every squish she did.
A Carbuncle. A bunch of infected hair folicals??? Sheesh. I bath and stay clean,but when you read about what causes em, bad hygiene comes up at the top. what the hell?
What more can ye do than shower and wash yourself? And put on clean clothes each day?
By #610414 24,Sep,22 08:09
Phart, "bad hygiene" doesn't mean you are dirty. First,let me give you my condolences. As we grow older we will experience these painful moments. Baby, it's Life's pound of flesh for giving you "the Joy of life"
Summertime is perfect for bringing up all those pesky skin problems to light. You work hard, building up a sweat, and BAM, there it goes. Don't wait so long next time.
By phart [Ignore] 26,Sep,22 18:22 other posts 
The bump never did anything until a short time ago .It was just a thing there that you could jiggle around. Then it went berserk. until then I didn't see any need to be concerned.
It is some better now. swelling way down, every hole she gave me a shot in to deaden the sore is a bright red dot. Alot of the redness is gone. i have some "welders tan" so the redness was hard for me to notice .
By phart [Ignore] 31,Oct,22 22:37 other posts 
Well I finally got the explanation of benifits from the insurance company. I think I paid 100 dollars at the office and then insurance paid over 900 Bucks! to get a bump squeezed and some Band-Aids!
What she did took all of 5 minutes?
By #610414 01,Nov,22 09:16
That is why this country needs revamping of the medical field. That's something Republicans don't want to do.
My condolences.

You're probably insensitive to lidocain. I have the same problem.
If you ever need local anesthesia again in the future, ask for ultracain forte.
You will feel absolutely nothing for hours. It's a bit more expensive, but worth the price.

Unless you get an ingrown hair out quickly, it can cause big problems. I don't think it matter how clean you are. It's either your immune system trying to fight it or a nasty bacteria getting involved. Bad hygiene might actually protect against harmful bacteria, because your own bacteria protect against invaders. The only downside of our little friends is that they start to stink up the place, after a long time without a shower.
I bet this was in a hard to reach spot, right?
By phart [Ignore] 28,Sep,22 18:09 other posts 
No , right above my collar bone on the left side of the base of my neck,right where it is easy to wash. It is about back down to the size it has been for a long time,a bit bigger than a sugar pea.
By tecsan [Ignore] 03,Nov,22 01:45 other posts 
I have to call you out on the lidocaine issue. Ultracaine is just Lidocaine hydrochloride with epinephrine. You know Lido with epi. Hope you never recommend it to someone for a finger laceration.
By phart [Ignore] 03,Nov,22 08:00 other posts 
I have no idea what was squirted in me,I just know they charged me a 100 bucks and the insurance paid 990 dollars!
as for the pain,the needle and the mashing hurt like hell and whatever she squirted in me may as well been pig sweat as it did nothing to help
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 03,Nov,22 08:34 other posts 
Probably lidocaine and you being non-responsive to lidocaine.
Or they wanted to make a buck, injected water and charged your insurance
for the most expensive anesthesia known to man.
Next time ask for wood anesthesia and bring your own baseball bat.
Or ask for Ultracaine Forte, pay a bit more, but save yourself the headache.
"Ultracaine is just Lidocaine hydrochloride with epinephrine."
That's not true; it contains articaine hydrochloride, not lidocaine hydrochloride.
Those are two different substances, with different properties.
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And articaine protein binding of 95% is greater than that of lidocaine at 65%.
This allows articaine to have a superior impact and duration of anaesthesia.
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Even when you try to research a subject, you come up with the wrong answer.
That happens when you check only one source and that source is wrong.

By bella! [Ignore] 20,Oct,22 08:54 other posts 
Hey, phart, did you notice that your thread's rating was a -1 ? I did! That's because Doritostyle voted [-] but I've voted [+] and evened the score. Hey, who is this asswipe, Doritostyle, anyhow?
By phart [Ignore] 31,Oct,22 22:28 other posts 
I didn't notice until you mentioned it,I still don't know what it really means.
I think he is 1 of the members that comes and goes to agitate.
By tecsan [Ignore] 02,Nov,22 01:35 other posts 
Dorito is an ass, I thought everyone knew.
By phart [Ignore] 02,Nov,22 12:23 other posts 
The mongo no longer exsist,but I guess the -1 still is there?

By tecsan [Ignore] 01,Nov,22 02:15 other posts 
Can we even mention those left behind in Afghanistan by mr magoo?? I know it does not mean much to any here, but we were not left behind though.

By #610414 27,Oct,22 10:11
All kidding aside, how can Republicans face themselves when they see their reflection in the morning mirror? I've seen many elections, both local and Federal, and this one is one for the history books when it comes to the BS thrown out to the electorate by the Repuckers. Have they no shame? Are they so jaded by their own lies they are willing to give up their democratic freedoms just to win? And why? In the past, did they ever accomplish anything worthwhile? Think of all the good acts passed FOR the people and tell us about those done by the Repuckers.😠😠
By phart [Ignore] 27,Oct,22 10:23 other posts 
There may be issues with the republicans but the democrats ideas of being so soft on crime and their lack of concern for the high price of living ,makes anything look better right now.
biden has drawn down our oil reserves,he has allowed millions of illegals into our country, sent so much money and weapons to the ukraine it is draining our military stock piles.
Behavior detrimental to our country. it is time for a change, for the better,of the COUNTRY and the MAJORITY.

Gender studies, crt, and etc are problems for the minority's, right now they are not important.
Climate change is nothing we can stop.
But we can stop the US from being robbed by the middle east and use our own damn oil while the experts work to make alternatives viable over time.
By #610414 27,Oct,22 11:33
I'm tired of hearing the Democrats are soft on crime. There are THIRTY-TWO state congresses controlled by Republicans.
The US saw an alarming 30% increase in murder in 2020. While 2021 data is not yet complete, murder was on the rise again this past year. Some “blue” cities, like Chicago, Baltimore, and Philadelphia, have seen real and persistent increases in homicides. These cities—along with others like Los Angeles, New York, and Minneapolis—are also in places with wall-to-wall media coverage and national media interest.But there is a large piece of the homicide story that is missing and calls into question the veracity of the right-wing obsession over homicides in Democratic cities: murder rates are far higher in Trump-voting red states than Biden-voting blue states. And sometimes, murder rates are highest in cities with Republican mayors. For example, Jacksonville, a city with a Republican mayor, had 128 more murders in 2020 than San Francisco, a city with a Democrat mayor, despite their comparable populations. In fact, the homicide rate in Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s San Francisco was half that of House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy’s Bakersfield, a city with a Republican mayor that overwhelmingly voted for Trump. Yet there is barely a whisper, let alone an outcry, over the stunning levels of murders in these and other places. It was found that murder rates are, on average, 40% higher in the 25 states Donald Trump won in the last presidential election compared to those that voted for Joe Biden. In addition, murder rates in many of these red states dwarf those in blue states like New York, California, and Massachusetts. And finally, many of the states with the worst murder rates—like Mississippi, Kentucky, Alabama, South Carolina, and Arkansas—are ones that few would describe as urban. Only 2 of America’s top 100 cities in population are located in these high murder rate states. And not a single one of the top 10 murder states registers in the top 15 for population density.
Whether one does or does not blame Republican leaders for high murder rates, it seems that Republican officeholders do a better job of blaming Democrats for lethal crime than actually reducing lethal crime.

The oil companies can just open the taps. Yes, they could, but really they don’t want to. The U.S. oil industry is still producing less crude than it did before the pandemic curtailed travel and cratered demand for fuel. Even as demand returns, oil companies are keeping production flat while using profits to reward shareholders. "Oil production is lagging behind as the economy roars back to life after the shutdown,” Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said recently during a White House briefing. This year, explorers boosted output 4.5% and are expected to keep up the same pace next year. Total U.S. oil production remains 12% below pre-pandemic highs of 13.1 million barrels a day, with no sign of surpassing that in the next couple of years. But, Biden gets the blame. That's why I advocate for the Feds to nationalize the oil companies.

ICE stands for Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The agency has an annual budget of approximately $8 billion, primarily devoted to three operational directorates — Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) and Office of the Principal Legal Advisor (OPLA). A fourth directorate – Management and Administration (M&A) – supports the three operational branches to advance the ICE mission. Maybe the Democrats should run on a platform to RAISE taxes for support of ICE.

Are we spending too much tax payer money on the Ukraine? First they say we should get involved with boots on the ground. Now they say we shouldn't send materiel to that country. Make up your minds, Repuckers.

It is time for a change, for the better,of the COUNTRY and the MAJORITY. Is it? What MAJORITY are we talking about? The silent majority that has to listen to all the crap REPUCKERS LIE ABOUT? We'll see.
By phart [Ignore] 28,Oct,22 20:08 other posts 
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This link shows the % of different races in the country.
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This link shows only 7% of the population is not heterosexual.
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76% of the people in the US still travel by car.

I could go on, but the simple fact is the MAJORITY of the population needs affordable fuel, affordable heating oil, and is not a part of the crt and the lgbtqu community .therefore it is difficult to understand why the low % of the population is allowed to churn up so much dust and demand what they want making the rest suffer.
By #610414 28,Oct,22 22:25
Phart, everyone needs all those things. Just because you are part of the LGBTQ community doesn't mean you don't freeze your ass off if you can't afford heating oil. Isn't it nice that you are the same as most people? You have the same problems they have and the same enjoyments they have? Lucky you. You don't have to worry that some smart aleck will attack you for being gay, or have a cop run you in because you partner is a man . You don't have to worry about getting shot if you are black and walking through an affluent white neighborhood. Aren't you lucky there are a few people that suffer more than you? I know. It gets tiresome to listen to the problems of this minority. I'm sorry for your suffering.

By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 27,Oct,22 14:45 other posts 
Trump Supporter and GOP Candidate for College Board Allegedly Caught Masturbating Near Preschool
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By phart [Ignore] 26,Oct,22 14:54 other posts 
Ok,so a car company doesn't put stuff in their cars to make them easy to steal.
So cities and people are suing them for damages.
Why do they have a leg to stand on?
If you are stealing,you are COMMITING A CRIME.
If you don't steal,then you are not.
It doesn't matter how easy or difficult the theft is, if it is not commited,no harm to anyone.
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This is just another case of criminals having more rights than the respectable citizen.
By #610414 27,Oct,22 10:16
It has nothing to do with crime. It's about the stories on Tic tac

By phart [Ignore] 09,Oct,22 09:32 other posts 
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as the lady said in the video,"democrats have called us crop pickers, breakfast tacos'. But in november they will be calling us Republican senators."
I am so happy to hear her say that.
The democrats claim to hate slavery,but the repubicans voted it down in the 1800's. Democrats support illegal immigrants because their cheap labor replaced slaves.
Time to oust the slave drivers for good.
--------------------------------------- added after 322 hours

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This is big news?? She thinks playing with her ball would be to painful? and this is NEWS?????
By #610414 12,Oct,22 22:25
Where do you get your ideas from?
By phart [Ignore] 14,Oct,22 13:23 other posts 
if you work and you pay taxes you are the equivalent of a sharecropper. Think about it, the government, like the farmer, gets a part of your harvest ,your pay you are STILL SLAVES for all practical purposes.
By #610414 14,Oct,22 16:39
Wrong. The sharecroppers are RENTING land to work it. My taxes come back to me in all the benefits my government provides.
"the repubicans voted it down in the 1800's" is a very old fallacy.
The Republican party of the 1800's would hate Trump in every way.
And the red states of today would hate the then Republican party.
Because Republicans were liberals and Democrats were conservatives back then.
It's like saying Volkswagen are Nazis, because Adolf Hitler created them.

Conservatives/right-wingers wanted to keep slavery and are still today telling you that the slave owners treated their slaves kindly. Some are even supporting to reinstate slavery in some forms, e.g. for immigrants. Liberals are against slavery and always have been.
You can twist the facts about the politics of that time, but you yourself would fight to keep slavery, if it was used today. You are fully supporting employers to have all the power
and employees to have no rights, so you are actually in favor of wage slavery.

[Wage slavery means that your employer doesn't own you and you are free to go,
but you would die of starvation if you did. You have defended this at length.]
By tecsan [Ignore] 14,Oct,22 01:50 other posts 
Quiet a little soapbox you got onto ananas2xlekker.
By phart [Ignore] 14,Oct,22 15:28 other posts 
Anannas can really climb up on a tall soap box but I don't mind him near as bad as I do others.
He is at least somewhat logical and is willing to explain the reason for his thinking.
It does not mean we have to agree on anything but at least he will explain.Others won't . which means to me,they really never had 1 to start with.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 15,Oct,22 12:14 other posts 
Oh, that kind of soapbox. Thanks for enlightening me about what tecsan was saying.
I have been thinking about it for days now.

And thanks for understanding that I'm mostly not intending to offend people.
I don't shy away for it and sometimes I do like poking people a bit,
but when I'm on my soapbox, it's because I want to convince people.

Maybe you don't believe this, but I'm capable of changing my mind. It just requires evidence and sound arguments. It's my principle that evidence, sound arguments
and the intent to be moral should be the basis of my world view. It would then be insincere if I wouldn't bother to provide any evidence or arguments myself.
By phart [Ignore] 15,Oct,22 17:39 other posts 
Time and age do alot to change a persons mind.
By tecsan [Ignore] 17,Oct,22 01:46 other posts 
Damn if that is not the truth. I bet that is why many of the younger (I say kids) identify as democrats and years later switch to REPUBLICAN.
By dgraff [Ignore] 17,Oct,22 05:46 other posts 
I did and the last democrat i voted for was bill Clinton i was about done with the democrats when they started running niggas like Obama
--------------------------------------- added after 63 seconds

And women
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 17,Oct,22 07:33 other posts 
Unless they are Republican. Than you would vote for any black immigrant former-prostitute transgender in hot pants over a white male Democrat in suit and tie.
By dgraff [Ignore] 17,Oct,22 08:42 other posts 
I would vote for your dog if he was a republican over this new woken crazy democrats ideas
By phart [Ignore] 17,Oct,22 10:25 other posts 
aint that the truth .When I first registered to vote, I did so thinking George bush would finish the job in iraq, I voted for each person that I thought was qualified.
Now I do not give a rats ass who's on the ticket ,I vote straight republicans. Am I getting the best? probably not, but at least I am not supporting democrats and their warped vision of our country.

Besides,go ahead and vote for my dog,he must be a democrat.He has no idea who his daddy is , his health care is covered,his food and water provided,and all he does is eat ,shit and make noise.Gota be a democrat!
But I adopted him to get him off the street ,he was abandoned and starving.
By #610414 24,Oct,22 08:20
Careful, Phart. People might start to think you are a bleeding liberal. 🤣🤣😈
Woke and crazy, that's your only argument.
And it's an argument against Democrats, not FOR Republicans.
Defend Republicans for ones, without attacking a straw-man of Democrats.
Are you talking about kids that got heir Masters in Finance or left their Top-Ranked Business School? Because it's fashionable in school to be woke and a Democrat, but as soon as they can join the elite club of fraudulent bankers and money grabbing executives, they don't like to pay taxes for the peasants and they drop the veneer of social compassion. People don't drop real principles in a year.
By phart [Ignore] 17,Oct,22 10:26 other posts 
Naw, probably the few and the wise that see what groups like blm actually are and what they actually do with donations and how they and the entire democrat party USE the minority's to get votes and then leave them in the dust and spit to do for themselves.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 17,Oct,22 11:03 other posts 
I agree with one thing; Republicans make no hollow promises to minorities,
they promise to do the worst to them they can imagine and then actually do it.
That's the only thing they are truthful and trustworthy about though.
And at least Democrats allow minorities to vote.

The people who care about what BLM stands for, are still better off
with Democrats. People who care about what happens with donations,
are also still better off with Democrats. They don't have to donate to BLM.
By phart [Ignore] 18,Oct,22 13:02 other posts 
Yea, that Platinum plan that Trump came up with was a real terrible thing for the blacks weren't it? pushed them back to the 1960's.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 20,Oct,22 10:58 other posts 
That "platinum plan" for Black economic empowerment, was just a bait for black people to vote for Trump. He would have never done anything like it,
just like his healthcare plan never amounted to anything, besides cutting of
the ACA funding.

But you're right, Trump made a hollow promise to minorities too.
Talk is cheap, especially Trump's talk. What did he DO?
By tecsan [Ignore] 18,Oct,22 00:49 other posts 
I just wonder why a person from another continent is so interested in our politics here. I know your party will never be the majority, not if all believe as you do.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 20,Oct,22 06:45 other posts 
I wasn't interested much in US politics, when I joined this site.
And I wasn't expecting political discussions on a dick-pic site.

I just became annoyed with all the nonsense that is said here.
Fighting illogical ideas requires facts and sound argumentation.
Because that requires knowledge, I needed to inform myself.
I was perfectly happy, not being interested in US politics before.
By #610414 20,Oct,22 08:31
When you are young, you are an idealist. You see the world as your oyster and you are ready to change the world for the better. As you age and become more affluent, you start to fear a change will wipe out your gains and achievements. You reach a point where money is more important than following the high road. I believe that is the definition of a Republican.👿
By tecsan [Ignore] 20,Oct,22 23:12 other posts 
I think that explained H. Rotten C.
By phart [Ignore] 22,Oct,22 18:59 other posts 
You are starting to see a dim light at the end of the tunnel.
A man works and gives the best years of his life to support his family,own a home and save for retirement. Only to see people that don't work a lick, vote for people that are promising to take what you have worked for all your life in the form of taxes and penalty's and etc ,to hand over to them. The man that saved and worked, usually wants to leave his estate to his heirs, not have it taken away by the government. ANd those that whine about that being some kind of privilege, it's not, their parents could have worked for a living to had they not wanted to riot, burn and bum.
All democrats and the liberal ilk are concerned about is a hourly wage. They don't have a concept of, nor do they seem to even be exposed to the fact that they need to save for retirement, they need to have a place to live , and etc.
They seem to just flitter about like butterfly's and expect the workers to keep them up.
By #610414 23,Oct,22 09:31
Phart, how many "people that don't work a lick" do you think exist in this country? And, don't you think that whatever lifestyle they enjoy they still have a right to vote? I don't know of any administration, Democrat or Republican, that wanted to take away whatever a person has worked all his life in the form of taxes or penalties. This is on the net:
In total, about 42.9 percent of U.S. households paid income tax in 2021. The remaining 57.1 percent of households paid no individual income tax.Sep 30, 2022
Taxes are a necessity. Think of all that city, county, state, and Federal governments provide for the wellness of our citizens. Somehow, this needs to be paid for.
"All democrats and the liberal ilk are concerned about is a hourly wage." This is true, but not the whole story. This from the net:

According to data presented by Finbold, the U.S. dollar has depreciated sixfold over the past 50 years. In 1972, the worth of one dollar was $1, but by 2022, the value of a dollar has dropped by an incredible 86%, to $0.14.Mar 10, 2022

So, as you have to see, more money is needed to have the same buying availability. You must see this. Right now, you have said that prices have gone up obscenely. That brings me to this. You can’t make me believe that only Democrats and those that are of the liberal ilk are the only ones that work in low paying jobs like burger flippers. Republicans and those of a conservative ilk also work in these type of jobs. Don’t you think they also want a decent hourly wage and would support legislation to bring that minimum to a living standard to be able to support themselves without food stamps or other extra help? I think you know this is right.
Saving for retirement is a noble idea, unfortunately, if you can’t put enough food on the table, retirement is something to dread. Again, if you can’t afford to eat , you can’t afford to buy a home or, even, live in a decent place.
Even if a person or family is lucky enough to be financially comfortable, life is only one per person. You may think that having an assured retirement is the most important thing in life. Others think that life should have more gusto. That trip to Paris or that new car is worth the expense.
By phart [Ignore] 23,Oct,22 10:37 other posts 
I know several people that lay around and do nothing but do drugs and get welfare.I don't associate with them because I don't want to be influenced in a negitive way by that in " well if they can do it I can" type thing.
Low life non productive scum.
By #610414 23,Oct,22 11:30
I know Many people that chose to be nurses not because it's the most lucrative, but, they want to serve in the betterment of their fellow man. You can find any example of lifestyle that you are looking for. Drug addicted don't start that way. First they want to feel something different. Addiction is a decease with all the baggage that brings with it. It's not contagious and being influenced by that lifestyle, begs the question, "Are you that insecure?"
By tecsan [Ignore] 21,Oct,22 00:40 other posts 
I have said that all along. Who freed the slaves, anyone feel free to answer.
By #610414 23,Oct,22 09:44
Tecsan, do you really think it really matters whom freed the slaves over 150yrs ago? The true answer is: President Abraham Lincoln. What does this mean? Absolutely nothing if The Clan still exists or the Arian Brotherhood keeps growing. Or, a huge group of people, hiding behind Conservative Republicanism, put obstacles in the way of minorities trying to live a life comparable to the WASP establishment of this country. You don’t approve of the BLM movement. I wonder why? Could it be you don’t approve of the “B” part of that movement? Sometimes I wonder what the dynamics would be if the ghettos where populated by whites (with all that implies) and the suburbs populated by Blacks.
By phart [Ignore] 23,Oct,22 10:39 other posts 
It matters alot that Lincoln freed the slaves and the vast majority of blacks need to be reminded of the fact that they are NOT slaves and are NOT being held back by anything but their own feelings of victimhood instilled into them by their parents.
There are a few out there that defied the norm and became good people that give to the community and to the country.But instead of being idolized by the blacks in worse conditions, they are called traitors and uncle toms and whatever else . The blacks idolize thugs and criminals like george floyd.Who was a drug addict with a heavy criminal record.
By #610414 23,Oct,22 11:41
I humbly disagree with you Phart. No one says they are still slaves in the manner their ancestors where, but, being held back, THEY ARE. Tell me why gerrymandering tries to negate Black voting power? Tell me why banks don't want to finance mortgages in black neighborhoods? Tell me why, for the same, identical offence, a black person gets a much harsher sentence than a white person? Tell me why why if two couples, one black, one white, apply to rent a duelling in a white neighborhood, the white couple gets it?
These and many, many other reasons are the reasons why they feel discriminated against. You actually believe that victimization is because their parents instilled it into their heads? Think about it. No traction in that.
By phart [Ignore] 23,Oct,22 14:01 other posts 
Well I have already responded to that type of questioning with links showing that blacks are more apt to fail to pay rent and house payments ,thus causing them to be a higher risk for landlords and banks.
the track record is not good for blacks paying rent on time, or making payments on time in the past.
Until that track record improves, tough luck.
Landlords are not in business to be charity's. They invest in property ,improve it, and rent it for PROFIT. And when tenants tear it to pieces, then fail to pay the rent for months, the landlord looses their shirt.
This is not limited to the blacks,whites are sadly following the leaders on the issue.
Along with hispanics. 1 of my friends rented to some hispanics. they paid the first 3 months rent on time and then never paid any more.Because kids were involved, it took over a year to get them out. The tennants had removed the kitchen cabinet doors and put screen wire in the holes and had LIVE CHICKENS in the kitchen cabinets. They would pull a chicken out,behead it on the kitchen counter and cook it and eat it and throw the guts and feathers out in the yard. Now do you want that going on in a house YOU OWN?? I doubt it.
The house was so badly damaged he gave it to the local fire department for training. They did not do any interior training as it was to unsafe. Just hose training on the exterior.
Sad end to a 1200 a month income .
By #610414 23,Oct,22 15:11
That is not an excuse. It's like you going to get a car loan and have great credit and get turned down because you have a disability and people with disabilities tend not to pay back loans. It's not fair and it's against the law, but it happens every day. Situations like the ones you describe happen in every section of society. It's not the norm.
By phart [Ignore] 23,Oct,22 17:02 other posts 
So you are ok with people loosing money because people don't pay back or pay up?
just because of a law written by liberals most likely that don't CARE if people loose money???
sheesh,What is your retirement invested in?
What if it was loaned out and not paid back to the investor?
Rental payments are income for alot of people.It cost money to maintain rental property even with good renters.
I can't believe you support shitting people out of their incomes.
By #610414 23,Oct,22 18:07
You are mixing subjects and making assumptions without proof
By phart [Ignore] 23,Oct,22 20:10 other posts 
"That is not an excuse"
you are the 1 that can't sort.
I have a 829 credit rating at the moment. Impairments or none,i know how to keep any debt at a low level and still use enough to keep my rating to a point that when my retirement income increases, i will be able to better myself.
living within your means is important.
Blacks tend to rent more house than they can afford thinking that the laws will keep them from getting thrown out.
By #610414 23,Oct,22 20:33
That's an assumption. And again, if you can't make a good income, you can't save
By tecsan [Ignore] 24,Oct,22 00:21 other posts 
Trust me, 'B' has nothing to do with my feelings. I bet you have seen some past posts of mine that suggest the opposite. Sorry if you did not see them. Native Americans matter, Chinese lives matter, Russian lives matter. now where does the insanity stop?
By #610414 24,Oct,22 07:35
If you call that insanity,then it STARTS with you
By tecsan [Ignore] 24,Oct,22 23:15 other posts 
It starts with the current ridiculous regime. All can see it, even democraps are running from sleepy uncle joey.
By #610414 25,Oct,22 07:16
It's not a regime, it's a presidency. Regimes are created by Jan 6 type insurrectionist. I like what he's doing and what he's trying to achieve. At least, he doesn't go around spreading lies.

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