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Started by phart [Ignore] 19,May,22 18:33  other posts
Hello World.
HERE will be the NEW HOME of all the strange and odd things I have feelings about. You could consider this, Phart's Brain Farts regarding world or local news.
There will be freedom of speech here.Just don't violate someone elses.

For starters,
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Really now? Well what is really despicable is the mess at the border with folks coming in willy nilly bringing their dope and their virus's and diseases we have eradicated decades ago. Instead of putting all your air into denying it, PROVE THE THEORY WRONG.
There is overwhelming evidence of a problem brewing,and unless democrats can gain from it,they would be otherwise trying to stop it.

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By tecsan [Ignore] 21,Oct,22 23:35 other posts 
Is mr magoo, aoc, buttigieg or r f o'rourke odd enough for this discussion?
By phart [Ignore] 23,Oct,22 14:04 other posts 
ol bootleg is a joke .Took MONTHS off of work for maternity leave and is Not CAPABLE of having a baby! He bought 1,or adopted it whatever you want to call it.
AOC is not hard to look at until she opens her mouth then she is uglier than the wicked witch of the west.
By #610414 24,Oct,22 08:24
Excuse me, Phart, but, where have you been? Maternity leave for the father is common in many industries.
By phart [Ignore] 24,Oct,22 10:11 other posts 
not that damn much, a couple days to be there for the birth and get the mom and baby settled in at home. then family and the elderly family members are supposed to step in while the dad goes back to work to SUPPORT the baby.
By #610414 24,Oct,22 10:27
Maternity leave is PAID leave
By phart [Ignore] 24,Oct,22 10:42 other posts 
yea,that cost the employer alot of money for NO OUTPUT>
and if you remember, he was away from his job during a critical time regarding supply chain issues that HIS POSITION was responsible for. I can't help but feel like it was planned that way.
By #610414 24,Oct,22 12:15
It's a benefit for the employee like OT or sick leave. As far as the secretary, his boss didn't complain.
By phart [Ignore] 24,Oct,22 13:53 other posts 
of course biden didn't complain, he probably didn't even know he was gone!

By #672017 22,Oct,22 13:33
Since bella! is so concerned over one downvote, I'll explain it:
It was because I don't think the sources provided are reputable and the discussion points tend to be disingenuous, in my opinion.

It's nothing personal against phart since at least they don't troll or expect others to bend to their will, and they don't call names or hurl insults like some...
By phart [Ignore] 22,Oct,22 18:53 other posts 
considering the fact you left a negative feedback on me and don't know me from adams house cat, why not just take your explanation over to Cats thread
By #672017 22,Oct,22 19:24
Sorry, but I didn't say anything that was untrue in my feedback.

And if you can't handle me commenting in your public forum post then I don't know what to tell you... so much for "free speech" I guess.
By phart [Ignore] 22,Oct,22 19:52 other posts 
well,that is not the issue ,the issue is,you don't like me,so why use my thread?
go use a thread of someone who likes your mindset,
By #672017 22,Oct,22 19:55
I don't dislike you, I just disagree with you!
I only dislike those who mindlessly insult people & harass them across the site.
If we all only stayed where people shared our mindset, then how would we ever grow?
By phart [Ignore] 22,Oct,22 20:31 other posts 
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By #672017 22,Oct,22 21:15
I'm not sure what you mean here sir
By phart [Ignore] 23,Oct,22 09:12 other posts 
thus why I posted it.
Enjoy life.strange as it may be

By phart [Ignore] 19,Oct,22 18:19 other posts 
racism in sports,
Imagine that.
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Maby black people have enough sense not to play such a violent game .OR they simply DO NOT WANT TO PLAY?
They must make to damn much money to have a nonsense position like this.
" The NHL’s “executive vice president of social impact” " Really?

As for blacks in other sports,look at nascar,they get 1 half black driver and he is on the news all the time with something that winds up harming Nascars already tarnished image.
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By dgraff [Ignore] 17,Oct,22 18:43 other posts 
Joe Biden goes to Oregon on a weird sniffing spree
By phart [Ignore] 17,Oct,22 22:23 other posts 
gee,I "wonder why" some counties of oregon would want to leave the wonderful state of oregon and become idaho?
Could it be they don't like riots and that kind of bullshit? I guess old sleepy joe is trying to make sure a democrat govenor gets in and prevents them from leaving.Probably the majority of the tax base for the state that is trying to leave it!
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People really need to read that link.Very informaitive.

By phart [Ignore] 15,Oct,22 17:36 other posts 
assault weapons ban needed?
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before you go jumping on the YES wagon, this was in RUSSIA.
So now,do you still think assault weapons should be banned?
No,the democrat will probably think, "let them kill themselves.

By #680315 14,Oct,22 18:30
Lol this a good one only registered users can see external links
By phart [Ignore] 14,Oct,22 20:44 other posts 
LIke I said in the other thread,
Smart man,
By #610414 15,Oct,22 10:32
How smart can he be when he donates money to a traitor?

By #680315 14,Oct,22 13:33
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By #610414 22,Aug,22 16:38
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Trannies are people too
By phart [Ignore] 22,Aug,22 18:20 other posts 
Gee, that goes back to what I have been saying. THe government is using the Americans with Disabilities Act to "protect" these people. That is OPENLY ADMITING that the people have a disability and that it is NOT natural. Gee, how nice of the government to fix that for us. Now we know, trust the science!
So any trans that uses this protection is admitting they are disabled ,and not natural or without defect.
By #610414 22,Aug,22 19:26
Phart why do they consider you disabled?
By phart [Ignore] 22,Aug,22 22:06 other posts 
physical impairments due to accident that prevent me from working safely. for example,50% loss of use of right leg,40% of left arm,50% of back. Not to mention the brain damage that results in unable to walk straight and communicate under pressure and other issues. the list is long and boring but that is the jest of it.

My job was dangerous ,and physically demanding and not just 8 hours a day 5 days a week.
By #610414 23,Aug,22 14:34
This is the law

the person must be suffering from an injury, disease, congenital deformity or physical or mental illness or defect which has continued or may reasonably be expected to continue for a period of at least a year.Feb 17, 2020

So, just as you are suffering from a defect, in your case an accident, a transgender suffers a physical defect (by birth) that will last for life unless it's fixed. Once fixed that person can have a normal life. Your disability, unfortunately, can't be fixed. I'm sorry for that.
By phart [Ignore] 23,Aug,22 22:01 other posts 
how can a fellow born with a dick call it a defect? How would he know he was defective?
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 24,Aug,22 11:06 other posts 
Often the dick is not their problem. You keep confusing gender with sex.

It's the feeling that they are the opposite sex than they were born as.
Maybe it's not possible to completely change ones sex, but it is possible to change ones gender; make the person look like the opposite sex and (if desired) take all the normally associated gender roles of the opposite sex.
Therefore the correct term is 'transgender'.

I just recently saw a documentary about transgenders. One of them wanted to look more feminine and went through pretty gruesome operations to achieve that.
The end result was pretty good. But she didn't want to go all the way. She had her testicles removed, because they produce testosterone. She called them 'traitors'.
But she decided to keep her penis, because she has a girlfriend and vaginoplasty
is intended for having sex with men. She had no problem with her dick.
Yes, trans people are admitting they are disabled, with the Disabilities Act.

Why is that admitting it's not natural?
You are disabled. Are you not natural?

Because they were born that way?
Are people who are born with disabilities not natural?
By phart [Ignore] 24,Aug,22 11:49 other posts 
to many people think it is normal and natural to try to be something they were not born as.
And have to take medicines for depression and such,and instead of accepting what they are and living a normal life,they spend 1000's of dollars and their whole lives trying to convince everyone else they are something else.
NOT is a menatal disabilty.And yes it needs treatment.but not the kind given.
By #610414 24,Aug,22 14:00
You just said it, a mental disability
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 24,Aug,22 17:49 other posts 
Science is not sure yet, but sex and sexual preference are most likely not just determined by the genes of the developing zygote/fetus. There are hormones of the mother in the womb involved with the development of the brain areas that are related with sexual attraction and identity. Irregularities can probably cause homosexuality, intersexuality and transgenderism. Abnormal brain development can be called a mental disability, but I don't consider it disabilities, because people could function normally in society, if other people just stopped being bigoted.
By #610414 24,Aug,22 19:35
That was in answer to Phart’s ridiculous post
By phart [Ignore] 25,Aug,22 10:29 other posts 
here's a case for you. No surgery will fix this. it happens in nature,rarely.
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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 01,Oct,22 09:56 other posts 
I know about it. But albinism is considered a disability.
The condition may predispose persons with albinism (PWAs) to lifelong physical and health problems, such as visual impairment and ultra-violet induced skin damage.

The World Health Organization defines 'disability' as an umbrella concept that encompasses impairments, activity limitations, and participation limits.

Transgender people suffer from impairments, activity limitations, and participation limits. However, most of those impairments, activity limitations, and participation limits are society imposed. If society was not bigoted, they would only suffer their own struggles.
Many people think stupid things, so that is surely not an argument.

Too many people think it matters if it is unnatural or not for people to be something they were not born as. I care about freedom. I cannot see any argument for right-wingers anymore to keep pretending they ever cared about freedom.

Humanity is unnatural. We haven't been natural for thousands of years.
Homosexuality, intersexuality and transgenderism happens in nature all the time.
So why is it being unnatural or not even an argument?
By phart [Ignore] 24,Aug,22 23:41 other posts 
in nature it is not common,very uncommon. So why is it being shoved into the spot light? To be honest,I doubt the few people that actually may have a issue like it being in the spotlight because it is useful to further divide people and prompt hatred.Have you not noticed alot of movie stars are adopting kids from africa and they are all suddenly wearing skirts like madonna's kid? Males,that if they were at home in their own country would live and work as males are suddenly indoctrinated to wear dress's and act like they like it.
By #610414 06,Sep,22 10:30
You are the one that describes it as "indoctrination". Give it a rest.
By phart [Ignore] 30,Sep,22 22:44 other posts 
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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 01,Oct,22 10:52 other posts 
Is this your example of 'indoctrination' from the the pro-LGBT crowd?
Some conservative asshole decided that the girls volleyball team cannot change together with a transgender kid in one locker room. And a conservative 'news' outlet hypes it up into a outrage story. It's all conservative indoctrination.
By phart [Ignore] 08,Oct,22 18:35 other posts 
That 1 person should be the 1 that adapts,not the rest of them.That 1 person is the 1 with the issue.NOT the rest of them.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 12,Oct,22 03:42 other posts 
Wow, the perfect argument for personal freedom.
You're just saying shit again without any investigation. Our closest cousin species bonobos and chimpanzees display bisexual and homosexual behavior and transgenderism in nature. (In captivity it's even more common)
There are often female apes who take a male leadership role in the group or
male apes who take the standard female role of care for the young.
Many species of birds show similar behavior and its not uncommon at all.

Just because right-wingers focus on it so much, you might think it's very common now in humans, but it isn't. It's about as common/uncommon as it is in nature.

However, it doesn't matter how common it is, because it's a good topic for right-wing grifters to attract an audience and make a lot of money from the views and a good topic for Republicans to hide the fact that they do nothing for people, unless those people like to take the rights from other people.
By phart [Ignore] 05,Sep,22 18:59 other posts 
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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 01,Oct,22 11:09 other posts 
I agree with him getting $95,000 for unlawful resignation.
Schools should stop firing teachers over everything.
Have they ever heard about something called a 'discussion'?
It's when you ask people together in a room and they talk about
their grievances and they come to a mutually agreeable arrangement.
And then sometimes teachers have to leave their personal opinions
at home and do as the school requires them to do.
That's demanded of many atheist teachers, who need to teach creationism
and intelligent design as an alternative 'theory' for evolution,
which is actually a violation of the constitution.
It's even a controversy in red states that they are forced to even teach evolution.
I would say, that refusing to teach evolution is really a reason to get fired.
Teachers are not allowed to act as religion indoctrinators.
By phart [Ignore] 11,Sep,22 13:33 other posts 
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A real doctor is not going to say what that 1 is saying at the start.
Sex is what you are BORN with.
And watch the part about the trans that misses the dick they had.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 01,Oct,22 11:30 other posts 
Nonsense propaganda. Only a tiny minority regrets their decision.
Nothing permanent is being done to children. That's just lies from right-wing grifters, who make money of threatening hospitals.

If children have been saying that they are a girl, while they were born as a boy, and they keep saying that all their youth and after the have been on puberty blockers for years, they finally ask for their gender affirming operation, it's their own stupidity if they come
to regret it.

Choices and freedom come with responsibility. Some people make mistakes.
But these mistake only affects themselves, so that doesn't mean we should take away everyone's freedom to make choices. Society should provide care to help those people to think about their choices and if they then still make mistakes, don't cry about people giving you the freedom to make them.
By phart [Ignore] 29,Sep,22 13:52 other posts 
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I am glad to see this fine young woman stand up for women's rights.
For century's women have wanted equal rights. Some of us think they shit in their bed because now they can be left to fend for themselves in the real world as men would no longer be expected to help take care of them and protect them from harms way.
But women finally got equal rights. THen, democrats decide, ok, let's put men into women's sports with some duct tape and store bought boobs and they can like it or lump it.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 01,Oct,22 12:01 other posts 
Stupid fearmongering acting as a distraction for real inequality.
You think a little girl not getting a medal when a trans-girl is running or swimming a bit faster is worse than her being forced to be a mother, because she was ra.ped or her school failed in providing sexual education.
One 'inequality' is motivating her to run or swim just a bit harder,
the loss of abortion rights can ruin her life.

And stop with the stupid strawmen. No one thinks boys should be allowed to compete with girls, just by pretending to be transgender. If there is an unfair advantage, transgenders should be banned from important competitions. But there is no wave
of fake-transgenders ruining sports for women, that's just stupid propaganda.
By phart [Ignore] 01,Oct,22 09:17 other posts 
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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 01,Oct,22 11:43 other posts 
That's how stupid people get, if you let conservatives run schools.
By phart [Ignore] 01,Oct,22 22:59 other posts 
No that is what happens when males learn in school that they can get pregnant!.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 03,Oct,22 08:31 other posts 
That doesn't happen.
By phart [Ignore] 02,Oct,22 09:02 other posts 
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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 03,Oct,22 08:44 other posts 
A sex toy to simulate child birth
I see why you like these guys, they are funny.
By phart [Ignore] 02,Oct,22 23:13 other posts 
Donating your body to science? Remember ,if you weren't a pussy while you were alive, you can be TURNED INTO 1 when you die! Wow, what next, vagina and womb transplant?
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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 03,Oct,22 08:37 other posts 
Lets say they would be able to turn a biological man into a transgender with breasts,
a vagina, ovaries and a womb and she would be able to get pregnant and give birth.
Is she then a woman by your definition?
By phart [Ignore] 03,Oct,22 09:07 other posts 
No it would be the same as removing the 4 cylinder engine from a ford pinto and putting in a jet engine and wings,it is still a Ford pinto.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 03,Oct,22 11:15 other posts 
Well, with modding getting better, it's good enough to drive for me.
By phart [Ignore] 05,Oct,22 15:01 other posts 
OK, dispute this.
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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 07,Oct,22 11:36 other posts 
I'm not deputing the findings, I'm just disputing your conclusions.
Transgenders should be able to attend sports with women, up to the level
where the competitive results matter a lot for a professional sporting career.
Any basic school or amateur competition is not important enough for competition,
to ban transgenders from participating. That's just hateful social exclusion.

Off course we shouldn't let one team filled with transgenders compete with a team of cisgender girls. That could be abused by pathetic losers who only care about winning. Schools and parents should endorse that participation is more important than winning.
By phart [Ignore] 10,Oct,22 21:16 other posts 
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boys duct taping their dicks up in their ass cracks and growing boobs are not able to dodge the draft.
girls putting a potato in their pants and drawing hair on themselves are still not required to sign up YET.
I would like to see all, males and females have to sign up for the draft.
that is is equality.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 12,Oct,22 03:53 other posts 
True, that is equality.
However, I would love to see 'the draft' not exist at all.
That's also equality AND FREEDOM, be a pacifist.
Than every sucker who still believes the US military
is only about protecting their country, can freely sign up
to get their guts blown out for oil and petty politics.
By phart [Ignore] 12,Oct,22 08:59 other posts 
I would rather see threats to our safety dealt with in a swift manner with drones and bombs and not jeopardize our young peoples safety.
Being a complete pacifist is no more than being a slave or share cropper to whom ever decides to trample over you on any particular day.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 12,Oct,22 09:50 other posts 
If your drone strikes just killed some Islamist extremist terrorists,
I wouldn't cry over them. But the number of innocent people getting killed
makes the US the terrorists.
If you want to have some strawman idea on the principles of pacifists, go ahead.
But have you not defended Christian morality? You might try to adopt some of Jesus' values than. Jesus was clearly a pacifist. You know, 'Turn the other cheek!'.
(Matthew chapter 5)
By phart [Ignore] 12,Oct,22 14:04 other posts 
Yea, I have heard of it,and you know where it got him? Nailed to a cross.
I don't run to church every sunday,I am far from perfect,but I acknowledge the need for civil behavior,raising children to be smart and able to do for themselves and so on,that same book says those that don't work don't eat.

Bare in mind that fear you have of innocents dieing in drone strikes is the very reason the terrorist surround themselves with children and women.
Which sadly, the children grow up to be terrorist like their role models and the women bring more into the world to repeat the cycle.
So it could be said, are they really innocent?
By #610414 12,Oct,22 22:24
Oh, now you say Jesus was wrong? Want to explain that to the millions of Christians in the world?😈
The Bible is a mixed bag on literately every subject imaginable, but Jesus was clearly a pacifist. He also kicked over the tables of loan sharks and the stalls of dove merchants in the temple, so he wasn't completely against violence of any kind, but he didn't inflict physical pain or damage on the loan sharks and merchants.
And wasn't Jesus being nailed to the cross the whole intent, according to the Bible? He was sacrificing himself, for the sins of men, in order to make himself (as God) forgive the sins of men. I think that part is utter nonsense, but I'm not the one who
is claiming that religious morality is superior. I'm just pointing out that you are not following religious morality, as far as there are some clear values to follow.
You are just picking and choosing and that way you could literally justify anything.

Were we talking about working ("those that don't work don't eat") or about killing?
Who says pacifists don't want to work?

It's the stupidest argument that terrorists surround themselves with children and women intentionally, to cause collateral damage.
1) If they do, it's still the US who decides killing children and women to kill those terrorists is OK. I think the estimated 98% of victims of drone strikes that are “collateral damage” are not OK. It's not OK to bomb an entire wedding, just because some terrorist is attending. That makes the US the terrorist.
2) Terrorists are just assholes playing soldier, walking around with their buddies, bullying people. They might have some headquarters, which is usually just the house of the local chieftain, but they just live among their families and other citizens. Even their wives are often just a present to them, that they force to do the cleaning and cooking and regularly, resulting in children. I hate their ideology and I have no problem with killing the chieftain and some of those bullies, but it's impossible to fight their ideology by becoming worse terrorists ourselves.
3) People have been determined 'terrorist' for just walking around with an AK47. That was enough to kill them, while unarmed people were walking around too.
That is not acceptable. And it's hypocrisy for a country of self defense advocates.
4) It is against the US' own interests to kill the enemy with 98% collateral damage, because it creates the best recruiting tool for terrorists. You might kill one horrible extremist (fine with me), but you create many more, in all the survivors, family and friends of the innocent people you just horribly killed. And that is not fine by me, because I want freedom for the people in those countries and peace in general.
The shortsighted actions of the US are unproductive to that goal.

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