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Started by phart [Ignore] 19,May,22 18:33  other posts
Hello World.
HERE will be the NEW HOME of all the strange and odd things I have feelings about. You could consider this, Phart's Brain Farts regarding world or local news.
There will be freedom of speech here.Just don't violate someone elses.

For starters,
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Really now? Well what is really despicable is the mess at the border with folks coming in willy nilly bringing their dope and their virus's and diseases we have eradicated decades ago. Instead of putting all your air into denying it, PROVE THE THEORY WRONG.
There is overwhelming evidence of a problem brewing,and unless democrats can gain from it,they would be otherwise trying to stop it.

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By phart [Ignore] 16,Nov,22 23:01 other posts 
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By phart [Ignore] 16,Nov,22 22:32 other posts 
these folks have uncle fetterman down pat!
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The comments below the vid are spot on

"The fact that this guy is even near any government seat of power is a reality check into how far this country has deteriorated."

"Just think, Fetterman is the best PA dem's have, how insane is that?"

By phart [Ignore] 16,Nov,22 17:53 other posts 
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Ok, so biden signed papers stopping our pipeline 2 years ago. It would be done in a couple more years had it been left alone.Now the worlds largest producer is saying supply is low.How nice.
Now OUR national oil reserve is low because biden kept dumping it out trying to save face,and the worlds supply is low.
What will this do to the WORLD economy? Remember 2020? That was a preamble.

By phart [Ignore] 14,Nov,22 21:26 other posts 
We are running low on fuel,needed for planes,trains and trucks.
So how will we get stuff we need?
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By #610414 15,Nov,22 06:57
We could invade Venezuela, Mexico, and Canada. Colonize them, take their oil, and make them citizens of The Commonwealth of the United States.
By phart [Ignore] 15,Nov,22 09:25 other posts 
We should did that with afganistan and iraq instead of sending so many people to die for nothing.
By #610414 15,Nov,22 15:39
Republicans, go figure.
By phart [Ignore] 15,Nov,22 16:13 other posts 
Think about it, a few bombs, done, no more killing ,no Taliban, and the citizens would have rights and freedom and we would have oil reserves.
By #610414 15,Nov,22 19:26
Read the history of those two countries. They have endured many invasions
By #610414 16,Nov,22 04:35
That doesn't belong to us. Typical Republican idea of what a sovereign country means
By dgraff [Ignore] 16,Nov,22 06:40 other posts 
I can’t believe this problem is only now being talked about or publicize I received my email about this subject 6 months ago but I can’t see how we can be low on diesel fuel as it is the waist product of making gasoline hell years ago they used to dump it away but I guess Biden is to worried about his new money with a trackable spy wear in it
By phart [Ignore] 16,Nov,22 10:28 other posts 
Yea, tractors were built to run on kerosene because it was cheap waste by product and now it is pricier than gasoline.
No reason for there to be a shortage of desiel. It is a created problem so the government can find ways to control the supply chain.
Most trucks ,trains run on diesel.
So if they can't run, you don't get your shit.
You do without,and suffer. and look to the government for "help".
that comes in the form of higher taxes and alternate fuel trucks that can't make it a 100 miles before they are out of sparks.
By dgraff [Ignore] 16,Nov,22 10:34 other posts 
Absolutely it’s a bunch of shit all created by our government
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And don’t forget our ship’s run on diesel fuel
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I keep telling Marcy she better get use to what ever I can bring home to eat because the stores are going to have bare shelves and she is a picky eater me I can survive on squirrel or possum or ground hog what ever I can shoot but she will starve

By #610414 15,Nov,22 06:59
I've been waiting for that "Red Tide" that President Biden caused. All I've seen so far has been a few red cratbs. 🤣😈
By phart [Ignore] 15,Nov,22 09:24 other posts 
1 more seat to have majority in senate, 49 seats in house. not a "wave" but a wheel chock to slow down the runaway train.
By #610414 15,Nov,22 15:39
Democrats took the Senate and the house will be close.
By phart [Ignore] 15,Nov,22 16:03 other posts 
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1 seat for the house and we got it.
looks like the senate is where it will be same as before.
the kneeling kamel making a tie break vote
by this link.
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By #610414 15,Nov,22 19:22
If Warnok beats Walker there'll be 51 plus Kamela

By phart [Ignore] 15,Nov,22 16:54 other posts 
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DUH! They say you can't fix stupid.
BUT given the chance, mother nature will cleanse the gene pool of idiots.

By phart [Ignore] 11,Nov,22 09:45 other posts 
So you live in Massachusetts and you worked your ass off to get a education and a good job.You invest and do well.
What does the democrats do,sneek in behind your back and take 4% more of your damn money. Some incentive to be successful.
People like Cat think we conservatives are just spewing bullshit when we say the democrats don't like successful people.Well there's proof. Democrats want to take from those that work hard and invest and give to those that don't do shit.
the schools are already funded by property tax,the roads and bridges are already funded by fuel tax.
And now,gee another tax.
Now,the next thing will be up it to 6% ,then a few years later 10%,and etc.
Take take and waste it.
Even Californians were smart enough to vote the idea down.
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By #610414 12,Nov,22 14:23
Well, Phart, when it comes to BS you are really spewing it.
By phart [Ignore] 13,Nov,22 07:56 other posts 
What part of it is bs?
By #610414 13,Nov,22 08:35
the democrats don't like successful people
By phart [Ignore] 13,Nov,22 11:04 other posts 
Ok, without being a jurk, I must ask, please show me that democrats like successful people?
IF they did, why the "tax the rich" thing in the first place?
Being rich is a reward for 1's work and being SUCCESSFUL in whatever endeavor you are involved in.
IF the democrats liked successful people they would incentivize the actions required to BE SUCCESSFUL instead of regulating and taxing them.
To be a succesful oil company owner you have to drill wells and pump oil. But no,where and how they drill is heavyly regulated.
To be a successful car manufacture you have to make money to reinvest in equipment and man power.But no,they have to spend millions to make cars "idiot" proof instead.

granted those are vague quick examples but still the point being ,if success was the democrats goal for the people, their actions do not indicate it.
By #610414 13,Nov,22 12:10
Phart, you seem to think that taxes are only for the rich. That's not true and no rich individual or company has been ruined by over-taxation. Democrats, because of what they stand for, don't like behavior by big companies that tend to harm the public. They don't like rich and successful people that gained their success on the shoulders of the little people without regard for their well being. An example of that is Trump.
The Democrats:
The Democratic Party generally represents left-leaning, liberal and progressive ideological values, thus advocating for a strong government to regulate business and support for the citizens of the United States. Thus, one of the key values emphasized by Democrats is social responsibility.

Democrats believe that the economy should work for everyone, health care is a right, our diversity is our strength, and democracy is worth defending.

Democratic platforms seek to promote social programs, labor unions, consumer protection, workplace safety regulation, equal opportunity, disability rights, racial equity,[8] regulations against environmental pollution,[9][10][11] and criminal justice reform.[12] Democrats tend to support abortion rights and the LGBT community, as well as a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. Democrats typically agree with the scientific consensus on climate change and favor a multilateral approach in foreign policy.

The party favors a mixed economy[13] and generally supports a progressive tax system, higher minimum wages, Social Security, universal health care, public education, and subsidized housing.
By dgraff [Ignore] 13,Nov,22 11:37 other posts 
It’s not the success of a person it’s strong minded people that can think for them selves that the democrats are afraid of that’s why they don’t like myself and president trump or any republicans for that matter
By #610414 13,Nov,22 12:18
Trump's philosophy is "my way or the highway". He provided a view of this during the last six years and in particular, this 2023 election. This is what you and other Republicans want us to like?
And what do you think of Obama, Hilary, Biden, Pelosi, or Shumer? They are all tough thinking people. Personally, Mountain Man, I think your opinion is BS.
By dgraff [Ignore] 13,Nov,22 17:56 other posts 
You see things to the left I see things to the right so maybe it’s your opinion that is BS
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By the way I run my shop that way my way or the highway and I use that same philosophy on my costumer’s if I’m fixing some thing it’s going to be right I won’t waist my time nigger rigging if they want it nigger rigged they need to find a shop that don’t have a 5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Rating
By phart [Ignore] 13,Nov,22 18:56 other posts 
When I repair stuff I use a similar motto .I usually don't get something in the shop until it has already been "rigged".
Trying to go back and fix something after all the "rigging" can be time consuming. and I let them know that up front.
By dgraff [Ignore] 13,Nov,22 19:08 other posts 
By #610414 14,Nov,22 08:53
Dgraff, maybe you are right but don’t ask me to prove you right.
I, like the Democrats, believe that the economy should work for everyone, health care is a right, our diversity is our strength, and democracy is worth defending.
If this is what you believe in too, then, I don’t care what party you belong to, you are one with us. That’s why, sometimes, like when you use the “N” word, I have to assume what you are saying is BS.
By phart [Ignore] 14,Nov,22 09:18 other posts 
Help me find where it is written that health care is a right?

I know for decades any hospital that takes government funding has to provide basic treatment to anyone regardless if they can pay anything or not.
BUT ,i have yet to ever see it written that it is a "right".
Edit,I did find it in some united nations crap but not in our constitution.
We are not a 1 world government yet,so the united nations does not give us anything right wise.

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While there's no guaranteed right to health care in the United States, state and federal laws do provide certain protections for patients.
By #610414 14,Nov,22 10:17
That is what us liberals and the Democrats believe in. I can ask questions like that too. Where is it written in the Constitution that Social Security or disability is a right?
By phart [Ignore] 14,Nov,22 11:55 other posts 
disability like I am under the thumb of is a type of insurance that is bought or provided by the employer in case of injury or issue employment related.
Disability from the government is a social program that when started was a good idea but it's abuse has made it a disaster and everyone with a stumped toe trys to get it.
By #610414 14,Nov,22 14:40
If you are talking about workman’s comp, that insurance is backed by and offered to the employer by the government. Either way, there’s no Amendment two and a half to the Constitution that mentions it. The founding fathers couldn’t include everything but, left us with the ability to include something that is needed
By phart [Ignore] 14,Nov,22 19:18 other posts 
No some employers like mine have their own systems backed by their retirement plan investments.

incentive to come to work for them knowing you are protected if something tragic happens.
Young liberals don't understand anything but WAGE. They don't think twice about leaving a job with 5 years seniority for a couple more bucks a hour and loosing the gains made towards retirement and benefits like insurance and paid leave etc.
By #610414 14,Nov,22 20:50
401Ks are transferable. And, if you are vested, you can take your retirement with you and invest it in your new job. So?
By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Nov,22 10:58 other posts 
I guess I could have used jury rigged but no matter how I decried it I’m going to offend some one all they are to me is just words I don’t mean anything by them
By #610414 14,Nov,22 14:45
I believe you, but, words can cause problems even without intent. Look at what’s happening with Bella! and me in her thread.
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Nov,22 16:21 other posts 
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Nov,22 16:22 other posts 
Yeah, dgraff , poor, poor CAT She has difficulty spelling and dang, couple that with a misused "you" has caused CAT to be misunderstood. Gee, help me out, didn't CAT blame her unique spelling style on her computer? Hmmmm....., didn't some of former SYD/SYC members that lived in her house, who joined SYD/SYC and used her computer have the same issue the damn keyboard? Bwahahahaha!
By #610414 14,Nov,22 17:43
bella! 25,Nov,13 14:54

In the MEMBERS YOU MISS thread, I mentioned that fairy dished out some crap BUT there was a bunch of crap slung at her. I mentioned that I hoped admin kept an open mind and heard both sides/all sides of petty feuds prior to deleting/banning ANY member. MONTED suggested that I read the site rules, which I did. WE are adults and should conduct ourselves in an adult like manner. And man up or woman up and acknowledge that it takes 2 or more people to have a fight or disagreement, if any party walks away, where is there an issue? That was the reason Public Chat was disbanded and why admin suggested everyone use their own personal chat room so that YOU could be the moderator and ban disruptive members. BAM! That's all I got to say about it.
By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Nov,22 19:57 other posts 
I remember those days back when the men were men and the women were men to they talked like drunken sailors and chewed tobacco and spit the juice on dogs and one of them the ring leader even resembled a Sasquatch
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Or depending on what part of her you looked at perhaps a smashed bucket of crabs 🦀
By phart [Ignore] 14,Nov,22 20:08 other posts 
Back in the day we didn't have to wonder if Wonderwoman was a woman!
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By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Nov,22 20:13 other posts 

By phart [Ignore] 14,Nov,22 20:06 other posts 
My luck with women,If I bought this, it would just fart and fly out the window.
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By phart [Ignore] 14,Nov,22 19:15 other posts 
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Witch hunt not going quite as planned?
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By phart [Ignore] 14,Nov,22 14:54 other posts 
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By phart [Ignore] 08,Nov,22 09:10 other posts 
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Why not loose some weight and live a healthier life style instead of trying to normalize being unhealthy and HUGE?
By sherryann [Ignore] 09,Nov,22 18:48 other posts 
phart you make me smile and laugh out loud, I agree with you. I never liked it when I was fatter. But mainly because of the health issues being fat causes. Losing weight should be encouraged. These days being fat is normal though.
By phart [Ignore] 09,Nov,22 19:56 other posts 
Yea, I have noticed alot of clothing ads and such are using "plus size" women and I can't help it,a 250 pounder in a skimpy bra and panties is NOT a good advertisement unless you are trying to show how strong the elastic is.
Looks gross actually.
By Dev01 [Ignore] 10,Nov,22 02:12 other posts 
Well we do live in 'politically correct ' world these days
By #610414 10,Nov,22 14:39
Who are they running the add for? Surely not you, so they don't care what you think. On the other hand, there's plenty of + women that need plus size clothing.
By sherryann [Ignore] 10,Nov,22 21:57 other posts 
Phart I think you're right. America turned into a disgusting obese nation. Fast food, garbage food is the norm. And if I get chastised for my beliefs, I'm solely looking at it due to all the health problems it causes. I too think it looks gross.(myself included when I was fat)
By bella! [Ignore] 11,Nov,22 02:08 other posts 
And what constitutes being "fat" to you, sherryann?
By sherryann [Ignore] 12,Nov,22 16:23 other posts 
When my clothes no longer fit. I think I was 155 plus pounds, probably more.

He (phart), started the thread about being fat and unhealthy which was why I weighed in. I know 2 women who are 300 or more pounds who are seriously ill. One of them just had a heart attack. Every health problem they have is due to their weight. I don't want to end up like that.
By bella! [Ignore] 12,Nov,22 18:02 other posts 
So it's possible when a size 8 no longer fits and you need to size up to a size 10, you're too fat? Oh, wow!
Are they encouraging to be fat or are they discouraging fat shaming?

It's not up to a club to enforce health standards on to the public.
A club might be allowed to enforce a dressing code, but do you really allow businesses a body standard code? Can clubs hang a 'no fatties allowed' sign on the door?

How easily people let go of their freedom principles.
Sure, deny people access for being overweight.
It's only a tiny minority of people who is affected..... isn't it?
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By phart [Ignore] 12,Nov,22 18:41 other posts 
It is my understanding that a alot of people, Cat will correct me I am sure, go to a bar to get laid. And most men for whatever reason are not attracted to plus size women for a 1 nighter.And it is a sad reality that most women are not attracted to plus size men.
How would you folks react if 2 400 pound men had been trying to get into the bar?
Do women or men either 1 ,want to see or watch 2 400 pound men dance and drink and hoot and hollar in a bar ?
I doubt it.

And another thing. All this politically correct advertising with the + size women, how much of it do you see with + size men? Little to none. Men in advertising are still "manly" and physically fit ,capable of work and productivity.
So why the double standard.
Be honest, how many fat men do you see on underwear ads? And would you find it appealing or decisive in what under ware to buy?
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 14,Nov,22 05:56 other posts 
And because of that reason, bars should be allowed to deny fat people?
Since when are bars responsible for dating? Aren't they just responsible for selling drinks to paying customers?

Under that logic, I have a much better solution:
To my understanding most women are not attracted to MAGA men.
"The Right Stuff: The new conservative dating app which has, unsurprisingly,
failed to attract women."
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So bars should deny conservative men, so the women who want to pick up men in bars are assured their sexual satisfaction. Because as we all know, conservative men don't eat pussy and cum in 30 seconds.
By bella! [Ignore] 10,Nov,22 07:45 other posts 
phart, REALLY? This post coming from a man who has professed to be "overweight", himself?

If memory serves me correctly, you are attracted to smaller build, Asian women. Are you able to explain why? My guess is that you're not going to have a reasonable explanation other than that's what you find attractive. I can't explain why I am attracted to men that wear glasses or that when I was younger, I never found men with blonde hair very attractive or appealing. Heck, now it doesn't matter if they were blonde because now they are either gray or bald. Personally, I find men that are a bit on the beefy side very sexy so it's very possible that there are men that find big women very beautiful and desirable.
By phart [Ignore] 10,Nov,22 13:12 other posts 
Well for me,I am not parading around in public trying to convince the world I am handsome or attractive.or working for a ad agency seling clothes, which in 1991 I did turn down a job modeling. YES ME, fire suits! Wouldn't be able see nothing but my eyes!
And I am legitimately working on my weight issue with little results but I am slowly working on it. My arthritis is getting so bad now I have trouble with my bad leg walking Moreso now than ever. So I am working on the weight. But i am not wearing skin tight jeans and my shirt unbuttoned trying to convince anyone I am a stud.
By #610414 10,Nov,22 14:46
So what are you really saying? Plus women should try to stay out of the public view? Not cool, guy. Especially from someone that is not that visually attractive as you.
By bella! [Ignore] 10,Nov,22 16:00 other posts 
Those women were NOT "parading around in public trying to convince the world" OR ANYONE, FOR THAT MATTER. If I read the same article you posted, the women were at the designated club and were there only trying to celebrate the birthday of their friend. But as "luck would have it", were denied access because some ASSWIPE decided they were not "attractive, slim, sexy, up to snuff" or whatever he/you want to call it.

I'm sure that you and your dad get out to more events other than an occasional yard sale, flea market, trip to Burger King, Hardee's, etc. The world is DIVERSE and hopefully you can see that people come in all colors, shapes and sizes. It doesn't make sense that size 4 women try to "model" frocks that are targeted for plus sized women. I wonder if you feel so adamant toward large men?

Do you even know what the "industry" considers plus size? Probably not, so I've Google'd it for your convenience.

"As a general rule, plus-size models are defined by the fashion industry as anyone larger than a size 6. These days, however, most women deemed plus-size models are a size 12/14 or higher, bringing the industry's perception with what counts as plus size a little more in line with that of the public."

Just an f.y.i., I'm considered "plus size" and I'm a size 12.
By phart [Ignore] 11,Nov,22 09:49 other posts 
those ladys passed size 12 a long time ago.
This is the type thing I am thinking is just to much,
1999,a nice sexy lady,
2019,oh my GOD, what happened?
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is that a beer gut or what?
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As for my size,I did buy a couple pairs of 42-30s saturday at a yard sale and they are to loose to wear without a I aint so fat there is no hope.
By bella! [Ignore] 11,Nov,22 12:09 other posts 
phart, my posts were not made with the intention of "throwing you under the bus" but I believe that's how you feel, so with that in mind, I am sincerely sorry.

Like I mentioned in an earlier post, you seem to be attracted to small build, Asian women. Maybe small Asian women possess the asethetic values that "float your boat" and if that's the case, cool! But understand, what floats your boat might not necessarily be what the other person finds exciting.

How would you and your pops like it if you were denied entry or service because of your appearance, your age, your weight, whatever? It wasn't too long ago that you were outraged because you were out first thing in the morning hoping to eat at the local Hardee's. The dining room wasn't opened and that sent you into a spin. What if, yeah, what IF the Hardee's workers saw you drive up and decided that these men look like "hicks" and basically denied you dine in service? Wouldn't you be pissed? I know I would be if that's how it went down. The women in your original link were denied entry because the doorman felt that the women did not have "the look". Fuck that, for real, fuck that!

It's really a shame that this happened to them because regardless of their size, regardless of their overall health, they are still beautiful women.
By phart [Ignore] 11,Nov,22 17:12 other posts 
Bella,i was not offended by your post,and no,the bus didn't drip much gear oil me!
I will say something if I feel "offended".
that is part of the freedom of speech that some folks don't grasp well. If you are easy to offend,it is best to be quite.
By dgraff [Ignore] 12,Nov,22 18:20 other posts 
I would have to say that plus size women have a few things going for them
1 most plus size women are sexually deprived so they are an easy target
2 because of their love for food they are excellent cook’s and there baking skills are impeccable
So a plus size women is just that a plus
Unless of course they look like a gorilla 🦍
By bella! [Ignore] 12,Nov,22 18:59 other posts 
Oh, stop!
By dgraff [Ignore] 12,Nov,22 20:44 other posts 
By dgraff [Ignore] 13,Nov,22 10:23 other posts 
Now what plus size women did we have on this site that looked like a gorilla 🦍
By phart [Ignore] 13,Nov,22 11:00 other posts 
By bella! [Ignore] 13,Nov,22 11:09 other posts 
Um, uh.....I think it was Sasquatch, not a gorilla.
By dgraff [Ignore] 13,Nov,22 11:25 other posts 
I remember but finding a picture of a big foot is hard to do
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Nov,22 03:45 other posts 
Do you see what time it is? Hey, Mister, I've asked you a question, DO YOU SEE WHAT TIME IT IS? I JUST WOKE UP FROM MY NIGHTMARE OF HAVING BEEN CHASED BY A GORILLA, THANK YOU VERY MUCH! Don't apologize, I'm never going to forgive you for reminding me about a gorilla, Sasquatch or whatever!

p.s., I'm hoping to fall back asleep. Goodnight.
By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Nov,22 05:01 other posts 
I’ve had nightmares ever since I met the thing some 9 years ago and I’m half blind from her pictures
By bella! [Ignore] 14,Nov,22 09:26 other posts 
Oh, dgraff, you are exaggerating! The profile, the picture that gave you nightmares was not established/uploaded back then!
By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Nov,22 10:48 other posts 
I know but I’m sure happy she is gone
By phart [Ignore] 13,Nov,22 11:25 other posts 
To me the Sasquatch is the American version of a gorilla .Something left over from prehistoric times
but it is odd that we don't have any in captivity yet.
By dgraff [Ignore] 13,Nov,22 11:40 other posts 
Well we did but she had a big mouth and got her self booted off the site
By phart [Ignore] 13,Nov,22 07:56 other posts 
Um, good cooks eh?

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