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Now more than ever, America misses his leadership.
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I'm sure it's a sacrifice for him to say that, because black lives are definitely considered
to matter even less to the ruling elites, but he prefers to unite rather than to divide.
He understands is a class struggle and not just a race struggle.
It took guts to say that considering the current state of things in the US.
You did see how "Bootleg" as I call him that ran for prez,had to apologize for saying all lives matter? Sickning.
"all lives matter".
If it is said in sincerity there should not be any difference
Good, so we CAN coexist with people who are different.
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I am fairly sure it is the law in my state as long as you turn on the flashers,slow down,and drive to a location you feel safe the cop can't charge you with anything for doing it.
Honestly,in that video there did not appear to be a safe place to pull over so to me the woman was doing the right thing.
There is a point were the police poses a bigger threat than crime. You're probably not
at that point yet, but when you don't allow checks and balances, that point will come.
It will be very hard to turn that around.
Is it just that everyone has guns?
If so, that's another explanation why the policeman hit her car.
The policemen aren't be allowed to do
that in civilised countries.
You can't stop in the middle of a lane on a multilane freeway,his blue ligthts won't be enough to prompt people to stop soon enough at hwy speeds.
The law here in nc allows you to slow down,turn on your flashers to show you understand you need to stop, and slowly go to a safer place ,like a shoulder on a exit ramp. This not protects the citizen but also the cop from injury by another vehicle knocking the shit out of them
I just hope the baby is not hurt.
Who are we as humans to decide that atoms have to have electrons flying around ALL the time? We enslave electrons,and force them to orbit nuclei perhaps against their will. This is wrong and should be stopped.
Those electrons may want to be free!
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only supposed to matter to you.IF you shoot 1 and have access to plenty of money to sue for.
George Floyd was not worth the powder it would have taken to blow his ass away.but after a white man had something to do with his passing he became worth 26 million dollars..
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This is coming from the victims mothers, not some news man with a camara.
Doesn't specify color of the woman that tried to take herself out but the cops saved her anyway.
Um perhaps the cops thought her life mattered? BUT not to her sadly.
You and your buddies sure like to complain about us, but, where are your solutions?
You are all full of hot air
or the lying media, which are all payed by the rich to spread those lies.
Frankly,I think We ARE ALL being lied to to some degree.
500,000 dead. what percentage of the total population is that?
Not very high.
The 1's full of hot air are the 1's that said we didn't need mask for 2 months,then forced them on us. Then begged for a vaccine,and refuse to give Trump administration the credit for getting it done.
Also the 1's full of hot air are the 1's that support id's to get into hospitals,to buy medicine and liquer,and cigs,but consider it not needed for voting.
The US is now going down on the list, because the vaccination program is actually doing very well. Many other countries don't have your access to vaccines.
Trump doesn't deserve any credit, because he exacerbated the crisis by lying about it. On the vaccines he did only the minimum you can expect of any president.
Trump still is not telling his base that he got the vaccine and they should do it too. Every night Tucker Carlson is lying to Trump's base about the vaccine.
Trump could stop that with one phone call or one video addressing the nation,
but he's unwilling to do that.
He didn't exacerbate it, he let the people decide the validity of the threat.
It also didn't matter one bit, because the scumbag survived and even his image didn't suffer much either. You don't care that he said Covid was a hoax or just a flu, but he needed his own hospital with 18 personal doctors to save his life.
He knew it was dangerous, he lied about it and now 587.000 people died from it.
His actions and inactions made the crisis worse.
If he said wearing masks is patriotic and he sold Trump masks, you would have all worn masks, even when you are alone in the toilet.
Surviving Covid often doesn't create enough immunity, especially for Trump, who was not cured by his own immune system, but all possible treatment known at that time. He got Regeneron's monoclonal antibody cocktail, called REGN-COV2.
You won't get that, if you get Covid.
I'm sure his doctors advised him to get a vaccine and I'm sure he took it.
Do you deny that Tucker Carlson is exacerbate it?
There would not be the almighty vaccine had Trump not cut the red tape
Italy has Mario Draghi as prime minister, the former president of the European Central Bank, hardly a liberal and he has been leading a Centre-right coalition. I don't know if he lied about the virus but he started with lockdowns way too late.
You forget Brazil, which has also been doing horribly during this crisis, because Bolsonaro lied his ass off. Bolsonaro's political views have been described as nationalist and populist in nature, and he himself as an advocate of far-right policies.
The Netherlands has also been doing pretty poorly, because our right-wing prime minister Rutte also lied about the virus, said masks don't work and started with 'smart lockdowns' when cases were sky high and the hospitals were full.
I certainly give a damn about all those bungling governments. If we don't get cases down soon, all over the world, there is a major risk of even worse mutants of the virus, possibly a variant on which vaccines don't work.
Then we are back to square one.
Phart, are you pulling our collective legs?
When a accident happens on the job, Osha investigates. Why? To find who is at fault and hold them accountable ,to find ways to prevent it from happening again for the safety of the workers.
A pandemic has happened,killing 1000's and no one seems to give a rats ass where it came from,how it happened or anything.WHY leave ourselves as a EARTH open for this shit to repeat?.
Crazy uncle Joe is being much more responsible and Trump and his followers should be ashamed that a demented old fool is beating him in every way possible.
You might not like what Joe is doing, but a large majority of the people do.
They want Joe to spend money on them and not on tax breaks for the rich.
80% of Americans think the rich do not pay enough taxes.
That is the broader spectrum.
We still as citizens have never been shown rock solid proof this virus was not a deliberate act by evil forces. We are just told not to hat3 the chinese for it.Which I don't hat3 the chinese people,I hat3 the members of the communist government for the coverup.
It matters who is to blame to anyone with any common sense.
They should be held accountable for the pain and suffering rendered across the entire WORLD. Why that escapes liberals is beyond me.What is to even begin to prevent this sort of thing from happening again if there is no precedent of holding people accountable?
Same with the pipe line highjack,the dumbass's paid. Setting a BAD precedent for the future.
Their intention was to beat the entire world,but beating us so badly was icing on their cake. The chinese government is kinda like the rat on Pinky and the Brain.They want to take over the world. What of it is left after people die off.
China has the whole world as their customer. They make everything for everyone. Not a good idea to crush the economies of your customers. It's bad for business.
In history China has conquered only a few other countries. The Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, France and even Germany have conquered many colonies.
China doesn't do that. They just make other countries financially dependent of them. Spreading a virus is not the way to do that.
I don't think the virus was deliberate, because they would be smarter than letting it start in their own country, while their population is not vaccinated, then deny it exists for a few weeks. It might be linked to that virus research institute in Wuhan, but even the people that work there would not be stupid enough to risk their careers by letting loose a virus deliberately.
You just see China as the great big evil, because Trump said 'China' a million times.
China is evil in some ways, but you are just underestimating them, when you think they would do something this ineffective. If they wanted to release a virus
to conquer the world, starting with the US, their own people would be miraculously immune to a virus that mysteriously appeared somewhere in Alabama and it would kill much more people than it kills now.
So better not vote again for the party that cut funding for the CDC.
They fucked up anyway, because they have those markets where all different animal species shit on each other. That's asking for trouble. Then when the virus broke out and a doctor recognized it, the government tried to silence him.
So China is definitely to blame, but just not for viral warfare.
Proof of citizen ship is hard to accomplish not knowing who you are. Give you a number somehow that number has to be able to be traced back to you.
For what ever reason, well I know,like other conservatives the reason, But anyway,for whatever reason liberals think voting should be open to the whole world to decide who runs our country.And without a way to prove citizen ship, you are opening the voting to everyone that can get into a voting booth.
If you don't sharpen a pencil,you can't write with it.And if you don't practice trying to drill some sense into these imbeciles there will never be any hope for America or the world for that matter. Keep your mind and pencil sharp and your ink pen refills handy.If you don't you may find your country,your freedom,your whole way of life jerked out from under you like a rug.
Besides,is that the only thing you gleaned from what I said?
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