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New Comment Rating: -9 Similar topics: 1.Does it actually matter? 2.SYD is a great place 3.Trump/Pence or Biden/Harris...Which do you feel will prevail??? 4.Kneeling before the American Flag during the National Anthem... 5.༼☯﹏☯༽ Comments: |
Oh yeah. This absolutely matters
IF I call a woman of any color a bitch or a whore, I am being disrespectful and ought to be slapped speechless.
BUT it seems that it is perfectly acceptable for black men to call women bitchs and whores, excuse me, Hoe'z.
It is a terrible thing, almost a crime to use the N word if you are not of african descent.
BUT Black people use the word among themselves without remorse.
The point being they themselves disrespect themselves and verbally abuse each other constantly.
UNTIL they learn to respect themselves, why should they expect to get respect from anyone else?
I'll bet you even the most foul-mouthed rapper doesn't say 'ho' in front of his mother.
And it looks like the N-word is even getting less popular in the rapper scene.
It's so apparent you keep away from black people or you would know they don't all
use the words 'ho' and 'nigga'.
Generalizing people on their color = discrimination.
Listening to it is different than calling women whores.
Black rappers are definitely not the only ones with misogynistic messages in the lyrics. Here is a top 12:
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And country hits increasingly objectify women and glorify whiteness.
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And before that, country has been pretty good at advocating the role women had in the 1950's. They used softer words, but I think that's more unfriendly to women than objectifying them. At least there are many women who objectify themselves, but there not a lot of women who are calling for men to take their freedom away.
You can call a woman a ho in two ways: intended to objectify and intended to slut-shame. I think the last is worse. I don't really care about objectification, because men are also subjected to it. Slut-shaming is primarily addressed to women and I would like that to stop. Many women are actually intentionally objectifying themselves as a protest to slut-shaming.
I don't know if rappers are using the N-word out of protest and black people are listening to it out of protest. Maybe it's a little hypocritical if they still use it themselves, but I don't care. Why would white people need to use the N-word other than for racism? And that I'm totally against.
Racism could stop today,if people of all colors stopped using those type words.
To ask whites to stop while others continue right on, is hypocrisy.
The words are just a symbol of the racism. It's the ideas behind it that keep the damaging discriminating systems in place.
Racism will not stop, when everyone stops using those words (in public, because racists will surely keep using them when their together). There will always be racists, but a racist system does more damage than racist words. The only thing we can do to protect society from the harm of racist ideas, is not giving them political power.
I found this group of post while looking for a memem awhile ago about where did Trumps words hurt you. Interesting to me that some people have a grasp on how to react to words and some don't .And the 1's that don't don't seem to understand THEY are the 1's with the problem.
My opinion is that the words are not what are hurting you, it's the mindset behind the words. That's why black guys can call each other 'nigga', without the pain associated with the N-word, while any white person using the N-word does hurt them at least a bit, because white people owned them like cattle.
My opinion is demonstrated by my own text. I used the word 'nigga', but I don't think it will hurt anyone in the way I used it, because of my mindset behind it.
I happen to be involved with an African-American for many years. His family is like family to me. There’s been a few times that, when I’m there, they go into “rapper mode”. After a while and as my jaw is way down by my belly button, they laugh their head off and start talking as normal as you or me.
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We must also realize that words connote different meaning at different times. Many old movies describe a straight man as being “happy and gay”. Today, gay means something else. During the 1960’s and 1970’s blacks would use the N word as a way to be sarcastic of perceived whites views of African-Americans:
--------------------------------------- added after 26 minutes
I think about the terms we use to describe other people. In the real world we are always politically correct. Here, on site, anonymity provides the cover to call other members any derogatory term we see fit to use. Funny that.
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I'm not joking. I love it, don't you?
Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 05,Aug,21 08:48 other posts
Great commandments. Do you think these values support capitalism?
My comments are below each point.
1. Treat the Earth and all that dwell thereon with respect.
This is hard to judge. Most of us know what’s environmentally good or bad. We all know how to respect people. The question is: Is this respect forced or true?
2. Remain close to the Great Spirit.
“The Great Spirit” dwells inside every one of us. Alas, many want you to keep their Great Spirit inside you. Your Great Spirit is not good enough.
3. Show great respect for your fellow beings.
This is a repeat of #1
4. Work together for the benefit of all humankind.
This is so misconstrued. Having and doing honest work to support yourself IS a benefit for all humankind.
5. Give assistance and kindness wherever needed.
Never leave without leaving some part of you. Make it a piece of your heart and you’ll always be right.
6. Do what you know to be right.
This is #1, #2, #3
7. Look after the well-being of mind and body
This is a form of #1.
8. Dedicate a share of your efforts to the greater good.
This is #5
9. Be truthful and honest at all times.
Make a pact with yourself to always walk the path of the righteous
10. Take full responsibility for your actions.
This is #9
Capitalism is only about making money. None of these points ever get any consideration. Even if companies ever give the appearance of respect for any of these commandments, it's only for marketing purposes, so they can make more money.
If you expect anything else than you are missing the definitions. Capitalism, socialism, fascism are not cut and dried as people want to make it. Here’s some found in economics books.
In common usage, the word capitalism means an economic system in which all or most of the means of production are privately owned and operated, and the investment of capital and the production, distribution and prices of commodities (goods and services) are determined mainly in a free market, rather than by the state. In capitalism, the means of production are generally operated for profit.
The last sentence says it all.
Most generally, socialism refers to state ownership of common property, or state ownership of the means of production. A purely socialist state would be one in which the state owns and operates the means of production. However, nearly all modern capitalist countries combine socialism and capitalism.
That means the USA and other countries.
Communism argues that all labor belongs to the individual laborer; no man can own another man's body, and therefore each man owns his own labor. In this model all "profit" actually belongs in part to the laborer, not, or not just, those who control the means of production, such as the business or factory owner. Profit that is not shared with the laborer, therefore, is considered inherently exploitive.
Capitalism is what this country uses to do business with. Despite all the complaints, it’s the best, most fair system.
If you define socialism as state ownership, yes that's bad, because it still leaves nothing for normal people. It would only transfer all power and ownership from the private rich elites to the government rich elites. I define socialism as PUBLIC ownership. The idea is transferring control away from the few people with money, to all people who live and work in the country. It's democratic power over ownership.
Off course no system can work purely by itself. Most attempts at pure communism and socialism failed. However, it's debatable whether they even really attempted it or just called their form of elitist dictatorship; socialism or communism.
Capitalism has failed too. The whole continent of Africa suffers because of it. But the last decades capitalism has started failing all over the world. When resources were abundant, capitalism pulled many people out of poverty, but now when resources are getting scarce, it is pushing people back into poverty at an alarming rate. It is also killing nature and if we don't stop that soon, it will kill everything and everyone.
Only democracy can contain capitalism. That can only happen if people stop listening
to propaganda against socialism. Do you think private rich people used their power and ownership well? Even if public power and ownership results in the same fate, at least people would have responsibility themselves (commandment 10).
The 40 hour workweek
Social Security
Food Stamps
Unemployment insurance
Public schools
Nationalized health care
And many more we take for granted. I've been spouting this since I became a member here. I believe it works as is. Do I want the US to be another Venezuela or Cuba? NO, but, every time I bring it up, The curse of Socialism in the USA is brought out.
Even you assumed that because I tried to explain the different "isms" that I'm putting down socialism.
The problem with socialism or Communism is that if everyone is equal then there's no way to measure success. In other words, why work hard if Joe Blow, who's a goof ball will get every thing I've got
Venezuela and Cuba just have forms of state dictatorships, with some state charity for its citizens. It's precisely that propaganda, that calls Venezuela and Cuba socialist.
Even though these countries are not really socialist, it's not fair to blame their failure on their system, because sanctions of the US on their economies caused their failure.
It's that propaganda against socialism that makes it possible for the capitalist elites to take away your 40 hour workweek, social Security, food Stamps, unemployment insurance, overtime, unions, public schools, nationalized health care and whatever more you still have.
During the covid crisis big financial companies like BlackRock bought up houses and companies that were owned by common people. Then they raise prices on the rent of the houses and lower wages in the companies, they appropriated.
With the profits, they buy off your politicians to act on their best interest and not yours and they buy off your media to lie to you about it.
Most people in the US still own things, but that can change very quickly. If your income falls away, they will take everything from you. Then you will be completely dependent on the private rich elites. They will own everything and you will pay them for using it. They also own your government, so when you revolt, your military will cut you down.
You should not work for Joe, Joe should work for you.
If you think you should prefer working for Bezos, think again. He's already planning
the escape from earth for him and his friends, when it's destroyed for everyone else.
Have you seen the movie Elysium? That's the future, if you choose it to be.
Your third paragraph is where the conspiracy theories show were you are coming from. This is the boogie man of the ‘60s crowd with their down with the establishment slogan. I believe in real numbers. How many houses did BlackRock buy? How big a jump on rent rates go up? How were they able to lower and by how much did they lower wages in their business? How many employees is that? How many political contributions did they make in dollars and to whom? Answer these and PERHAPS I’ll agree with you. You pundits of “the world is coming to an end” seldom, if ever, take into account that individuals are no different than big companies, except in size. We also want a piece of the pie. Your premise is flawed. A movie is not the future. At best it’s a horror movie.
However, when is the media talking about the far better quality of life that people have in Scandinavian countries? That's because they have integrated socialism far more in their system. They make sure anyone who has any full time job can actually live a good life. People that can't work due to a disability also are taken better care off. The propaganda tells you their economy should break down because of it, but it obviously doesn't.
Below is some information about investors buying houses and rent soaring.
If an investor buys a company, they will 'help' them make it more profitable.
They do that by cutting costs (wages) and increasing efficiency (lay-offs).
Have you never heard that?
Indeed people want a piece of the pie. But how stupid is it to vote for the interest of big corporations over your own best interest? Do you think they care about people? They outsource whenever it makes more profit and if they can cut out people with automation. Their profit is more important than your life. Why are you not choosing to take back their power, to protect your own life?
I'm not very optimistic that people will make better choices than the corporate elites, but at least then it is our own fault if we kill ourselves. And off course I'm talking about climate change. Almost all scientists tell us that we have a decade to make significant changes. If we don't do that it will be utter chaos. I hope you noticed the global increase in extreme temperatures and extreme weather causing floods and wild fires. Or do you think that is all normal or that it will not get any worse?
Here is some data about the campaign contributions.
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Just because your news doesn't tell you, doesn't mean it's a conspiracy.
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"Corporate investors snapped up 15 percent of U.S. homes for sale in the first quarter of this year"
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"Median monthly rent for available properties was $185 higher than a year earlier in the first quarter of 2021"
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Here is an article that tries to deny it, but actually doesn't:
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Deloitte is messaging this as financial relief, but they are taking ownership of it, for future profits:
"In these first few weeks of confronting the COVID-19 crisis, perhaps it was hard to see that outcome, but some of the leading private equity firms are already envisioning how to get there. What’s more, they’re collectively sitting on at least US$1.5 trillion of dry powder to help keep their existing portfolio companies going, potentially investing in firms suddenly in distress..."
"Capitalizing on this opportunity requires significant effort and care."
They don't like the financial aid for people, because it is ruining their opportunities:
"The near-term outlook for many private equity firms is obscured by opportunities created by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act passed by the United States Congress in 2020, as well as the potential tax consequences of various debt-financing strategies."
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--------------------------------------- added after 13 minutes
Investors , by the very definition, invest in a company knowing full well there’ll be changes to the business plan. This practice (corporate raiding) is a practice that goes back to the beginning of business and certainly goes on in the USA and most of the Western World. We don’t vote for business interests. We vote for the betterment of the public. Some leaders believe supporting big business is good. There used to be a saying in the 1950s. What’s good fo General Motors is good for the country. Some leaders believe big business is not being a friend to the country. Half the country voted for Trump, half voted for Biden. Your question was not answered. We’ll take your views and see if you are right. It’s not a matter of life and death. It’s a quality of life issue.
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Climate change is a hard sell. Are the droughts in the west due to climate change? How about the polar ice caps melting? I believe it is. I also believe Americans are finally s-tarting to believe.
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I saw your URLs about campaign contributions. What do you suggest we do? Outlaw political contributions? How the hell will the public learn about a candidate without money to buy ads?
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The median price of an American house has increased by 28 percent over the last two years, as pandemic-driven demand and long-term demographic changes send buyers into crazed bidding wars.
Might the fact that corporate investors snapped up 15 percent of U.S. homes for sale in the first quarter of this year have something to do with it? The Wall Street Journal reported in April that an investment firm won a bidding war to purchase an entire neighborhood worth of single-family homes in Conroe, Texas—part of a cycle of stories drumming up panic over Wall Street’s increasing stake in residential real estate. Then came the backlash, as cool-headed analysts reassured us that big investors like BlackRock remain insignificant players in the housing market compared with regular old American families.
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Ananas, you might be having a gut wrenching moment. After all, when the US takes a dump, the toilet gets stopped up. But, I believe you are seeing the USA with the prejudices of European culture and limitations on the actual workings of every day lives in this country,
Even with large voter majorities supporting a higher minimum wage, public healthcare, more public spending on infrastructure, more business regulation, paid maternity leave, public childcare and tuition free college, your government is not willing to provide, because their donors don't want their expenses and taxes raised. They pay for superpacks that put commercials against 'medicare for all' on your TV and have the news hosts asking 'how you're gonna pay for it?'.
The answer to that question is; you're already paying for it, out of your pockets.
It's the people who have low wages and can't pay for healthcare and die, need a car because public transport is crap, get an accident on the job and live of welfare the rest of their lives, have to work days after delivering a baby and pay with your health and the wellbeing of the baby, pay with the life of your child if it gets an illness and you can't afford treatment or parents go into debt over the education of their children.
Whenever programs like that are publicly funded, THEY ARE CHEAPER, because there is no profit incentive, no marketing, only one organization and less expensive management. And when you need it, you get it, regardless of your wealth.
"cool-headed analysts reassured us that big investors like BlackRock remain insignificant players" Sure, wall street analysts perhaps? Cool-headed, is not impartial.
Are you twisting my words or don't you understand? With 'regime change' I'm
NOT referring to YOUR elections, I am referring to the US doing REGIME CHANGE IN THOSE COUNTRIES. Your media talks a lot about foreign intervention on your elections, but the US is constantly interfering in elections and directly overthrowing governments in other countries. Didn't you see the media calling for regime change in Cuba recently?
The US did it before, although it was a while ago in Cuba, the US helped Batista into power and the people suffered. Then they revolted and put in Fidel Castro, who proclaimed himself to be "a socialist, a Marxist, and a Leninist". You can claim that was a mistake, because people suffered even more, but that suffering was caused by the US sanctioning Cuba to death.
That is not regime CHANGE, but definitely regime OBSTRUCTION.
Venezuela is the US' prime candidate for regime change. In 2020 a coup failed miserably, but you had more successes before. "With foreign leaders in tow and the world watching, anti-Maduro activists gathered in Colombia in February 2019 with the aim of pushing entire warehouses worth of aid — flown in on U.S. military cargo planes — across the border into Venezuela." The US was heavily involved with the false corruption conviction of Brasil's president Lula. The US was also backing the fraud in the recent elections of Peru.
"How the hell will the public learn about a candidate without money to buy ads?" You think it's impossible for political parties to have money, unless big business funds them? Political parties shouldn't even need money for ads on TV, just make it a responsibility of the TV channels to equally give time to political ads. Or, don't allow ads at all, and just have DEBATES on TV. That will give people the chance to learn about politicians and it will give ratings to the TV channels. Don't you see how much your perspective is limited to what has become the norm in the US?
You are off course right that I have a different perspective. But consider the reasons for our differing perspectives a bit more. Where do you get your information and who is funding the companies who provide you that information? Could an outside perspective be less vulnerable to political and financial motives that play within your country? If it's just my prejudices of European culture, why are all the sources I provide of American origin?
Regime Change Propaganda On Venezuela Is Dumbest Yet:
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Bernie Sanders Rips Western Imperialism & Regime Change:
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United States involvement in regime change:
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--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes
You mentioned the aid that Venezuela got in 2019. I believe that aid ended up in government warehouses controlled by Maduro people, but, weather or not it was a POLITICAL move, the intent was to feed the people. In my book that was an honorable enterprise.
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The bottom line about television channels or networks and newspapers and other publications is that they are companies FOR PROFIT. The all mighty dollar is the final arbiter of what gets covered. The original views about political donations were that they were the equalizer. Very rich people, like Trump and Bezos, would carry elections if their opponents are poor. Maybe, in your country, elections are short and less expensive. In the US the campaign may last 24 or 36 months.
The American based sources, unless they are empirical reports, are really not………reality for the great unwashed of this country. Do you actually believe that the poor dude that works in the public works department really cares what a think tank is telling the world about …..whatever? All he’s interested in is his lunch. And I’m going to bet that, in your country, who’s citizens might be better educated, by and large, don’t care what happens in Toledo, Ohio,USA. You are the special one. You are the well read person who’s interested in world events.
I understand that Americans don't inform themselves about what their country is doing around the world. However, Americans also don't inform themselves about what is happening in their own country. If a few million dollars for defamation campaigns is enough to change your votes, how will Americans ever get the politics they want and deserve?
I understand it's not easy to get essential information, when your media is not telling you those things. Your government is actively opposing journalists who expose embarrassing facts. How many whistle-blowers have they put in jail? They are still going after Julian Assange. Are you believing the government when they say he is a spy?
"East European countries, in the same land mass, gets no help from the other" Are you kidding? We help them with many billions of subsidies and investments. That is the whole reason why they wanted to join the EU.
What a nice gesture, sending over some food, after US sanctions almost starved them to death. Have you seen that video on it?
I agree with everything you said in your last paragraph. There are a lot of Dutch people that don't get involved in politics. Most of them are poorly educated, but I know many highly educated people too, who don't know anything. Working your ass off doesn't help you get interested in politics. That's a shame, because it is the people who work the hardest for the least, who could improve their lives the most, depending on the politics.
For me politics are an important part of my values. It's also a hobby for me. I'm following Dutch politics, but the politics of the US is actually more interesting (especially the last months, while our politicians should be forming a new cabinet and again take ages, but keep absolute silence this time). I just follow political news on YouTube a lot and that is mostly American. When I became a member on this site, I just started reading posts from right-wingers and got heavily triggered. That's what happened with your post too, but maybe a little less than most. Still, I never shy away from a good discussion.
I would be interested to hear which people you want to deport and which people pass your purity test for being Americans. Are black people really American? They didn't help much when you stole the land from the natives.
Sure, diplomacy is for sissies, so lets just be the biggest evil in the world ever. When you nuke the first few, the rest might complain, so nuke everyone!
I suggest building your wall a bit higher and airtight, so the radioactive death cloud stays behind it.
But, off course 'All lives matter!'. And people who complain that you don't really show that are just yahoos.
Your last two paragraphs shows that you still want our help.....but not our friendship. All we have to do is nuke a few places. Everyone else will put their heads down and pray to their new GOD. The American eagle.
It's the same with Cuba, the US blocks the whole world from trading with Cuba, so they fall into destitute and then you claim it's because their communist system doesn't work.
Funny that you call them 'banana republics'. Those are by definition EXPLOITED countries. Saying they are 'pleading for help' is like being indignant about someone asking you to call an ambulance, after you run them over with your car.
I'm not saying the US is the sole perpetrator, but you can't claim innocence about the suffering of many countries.
"A banana republic is a politically unstable country with an economy dependent entirely on revenue from exporting a single product or resource, such as bananas or minerals. It is generally considered a derogatory term describing countries whose economies are CONTROLLED BY FOREIGN-OWNED companies or industries."
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Our country isn't doing bad. It's the world I worry about. It's going to hell and hell will not stay out of our borders. My country cannot fix the world by itself. You could say I want your help, but that is nonsense. The US can't keep hell outside of its borders either. I just want the US to take their responsibility and my country should do the same.
I imagine it feels enticing to nuke all those annoying people who don't like to be exploited, but when you free a land from their inhabitants, you don't want it to be a radioactive wasteland. Better eradicate the plebs by a method that doesn't destroy the natural resources, like a virus. Maybe you would consider vaccinating then.
. a small, poor country, often reliant on a single export or limited resource, governed by an authoritarian regime and characterized by corruption and economic exploitation by foreign corporations conspiring with local government officials.
You seem to think my country is either responsible or obligated to help. WHY? Weather your country is doing good (by your standards) or bad, has no bearing here. Let’s say my country went to one of these banana republic type country, like Guatemala or Costa Rica. Big corporations like Del Monte, did a lot of business there. If the corrupt government took the bribes, my country’s government was not the one that made the payoff. Second part. Isn’t it just too bad? I don’t give a fuck. My fellow Americans don’t give a fuck. So, blow it out of your system. And since your country is so well off and helps many countries in the EU, let your country go and help. I want my country to help the homeless and the sick in my country.
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You’ve got the nuking in your craw. Are we supposed to turn the other cheek?
Many European countries have done the same as the US, but at least we are changing how we do business.
Off course you don't give a fuck about those foreigners, when you don't even give a fuck about your own people. You say you want to help the homeless and the sick in your country, but you don't want to do anything that would actually help them, because it would cost money for either the tax payers or the employers. Cutting taxes for the rich and corporations will not help your homeless and the sick, because it raises the deficit and then they cut 'entitlements'.
Why are you even talking about your homeless and sick? Are you not for self-responsibility? Shouldn't they pull themselves up by their bootstraps?
Or are you now in favor of the government helping people?
You know what I think; a country that has the richest billionaires in the world shouldn't have homeless people and should have a healthcare system that everyone can afford. I really cannot understand why you would not want that for your own country. Everyone can get sick. If something happened to you and the treatment costed $100,000 a year, would you get it or just die? Do you know that medical dept is the number one cause of personal bankruptcy in your country. People loose their house over it.
Stop blaming immigrants for your problems. Other countries have immigrants too. That's no reason for having homeless people or inaffordable healthcare. The only reason for those problems is that normal Americans choose to be exploited by rich Americans. Why would you want to be a serf, in a feudal economy, with Bezos, Musk, Gates and Zuckerberg as your lords and Trump as your king?
What the hell are you turning the other cheek for? Just a bit of criticism? The US is the big bully in the world. You are not personally responsible for any of that, but those ideas that were pumped into your head from childhood are doing harm to yourself, other Americans and everyone else.
Normal Americans don't choose to be exploited by rich Americans, but, like most other things about America, foreigners got the wrong ideas. Rich people made their money (some inherited t) generally in business. If they flew close to the sun, in this country it's legal. Do we have people who get pushed? yes, we do. Just like your country or any other country. Being a serf in a feudal economy is a bunch of bull. Most Americans have at least a late model car, can fuel it all the time. They all have at least one TV, usually several. They go out to dinner and take a vacation.
Bezos, Musk, Gates, Zuckerberg
Charlene de Carvalho-Heineken, 16.7 billion
Frits Goldschmeding 6 billion
Arnout Schuijff 3.5 billion
Hans Melchers 2.8 billion
Did these guys own many white slaves?
Yes, we are the Big Bully in the world. We kicked Hitler's ass,(freed a good chunk of Europe) Took Mussolini's spaghetti away. Fried Japan's meatballs. Got rid of Noriega. Bankrupted the USSR. I don't see any harm knowing that little pip-squeak countries like yours can't harm us. Even the big boys don't mess with us.
Socialism is a system where the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
The Nazis did the opposite. The first mass privatization of state property occurred in Nazi Germany between 1933 and 1937: "It is a fact that the government of the National Socialist Party sold off public ownership in several state-owned firms in the middle of the 1930s. The firms belonged to a wide range of sectors: steel, mining, banking, local public utilities, shipyard, ship-lines, railways, etc. In addition to this, delivery of some public services produced by public administrations prior to the 1930s, especially social services and services related to work, was transferred to the private sector, mainly to several organizations within the Nazi Party."
"The Nazi government may have used privatization as a tool to improve its relationship with big industrialists and to increase support among this group for its policies.". So they were corporatists!
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Nazi Germany privatized systematically, and was the only country to do so at the time. So on that subject they were the least socialist.
Maybe they called themselves socialists, because socialism was very popular then. Fake socialism is also called populism.
That is something the US has done several times before.
First, I want to share that I like him. Even though I didn’t agree with him, I though he presented his ideas well. Funny story, but I could see the message coming from a mile away. He is very proud to be self-sufficient, but I see in his eyes he would help a friend in trouble. So, I’m sure he would like to help people out of their misery and become self-sufficient again, but he just doesn’t trust the government to do it. He says he is all for self-governing and I would be very interested to hear his ideas about that.
I would like him to explain the difference between self-governing and the government of HIS COUNTRY. Does he agree that you can solve small problems with self-governing, but for big problems you need a state government?
Does he think people are self-sufficient when they get sick and the mafia health insurance screws them over? They get into debt and are then under control from the banks. Is that better than being dependent on the government for public healthcare? If so, at least demand from the government that they implement a fair private health insurance system, where people don’t get screwed.
Why does he think the ‘liberals’ want to be controlled by the government? Liberalism is a political and moral philosophy based on LIBERTY (= FREEDOM), consent of the governed and equality before the law. Isn’t it the conservatives who want the government to control the sexual orientation of people and where transexuals go to the bathroom and what pregnant women do with their own bodies, when they don’t want to give birth to a child, or whether people like to smoke some weed or take a pill or snort some coke? Aren’t the morality police that conservatives want also not government control?
What ‘liberals’ see, is that people’s lives get more controlled by the owner class. People work themselves to death for their employer and never get ahead in life. Is that freedom? Is that being self-sufficient?
Poor people are not being self-sufficient because they get exploited. They are not FREE and unless the government helps them, they die. That causes a burden on the rest of the people and it actually requires more government control. If the government just forces employers to treat people with respect, everyone can be self-sufficient.
I know that almost every American thinks the government’s function is to protect its citizens. Does that only include the military for protecting you against foreign terrorists? Or would he allow the government to protect its citizens from a global health crisis, like a pandemic? A lot more people died of Covid then from 9-11. If he agrees, what are they allowed to do, to protect the citizens against a pandemic?
Does he think that self-governing can protect his community, from a mining company that wants their land? Or a factory that poisons the river? Or a drinking water company that knows that the river is poisoned, could do something about it but just let people drink poisoned water, because it saves a buck? Or the electric company that charges 100x the normal rate, because it’s a cold winter or a hot summer and people are dying?
He is obviously a talented man. “Famous Songwriter Buddy Brown’s net worth is $1-5 Million at the age of 37 years old.”. I’m sure he is a busy man, but he also had a lot of luck. Some people don’t have his talent or luck. And even though his singing brings some joy to the world, is his job so much more important than someone who works in the food industry, or in healthcare or in child care or in education? Why should he be rich and people who actually feed, heal care for children and educate children struggle to put food on the table for their families. Don’t they deserve to be more self-sufficient? Not everyone can climb up the ladder. Where would you get your bacon, when there are no meat cutters, lorry drivers, stock clerks and cashiers?
He distrusts the government like nobody else, but he thinks Ron DeSantis is a hero? Exactly the type of dishonest, corrupt politician he should hate.
He promoted Critical thinking in his video. Maybe he should do some more of that himself. It might make his thinking self-sufficient too.
He's suffering from brain worms.
But, I think he's not a bad guy and has enough brain matter
to heal and learn new things.
Did that message just fly past your head?
Your corporate 'news' sources are fucked up. They have NO credibility.
They are probably the cause for his brain worms.
But, I'm sure Trumpists and socialists will come together and build
the perfect government.
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...ore shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...ore shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...ore shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...More shittles bullshit...By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 8d ago [Delete]
Site lass, crying again!Including the above blog statement how ridiculous...Tell cabrillo to FUCK OFF bitch...///
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Then after my daily walk, dinner and dishes, we either watch TV together or we each turn to our hobbies. This site is one of my hobbies.
Capitalism by definition isn't bad, it's just the type in the US that goes too far, because you've let it replace democracy. Capitalism is not supposed to be the system of power, it's only supposed to be the system of the economy.
The US is a superpower, because you are willing to spend more on the military than the next 10 countries combined. And the US is using that power to make other countries serve it's interests. Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates are not paying for that, but they are profiting from it. It provides them cheap resources.
Your form of capitalism creating ridiculously wealthy people does not make you a superpower. Your government would have even more money to exercise it's power, if you made the rich pay more taxes. Because you don't do that, you are loosing economic power, because you are not investing in your people. When the US economy cannot sustain it's military force any more, you will eventually loose military power as well
(but probably not for the next few decades).
True, the existence of your military is a deterrent that keeps you safe. But, how your military has been used the past decades definitely doesn't make you safer. Every war in the Middle East incentivized terrorism and strengthened the power of Saudi Arabia. They are not the friends of the American people, they are accomplices of your military industrial complex. Very wealthy people are keeping your wars going, because they are collecting a huge chunk of that $715 Billion a year 'defense' budget. The Saudis are trading them oil dollars for weapons and power.
Other very wealthy people are depending on your military to provide them material riches, like cheap oil. Are normal Americans benefiting from that with cheap petrol? Then you do pay a heavy price for it, by spending about 55% of your budget on the military and loosing a lot of soldiers.
The U.S. spends more on defense (over $600 billion) than the next seven countries combined, accounts for 15 percent of the federal budget – representing half of all discretionary spending. Despite The Heritage Foundation’s 2018 Military Strength report finding the United States’ military posture “marginal,” trending towards “weak,” importantly, it concedes that “the current U.S. military force is likely capable of meeting the demands of a single major regional conflict while also attending to various presence and engagement activities.
Ananas, you are wrong. Regardless, I’m an American and as such, my safety can be bought in any way my country wants to do it, including destroying the rest of the world. I used to defend our decent way we tried to be helpful friends. No one seems to want that, so SCREW THE WORLD. MY AMERICA FIRST.
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